Panda boy (OHSHC fanfic/ Mori...

By Deadlydragon2020

15.6K 499 196

Peter night is the youngest child in the night family who are the richest family in the world. Peter has a pa... More

Peter night profile
May night profile
Kane night profile
Lily night profile
precious memory
Chapter 2
Peter bedroom
Chapter 3
Naming the kitten

Chapter 1

1.7K 59 5
By Deadlydragon2020

~Peter POV~

'Finally me and my mother and brother are going back home to Japan and I'm going to Ouran high school academy tomorrow too' I thought excited. "Honey the jet is going to be touching the ground soon please put on your seat belt" my mother said "ok mom" after I said that I put on my seat belt and wait for the jet to land.

~5 minutes later~

'Finally the jet landed' I thought me, my mom, and my brother got out of the jet and their was a lot of camera men's flashing everywhere and our guards are keeping them at bay. Anyways my mother came out first then my big brother than it was me and I was asked a lot of questions and I answered them truthfully and there was questions like how many paintings I sold or did I made any new music videos at all. "Well I sold about 200 different paintings I made and yes I made 20 different music videos and I did some with my big brother too" after I answer couple more questions I went and catch up to my mom and big brother when I see them I ran up to them and walked with them to our limousine but before we made to the limousine 10 feet away we heard loud girls screaming my mother walked faster but my brother and I turn around slowly and we saw almost 3,000 fans running towards us then I turn around and ran to the limo leaving my brother "HEY PETER WAIT FOR ME" brother Kane said or I say yelled and ran to catch up with me we finally made it to the limousine and our guards saw almost 3,000 fans running to us and I thought one of my guard's eyes were going to pop out. Anyways one of the guards opened the limousine door for me and my brother to get into after that the guard shut the door and got into a different limousine with the other guards and our diver drove us to one of our new mansion in Japan.

~Time Skip 1 hour 20 minutes later~

'We finally made it to our new house it's huge' I thought "mom which room is mine" I ask my mother "it's on the third floor turn to your right and the end of the hall is the door is your room" mom said "thanks mom" I said excited I grabbed my three suit cases and ran into the giant castle we are going to call home. I ran up the stairs to the third floor and I turned to my right to the end of the hall.

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