The Clock

By Savage2015

5 1 0


The Clock

5 1 0
By Savage2015

.....Beep beep....
Matt wakes up
"Huh 6am" I say
"Great we're moving today"
   Hello everyone my name is Matt. I have a sister, Amy and a mom and dad.
Let's favorite color is blue, I like pizza like A LOT, and oh I don't want to move.
   You see my family is moving from our house in New York City to a house in L.A. I didn't know everything was about to go seriously wrong when we moved into that house and I saw the clock. I'll talk about it at a later time but even thinking about it makes me tremble.
   I finally get showered and put my old navy shirt on and my blue pants and head into our kitchen. "Good Morning champ!!!!, my dad says. "How was your sleep?" "good",I mumble. "Listen I know you don't want to move but just stick with it ok". "But Dad this house is gonna suck",I say. "Hey the good news is it's a second story" "whatever", I say.
  After  breakfast we leave for L.A we finally. It sucks because we're gonna drive to L.A and it's gonna take us a day and a half. We finally arrive at two the next day and unpack. We finish packing after four outs since the house is already furnished. I admit it's the nicest house I have ever lived in.
  I ask my dad if I can go in attic and he lets me but tells me to be careful. I head into the attic and It's huge. My dad told me we would turn it into a hang out spot for my sister and I. Holy crap I totally forgot to tell you how old I am. So I'm 14 and my sister is 15.         
   Anyways I look around and find an item that's hidden well and has a blanket over it I take it off to find a clock. It's one of those clocks with a radio. It's about an average size. But the words at thing of all is a paper that says, "DONT MAKE IT WORK AGAIN". I just decided to ignore it and put batteries in and turned it on.
  I went and told my dad about it and he told me i could put it in my room an I did. Now my room is cool. It has blue wallpaper with a bookcase and really cool movies a tv,lamp,bed,xbox360 and now the clock. The. I decide to play my xbox.
       (5 hours later)
   At about 10am my dad tells me to go asleep and I do. "CRASH"
I wake up suddenly. I go to my parents room and wake my dad up. "Dad I heard something crash", I say. We go downstairs and find that picture had fell and broke. He tells me that it's ok and I go back to sleep. I wake up the next morning to find that 6 pictures I broke and fell on the floor. "Honey did we have a earthquake?"my dad asks. "We must of"my mom replies.
   I eat my breakfast and decide to go outside and play basketball. We have a park about 3 minutes away. I meet somewhere there and he wants to one v one me. I beat him 21-6 like it was nothing. He asks where I live and I tell him the yellow house. His eyes go wide in horror and he runs away. That was weird, I thought. "Who's next?" I ask to the bystanders. After about an hour of playing I head home. "How was basketball?" my dad asks. "Good" I ask.       
   Then we hear a knock. My dad nocks an a policeman lets us know that our neighbors kid had just hung himself. He showed us a picture and my eyes go wide. The policeman leaves. "Oh my god that was the kid that I played one on one with at the park." , I tell my dad
I told my dad that I said to the kid that we  lived in the yellow house his eyes widened and he ran away. I start to cry.          My dad says that it's ok but I told my dad it's my fault. He told me it wasn't and we watch tv after a long conversation. We decide to watch the walking dead. Man I love that show.      
   Then my sister wants to watch teen wolf(of course) so my dad and I go an get some Dairy Queen. I get the chocolate extreme blizzard and my dad gets a chocolate dipped cone. After that we head home and watch 2 movies. The first one we watch is the Lego movie and the other is nightmare on elm street. Both these movies were amazing. Then we went to bed but secretly I went on my phone and decided to watch some stuff.the. I finally slowly.... And slowly drifted to sleep.....zzzzzzzz.

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