Degrees of Separation (Lost O...

By HollyMD

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A day in the life
Mr. Softee
Skinny lil white girl
Ms. Swaggerific
Vicky Secret Experience
Party, Shots, Boobies OH MY
Oh f*** you J. Holiday
Tomorrow can't come soon enough!
Acting a Fool
Fucked up situation
Is She the Reason?
Give Me All the Keys and Security Codes?
My Girlfriend
I'm Addicted, You're My Addiction
Happy F**king
Be Nice
I Gotta Get Myself Together
Into Narnia
Beautiful People
I Collapse
California's Three Strikes Rule
Feeling Some Type Way
Dazed And Confused
I'm Gonna Shank Her
This Sh*t Right Here
It's Going Down BASEMENT
Stranger Bitch
Live Above The Influence
Oh! Like That's Any Better...
You're so f*cked
Fold That B*tch Like A Piece Of Paper
Ordinary Love Shit
There Will Be Tears
Spencer's Room
The Black Album
The Coldest Winter Ever
On One
Take Care
Friend or Foe
Bitches in LA
Echoes Of Silence
You Must Love Me
Ordinary People
White Girls Politickin'
Channel Orange
Let The Flames Begin
Edge of Glory
That'll Fuck 'Em Up (Epilogue)

5PM in LA

3.9K 98 8
By HollyMD

Here's that brand new chapter I was telling you guys about. No worries. it doesn't change anything that happens in the future. 


"Stay scheming.. Bitches tryna get at me daawg…" I sing along to the song that has been stuck in my head since I woke up.

I take a picture of my basketball and send to Ashley with the message, 'Bitch you ain't with me shooting in the gym.'

I'm outside shooting around by myself.

Apparently, everyone has plans except for me. How nice of them to include a bitch, right?

Jordan texted me back a few minutes ago saying she'll come by after her errands. What kind of errands does she have to do though?

I'll go with none, since I can smell her coming now.

"Girls can't play no ball!" She yells out causing me to laugh. But I smelled her aroma way before she spoke. It's what we call diffusion in chemistry.

Don't you ever just randomly get a whiff of weed?

It's just like that movie 'every time a bell rings an angel gets its wings.' Well, every time you randomly smell weed, Jordan is somewhere nearby. Or you know, you could just be a paranoid bitch and smell weed.

Either or.

"Ball better than you." I reply, shooting the ball in the net effortlessly. I jog over to where the ball lands, to see Jordan approaching me smoking like that's a shock to anyone

"You wanna come make a run with me?" She asks dribbling the ball I threw to her. "I'll get you brownie." She adds as if this is some sort of a bribe, like I wouldn't go with her anyways.

"Ooh can you get me a cookie too?" I ask her before kissing her lips quickly. "Or we can just stay here?"

Jordan takes a step back. "Can't, but maybe we'll see a Mr. Softee and it'll perk you right up." She says chuckling as she shoots the ball with one hand missing it completely.

"Oh bitch. Is this some sort of a pay back?" I say closing in on her again while running my hand up her arm making sure to touch her boob on my way to her lips. When I reach her lips I snatch the weed from her and smoke it.

Jordan raises her eyebrow at me smirks like the damn lesbian she is.

When I'm done, I put my hand on the side of her head pulling her in; letting her suck the smoke in my mouth. Jordan closes the gap between us, but I break the kiss after biting her lip. Now it's my turn to smirk; when I open my eyes and see that she still has hers closed.

I'm so good at this.

"Yeah. NO. I'm out." Jordan says once she snaps out of her daze. "I'll be quick. I promise." She says pulling me towards the car.

'Boys tell stories about the man. Say I never struggled, wasn't hungry, yeah, I doubt it. I could turn your boy into the man. There ain't really much I hear that's poppin' off without us. We just want the credit where it's due..'

"I'ma worry about me, give a fuck about you. Just as a reminder to myself I wear every single chain, even when I'm in the house.. Cause we started as a bottom now we here..." I rap along to Aubrey. I have to entertain myself somehow. Jordan did leave me in the car after all.

Music Makes Me High: You do know the song goes started as a bottom.

Music Makes Me High: Oh bitch! You got me saying it.

I'm Kinda A Big Deal: No, I'm right it goes started as a bottom.

Unfortunately I don't have a Medical Marijuana Card so I can't get in. Paula will sure find out one way or another and I'd rather not witness the Wrath of Paula for myself, so, I'm in the car waiting.

Did Drake really say I can turn your boy into a man?

"Started as a bottom now the whole team fucking here! Aye.."

Music Makes Me High: Is your girlfriend not back? Lol

I'm Kinda A Big Deal: Funny, you know she's not my girlfriend.

Music Makes Me High: Uh huh. We can live that lie if you want. And it's cool, you do think about me when you're making out with her so..

I'm Kinda A Big Deal: Lol, yeah that was great.

Music Makes Me High: Oh so you agree. You do think about me.

I'm Kinda A Big Deal: Yeah, I think about you all the time especially when I'm touching myself.

Music Makes Me High: Nice! As long as I can watch. No but seriously, she doesn't care?

I'm Kinda A Big Deal: No she doesn't. She's one of my best friends I told you that.

Music Makes Me High: Yeah cause it's so normal to hook up with your best friend. Hey my bother's here, I'll talk to you when I get back.

I didn't even bother to reply back. If you wanna say rolling your eyes is a response then okay, I did reply.

Back to what I was saying, Jordan never takes "short" trips to the dispensary. It's her personal Utopia. Oh look! Here she comes now with the biggest smile on her face.


"Wow seven hours later. Thank God you cracked a damn window." I quip as she opens the door. It wasn't really seven hours, it was one at the most, but she got the point.
"Hey, it's not my fault you can't get in." She responds and hands me my chocolate chip cookie and a brownie edible.

I smell it immediately, "Nom.. Nom.. Nom."

"Yikes, Drake gotta chill." Jordan says as she starts the song over.

We're in my room now listening to the new Drake song and like everyone else we're trying to see who he's going at.

"Yeah, you're right Aubrey gotta chill." I repeat her statement while breaking a piece of my brownie.

Madison texted me saying she's bored at her mom's function and wants us to kidnap her. But she's three hours away so she knew we wouldn't. That's what's going on with Madison in case you care.

"Why is he so mad at The Weeknd though?" Jordan asks while she crushes some weed up.

"Fuck if I know." I say shrugging. "I wish we could all get along like we used to in middle school. I wish I could bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy."

"That's enough brownie for you." Jordan laughs, taking my brownie from me and setting it aside.

It's okay though. I haven't tried the cookie yet.

My phone goes off and it's Ashley telling me she's bored. I'll reply in a second I can't find my cookie.

A knock on my door almost makes me fall off the bed.

"Oh fuck you." I say to my friend laughing along with her.

"Jay, You got it?" Glen says walking into my room after knocking.

"I don't recall saying you could come in." I say, glaring at this intruder. "Oh my cookie!" I yell seeing my cookie next to my laptop.. which was on the bed.. right next to me. Maybe I shouldn't have anymore.

"How much?" My brother asks taking his money clip out.

"You're good." Jordan says waving him off and throwing the package to him.

"Thanks! I'll see you later." Glen exits stage right.

"Don't you girls have homework to do?"

Whoa, when did my mom get here?

"Yeah, Spence is helping me." Jordan answers for the both of us and magically produces a book out of thin air.

I forgot to tell you, she's a wizard guys.

"Uh huh.." My mom says not believing us. "Don't think I don't know what that smell is."

"What are you talking about my dear mother?"

Yeah, you see this halo on my head? I would never smoke weed.

"Don't let me catch you with that shit." Paula says seriously to both of us. "Dinner's ready if you guys wanna eat."

Dinner was great.

I don't know why my mom hires a chef when she's perfectly capable of cooking for us.

"There's absolutely nothing on TV." I say to Jordan while flipping through the channels.

"We can just make a movie." She says whispering in my ear and lightly nipping at my neck.

Like a couple of fat asses we ended up laying on the couch after dinner.

"Oh so you're done paying me back for the Mr. Softee incident?" I close my eyes and bite my lip to keep myself from making any noise. My hand is ever so slowly creeping up Jordan's top when my spidey senses starts telling me to stop so my hand retreats. "Jay, my moms coming." I warn her.

"Like that's ever stopped you before." She answers back laughing and focuses on the random show on TV.

"You know it doesn't, but I wanna be able to moan when you fuck me." I whisper softly.

Jordan's eyes glazes over and whatever she was about to say dies in her throat because my mom walks in the room.

"I'm assuming that your home work is done." My mom says with a glass of wine.

What's with her today?

This is the second time she asks the same damn question. Back up off me Paula!

'Don't you have work to catch up on?' Is what I wanna say back but, I like living and I'd like to keep it that way.

Paula bought me into this world and I'm sure she has no problem taking me out, saying smart ass shit like that.

"Matter of fact. You're right. I still have something I need Jay to help me with." I answer my mom and discreetly squeeze Jordan's thigh.

"Um, yeah let's go do that." Jordan stands up with her hand out for me.

I take my shirt off as soon as we get in my room making sure to lock the door behind us.

"What are you doing?" I ask my friend who clearly didn't get the memo that homework is code for sex.

"Let's smoke this first." She says picking up a joint from my bed, before heading over to the window. "Don't even think about putting your shirt back on."

I guess she did get the same memo as me, but I roll my eyes anyway. I follow her to the bay window also known as our smoking nook and throw my discarded shirt at her.

"Oh and a lighter." She mumbles with the blunt in her mouth.

I can practically see her salivating at the thought of lighting up.

Oh my adorable pothead.

Jordan makes herself comfortable by lying on the bench.

Oh shit I forgot about responding to Ashley.

I grab the lighter on my bed and my forgotten phone.

"And where am I suppose to sit?" I ask leaning over to light her blunt. I don't wait for her to answer as I take my jeans off and straddle her. Then I reach up to open the window. "Safety first. Remind me to Fabreeze this bitch before you leave."

I take a picture of Jordan smoking and send it to Ashley and before I can type a witty caption she texts me first saying have fun with a period.

Everyone knows when you end something like that with a period, it means she feels some type of way over it.

Like when some one says I'm fine and ends it with a period or even a simple okay period. Yeah, they feel some type of way.

Annnnnd I'm rambling.

"Ashley?" Jordan asks handing me the joint. I throw my phone and hope it lands on my bed.

It didn't in case you're wondering.

"Yeah, I forgot to reply to her earlier." I say smoking on the joint she handed me.

Jordan puts her hands on my waist and reaches for my booty.


"She thinks you're my girlfriend." I tell her blowing the smoke towards the window.

"That's creepy." She says laughing and pursing her lips together, wordlessly asking for the joint back.

"I know right." I say holding it between her lips so she can smoke it. "That's just weird."

"You should just tell her I'm just tryna get it while I can before she shows up. You do know we can't do this when you meet her. I'm a lady. I was brought up with values and morals and shit." While giving this little speech she manages to get me out of my bra and now her hands are on my inner thigh with her thumbs just teasing my pussy.

"Duh bitch." I roll my eyes at this bitch again while I ash the blunt in a random water bottle. I continue smoking and without me knowing my hips starts to move back and forth trying to get her to touch my pussy.

"But then again.." She starts off and slips one of her thumbs in my panties.

I close my eyes, feeling her thumb teasing my clit, eliciting a moan from me as I continue smoking.

Jesus! I'm gonna end up burning my boob.

"..the entree ain't as good without something on the side." She finishes her sentence completely satisfied by my reaction.
As if she knew I needed to kiss her, Jordan sits up and kisses me. Her hand leaves my panties, but snakes around to my ass, pulling me closer to her.

"Take your clothes off and fuck me." I tell her breathlessly scooting to the side so that she could get up.

I smoke the joint and watch her take her shirt and bra off. I hand it back as a pull her in. I kiss all over her tummy while undoing her jeans, pulling them off with her panties.

"Hand me the water bottle." She tells me as she finishes off the joint.

"You get me so wet you ask for random shit while were trying to fuck."

"Don't be a smart ass." Jordan says laughing. "Take those panties off unless you want them ripped off."

"Well…" I say like I'm thinking about it. The look she gives me causes me to laugh, before I sit up and take them off. "These are lucky. Whoa, how did you get there?" I ask my friend who is back lying on the bench.

"You talk to damn much." She says pulling me back on top of her. "Fuck, you're always so fucking wet."

I answer her by grinding down on her. I moan as her fingers explore me.

Knowing my condition I'll cum in a second so I reach down and bring her fingers to my lips, licking them clean. Then I bend down to kiss her so she could taste myself.

Jordan breaks our kiss moaning when she feels my fingers teasing her clit. "Fuck me."

I lightly bite her neck and do what she asks, by putting two fingers inside her.

"Yes.. fuck.." She moans when my thumb joins in, rubbing her clit.

And here I thought I came quick. I can already feel her pussy tightening on my fingers.

"Fucks wrong with you." She protests when my fingers leave her.

I smirk and kiss down her body, licking the entire length of her torso until I reached her pussy. When I reach it, I give it one long, hard lick.

"That shut you up, huh?" I ask smirking.

Jordan answers me by pushing my head back down towards her pussy.

"That shut you up, huh?" She says mimicking me.

I give her the finger and then lick and suck on her clit making her body jerk in response.

"Close. So fucking close. Fuck me." She moans loudly when my tongue swirls on her clit.

"Damn I don't think my mom heard you." I lift my head up and say. She waves me off, pushing my head by down.

I put two fingers inside her again pumping in and out.

Her pussy so fucking wet. It's all you hear besides us moaning. Jordan being the loudest I've ever heard her though.

Clearly I'm good at this though.

She pulls my face closer to her pussy as her body begins to jerk and shake uncontrollably.

"Jesus." She says once finishes cumming. A smile planted firmly on her face as she looks down at me.

"I'm good that good." I say with a smirk, sitting up to kiss her.

"You're so good. I'm gonna miss this when your girlfriend shows up." She mumbles into my lips. I can't help but smile at the thought of seeing Ashley.

"Shut the fuck up and fuck me." I mumble back. She flips us over so that she's now on top.

"With pleasure." She says before burying her face between my legs.

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