Newsie One-shots

By CalumandNewsielover

398K 6.9K 1.5K

These are newsie one-shots! If you want one then I will make you one! Just comment and vote! **Requests are c... More

Newsie One-shots
1 - Jack
2 - Mush
3 - Kid Blink
4 - Race
5 - Davey
6 - Jack
7 - Spot
8 - Skittery
9 - Jack (his POV)
10 - Mush
11 - Race
12 - Spot
13 - Spot
14 - Skittery (part 2)
15 - Spot
16 - Kid Blink
17 - Spot
18 - Snipeshooter
19 - Les
20 - Kid Blink
21 - Jake (his pov)
22 - Mush (his pov)
A-N please read
23 - Jack
24 - Race (his pov)
25 - Spot
26 - Skittery
27 - Spot
28 - Crutchy (his pov)
29 - Mush
30 - Jack
31 - Mush
32 - Davey
33 - Race
34 - Jack
35 - Jack
36 - Spot
37 - Davey
38 - Jack
39 - Davey
40 - Kid Blink (his pov)
41 - Race
42 - Crutchy
43 - Mush
44 - Davey
45 - Jack
46 - Spot
47 - Race
48 - Spot
49 - Jack
50 - Race
51 - Kid Blink
52 - Jack (his pov)
53 - Skittery
54 - Spot
55 - Davey
56 - Mush
57 - Jack
58 - Spot
59 - Davey
60 - Jack
61 - Davey
62 - Kayleigh's Contest
63 - Jack
64 - Jack
65 - Bumlets
66 - Race
67 - Race
68 - Mush
69 - Race
70 - Jack
71 - Jack
72 - Jack
73 - Spot
74 - Mush
75 - Skittery
76 - Jack
77 - Kid Blink
78 - Davey
79 - Jack
80 - Mush
81 - Davey (part 2)
82 - Jack (part 2)
83 - Spot
84 - Mush/Kid Blink
85 - Jack
86 - Spot
87 - Mush/Kid Blink (part 2)
88 - Davey
89 - Jack
90 - Jack
91 - Specs
92 - Mush
93 - Skittery
94 - Mush (Part 2)
95 - Spot
96 - Spot (part 2)
97 - Jack
98 - Jack (part 2)
99 - Kid Blink
100 - Davey
101 - Race
102 - Bumlets
103 - Kid Blink
104 - Snitch
105 - Davey
106 - Davey
107 - Spot
108 - Kid Blink
110 - Mush
111 - Jack
112 - Race
113 - Jack
114 - Davey
115 - Kid Blink
116 - Race
117 - Jack/Davey
118 - Mush
119 - High School Series (Part 1)
120 - Jack/Davey (Part 2)
121 - High School Series (Part 2)
122 - Kid Blink
123 - High School Series (Part 3)
124 - Skittery
125 - Spot
126 - High School Series (Part 4)
Tag #2
127 - High School Series (Part 5)
128 - Jack
Tag #3
129 - Davey
130 - Mush
131 - Mush (Part 2)
132 - Jack
Tag #4
133 - Spot

109 - Davey

1.5K 33 10
By CalumandNewsielover

This one is for DearDandelions! I hope you like it! Please vote and comment what ya think! Thank you all! Love you all!

3rd Person

Davey holds up a paper, yelling out exaggerated headlines trying his best to sell all of his papers. He walks down the familiar street and stops at the all too familiar bakery and peers in, keeping his distance.

His eyes immediately landed on her. The girl he has been secretly crushing on every since his mother invited her over for dinner. Her enchanting hazel eyes and luscious brown hair added up to the most beautiful girl he has ever laid his eyes on.

She lived in the apartment next door to his family, and he went to the same school as her before he had to leave to become a newsie, so he saw her often, but he could never have enough courage to talk to her.

"Have a nice day," she smiles as the customer she was currently helping grabbed his food and left. Her eyes watched the customer before finding Davey watching her. She giggled and turned away as Davey looks away blushing. He turns away and begins to leave before he tripped over his own feet sending him to the ground. Becca, having seen the whole thing, rushed out to help him.

"Are you alright?" she asks worridly, helping Davey to his feet.

"Ye-yeah, I'm- I'm fine," he stuttered picking up his papers with her help. Once all of his papers were collected, they both stood up, wiping the dirt off their clothes before she spoke up.

"Well, I better get to work-"

"Wait, Becca?" Davey cuts her off, grabbing her attention before he continued, "I was wondering if you maybe wanted to come to a small newsie get together at Medda's tonight." Davey scratched the back of his neck in a nervous way as he impatiently waited for her response.

"Sure," she smiles. "I'll see you tonight," she told him before she gets back to work. He smiles and turns away before he excitedly tries to finish selling his papers.

She hummed while she worked with her radiant smile plastered on her face for the world to see. She was more than happy that Davey finally asked her out. Even though they barely talked, she has fallen for his bright blue eyes and dazzling smile, but she never thought she would ever have a chance with him.


Becca climbs the stairs leading to the get together eager to get inside. She could hear the laughter and the yelling from behind the double doors. And as she opened them, she was immediately greeted with the smell of cigars as the noise seemed to double. She looks around seeing newsies of all ages, some of them with their own girls.

Her eyes finally found Davey across the rather large room sitting with a few other newsies and girls. She could recognize one of the girls as Sarah making her feel more comfortable knowing at least one more person. He raised his head, his eyes meeting hers in an instant as a smile spread across his flawless face.

"Hey," she smiles giving Davey a small hug.

"Hey," he replies before letting you go. "Guys, this is Becca. Becca, this is Jack, you know Sarah, Spot, Skittery, and Abby," Davey introduces them before taking a seat. Becca sat next next to him, in between him and Abby, who happened to be Skittery's girl.

"So, how long have you and Davey been together?" Abby turns to Becca, starting a conversation.

"We're not together. We're just friends," Becca tells her making Davey's heart break with every word making him wish he didn't listen in on their conversation.

The girls continue to converse, every once in a while putting a word or two into the boys' conversation. The night ended too soon for both his and her liking, and then it was time to leave.

"I'll walk you home," Davey suggests leading her out after everyone exchanged 'good-bye's. They make small talk on the way to her apartment, but before they could walk inside, Davey stopped her.

"Becca, wait," he called before she looked to him, giving him her full attention. "I don't want to be your friend," he tells her.

"What do you mean?" she questions hoping she didn't do anything wrong.

"I want to be the person who holds you while you sleep or when you just need someone. I want to be the person you think of when you wake up and think of before you fall asleep. I want to be yours," he stops before continuing. "I've liked you ever since my mom had your family over for dinner," he finishes looking up at her hoping for the reaction her desperately needs.

"I like you, too," she smiles stepping closer to him making a smile appear on his face. Their faces were only centimeters apart, teasing Davey with the proximity.

Not being to control himself any longer, he crashes his lips into hers. She kissed back, raising her hands to the back of his neck pulling him closer. Their lips moved in sync making her knees grow weak before they both pulled away.

"Becca, will you be my girl?" Davey asks keeping her close to him.

"I thought you'd never ask."

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