Inside Your Heaven

By Castle_Coffee3

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"I've been down, now I'm blessed. I felt a revelation coming around. I guess it's right, it's so amazing. Eve... More

Chapter 1: Before He Cheats
Chapter 3: Lonely Eyes
Chapter 4: 19 You + Me
Chapter 5: Fly
Chapter 6: Crash My Party
Chapter 7: Take Your Time
Chapter 8: Lose My Mind
Chapter 9: Somebody's Heartbreak
Chapter 10: Knee Deep
Chapter 11: My Wish
Chapter 12: Hell of a Night
Chapter 13: Play it Again
Chapter 14: Stand
Chapter 15: Just a Dream
Chapter 16: Need You Now
Chapter 17: That's Where It Is
Chapter 18: Perfect Storm
Chapter 19: I Want Crazy
Chapter 20: What Hurts the Most
Chapter 21: I Just Can't Live a Lie
Chapter 22: So Small
Chapter 23: Unapologize
Chapter 24: Show You Off
Chapter 25: Loving You Easy
Chapter 26: What Nobody Ever Told You
Chapter 27: Forever and Ever, Amen
Chapter 28: The Night Before Life Goes On
Chapter 29: Starts With Goodbye
Chapter 30: Mama's Song
Chapter 31: Bless the Broken Road

Chapter 2: Bartender

911 29 3
By Castle_Coffee3

"Hey bartender pour 'em hot tonight till the party and music and the truth collide. Bring it till his memory fades away. Hey bartender." ~Lady Antebellum


The next morning, Kate woke up to the awful sound of pounding on her door. She briefly considered ignoring the loud guest and going back to sleep, but just when she thought they'd finally left the banging started again.

She barely got off the couch (there was no way she was sleeping in her bed after last night) before she heard the angry voice of her best friend travelling through the walls.

"Katherine Beckett open this door right now!" yelled Lanie. "I know you're in there! Why haven't you been answering my calls? Kate! Open-"

The door to her apartment swung open cutting her off mid-rant. As soon as Lanie got a good look at Kate's messy hair and puffy eyes, she enveloped her into a giant hug - the kind only a best friend can give. Beckett collapsed into the embrace almost instantly, and before she knew it the tears welled in her eyes again and she was sobbing on Lanie's shoulder

Lanie managed to get Kate over to the couch so she could sit down. She let her cry until all the tears dried up. Kate was beyond grateful that she wasn't asking any questions right away and that she let Kate get everything out of her system

When Kate's sobs turned into whimpers, Lanie got up to make coffee for the caffeine and sleep deprived cop. She handed it to Kate and got a small smile in return.

Seeing her chance, she took it, "Kate, what's going on?"

"Josh... Uhhh, Josh...." She struggled to say the words out loud. She was still trying to wrap her head around the events of last night. "Josh... He, uh, I found him in my bed last night with someone else," she blurted out.

Lanie's mouth dropped at what she'd heard. "How can he do that to you?!" she practically shouted.

Kate shook her head, "I don't know, Lanie. I still don't understand it. He just seemed so...." she trailed off. "Just so emotionless about it."

"You deserve better than that, Kate, so much better."

"I just don't know what to do anymore..." she shook her head. "Seems like everything is just falling apart."

"You've got great things going for you, Kate, and one break-up is not going to change that. You're still you. You're still the same determined and driven person I know. This is just a minor set back."

Kate nodded along to what Lanie was saying and deep down she knew it was true. She knew that in the end this would only make her stronger - would only give her more time to devout to her job and to getting justice for those who no longer had a voice. But, she just couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel. She loved him... and now he was just gone.

Lanie could see the doubt still present in her eyes. "Girl, you really need this vacation after all," she mumbled under her breath.

Kate's head snapped up and it was only then that she noticed the big, purple suitcase Lanie had drug in behind her. Shit.


The next 20 minutes were a whirlwind for Kate as Lanie rushed around Kate's bedroom throwing clothing haphazardly into the suitcase. She had no idea what is being shoved inside and frankly she didn't really care. She knew Lanie, though, and she could only imagine what she is being forced to take with her to the Hamptons.

Lanie managed to pack the car up and leave the city within 10 minutes - Kate and suitcases in tow. Kate sat quietly in the passenger seat, just thinking and looking out the window. Was she really leaving the city after last night? She knew that there was nothing to fix with her spoiled relationship, but she couldn't help the feeling of wanting to just curl up all alone and cry herself to sleep. Seeing there was no way to get out of it now, she tried to make herself more comfortable and let sleep pull her under.


"Beckett!" Lanie shouted as she stepped out of the bathroom, looking around for her friend.

"In here," Kate replied from the living room. "I'm watching TV."

Lanie flew around the corner to stand in front of Kate. "Watching TV? C'mon, girl, we've got people to see and places to be," she said with somewhat of a sly grin.

Kate shook her head, "I'm not going anywhere."

"I'll give you 30 minutes to get off your ass and get ready," she demanded. "You're coming with me whether you like it or not. Let loose and have a little bit of fun. Time to forget about Josh for good."

Sluggishly, Kate sat up to turn the television off and brace herself for the night ahead. She knew it wasn't fair to Lanie, but she had absolutely no ambition. She didn't want to go out and act like everything was perfectly fine when they both knew it wasn't. What was a night of drinking and dancing going to fix? Nothing.


The music and alcohol buzzed through Kate's body as she aimlessly danced to the beat.

"Kate!" Lanie screamed over the music. "Loosen up! Come dance with me!"

Kate let herself get pulled further onto the dance floor, but when she saw where Lanie was taking her she halted in her tracks. "Uh huh, Lanie, I'm not going over there. No way."

"It'll be fun," she pulled on her arm, "You just have to talk to them for a little while. No harm, no foul. Please..." she begged.

"Okay, okay fine," she replied with a huff. "But, please, Lanie, no funny business. I know I haven't showed it but I am having fun and I do really need to forget Josh."

"Like you even had a choice," Lanie replied as they approached the small crowd. "Kate, this is Javier, Kevin, and Kevin's girlfriend Jenny. Everyone this is Kate."

She extended her hand out to them, "Nice to meet you all."

The group fell easily into conversation, and Kate was starting to actually enjoy herself. She hated to admit it but Lanie was right all along. This felt good. She didn't feel tied down with anything and she couldn't believe how lucky she was to have Lanie as her best friend.

Jenny nudged Kate's arm, "Hey," she pointed, "do you know that guy over there?"

Kate looked over, "He looks familiar but, no, I don't think so."

"Oh... He's just been looking over at you... A lot," she finished with a smile.

Kate didn't know what to say or what to think about it. She was flattered, of course, but her mind immediately thought of Josh. God she missed him.

She looked to the other side of her and saw Lanie and Javier curled up together in a booth. She caught Lanie's eye and silently asked her what was going on. Lanie gave her a big smirk and she got her answer when they both got up and started to leave.

Kate turned back to Jenny, who was now talking with Kevin, "I'm going to go get a drink. I think I need another." It was going to be one long night.


Without Lanie and Javi there, Kate felt like the awkward third wheel, so she decided on sitting down at the bar and having one more drink before she headed home for the night. She was staring into her half empty glass when she felt a light touch on her shoulder that sent goosebumps down her spine.

When she turned around, she saw the man that Jenny had previously pointed out to her. She met his eyes and she was shocked to see the baby blues staring back at her. Was it the alcohol or his touch that had her mind spinning in all directions?

Soon, he broke the intense stare to properly introduce himself. "Hello... I... uh... sorry," he said distractedly, the whole time not breaking eye contact. "Let me start over, hi," he extended his hand, "I'm Rick."

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