Ten Days with You

Autorstwa hikari011

235K 8.3K 7.5K

A demon who was saved by a high school girl. A high school girl who was accompanied by a demon. For 10 days... Więcej

Day 1: The Demon Lord
Day 2: A spark within the darkness
Day 3: Unexpected Visitors
Day 4: Taking care of a Demon
Day 5: Humans and a Demon
Day 6: A date with a Demon
Day 7: Two Hearts that beat as One
Day 8: A Demon at the temple
Day 9: The truth behind His nature
Together Forever

Day 10: Just one last time..

16.5K 600 1K
Autorstwa hikari011

November 1, Sunday

A sunny morning was once again granted to the people living in the City. The golden sun proudly lit the earth with it's slightly warm light, evaporating little bit of water which came from the rain yesterday. It rained all day yesterday, but today is going to be sunny and partly cloudy in some hours according to the news.

As the clock strikes 7, Lucy woke up with a sneeze. Turning off the alarm, her eyes squinting at the sudden brightness. She drowsily stared at her pink ceiling and wondered what is the heavy but warm sensation she is feeling around her stomach. She could also feel something or rather someone holding onto her waist.

Her eyes widening, a symbol of being fully awake, upon knowing what the source of the familiar sensation around her waist. "Natsu's arm.." she thought and blushed in knowing that the pinkette is hugging her. Normally, she would either scream her heart out or kick the person away from her and yell at him for doing such 'perverted' thing without her knowing. Lucy, however, did not do neither of the two. After all, she is aware that she asked him to sleep with her for she was a scared y cat last night. "And he probably unconsciously hugged me for thinking that I'm a pillow.." her mind reasoned out. "A pillow.." she thought again, her cheeks flushing in shades of pink. "Am I really that fat?"

Shrugging off the thought, she gently removed his hugging arm off of her to not wake him up but once she did so, his arm snaked back around her waist and found herself being hugged once more. "Is he awake?" she asked herself as she peeked at his cute sleeping face. It's not like she doesn't enjoy the feeling of being hugged by the person she secretly has a crush on, but a girl like her shouldn't be hugged by a man she barely knows. "Now that I thought about it, all I know is what he is and what his races do" she thought, halfly sitting her up with her left arm for support. "Oi, Natsu. I know you're awake. Let go of me" she whisper-shouted at him and shaking him when she failed to remove his gripping hand on her waist.

Suddenly, Natsu grunted as he pulls her and squeeze her in a hug, which made her yelp at his sudden action. "Five more minutes.." he groaned, eyes still closed as he buries his face in between of the back of her neck and the pillow. His hug tightening as he inhales her scent, enjoying this moment. But Lucy is not the kind of girl to enjoy a moment with a stranger, even if he is her crush. "I said, let go of me!" she yelled, forcefully removing his arm and immediately standing up.

"You- you-!" she stuttered at him, her face and ears red, and she could feel her blood still rising in her face. "Perverted Demon!" she yelled before sneezing. His right eye suddenly opened, not because of what she called him but because of hearing her sneeze again. "She's been sneezing last night.." he thought but immediately set the idea aside. "I'm not a pervert" he defended, sitting up and removed himself from the bed, and then stretching his body awake while yawning.

Lucy stood still, her face reddening even more as she watched him rub his eye cutely from the opposite side of her bed. Right, this is the first time she saw him in his morning state. Her brow suddenly twitched and furrowed when she caught him smirking. He probably caught her staring. That reason, however, is not the reason why he is smirking, it was because of the sight of her red face which he found adorable. "Per-pervert!" she stuttered, grabbing her pillow and throwing it at his face, but Natsu caught it in time.

"What do you mean by that?" he asked, smirking teasingly which made Lucy to glare at him in annoyance mixed with anger, and in which increased the color in her cheeks. "Hugging people suddenly.." he heard her mumble. "What? Did I? I thought you were a pillow" he lied, his smirk turning into a playful smile as if to hide his little lie. "I knew it.." she thought, biting her lower lip as she felt her heart throb painfully. But before she could say another word, her nose felt itchy causing her to sneeze.

"Oi, are you allergic or something?" her eyes widened in seeing him suddenly sitting on her bed in front of her but she knew he used his powers again or maybe he's just really that quick to move? Taking a few steps back to give more space between them, she stuttered, "I d-don't have any a-allergies". The color in her cheeks never changed as she avoided eye contact at his black orbs. "Then why is your face red?" he teased, smirking when she finally looked at him in the eyes. That's it! She had enough of him! "Baka!" she yelled, throwing her pink and white stuffed toys at his face which were displayed on her bedside table.

Natsu caught the pink toy in time but was not aware of the second one in coming. Plue, the white weird dog stuffed toy--according to what the human girl described to him, hit him right on the face, hard. It's stuffed pointy orange nose hit him near his left eye. "Hey! That was dangerous!" he said, standing up but noticed that the girl wasn't in front of him anymore. He turned around and witnessed her stick her tongue out at him before shutting her bathroom door and locking it.

He stood still, still astound on her cuteness he just witnessed. Then, he covered his eyes with his hand. A tender smile creeping in his lips while his hand slid to his forehead. He could feel his face heating up. "I'm glad I went to the human world" he thought before laughing out loud at her childish act, but sadness tainted his voice and the sorrow he's been feeling yesterday never left his heart.

Lucy puffed and pouted angrily but kept quiet and waited for him to get out of her room. And when she finally heard her bedroom door being closed, she sighed in relief and starts filling her bathtub with warm water. As she waited for her bathtub to be filled, she looked at herself in the mirror and frowned upon seeing her flushed face. "Why does he always tease me so much?!" she said to herself as she splashed cold water to her face to maybe bring back her natural color, which successfully did.

Sighing once more in relief as she dipped herself in the bath, she left her question unanswered. "Like a pillow he said.." she thought, taking a deep breath before sinking her head in the water. Sure, pillows are soft and being soft means being fat, right? Shrugging of the thought, a different idea crossed her mind as she rise back to the surface for air. "I wonder--" she said but sneezed, halting her on what she was about to say. Thinking that she's been soaking herself for quite some time, she decided to rinse herself and make their breakfast.

Wrapped in a towel, she went out of her bathroom. She was in a hurry that she forgot to bring clothes with her. Already dressed in her blue sweater and pink underwear, she was about to pull her dark blue pajamas up when the door suddenly opened. "Oi! I'm hungry!" Natsu said, already dressed in his favorite maroon one-long sleeved shirt which pairs with his usual white trousers. He entered the room but stopped midway and stared at her with wide eyes. Lucy looked at him. Both their faces turning red as they stared at each other.

Still holding onto the door knob, Natsu hurriedly walked backwards and closed the door. He stood still in front of her room, still flushed at what he saw. "P-pink" he said in his thoughts which continuously echoed in his mind. He flinched when the door flung open and slightly trembled when he saw her already fully dressed. Her face may be hidden behind her blonde bangs but he could clearly tell that she's angry, specially when he can see dark aura surrounding her.


Natsu groaned in pain when he slump his head on the dining table. His left cheek is glowing red with a hand print, which he received from Lucy. "O-Ow!" he whimpered when she poked his red cheek. "What was that for?!" he whimpered while Lucy stuck her tongue out at him. "That's what you get for not knocking at the door and for being such a pervert" she said, placing their food on the table.

"I told you many times already that I am not!" he frowned and angrily shoved a pancake in his mouth. This time, it was her turn to tease him. "You sure are too honest for a demon like you" she said, smiling a little when he defended himself, "Since when did I become honest?". "Oh, so you're admitting that you're a pervert" she smirked teasingly before shoving her fork with a bite size pancake in her mouth. She watched him glare at her but ignored it and proudly looked at him at her success in teasing him, "An eye for an eye".

Dragneel just kept quiet, his lips not moving anymore and his eyes twitching as he glared at the clever human. Say another word and his situation will only make him completely lose this 'fight'. Quickly, he stabbed the heart shaped pancake with his fork on her plate which she made and immediately shoved it in his mouth, and smirked at her as he chew on the food. "I was saving those!" he heard her say, and watched her pout, making his cheeks to lightly flush red.

Still pouting, Lucy looked at him, which made him to look away. She watched him blush in which she thought was only her imagination. The desire of knowing him coming back to her, making her start a conversation with him. "Nee, what's your family like?" she uttered, making him look back at her.

His eyes widened slightly at her sudden question. "What is she up to now?" he asked himself in his thoughts and said to her, "Why do you suddenly want to know about myself?". Lucy blinked. Right, why does she suddenly want to know about him? Putting her forefinger on the side of her chin, she searched for a reason while Natsu watched her in puzzlement. "Because--the only thing I know about you is your name and what you do, which basically means that you're still a stranger to me. And it's unfair that you know a lot of things about me while I know nothing about you" she reasoned out, waving and pointing her fork at him.

"True" he thought and said, "But I already told you who I am". "Yeah, you did like 'I am Natsu Dragneel, the Great Demon Lord' " she mocked and giggled afterwards but stopped when she saw him bluntly look at her. "Sorry" she squeaked and awkwardly took a sip on her milk-tea.

"Then what is it that you wish to know about my lineage?" he asked, breaking the short awkward silence between them. He ate his remaining pancakes and sipped on his cup with the same drink she have as he listens to her, "Anything like, what are your parents like or do you even have siblings?".

Natsu yawned in boredom at the topic but answered her anyway, "My father is the Great Demon King". "King?" she repeated while he nodded in response and continued, "Igneel, the ruler of the Dragneel Kingdom in hell. He took care of me like what fathers do". "But isn't Lord and King just the same? I mean, if you're a King's son then that means you're a Prince?" she said, her voice turning into a whisper as she says the last word. "Exactly" he replied, smirking and watched her gape her mouth in amazement. She had always thought of him being a prince but his nickname of being the 'Great Demon Lord' was in the way. "But why call yourself a Lord and not a Prince?" she asked, her eyes staring straight at his'.

Feeling uncomfortable at their eye contact, Natsu averted his eyes and replied, "Because Prince is just too and sounded holy". Convinced, Lucy stood up and starts collecting the dishes. "But isn't Lord make you sound old? I think Prince is better. Am I right, Prince Natsu?" she said and smiled teasingly at him. "Quit with the formalities" she heard him say, scowling at her which she ignored. "Oh, so you really don't like being called Prince. You sure are picky, Lord Natsu" she teased again, bringing the dishes with her.

"I said stop it" she heard him say and saw him look at her sternly but she smiled as she open the refrigerator. Somehow, she doesn't feel scared in seeing him look at her anymore. "Why not? It's fun" she said as she settled the tray with five cups of pudding in front of him. Natsu just stared at his favorite food and then looked at her who is now back in the kitchen, washing the dishes, smiling.

Finishing his third cup, he heard her ask him once more. "So, what about your mother?". Natsu stopped moving for a moment. "Never met her" he replied, finishing his fourth cup and starts devouring his fifth cup of pudding. Likewise, Lucy stopped and felt guilty for asking. But before she could apologize, Natsu suddenly spoke, changing the subject. "As for siblings, I have an older brother and his name is Zeref" she flinched and her body tensed as she watch him put the tray with the used cups on the sink in front of her.

"Zeref" she repeated, looking at him as she finished washing the dishes. The given name is somehow familiar to her. "I think I've read that somewhere" she said and hurriedly went to her mini library.

Natsu trailed behind her and watched her search the bookshelves. "Is it one of those books again?" he thought and asked himself how and why is his brother's name in the book. "Found it!" she exclaimed in delight and gave him the book. It was an old book with a maroon leather cover. "My mom read that to me when I was young. She said it was written by her grandmother" he heard her say as he observed the book by it's cover. Unlike the other books, nothing was written on both the front and the back of the book or even the side of it.

Knowing what he is searching for, Lucy said to him, "It doesn't have a title". "Then what kind of book is this? This is my first time approaching an untitled book" he said, flipping the pages and scanning for his brother's name. "That's a story book okay? And be careful in handling that. That's a hundred year old book!" she said and warned, "And don't even think about doing something to that like destroying it".

He stopped flipping the pages when he spotted his brother's name but never spotted their last name. Then, he look at her when she suddenly asked him, "Now that I mentioned it, how old are you?". He was hesitant at first in telling his age, afraid that she might think differently of him but answered her anyway. "I'm hundreds years older than you" he said with a proud smirk and continued, "Older than this book".

Her mouth gaped in surprise. Thanks to the books she borrowed from her best friend, she easily believed his words because if not, she would end up laughing and think that he is joking. She read that Demons have longer life span than human's. "And how many hundreds old are you?" she asked. "Four" he replied, flipping the book back to it's first page and starts reading it.

Lucy stood still and wondered why he doesn't look-- old which Natsu noticed when he peeked at her. "If you're wondering why I don't look like my age, that is because Humans grow faster than we do. You might as well consider us immortal. But if I compare myself with the human years, I'm probably 18 or so?". Speechless, she was astound to know new knowledge about them but regained her composure when he spoke. "But age doesn't matter, what matters is you're alive" he said, waving the book and pointing it at her.

"I never thought that you could say something knowledgeable" she said before letting out a small laugh in seeing his annoyed face. "What's that supposed to mean?" she heard him say but just gave him a goofy smile and said, "I'm gonna go study. Have fun reading that book".


Hours have passed, Lucy slumped her head on her study table. "I hate Biology" she groaned as she watched the pinkette whose back is leaning against her bed's headboard, turn a page of the book she made him read. "Sucks for you" she heard him say making her to frown at his comment. "Why are you here in the first place anyway? Why don't you go sit on your own bed" she grunted and threw her rectangular white eraser. Natsu let the eraser hit his shoulder as he turn another page, "Because it's more comfortable here".

Lucy sighed. Arguing with him any further wont take her anywhere. Continuing on writing on her reviewer notebook, she sneezed again and sniffled, making Natsu to look at her. "I don't have a cold, okay?" she assured, knowing that he's worried about her even though his face doesn't show it. He in response, flipped another page and continued reading, afraid that she'll find out his feelings towards her.

Soon, he heard the chair move. "I'll go make our lunch" he heard her say as he watched her leave the room. A sigh escaping his lips when the door finally closed. "That was close" he mumbled to himself before sighing once more. His lips curling into a frown when he looked at the blue clock. He only have few hours left before leaving the human world. Only few hours remaining to be with her..

Biting his lips, he closed the book. He has five more chapters to read but decided to stop. What's more important to him now is her. He hurriedly went downstairs and quietly entered the kitchen. His eyes widening upon seeing her standing on a stool. "Just a few more" she said, her feet in a tiptoe as she snake her hand in the hanging kitchen cabinet. "Ha ha! Got it!" she said in glee.

"What are you doing?" he spoke, making her flinch and to lose her balance. His eyes widening once more as he watched her lose her balance. She yelped and closed her eyes when she felt herself falling but Natsu caught her in his arms just in time.

"That was dangerous" she heard him sigh, making her to open her eyes. And once she did so, her eyes widened and her breath hitched upon seeing his face just five inch above her. They stared at each other which only lasted for four seconds because of the noise made by the burning water. Blushing, she immediately stood up and lowered the fire, and then opened the packet of pasta which she was reaching for earlier. Putting the pasta into the boiling water, she could feel him staring from behind her back, making her feel uneasy and increasing the color in her face.

Of course, he is experiencing the same emotion that the blonde is currently feeling but it immediately wear off. Worry in his eyes and voice as he asked her, "You. Your body temperature. Do you have fever?". Lucy tensed upon noticing him worry about her and answered but never turn around to face him. She doesn't want to show her red face to him. Who would anyway? "No, I don't. It's only natural for my body to heat up because I'm cooking" she reasoned out.

Minutes have passed, the two quietly ate the Carbonara that Lucy made. Natsu, on the other hand, was secretly observing her. He was not convinced on what she answered to him. And somehow, he finds her acting suspicious again. "Did she found out that I'm leaving?" he asked himself in his thoughts as he eats his last cup of pudding which she gave him after eating their meal.

Right now, Lucy is in the kitchen, washing the dishes while Natsu went to the mini library. She have no idea why he is in there but who cares anyway? Again, her face flushing red as she reminisced what just happened earlier. Just a few more inch and they will be kissing.. Kissing.. "Lucy, get a hold of yourself!" she thought, shaking her head to refrain herself from thinking about what happened. She was halfway finished in washing the dishes when suddenly her vision doubled. She stopped on what she's doing, closed her eyes and took an intake of air. Rinsing her hands, she hurriedly went to her bedroom unnoticed, leaving her job unfinished.

"37.5°C" she read and sighed. "He's right, I do have fever" she thought as she stick a fever patch on her forehead which she got from her first aid kit that she keep in her drawer. She doesn't want him to worry that's why she always deny that she is sick whenever he suspects her health. And she wasn't sure that she has. Groaning, she lay down on her bed and covered herself with her blanket to sleep.

Meanwhile in the library, Natsu repeatedly walked back and forth in the room. He was having an argument with himself. "Should I tell her that I'm leaving or not?" he thought for the 30th time. Tired, he went back to the kitchen, only to see her not there. He also noticed that the dishes they used were still in the sink and guessed that she went back to her room. The desire of wanting to see her made him visit her in her room. He reached for the doorknob but it was locked. "I guess I won't tell her.." he thought, releasing the doorknob, thinking that she's angry about what happened earlier.


The sun's light turning into shades of orange as it slowly sinks itself at the horizon. Lucy drowsily opened her eyes and slowly sat up. She looked at her alarm clock, saying that it's already 5:32. Taking the thermometer with her, she went downstairs to get herself something to drink.

Natsu, who has been staying inside his room, immediately went out when he heard her door close. He watched her walk down the stairs slowly. "Oi, is there something wrong?" he asked worriedly. Lucy turned around to look at him, making him see her flushed face due to her fever. "I'm thirsty" she said childishly, making him blush at her cute weak state.

"Here" he offered her a glass of warm water which he heated using his powers. He even helped her sit on the couch since she insisted to stay in the living room than stay in her bedroom. "Thanks" she politely said and smiled at his thoughtfulness for making the water warm.

The thermometer beeped, signaling her that her temperature is already measured. He watched her read her temperature and watched her sigh deeply. "I told you, you have fever" he said as he took the small human technology he is familiar with from her and read the numbers, "37.8°C".

Knowing he's worried about her, "I think I caught your fever. But I'll be fine" she playfully said and grinned at him. But Natsu just stayed quiet and bluntly looked at her, not convinced at her statement. "I'm just sorry for not being able to make your dinner tonight" she mumbled, hugging her knees.

Again, his face flushed slightly making him to lower his head for her not to see. "You don't have to worry about me. You should worry about yourself" he said, sitting on the couch beside her. However, Lucy was not listening to him. Her head feels light that she can't think straight.

"Natsu, thank you" he heard her say. He looked at her and asked, "Thank you for what?". "For saving me back then" she replied, smiling making him blush in remembering that moment. She laughed, causing his cheeks to flush red even more. "You know, you should go back and rest" he said, knowing that she is not acting herself. "But I just woke up" she whined and watched him stand. "Ugh fine" she mumbled as she hold onto his helping hand to help her stand. "But tomorrow afternoon, once I arrive home from school. Let's go to the Amusement Park and let me treat you to show you my gratitude".

Natsu bit his lower lip, not because of he's afraid of the rides but because he won't be by her side anymore. "Let me think about it first" he smiled, ruffling her hair which made her pout. He laughed in response. "Maybe next time", he said before lightly flicking her forehead, stealing her consciousness using his powers.

He caught her and carried her back to her room. A bit of light from the sunset peeked through the curtains, but even without light, he can still see through the darkness for he is a demon. Once he finished covering her with the blanket and tucking her in, he let himself turn back to his original form. His appearance was the same with the first time they met, even his clothing were the same. His eyes glowed red when the sunlight hit his eyes. He didn't even squint for the light was not bright enough to blind him.

Sighing, he sat down on the bed and observed her sleep. Keeping himself in human form was tiresome for him. It consumes almost half of his energy in being in human form. But he doesn't regret doing it. "At least it was worth it" he said, still staring at her sleeping face. His left hand reached to hold her right hand while he lovingly caressed her cheeks with the back of his right hand. Oh how he wished to be with her longer, but that wish became impossible because of his mistake of putting his life in danger.

Still holding onto her hand, he removed the blue patch and caressed her forehead. A sad smile creeping in his lips as he reminisced his ten days with her. It was fun. He enjoyed spending his time with her. He had fun even though he had some err--suffering situations with her sometimes. She introduced new friends to him. She even made him think differently about humans. She gave him happiness.

She gave him Love.

His hand stopped moving at the thought. Love. He never even got the chance to find out her feelings towards him, or he even didn't get the chance to even confess his love to her. Wait. Will he even have the guts to confess to her if he had the chance? Shaking his head no at the thought, he looked at her blue alarm clock. It was time to leave.

His hand tightened in their intertwined hands upon remembering her words about not altering their memories. This time, he did not hesitate to do what she told him not to. He knows that he will regret doing such thing, but at least he's doing it for her sake, for her safety.

"Just one last time.."

He smiled, the sorrow never leaving his heart as he lean nearer to her face. He kissed her forehead, healing her fever away at the same time, altering her memories of him.

Dim light lit the now dark room for seconds, and once it finally died down, the demon was nowhere to be seen. While tears trickled down the sleeping high school student's cheeks.

====== Author's Note ======


Really guys, thank you so much for all your supports! Even though this story of mine has come to it's end, I will still be there to answer your comments and will always thank you for voting and reading it!

I really hope you enjoyed this short story of mine. :) I know there are a lot of wrong grammar there and improper writing, but still, I do hope that you liked it! 

I am now a college student, still improving and working my best to improve myself. I know that life is going to be busy now, but NaLu will always be in my heart. I will keep on writing NaLu so follow me for my future stories that is coming to thrill your hearts~ :D


With lots of love,


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