Begin Again [N.F]

By coultzy

3.6K 400 14

"Begin Again," the second book in the AFL series, invites you into an intricate tale of rekindled connection... More

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Six
Part Seven

Part Five

216 38 1
By coultzy

I was almost asleep myself as the television was on. Amelia laid her head on my lap, as I continued to run my fingers through her thick brown locks. "I love you darling." I whispered as I let out another yawn. "Come on." I yawned as I carefully got up to carry Amelia to bed.

"Night baby!" I kissed her forehead before I climbed in the other side and wasn't far behind Amelia.


I woke up at the same time of 5:45! I ran my hands down my face, as I let another yawn escape my lips. "Ugh!" I groaned as I saw the time on my phone, it's so early! I always complained about my footy training day routine.

"Time to role with the slaves." I joked, I quote far to much from that movie, anyways! "Ugh!" I yawned getting up putting my track suit on walking into the kitchen with my phone.

I yawned walking down the hall bumping into Jesse as I did. "Oh morning Jess." I greeted him as he wondered out of his room door.

"It's so bloody early! It's ridiculous, who thought that training at 6:45 was a good idea." He also complained about the training schedule. "I think I pressed snooze about fifteen times before getting out of bed." He yawned as he scratched his neck and followed me into the kitchen.

"Amelia is still asleep so keep quiet." I begged as I turned on the coffee machine. "Also when you see her today just apologise you kinda scared her last night." I asked, he nods yawning grabbing two mugs from the sink.

"Yeah I will." He yawns yet again which made me yawn in suit. "Fuck!" He continues yawning.

"Have you even slept?" I asked as he continued yawning.

"No of course I did! If you haven't noticed Nathan the sun isn't even up and we are getting ready to go to training!" He whispered as he pointed to the window which showed the bright street lights but no sun.

"Don't remind me." I begged. "And I was going to go for a beach swim!" I groaned at the sound of it.

I grabbed the coffee which was finished and pour both myself and Jesse a cup. "I'll need at least three of these before I even think about getting ready." He chuckles.

I wake to hear the sound of the birds and my alarm. "Seven fifteen." I groaned. "Why would I even get up?" I complained taking Nathan's pillow and placing it over my head. However my alarm still kept going off, which made me groan. "Alright shut up! Fuck sakes Tony!" I complained as my alarm
rang again.

I sat up and wiped my face before looking around wondering where Nathan was. "Nathan?" I called, I didn't see his footy bag, so I just assumed he was at the club.

I turn to my bedside table to grab my phone when I saw a note addressed to me. "Morning Amelia." I read as I grabbed it and opened it.

"Morning Amelia, Jesse and I had a 6:45 training session today! I'll back in a couple of hours." I rolled my eyes when I saw the time. "Yeah like I'd ever do that." I admit he was dedicated, I mean he is the captain. "Love you forever and always, your fiancé Nathan." I smiled, placing it back on the side table.

I had a busy day today! I had to go to the lawyers and finish the will off, I had to pick up Harry to come with! Then we have to go to the real estate agent to deal with mum's house as we know that's going to Harry.

"Another day!" I smiled looking at the birds flying past the window. "Alright the quicker this is done the better! Tomorrow is your break day, just finish today and tomorrow will be cartoons and fish and chips on the beach." I reminded myself as I looked in the mirror.


I walked straight to the kitchen ready to hit up the bacon and eggs. "Ahh right by the supa shake." I smiled, taking it from the shelf.

Nathan was a lot taller than I so I really had to reach to grab the bowel. I always made my eggs in the microwave, only because I hated doing the dishes! So I usually made eggs in the bowel in the microwave and ate it out of the bowel so you had one thing to do. "Alright a good breakfast is the best thing to do." I reminded myself.


"Alright congratulations Mr Evans." The agent smile as she handed the keys to Harry. "You are the proud owner of 13 Mirry Drive." She continued, she knew what this was and I was grateful for her help, she made it much more easier to work with. "I hope you have just as many memories with your daughter as you had." She smiled, Harry took the keys from her and smiled thanking her.

"As I'm no longer your agent, I just want to extend my deepest condolences to you! I know I said it before as an agent, but that's company policy, I'm now saying this to you as a friend if you ever need my assistance again, I'd be honoured to help." She smiled sweetly, I knew she was trying to get with Harry, I mean she's been trying since the day we both walked in.

"Thank you, we will be in touch if needed." I smiled as Harry and I turned away and walked out he held his keys in his hand.

"I can't believe Darcy and I have a place to live and now are free from that terrible woman I married." I smiled giving him as hug as we stood in the middle of the busy footpath. "Thank you Amelia." I smiled pulling back.

"I can't wait to get custody and move Darcy in. She already called it, she wants your room." I chuckled. "I just have to take down those hideous posters of the backstreet boys." I smiled, knowing he would and he's trying to prevent himself from crying.

"Now are you going to tell me or what?" I looked confused. "Don't look confused Amelia you were never good at hiding."

"How on earth did you know?" I asked as we walked towards the car. "Did Nathan tell you?" I asked.

"No, you're wearing a ring on your finger." I looked down and realised that I was. "You didn't know you were wearing a ring." I shook my head in no,

"Well can I be the first to say congratulations. I hope your marriage turns out way better than mine." I thanked him as we opened the doors and sat inside the car.

"You know Nat is something." Harry added. "He was always sweet on you when you were scared of him, ahh remember those days?" He continued as he started the car.

"I'd like to forget about those if you don't mind." I fought. "I wasn't just scared of Nathan, I was scared of you too Harry." I admit, as I placed my seat belt in the hole. "You terrified me." I continued, looking in the side mirrors, too terrified to look at my brother.

"Hey Amelia, look at me." He placed his hand on my face forcing me to look. "I knew that, but I was a different man then, I was heavily involved with drugs and I'm sorry you were scared of me, I should have been a better brother for you, I hope now I can be." I nodded as he removed his hand from my cheek and reversed out of the parking space.

"Well, change of subject. The lawyers have finally gotten ahold of the ridiculous cousins of ours, who keep disputing the will." I announced, as I read the email that popped up on my phone.

"How is that even possible that we're even given anything." Harry responds as he pulls up at a roundabout. "It's not like they ever came and saw her when she was dying." He went around the entirety of the roundabout to head to the other side of the road and drove back down towards the shops.

"I don't know! She never updated her will when she was alive, I guess she'd hope that in the end May and Stevan would have at least be better than how they treated her." I had no idea why she gave them anything, it's not like she gave them a lot, only a few grand and a couple pieces of furniture.

"We will never know." I asked Harry to pull into the supermarket, as I needed to at least pull my weight with Nathan, I've been living with him for a while now and I've not done anything to help provide for the household. "Thanks Harry." I thanked him as he pulled up in front of the store.

"I've noticed your still terrible at parking." I joked. "Oh don't give me that look." I laughed as I grabbed my bag and phone and climbed out.

"Yeah well I don't have to give lessons to my daughter for at least eleven years , hopefully by then I'll be able to park." He laughed as he locked the door behind us and we made out into the shops.


"That will be two hundred and thirty five dollars on card?" The young lady at the register asked, I nodded immediately becoming socially awkward. "Just a pin." She smiled, winking at Harry who was at least ten years older than her. He looked away and rushed out of the situation, as I pulled my card from the eftpos machine.

"Don't do that, it's alright for you! This might sound like a Karen response and I apologise if it is." I apologise as I began placing my shopping in the trolley. "But if anyone saw that, they'd immediately suspect something and that would ruin his life. So, when I say don't do that it's alright for you, it really is, your the one who doesn't suffer the repercussions." I warned. She looked confused as she didn't know what to say, and as a youth she called on everything meaning of that phrase 'youth'

"I think you should mind your own business. I can flirt with who ever I want." I shook my head in no, as I placed my final bag in the trolley.

"Not in this generation you can't! Don't do it again without thinking of the repercussions." I left it at that. I suppose, I shouldn't have done that because it was a small form of victim blaming. I just knew the repercussions that these things had upon a person.

As I pushed the trolley towards the car, I see Harry leaning against it. "Hey, you alright?" He asked as he noticed me.

"Yeah I'm fine, perfectly fine." I lied, I did feel a little horrible from what I said to that young girl, but I don't want Harry knowing that.

"Alright let's get going then." He smiles and opens up the car and helps me with the shopping.


"Two jars of olives?" He spoke in a gross manner. "Thank god I don't live here." He chuckled as he placed them in the fridge.

"Can I ask you something?" Harry asked as I handed him some more cold stuff. "Was it hard to be apart and then come back like nothing happened?"

"Yes it was, it was incredibly hard!" I paused. "It's not like we pretend that we've been together and nothing happened for ten years."

"How do you do it?" He asked as he placed the milk in the overgrown fridge that Nathan had.

"I love Nathan, I've loved him for a long time. I just waited for him." He smiles, as I handed him some mince.


"Six am start again tomorrow?" Jesse complained as we finished up. "It's eleven thirty, and now we have the press conferences." He complained.

"You know, it's the reasons why we get paid for much." Sean spoke in annoyance.

"Yes I'm aware of that every fortnight." A very cheekily response from Jesse. "But really six am, I'd not get up at that time even if the royal family were banging on the door."

"What is it with you and the royal family Jesse?" Matt spoke from behind.

"I don't know it's the fact that I had an hour sleep last night because I've been talking to my stalker." I paused holding my arm out to stop Jesse.

"What?" I asked, looking at him. "You're talking to her?" I asked.

"Yeah her name is Bailey Daniels, and apparently she's a friend of your fiancé." He paused and covered his mouth as he said what he had said. "Sorry Nat."

"Wait are you engaged?" Sonny asked as he piped up. "When did this happen? To Amelia I'm guessing?"

"Yeah, I proposed last night. I placed her ring on before I left, leaving it on her finger." I smiled, I looked at my friends. "What?"

"You've got to be a guy from a fairy tale." David added. "No seriously, that's far too sweet."

"Yeah I know." I chuckled as we headed inside.


"Hey Jesse, could you make yourself disappear for a few hours?" I asked Jesse as we walked out together. "Please?" He sighed and then agreed.

"I can go and see Danielle for a bit if that makes you happy." He smiled. "What's the plans if you don't mind asking?"

"Amelia has had a rough week, just want to do something nice for her." I smiled. He knew what I was talking about, but left it as it is. "Can you drop me off on the way to Danielle's?" I asked he nods.


Jesse just dropped me off and I see Amelia in the kitchen and I walk inside and smelt whatever she was cooking. "Honey I'm home, but what the fuck is that smell." She comes out of the kitchen.

"Does it smell bad?" I shake my head in no, dropping my bag where it laid.

"Quite the opposite actually." I smiled yawning and making my way over to her. "It smells incredible." I smile, leaning down to give her a kiss.

"It's ready if your hungry?" I nodded walking into the kitchen and sitting up on the island, watching Amelia serve up. "What?" She asked as she turned around, with spaghetti and meatballs.

"You in my kitchen! We've been together for a month I still think this is a dream." I admit as she sat opposite to me.

"Well it's been a great month." I smiled at her comment. "So, when did we want to set the date?" She asks.

"During the bye?" I asked, she looked up. "That's next month." She sits back in the stools. "Don't you want a big wedding? With church bells? Our friends and family surrounding us as we  wed?" I shake my head.

"No, all I want is you and me at the end of an isle saying I do." I smile, as I take another bite of the meatball I had on my fork. "I don't want a big day, I just want to be your husband."

"Really?" She whispers, taking another spoonful of pasta, slurping it as she did. "Sorry."

"Don't be, I'd do the same thing." I chuckle. "Bye round?" I asked again.

"Yeah bye round. We do want some people to be there." She agrees. "I'd like Harry and Darcy, who'd you like?"

"What about your friend Bailey Daniels?" I asked looking at her as her smile faded. "How do you know about Bailey?"

"She's Jesse's stalker." She facepalmed. "You didn't know?"

"No I didn't." She paused. "But that doesn't surprise me, does Jesse know she's a friend of mine?" She asked, I nod.

"Of course. I must apologise to him about that." I shook my head.

"No, it's quite the opposite. She's been up talking to him all night, apparently this has been a thing since last week." I told her taking a sip of the water I had in front of me. "Which explains why he's so irritated about the simple and littlest things."

"Yeah he has been a little bit irrational of late." Amelia smiled taking another meatball and placing it in her mouth. "I wonder if they'll date."

"I'm surprise Bailey hadn't told you anything of this. Doesn't she tell you everything?" She shakes her head in no.

"Not everything. We're close but there is somethings we both don't tell one another." I knew what she meant by that and I knew why she felt like that.

"When does she start?" I asked changing the subject. "When you do?"

"I start three weeks before she does. She's doing a combined degree so she has to the stat test again, I have no idea why. I don't think she does either, when she could have just done a qualifying topic course." I chuckle lightly at that, she was so smart and beautiful.

"What's the combined degree?" She shrugs. "You don't know?"

"Yeah of course I do." Amelia paused taking a sip of the ice tea she made. "It's a combined degree of mythology and archaeology." She smiles looking at me.

"Wow, history!" We both chuckled at how much I hated history at school.

"To be fair it was a shit teacher we had." Amelia states. "She's was too far up John Wayne's ass to see anything that wasn't John Wayne related." She continued.

"Oh yeah Mrs Packer!" I nod remembering her. "Yeah well, we always have a teacher that we remember and it's always the shit ones."

"Yeah well I remember the infamous douche of a science teacher we had." She spoke with raised eyebrows. "What was his name?"

"I never had him. He came when I was in year eleven, I believe." She rolled her eyes.

"I think it was Mr River." I nodded as the name sounded familiar. "God I hated him."

"Yeah he was a little creepy I remember you saying." Amelia nodded as she took another sip.

"Incredibly creepy, apparently Harry was saying today that he still works there and is now engaged to Olivia." My mouth dropped. "Yeah that's what I thought too."

"He taught her." Amelia nodded getting up taking both our plates to the sink. "Creep."

"Absolutely." She places the plates in the sink and comes back over to me, giving me a kiss. "Did you enjoy your dinner?"

"Yeah, absolutely." I smiled thanking her. "But I must shower! It's been a long day and I'm fucked." She steps aside as I make my way to the bathroom.

"To be honest with you Nathan I actually agree with Jesse. You get up to go to training at 6:15, then you train for two hours then it whatever you do after training then it's the press conferences." Amelia turns around to look at the clock as I take my socks off throwing them in the basket. "Jesus it's nearly 7:30 Nathan, you've been gone for ages."

"Yeah welcome to the AFL." I chuckled. "It's a lifestyle." I groaned, I loved the sport but god it's sure is a lifestyle and a pain in the bones.

"Well in that case! Did you wanna have a shower and watch Round the Twist?" I leaned my head back into the kitchen. "Like old times?"

"Absolutely! Does that also include the special hot chocolate and a mash mellow?" I asked, with a pouty lip, almost begging for the mash-mellow.

"I can do that! Do you want powder or old school way?" Amelia asked. "I went shopping before you ask."

"You didn't have to do that! I earn more than you do." I told her walking towards her. "How much did you spend?"

"Two hundred." I gave her a sad expression. "No, I wanted to. Nathan, I do have a little saved up."

"I appreciate it though Amelia." I kissed her nose thanking her. "But just buying the smaller things is more than enough until you get up on your feat."

"Well I've got a few interviews lined up." Amelia announces. "Im ready to go back to work besides University isn't an excuse for me anymore." I smile pulling her in for a hug.

"Yeah you can still use University as an excuse." I pulled back. "I earn a lot of money playing footy! I'm not hanging up the boots for a few more years." I told her. "Until then, you don't have to do the shopping unless you want to of course."

"I do, but thank you for understanding." She smiles, placing her hand on my cheek. As I thought she'd lean in for a kiss she only taps my cheek and removes her hand. "Go and shower because you're starting to stink a little." She smiles turning around.

"Fine." I complained walking back into the bathroom.

I melted the chocolate in a bowel over a pot of boiling water. "Have you ever, ever left like this." I sang the theme to round the twist.

Nathan and I were very old school kinda lifestyle, I'm not saying that the nineties were old school, but I'm saying is that the nineties is our era. We both grew up in the nineties to early naughties, which I believe was still the nineties. "Alrighty." I smile as I poured the melted chocolate in two mugs that had melted chocolate around the rim of the mug.

"Alrighty, don't make a mess." I spoke as I was in full concentration of not making a mess. "Success." I smiled as I looked at the two mugs that was half filled ready for the milk.

Opening the fridge I smiled seeing the food. It's simple like buying food for Nathan, making him dinner and just being around him that makes me happy. I thought I lost Nathan all together for the ten years we were apart but I never did. "Alrighty then." I chuckled as I thought of Jim Carey's Ace Ventura.

I poured the milk in the hot chocolate, breathing in the smell and instantly falling in love with the random creation that I made one day. "Am I good or am I good?" I chuckled at myself placing the milk back in the fridge and grabbing the  mash mellows from the cupboard. "Reach." Damn I quote far to many movies in a short amount of time.

I hear the sound bar being turned on in the lounge. "Babe, is it on Netflix?" Nathan shouts. I place the mugs on the chopping pretending I was a waitress and walking into the lounge-room.

"Yeah it should be, now I have two hot chocolates for the soon to be Mr and Mrs Nathan Fyfe." I smirk, seeing Nathan chuckle at my childish behaviour.

"That would be us." I bent down and placed them on the coffee table, sitting besides Nathan who wrapped his arm around me. "I like that Mr and Mrs Nathan Fyfe." He states turning pressing play and the first episode came on.

"So do I." I replied grabbing a throw and placing it over us.

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