Opposites attract!

By Nbrooke

172K 2.2K 165

Sofia Bordelon is like a normal teenage girl. Beside the fact she is Bart Bordelon's daughter! Barely anyone... More

Twenty two
Twenty three
Twenty four
Twenty five
Twenty six
Twenty eight
Twenty nine
Thirty one
Thirty two
Thirty three
Thirty four
Thirty five
Thirty six
Future books
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Twenty seven

2.2K 40 1
By Nbrooke

Sophia's p.o.v.     4 weeks pregnant

I walked in his room. His lifeless body was just laying there. I will have his babies. They won't ever know there dad. I will never marry my children's father. I can't believe he is actually gone!

2 weeks later
I never came out of my room. I only would leave my bd to go to my bathroom. I would just keep hugging the teddy bear. The last time I left the was for the funeral.
"Soph?" I heard taylor
He was my new best friend. Me and Shawn were still friends, it's just that Taylor is the only person I felt like talking to. I unlocked the door and let him in.
"Got you subway!" He said sitting on my bed
I sat up and took it from him.
"You have a doctors appointment today!" He told me
"Mhm" I said
I haven't really talked since that day. I just shake my head and stuff like that.
"So, what do you want them to be?" He asked
I shrugged and took a bite.
"Well get dressed I'm taking you!" He said leaving
I finished my sub about 15 minuets later. I locked my door. I looked in the mirror. I looked horrible. I washed my face and brushed my teeth then I hopped in the shower to wash my hair. I got out and threw Jacobs shirt and leggings on. I almost cried, but I held it in. I took my teddy bear a walked out of my room.

Taylor's p.o.v
I was really worried about soph. She hasn't said a word in 2 weeks. Becky moved in with her daughter. She was doing better than Sophia believe it or not. Sophia's dad and brother were really worried also. She walked down stairs in Jacobs shirt with the teddy bear and necklace he gave her on. I smiled at her.
"Ready?" I asked
She nodded. She blew a kiss to her dad and brother and waved.
"Bye sis!"
"Bye sweet heart!"
She smiled and we walked out the door. We got in my car and I started driving.
"You know you can talk to me soph?" Told her
She nodded
"Pleas talk to me, everyone's worried soph!" I told her getting a little mad
"I know." She said
I looked at her and smiled.
"I'm so happy to here that voice!" I said
"I bet." She said looking down
I grabbed her hand
" I'm taking you out tonight!"
"What!?" She asked
"As friends!" I said
I actually was hopping to go as more as friends, but in know that won't ever happen. She smiled and we pulled in to the doctors office.
We walked in and I signed her in. About 5 minuets later she was called. I walked in with her a she laid on the bed.
"How are you?" The nurse asked
Sophia looked at me.
"We're good!" I told her
The nurse looked confused and shrugged.
"Well they look healthy! Next appointment we can find out the gender!" The nurse said
We both nodded. She cleaned the gel of sophs belly and soph sat up. We were walking out and the nurse asked for me to stay back.
"Go wait in the waiting room for me!" I told her
She nodded and walked out of the room.
"I suppose your the dad?" The nurse asked
"Well, I'm just her best friend. The dad actually died....2 weeks ago." I said rubbing my neck
"Oh I'm so sorry! that must be tough!" She said
"Yea, she took it really hard." I told her
"Well, the reason I was wondering is that I need a few signatures from a father or a father figure!" She said holding up papers
"Ummm-" I was cut off
"He can sign them!" I turn to see Sophia standing in the door way
I smiled and signed all the papers. After we were finished at the doctors I went to her house, so she could get ready. She doesn't know,but I moved down here when I heard about Jacob. I lived in an apartment penthouse in town not to far away from her house. She thinks I'm staying at a friends. I told her that I would be back in about 1 hour. And I went to my house.

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