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Taylor's p.o.v (picture-Seth^)
I really like Sophia. She's cool, beautiful, and just a great person! But when I try to have fun Jacob has to ruin it. I mean He seriously flipped out. It seems like a lot of people like her. I mean It looks like Jacob does and when she walked over here Nash was so checking her out. Man every time I even think I like a girl someone gets in the way! Sophia just seems different. In a good way though! I pulled out my phone and yelled
"SELFIE!" Sophia looked up and gave a big grin. I posted it on Instagram and tagged her with the comment "with this beauty!😍🔥" instantly fans started a trend called #saylor. She got her phone and looked her cheeks went red! She put her phone away and put her head in her hands. I leaned down and asked what's wrong and she looked up and said
"I freakin just went from 535 followers to 5k reallll quick Tay!" She said in a a funny deep voice I laughed and starting looking through twitter. #saylor went viral! I looked over and Jacob sat his phone down and had a clenched fist. I'm guessing he saw the trend. I can't help what the fans did. I was about to play some music but Jacob said that my shoe was untied. So I reached down to tie it and he unhooked my seatbelt and pushed me in the floor board. I hit my head on the seat in front of me. And then I heard a snap noise. I looks up and he took a pic with soph. I got back in my seat and buckled up. I punched Jacob hard in the shoulder he yelped a little and started to chuckle. I got a beeb on my phone and Jacob had posted a picture on Instagram also with the comment "you got a bæ or nawww!😍" all of the sudden trends like #jophie went around. I was ticked. Then I looked on my phone and saw things like "Sophie is such a thot!" I looked over and Sophie was reading her phone. she looked at me than Jacob. She reached over me and slapped jacob!
"Thanks Jacob! Exactly what I needed! I thought I found a new friend but no! I should have never came!" She yelled at him
Her eyes were getting red. I new she was upset. I put my arm around her and she cried on my shoulder.
"Cam,tell my dad to pull in a gas station I'm riding with them!" She called to Cameron
He didn't think twice! He grabbed his phone and called him

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