Dreams & Nightmares

By prettierthanyou__

193K 8.5K 17.2K

Follow Nicki and Meek on an emotional rollercoaster ride through the intricate landscape of their relationshi... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Fourty Three
Forty Four

Twenty Five

5.4K 254 524
By prettierthanyou__

Two Weeks Later

"Alright class, time is up. Please lay your answer sheets face down on your desks and I will collect them. Your final grades will be posted by the end of the week. Thank you for your cooperation and have a great winter break." The professor instructed from the front of the class.

Nicki sighed and placed her pencil down on the desk as she flipped over her exam answer sheet. She stood from her seat and followed behind the trail of her classmates who were exiting the classroom.

Upon seeing Nicki exit the classroom, Candi caught up to her and asked, "So how do you think you did?"

"I'm not sure. I definitely didn't get an A, but I don't think I failed it either."

"Oh please," Candi said, waving her off.  "You say that about every test, but you always get an A."

"I guess. Where we meeting the girls?"

"Thembi has been suggesting that we try this café downtown. I think they're already there." Candi explained while tapping away on her phone.

"Alright, let's go."

Within minutes, they had pulled up to the tiny café, parked, and headed inside. Nicki spotted Thembi and Sherika in a booth near the back and didn't hesitate to take a seat, making herself comfortable.

"Hey y'all." Nicki said as she placed her purse in the booth next to her.

"Hey, how did your finals go?"

"Let's just say I'm ready to see my final grades and I'm happy to have a break until next year. Between school, work, and everything else going on I am exhausted." Nicki vented truthfully to her friends.

"Tell me about it." Thembi sighed. "How are things going with Meek?"

Nicki couldn't stop her lips from curling into a smile, "He wrote me a letter."

"Girl," laughed Sherika. This is the first time I've seen you smile like that in a few days. You're so in love." she said, making Nicki blush even more.

"I miss him so much. I wrote him a letter back, but I need to hear his voice, so I know he's okay in there," Nicki sighed as she leaned against the soft seats of the booth.

"I know it's tough for you right now, especially being in that big house alone, but you two will get through it. Your relationship has definitely been tested over the past couple months, but no matter what happens you two always manage to make it work." Candi said offering Nicki some much needed words of encouragement.

"As long as I have Rihmeek and he has me, we'll be good forever and after that." Nicki paused. "I'm all in with him." She confessed.

"That's right friend, talk yo shit." Sherika clapped and everyone at the table laughed.

Soon after a waitress came by and took all of their orders. Fortunately, there weren't many people there, so everything came out quickly. While they were chatting casually over lunch, Nicki's phone vibrated against the table. She noticed the unknown number that flashed across her screen; it was the number from the previous time Meek called. She grabbed it and answered quickly.

"Hello. You have a collect call from Robert Williams, an inmate at North Philadelphia Corrections facility. To accept this call please dial five now. To decline the call, simply hang up." The automated voice prompted and Nicki accepted the call.

"Nic!" Meek greeted her loudly over the voices of the other inmates in the background. Upon hearing his voice, Nicki immediately began to smile and her heart began to beat a little faster.

"Hi Rihmeek." She replied shyly. "How are you? Is everything okay?" She questioned. She could tell by the tone of his voice he was in good spirits, but that didn't stop her from checking.

"I'm good baby, just missin' you that's all. I got your letter."

"I miss you more. When is this going to be over?" Nicki sulked in her seat and whined sounding like a little kid.

"I wish I had an answer for you Nic, but I don't right now. I have court next week so that's when I'll find out everything. But I don't want you worrying about that, you need to be focused on school. How your grades looking?" He questioned sternly sounding like a concerned parent.

Nicki sighed. "I think I did pretty good this semester, but I'll let you know when I get my grades back. I've been trying to keep up with work, school, the house, and worrying about you. I'm a little overwhelmed to be honest."

"Nic, I know you want to be independent and all that good shit but when I come home you quitting that job. Your only focus needs to be school, I don't want you worrying about anything else including me. I got you and I'm not taking no for an answer this time." Meek said firmly.

"But Rihmeek"

"Nah, no buts. I'm not debating this with you Nic. This time I'm winning." Meek stated sternly meaning every word.

Meek knew Nicki was extremely book smart and had dreams of teaching theatrical arts to kids. He remembered countless times they would lay awake at night and she would tell him all of her aspirations and how she wanted to own a performing arts center one day. Meek saw a lot of potential in her and would do whatever necessary to make sure she reached her goals. He believed in her that much.

"Fine Rihmeek. I'll let you win this one time, but don't get used to it. You know I'm running this show."

Meek chuckled, knowing she was right but decided to challenge her anyway. "Yeah, aight. We'll see who running when I get home."

Nicki bit her lip and titled her head to the side. "And what does that mean, because I don't run from anything."

"You know what's up Nic, don't play with me."

"Hmm, I think I forgot. I guess you're going to have to show me." Nicki smirked.

"Say less. I'm going to have you yelling Rihmeeeeek I can't, like I always do." He said doing his best impression of her.

"Shut up, I do not sound like that." Nicki giggled.

"You sound exactly like that. But on a serious note, I need you to do me a favor."


"Come see me tomorrow."

Nicki's lip curled into a smile yet again and she answered quickly. "Of course I'll come."

"You have one minute remaining." The operator interrupted letting them know their call would be ending shortly.

"Nooooo, I don't want you to go." Nicki pouted not wanting their conversation to end being that this is the first time she spoke to him in over a week.

"Chill baby. I'll see you tomorrow right?"

"I wouldn't miss it for nothing. I love you Rihmeek." Nicki confessed.

"I love you too, wife." Meek responded before their call was disconnected.  Nicki's smile beamed brightly as she pulled the phone away from her ear and placed it on the table next to her. She was on cloud nine from their short conversation, completely forgetting she was sitting at the table with her friends.

"Not y'all were about to start having phone sex on a recorded call. Just nasty." Sherika shook her head and turned her nose up.

Nicki laughed. "Girl, as horny as I am I'll take Rihmeek down on this table right now and wouldn't care who was watching."
The Next Day

It was nearing ten o'clock in the morning when Nicki pulled up to the jail where Meek was being held at. As she stepped out of his vehicle and made her way towards the door, butterflies began to flutter rampantly in her stomach as the anticipation of seeing him after a long month continued to build.

Nicki never would have guessed she would be doing something like this in her life and knew her mother would scold her if she knew, but she was in love and knew it would make you do crazy things.

Once she stepped foot inside the jail she instantly frowned her face in disgust as the smell and conditions of the facility were horrible. It only made her heart ache more that she wouldn't be able to take Meek home with her when she left and that he had to live there for who knows how long. She pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind as she approached the desk where an officer was typing away on a computer.

"Hi, I'm here to visit my boyfriend." Nicki said politely to the officer who didn't even bother to spare her a glance.

"Your name?"

"Onika Maraj." She rolled her eyes at the officer's rudeness.

"Name of inmate?"

"Robert Williams."

"I need you to fill this form out and once you're done, I need to see your driver's license." The officer spoke briefly and handed Nicki a clipboard. She quickly scribbled the requested information on the sheet with her license attached. She was more than ready to get away from the rude officer and more importantly to Meek.

"Okay ma'am, here's your license back. Next, I need you to take off your shoes and walk through this metal detector for me."

Damn, all of this is necessary? Nicki thought to herself but did as she was told. Once she was done with that, she placed the Chanel sneakers Meek had gotten her a while ago back on and was being escorted to the visitation room. It was cold, small, and dimly lit with a table in the middle and two chairs on each side. Nicki sat there quietly and anticipated Meek's arrival. After what seemed like forever, the door finally opened and in walked Meek in a dingy blue jumpsuit that read inmate with his hands and feet shackled together. The officer who escorted him in took off the restraints allowing him to be free for their visit.

"Visitation ends in forty five minutes." He announced before closing and locking the door behind him. Meek turned his attention to Nicki who still sat in her chair, staring at him as if he wasn't real. He knew it was probably killing her to see him in those conditions, but it was nothing he could do about it.

"Damn, I know you didn't come all the way down here to just stare at me." Meek chuckled as he approached the table. Nicki shook her head and stood from her seat and walked into his awaiting arms. After a month of being apart, she never wanted to let him go and it hurt her soul that she would have to.

"I've missed you.. so much Rihmeek." Nicki spoke into his shirt as her head laid on his chest. They rocked side to side in each other's arms for what felt like hours. Once they pulled away from each other, Nicki took in his appearance. He was in desperate need of a haircut and his facial hair had grew, but she didn't care. She loved him anyway.

"I missed you more Nic. I'm ready to get the fuck outta here like yesterday."

Nicki continued to examine his face and slightly frowned once she noticed small scratches on his arms and a small cut above his eyebrow that was in the process of healing. She ran her fingers over the mark, "Rihmeek, what happened to your face?"

"I'm good baby, it's nothing I can't handle." Meek assured her, but Nicki wasn't letting up.

"No Rihmeek, tell me what happened. I know these inmates not in here fucking with you." Nicki spat defensively.

"C'mon Nic, you know me better than that. If anything it's these officers." He spoke lowly so only she could hear him.

"Can't your lawyer do anything about it? I don't like your face looking like this."

"These officers don't give a fuck about none of that shit, so it is what it is. I'm good baby I promise." Meek said before pressing his lips to hers catching her off guard. Nicki felt as if she was going to melt when their lips finally made contact after such a long time.

"So, when is your next court date?" Nicki questioned while wiping her lip gloss from his lips with her hand. She knew this would be the court date that determined his fate and she didn't know what to expect.

"Monday." Meek sighed heavily. He wanted to be optimistic but with the judge he had and officer Graham hot on his trail he too didn't know what was to come.

"Hey, look at me," Nicki grabbed his face and made him look into her eyes. "Stop thinking whatever you're thinking. You're going to be good and I'm right here with you through whatever. I'm not going anywhere."

"I fuckin' love yo ass." Meek admitted truthfully before grabbing her neck aggressively and placing another kiss to her lips. Just as their tongues began to battle for dominance, a loud banging on the door caused them to separate.

"No kissing inmate!" The officer who escorted Meek in yelled through the glass.

"Wow, I can't even kiss you. I'm tired of this." Nicki expressed angrily.

"Yeah, this shit for the birds. Then you teasin' a nigga, lookin' sexy as shit with these tight ass jeans on." Meek discreetly rubbed his hand up her thigh.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Yeah okay. You'll see what I'm talkin' about soon enough. We gon' fuck so much you getting pregnant my first day out, I swear."

"That's what you think huh? I'm not pushing out no babies until after I finish school, work in my field for a few years and you put a rock on this finger." Nicki explained while wiggling her fingers in his face.

"Damn, you gone make me wait that long to have my baby?"

"Yes Rihmeek, you know I want to finish school and work."

Meek sighed. If he could have it his way, Nicki wouldn't have to work another day in her life, but at the same time he wanted her to follow her dreams. "I know and you're going to do just that. As soon as you graduate I'm going to drop a big bag on your performing arts center and I'm not taking no for an answer."

His words caused Nicki to blush. She loved that he believed in her and planned to invest in her future. "Whatever you say Rihmeek."

The two continued to talk and laugh over the course of their visit. As they neared the last five minutes, the officer knocked on the door letting them know their time would be up soon. They stood from the table and wrapped each other in an embrace.

"I miss you already and I haven't even left yet." Nicki sighed as she laid her head on his chest.

"Let me find out you sprung."

Nicki sucked her teeth and pulled away, "Please. You're way more sprung than I am."

"Hell yeah, I can't even lie. I'm so fucked up about you I'll drink your bath water."

"Bye, you're disgusting."

Meek chuckled and pressed his lips quickly to hers one more time. "I love you."

"I love you too Rihmeek."

The two stepped away from each other and he was handcuffed by the officer and escorted out to his cell. Nicki watched somberly feeling her heart break as the love of her life was being taken from her and placed into a cage like an animal. She hated to see him leave, but this was currently their reality.

Nicki walked out of the jail and over towards his car where she got inside and turned it on. As she pulled away, she instantly began to feel sad as she felt she was leaving Meek behind. She silently prayed that he wouldn't have to serve years of time but if that's what it came to, so be it because she wasn't going anywhere.
Philadelphia Municipal Court

The weekend passed by quickly as it was now bright and early on Monday morning. Meek sat next to his attorney with a fresh hair cut and a black suit, looking sharp as ever. Although he looked good, he certainly didn't feel good—he was a nervous wreck but didn't show it. Today was the day his life would change drastically. He silently prayed God would spare him and give him another chance.

"You ready?" Attorney Watterson asked skeptically, already sensing his uneasiness. Meek was on edge but did a good job of hiding it.

"I don't have a choice but to be ready." Meek spoke after a deep sigh.

"We got this. I promise." She assured.

"All rise for the honorable Judge Genece E. Brinkley." The bailiff announced causing everyone to stand to their feet until she was seated in her chair.

"Good morning all, you may be seated. Prosecution call your first case." Just like last time names were being called rather quickly and people were given years amount of time left and right. Brinkley didn't seem like she was playing today, causing Meek to lose hope.

"Safaree Samuels versus Robert Williams." The bailiff announced. Meek and his attorney got up and approached the bench where they took a seat.

"I've been anticipating this case." Brinkley said as she looked at Meek. "Where is the victim?"

Meek turned around and scanned the court room in search of Safaree but didn't see him. Instead he saw all his boys standing near the door in the back and Nicki sitting in the last row. His eyes slightly widened as he looked at her dressed in a business suit as if she were on trial.

"Your honor, I have tried contacting him several times and also had the arresting officer stop by his house but unfortunately he no longer lives there according to his mother. We have no other address on file." The prosecutor answered.

"And what about the search warrant? Was anything found?"

"No your honor, there was nothing found at either address my client has on file. There was also nothing found on him nor his vehicle during the traffic stop that lead to his arrest. It is also evident that the alleged victim isn't going to show. I request that Mr. Williams is released immediately and cleared of all charges." Attorney Watterson announced as she stood from the bench.

"Your honor the defendant is a repeat offender and has obviously tampered with the witness—"

"Where is your proof of this?" Meek's attorney challenged, not backing down.

"I will have order in my courtroom." Judge Brinkley stated slammed her gavel down. "If prosecution does not have anything else to say I would like to make my ruling."

"Actually your honor I do. It is unfortunate today that the victim did not show, however, I would like to add that the defendant was tested for drugs within the first week of his arrest and he tested positive for marijuana which is a violation of his probation." The prosecutor walked the results over to the bailiff who handed them to Brinkley.

"Your honor this is irrelevant to the case at hand."

"Overruled. Your client is fully aware of the stipulations of his probation and per the results on this page he failed to comply."

Meek put his head down, refusing to turn around to look at Nicki who he was sure staring at him in disappointment.

"Your honor I understand, but if I may I would like to call someone to the stand who would like to speak to you on behalf of my client." Attorney Watterson said causing Meek to look up towards her.

"And who may that be?"

"I would like to call Onika Maraj to the stand please."

Meek frowned deeply before speaking lowly so only his attorney could hear. "I thought I told you I didn't want her involved in this."

"I was very aware of your wishes Mr. Williams, but over the weekend your girlfriend reached out to me. She asked if I could get her in front of the judge to speak positively on your behalf and I thought it would be beneficial." Watterson retorted.

Meek sat back and watched intently as Nicki strutted effortlessly in her heels towards the stand. As she took the stand she was sworn in by the bailiff.

"Please state your name to the court and your relationship to the defendant." The prosecutor asked.

"Onika Maraj. The defendant and I are in a relationship and we live together." Nicki said and locked eyes with Meek who held a stone cold expression on his face.

"How long have you known him?"

"Just slightly under a year."

"Okay. And why did you want to be present in court today?"

"I wanted to speak to the judge on behalf of Rihm—I mean Robert. If that's okay."

"Go on." Brinkley stated.

"I know he may have a bit of a rocky past, but the man that I know today is nothing short of amazing." Nicki paused before speaking again. "Although the time frame of our relationship is short, I can say since being in my life Robert has done nothing but be there for me and make me happy. Much like a lot of the youth today, he didn't grow up in a stable two parent household—his father died when he was young and he watched his mother struggle to take care of him and his younger sister so he was forced into growing up quickly and that's where he made a lot of those mistakes. He's not a perfect person but I can vouch that he wants to change and is making the steps to so. All he needs is a chance to show you that."

"Your honor, may I approach the witness?" The prosecutor asked.

"You may."

"Ms. Maraj what is your relationship with Safaree Samuels?"

"I was in a relationship with him. We are no longer together."

"And how long have you known Mr. Samuels?"

"I've known him almost ten years. We went to middle school and high school together."

"That's a long time. Why did your relationship end?"

"I object your honor, what's the relevance?" Watterson asked.


"Thank you, your honor. Ms. Maraj please answer the question."

"Safaree and I broke up because he found someone else he wanted to be with. And when I moved on he started to harass me with numerous phone calls, text messages, and online. He even went as far to put his hands on me."

"And you told the defendant and he retaliated against Mr. Samuels."

"Absolutely not. I would never ask him to jeopardize his freedom over someone who isn't worth it. That's putting him in a situation where he would be away from all the people who cares about him. The transgression of what he is being accused of and his past mistakes should not be the only contributing factors in this case." Nicki said confidently while looking at the prosecutor who attempted to intimidate her.

"No further questions." The prosecutor announced before taking his seat.

"Your honor, if I could say one more thing. I really hope you take into consideration the things I said about Rihmeek because they are true. I'm not trying to butter you up, but him being behind bars would not be beneficial to him, his family, his future... or his child that will be here soon." Nicki forced out.

"Thank you. You may step down." Judge Brinkley announced. "I would like to make my ruling at this time. Mr. Williams it deeply saddens me that you are here again in my court room after I was very lenient with you on your last case. You continue to thumb your nose at me. So with that being said, the attempted murder and aggravated assault charges will be dropped against you today due to lack of evidence and victim cooperation, however I am going to sentence you to 90 days for violating your probation. Should you return to this courtroom for anything as simple as a traffic ticket, you will complete the remainder of your probation in prison. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, your honor." Meek stated firmly.

"Court adjourned." Brinkley said before slamming her gavel down and retreating to her chambers.

Meek looked over towards Nicki as he was handcuffed and escorted out of the courtroom. He looked into her sad eyes and mouthed the words I love you, before he taken back to jail.


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