Twenty Six

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Two Months Later

Milan laid in bed silently crying while holding onto her large belly. She had been experiencing contractions for the last hour and they were becoming closer and stronger. She didn't understand why she was having these pains as she was only eight months, meaning her baby boy wasn't due for another thirty days.

"Ow, ow, ow!" She yelled as another sharp pain began attacking her pelvic area. Milan grabbed her phone and started to call Meek, but quickly remembered he was in jail. She huffed and tried to figure out what her next move would be, then suddenly a large amount of warm sticky fluid traveled down her legs. She quickly grabbed her phone and dialed 911.

"911, what's your emergency?" The operator answered.

"Help me! I think my water broke!" Milan wailed helplessly as another contraction hit.

"Okay ma'am, what's your name?"

"M-Milan Harris!"

"And Ms. Harris what is your address?"

"1414 Lenox Avenue. Ow! It hurts so bad!"

"Just calm down for me and take deep breaths, I'm sending an ambulance your way."

Milan laid her phone down and cried hysterically. The pain she was feeling was unbearable and dealing with it alone made it ten times worse.

Within the next ten minutes the ambulance arrived and Milan managed to open the door, letting them in. Her body was placed on the stretcher and paramedics placed her in the back of the ambulance.

"We'll be at the hospital shortly, just hold on a little while longer." The EMT said while checking her vitals. Shortly after they arrived to the hospital where she was taken into a room immediately.

"Let me get you changed into this gown and then I'll have you place your legs in these stirrups."

"But it's not time! I'm only eight months!"

"I still need to check just to be sure you haven't dilated. The pain you're experiencing may not be active labor but just Braxton Hicks contractions which certainly feel like the real thing." The nurse explained while Milan lifted her legs so her cervix can be checked.

"Wow. You're actually seven centimeters dilated."


"Let me tell the doctor to see if we can stop the labor. If not, your baby will be here today." The nurse answered before walking out of the room. Milan held her stomach as another contraction ripped through her lower half. She didn't understand why her baby was coming a month early, but she prayed he didn't have any complications.

"God please. Let us be okay."

It was officially November, the sixth to be exact, meaning Meek was two months into his sentence. As he laid back on the cot in his one man cell, his mind wandered back to his court date and how Nicki took the stand in his defense. Although he talked to her a few times since then, he couldn't deny his feelings regarding what she did.

On one hand he felt extremely grateful for the things she said on his behalf in front of the judge, but on the other hand he felt betrayed—more so by his lawyer than Nicki. He asked his attorney specifically not to involve her in his mess, but she did anyway. Luckily he was given a light sentence for violating his probation, but it could have easily been worse.

His thoughts were interrupted when a CO came by and knocked on the metal bars of his cell. "You have a visitor Williams."

Meek sat up confused as he wasn't expecting anyone, but allowed the officer to handcuff and escort him towards the visitation rooms. Once there he spotted Omelly sitting quietly at the table awaiting his arrival.

Dreams & Nightmaresजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें