(Eren X Annie Book 2) Hurry U...

Par HTK200

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Second part to (Eren X Annie Book 1) Painkiller Enjoy! ---I don't own characters from Attack on Titan--- Plus

Chapter 1 Died?
Chapter 2 Alive...
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 Pursuit of-WHAT?
Chapter 5 Twins?!
Chapter 6 New Family Member and Surprises
Chapter 7 Friends or Enemies
Chapter 8 Plans
Chapter 9 Fight of Both Friends and Enemies
Chapter 10 Love is Awakening, Proposal, and Child
Chapter 11 Return Home
Chapter 12 The Night before the Wedding
Chapter14 Honeymoon Day 1
Chapter 15 Honeymoon Day 2: Child
Chapter 16 Honeymoon Day 3, The Past Is The Past, right?
Chapter 17 Honeymoon Day 4, Fighting Levi
Chapter 18 Girl Chat
Chapter 19 (Final HM) Reiner Vs Eren
Chapter 20 I'm Pregnant!
Chapter 21 Birth
Chapter 22 Babies
Chapter 23 Christmas

Chapter 13 Wedding Day

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Par HTK200

//Annie POV//

"Oh god...oh god...oh crap." Annie kept repeating to herself as she walked around in her wedding dress in the room but was slowly down because Mikasa was grabbing onto her arm to stop her.

"Annie, calm down." Mikasa told her. In the room were only Mikasa, Annie, and Erica. But Erica was mostly quiet and texting with someone.

"I'm so freaking nervous! Don't tell me to calm down!" Annie cried out. She was totally freaking out, nervous about marrying. She was happy to marry Eren but nervous of having people seeing them. She was prepared for the wedding and the plans for the honeymoon. She knew her vows and had the church decorated days before, but the one thing she wasn't ready for was the emotional stare she is in. And that is nervousness.

"Take a deep breath, Annie." Mikasa instructed her.

"Okay! Fine!" Annie growled and took a deep breath.

"Annie...repeat after me. 'I, Annie, am strong.' Got it?" Mikasa told her.

"I, Annie, is strong-"

"AM...not is...am." Mikasa ordered her.

"I, Annie, am strong." Annie finally said.

"Ok, 'I am marrying the man I love and I won't be scared.' Repeat it." Mikasa ordered.

"I am marrying the man I love and I won't be..." Annie stopped but then continues. "I won't be scared...I won't be nervous. I am the Cold-Hearted Annie Leonhart." Annie said with confidence and she saw a smile form on Mikasa lips.

"Good...now get out there and marry that guy." Mikasa ordered and Annie nodded yes as she headed towards the door to go to the other room. But she then stopped.

"I forgot the gloves!" Annie said shyly as she headed back in.

//Eren POV//

In the other room, Jean, Armin, and Eren were inside. But Eren was getting a bit nervous about the wedding and the people sitting in the front outside the room.

"I'm not that freaked out for my wedding, Eren...why are you-" Eren interrupted Jean.

"Just wait until you have your wedding, Horse-face!" Eren cried out nervously.

"Calm down, Eren-" Armin tried but Eren stopped him.



"I forgot to write a vow." Eren confessed and Jean and Armin started to yell at him.

"YOU WHAT?!" they shouted.

"I totally forgot, okay? We were planning all of this...and I just forgot. I told you this earlier at Annie's house." Eren said.

"Crap...I guess you have to just say something up there." Jean shrugged and started to leave.

"Huh? Where are you going?" Eren freaked out.

"Getting ready to stand up front...come on, Armin." Jean said and Armin followed.

"You can do it, Eren." Armin cheered for him before leaving.

Eren sighed in disbelief of his friends; he simply took a deep breath and thought what to say. But stopped when he saw himself in the mirror.

What the hell am I freaking about? Eren thought and realized that he should be happy to marry the woman he loves...there wasn't nothing else in him now except happiness.

"I don't need a paper to read...I will save what's in my heart." Eren thought. "And I love Annie so much...no way in hell should I be nervous."

Eren smiled as he regained his confidence, and soon he was off to the front for the arrival of his bride.

//Annie POV//

"There's the music...ready?" Sasha asked Annie before leaving with Mikasa to the front.

"Ok...Eren is up there already so let's do this." Annie told herself and started to walk to the door when.

"Annie, honey." Her father showed up in front of the door and stops his daughter.

"Dad?! Why are you doing here?! You should be sitting down?" Annie asked.

"Don't you know weddings? The father always takes the bride to the man he trust to protect her." he told her with a outstretched hand. "Come on."

"Ok...Daddy." Annie said. Remembering how she used to call him when she was a little girl.

"Your mother would be proud." It was the last thing her father said as she interlocks her arm with her fathers. She stood ready to marry her husband.

//Eren POV//

"..." Eren couldn't say anything when she arrived.

Walking on the red carpet towards him was Annie in her wedding dress. Walking her was no other but her father. Eren's eyes grew wide as he saw her beauty that seemed to shine with the sunshine. Her eyes were closed but when the wind blew...her eyes slowly open, the flowers in her hand blew and pedals flew up in the air. She was staring right at him and Eren could feel his heart beating faster and like it was skipping beats. Her white dress shine with sparkles and everyone was dead quiet. Like they were also memorized by her beauty like Eren was.

"I trust that you will protect her...son-in-law." Eren snapped out of it and realized that Annie was offering her hand to him and her father walking to his seat.

"Are you ok?" Annie asked with a bit of nervousness in her tone.

"Oh...it's just that...you look so beautiful." It was all Eren could say as he took her hand and tangle their fingers together.

"You really think so?" Annie asked. "I feel embarrassed when people are staring at me."

"They're staring because you're beautiful, Annie." Eren smiled and she blushed.

"Are you ready to begin...Mr. and Mrs. Jaeger?" they both heard the priest ask.

"Yes." Annie said and stood closer beside Eren.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in the face of this company, to join together this Man and this Woman in holy Matrimony; which is an honorable estate, instituted of God, signifying unto us the mystical union that is betwixt Christ and his Church: which holy estate Christ adorned and beautified with his presence and first miracle that he wrought in Cana of Galilee, and is commended of Saint Paul to be honorable among all men: and therefore is not by any to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly; but reverently, discreetly, advisedly, soberly, and in the fear of God. Into this holy estate these two persons present come now to be joined. If any man can show just cause, why they may not lawfully be joined together, let him now speak, or else hereafter for ever hold his peace." The priest said and they waited for someone to speak up. And Eren was shocked that someone did but laugh when he heard who it was.

"Just hurry and get those two married!" it was Jean who spoke out and Eren couldn't help but laugh. He was standing beside Eren with Sasha, Armin, Mikasa, and Erica.

"Shut up, Jean!" Mikasa told him with a smack on the back of his head.

"A-hem!" the priest interrupted the two, motioning them to stop before he continues. He then looks back to Eren and Annie

"Eren Jaeger, wilt thou have this Woman to thy wedded wife, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony? Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honor, and keep her in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her, so long as ye both shall live?" The priest asked him.

"I do." Eren answered in his most serious tone he could master.

"Annie Leonhart, wilt thou have this Man to thy wedded husband, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony? Wilt thou love him, comfort him, honor, and keep him in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, keep thee only unto him, so long as ye both shall live?"

"I do." Annie held Eren's hand tighter. Eren looked at her and saw that she was smiling. She turns to Eren and gives a quick grin before looking back.

"The vows." The priest smiled. At that moment, Annie and Eren turn to stare at each other.

"Eren...the moment I met you. I felt strange when you were with me...you protected me...carried my burden with me. I have loved you the day we met and I won't stop loving you. You are my everything, Eren...without you, I'm lost...without you, I don't have a light to shine my way to another day. I would follow you wherever you go. If I lose you today...I will go as far as I have to in order to find you...and fall in love with you again." Annie finished and now it was Eren's turn.

"Annie...I...uh..." Eren was having problems to say the words he wants to say. But all hesitation stopped when he stared into her eyes. "Annie...from the moment we met, I asked myself 'Am I in love?' and of course the answer was yes. The way you are strong...the way you care for others...even though you hid it, I could see in your eyes. You didn't care what I done in my past...you cared for I was. And that was enough for me to protect you with all my heart. And until the day I die...I will spill my heart for you...I would fight an army to protect you. I would fight until I will fall. I would die happy knowing that I met you. I will always love you with all my heart and would never surrender to nothing...except to you."

"Eren..." it was all Annie could say before a tear rolled down her cheek. Eren reach over and wipes it off.

"You are beautiful when you smile..." Eren said. "When you smile...you make me feel alive. When you sleep...I would watch over you to protect you...when you cry...you are still beautiful but I wouldn't want you to cry because you would be sad."

"And now, the rings." The Priest said. Eren turn to see Erica give Annie the rings and she hands Eren's her. "BLESS, O Lord, this Ring, that he who gives it and she who wears it may abide in thy peace, and continue in they favor, unto their life's end; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen." The priest prayed.

"I take your hand and place this ring to you. As the symbol of our love." Eren said as he slide the ring on her finger.

"I take your hand and place this to you. As the symbol of our love." Annie repeated as she slides his finger on his.

"Annie Leonhart...Eren Jaeger...With the power within me...I now pronounce you as husband and wife." The priest turns to Eren. "You may now kiss the bride."

"Good...I can't hold anymore." Eren said as he pulled Annie by the waist and they kiss quickly. They could hear the cheers from the seats.

They pulled away and Annie turns around. Annie smiles as she threw the flowers up towards Mikasa and Erica. Eren was surprised to see Mikasa using the stand as a jumping pad as she launches herself in the air. Erica was right behind her in the air and they both caught it.

But his attention was pulled away when he felt Annie grab his arm. He turns back to his wife.

"Let's go...Eren." Annie smiled.

"As you wish, my lady." Eren smiled back before he lifted Annie bridal style.

He carried Annie away out the door and they get in the car. Behind Eren's car was a massive sign saying, Just Married! Eren jumped in and started the car. Annie was waving goodbye and Eren waved goodbye as well before they drove off.

//Annie POV//

---3 Hours later Outside the Town---

"Oh god! Let me down-Eren! HAHA! Eren!!" Annie laughed as Eren carried her to a hotel outside of town. They were heading a vacation for a week. Eren went inside the office and lady at the counter stared at them surprised.

I guess it's I'm in a wedding dress and Eren in a tux. Annie thought as Eren continue to carry her to the counter.

"One room please and with a queen bed." Eren told the lady.

"Well...that would...be 30 dollars...um-" Annie stopped her there.

"We just got married." Annie told her. The lady's eyes widened in understanding.

"Oh! I see...well, congratulations!" she smiled as Eren gave her the money and was given the keys. "Room B34. It's upstairs and the rooms around it empty..."

"Hm?" Annie asked confused.

"...don't hesitate to make noises." The lady said with a wink. Annie cheeks turn bright red as she understood and felt totally embarrassed.

"Thank you for the keys." Eren thanked her and hurried off while still carrying Annie.

Annie couldn't wait for a whole week with only Eren, her husband. As he carried her up the stairs, she couldn't help but kiss his cheek and make him feel in the mood.


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