Waking Dream

By TeddiAnnPratt

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The world is being threatened. A God is a target in a nefarious plan to restructure Olympus. One girl's power... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight

Chapter Four

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By TeddiAnnPratt

Dream rubbed her forehead and stood up.

"Good." She said. "Sorry for attacking you."

"Forgiven." Anubis dismissed her apology.

She raised an eyebrow. "Why do you do that?"


"Forgive so quickly. I thought demons kept grudges."

"Most do, but I have learned that some things do not require a grudge to be held. You attacked out of instinct, not malice. I do not begrudge self-defense."

Dream tilted her head to one side. Her hair fell over her shoulder. She studied him for a minute. He was like a never ending puzzle. The more she found out, the more confusing he became. All of the information from the books she had read - even though they were fiction - didn't apply to him. The demons in the books were evil, violent and vindictive. They had red skin, black as night eyes, and horns. Anubis was kind, gentle, and forgiving. He had tanned skin, green eyes, and even though he had horns, they were small. His entire demeanor was different.

"Why are you staring at me?" He asked, shifting uncomfortably.

He hated it when people stared at him. It made him feel like a freak. Being a demon made him different, but people usually treated him like a disease. He didn't like it and tended to stay away from people.

"I'm trying to figure out why you're so different from what I've read in books." She said. "I know the books are fiction, but you've said that most of the information was true."

"I am only part demon." He said. "My mother raised me until I was old enough to join the army that my father leads."

He waited for her to tell him that he should have listened to his demon half more. All of the people he had helped told him that he was a demon and should act that way. Only after he saved their lives, were they grateful that he was the way he was. An unfamiliar fear had his chest constricting.

"Being raised by a nymph would definitely bring out the good." She said quietly. "Thank you, by the way, for saving my life."

"I have not saved your life." He contradicted her.

She smiled and he felt a strange emotion warm him. He frowned.

"You're helping me and that's as good as saving my life."

Anubis gave her a confused look. She didn't make any sense. Before he could ask, she walked into the bedroom. He sat on the couch. With a sigh, he pushed a hand through his hair. The strange emotions within him were complicating his mission. As he tried to figure out a way to bury the emotions, the picture in his mind cleared up; a headstone with an inscription. The stone was cracked and he couldn't read the words, but he could see the name. Dream Josephina Byrd. He stopped breathing. The battlefield for the powers would be the cemetery she was buried in. Dream would have to face her own death.


Noir shook out her fur. The necklace jangled. After stretching, she trotted off to the hotel that the demon had found. He was on the couch. She could sense his surprise at something, but didn't linger to figure out what it was. Dream was in the next room of the suite. She was pacing beside the bed. Confusion and fear rolled off her in waves. Noir leapt onto the bed. After sitting down, the large wolf kept her eyes on the girl. Dream began to mutter to herself.

"Get a grip. This is no time to lose your head."

Noir agreed. Dream would need her ability to think.

"He's a demon. Trusting him could get you killed."

Noir sniffed and sneezed.

"On the other hand, he's had plenty of chances to kill me. I'm still here. If I don't trust him, I may be setting myself up for danger." She wrung her hands. "I've been on my own for a long time. No one else has ever been so involved in my life." She dropped onto the bed.

Noir moved closer even though Dream could not see or feel her. She whined sympathetically.

"It's all so confusing. Trusting him could bite me in the butt. Not trusting him could get me killed. What do I do?"

Noir put her head on her paws. The confusion coming off Dream was enough to send her head spinning. Adding fear to that had Noir's heart squeezing. No one could help Dream with the decision. It was hers alone to make.

"No reward without risk." Dream whispered. "Dad's right. Without risking something you don't gain anything."

Good for her. Noir thought. She has learned that taking risks is not always bad.


Dream lay back across the bed. The decision to trust Anubis with her life had her shaking. Her memories had her mind screaming what an idiot she was. She rubbed her eyes. Images of her school days came to her. Kids in grade school teased her about not understanding why stories always ended happily. In high school, the kids had called her a freak for knowing all about the Greek gods before the class. Isolation had followed after that.

She shook her head to clear it. Anubis already knew about her ability. Her fears were built off the kids that she grew up with. She rubbed her eyes again before rolling over and curling up. Sleep would help. Her eyes closed. She yawned. After what seemed like minutes, something grabbed her arm and threw her to the ground.

"Stay quiet."

Dream blinked. Anubis was crouched beside her. His face was hard. She blinked again. He was very intent on something over the bed. She tried to sit up, but he pushed her back.

"Stay down." He said and lowered himself beside her. "We have company."

"Who?" She whispered.

"I am unsure."

She heard light footsteps enter the room. Her body froze. The steps reached the bed and stopped.

"Come on out." A male voice said. "Come out and no one gets hurt."

"Why should we believe you?" Anubis asked, his voice seeming to move around the room.

"I have no reason to lie to you." The man said. "My name is Linx."

Dream looked at Anubis. She could see the debate in his eyes. He motioned for her to stay down before he rose to his feet.

"Put down your gun." He said.

"No. The gun is my insurance. Where is the girl?"

"Safe." Anubis shifted to hide her. The movement was imperceptible. "What do you want?"


"Not possible."

"Why?" Linx asked.

"I am to ensure her safety and that does not include letting you take her."

Dream heard a click.

"Give her to me." Linx's voice sounded unstable.

Dream sighed before standing. The man called Linx had shaggy brown hair that was in bad need of a cut and dirt brown eyes. He was skinny - too skinny in Dream's opinion. It looked like he hadn't eaten in weeks. Anubis turned to look at her.

"What are you doing?"

"Giving myself up."

Linx motioned with his gun. "Walk over here."

Anubis caught her arm. "You cannot do this." He said. "This defeats the purpose of bringing you here."

Dream sighed. "He found me anyway." She lowered her voice. "I trust you to rescue me. I can find out more about this if I'm captured."

She removed his hand and walked to Linx. He grabbed her arm while backing towards the door. Anubis sighed.

"I shall not follow." He said through clenched teeth. "You are free to go."

He watched as Dream left.


Linx rubbed his eyes with his wrist. Haze had called him right back to yell at him. Frustrated and angry, Linx had gone through the portal to find the girl. Now, he would take her back. With the girl in his possession, Haze would finally leave him alone. The burning in his eyes worsened. Sleep was calling to him. He reached the window that had housed the portal.

"You first." He said. "Go on."

She walked through and he quickly followed. They emerged in an alley way. The sun was beginning to rise and the world was still in shadow. Linx pulled her to the street. He hid his gun in his jacket, but kept it pointed at her side. Cars whizzed passed on the street, the drivers unaware of anything. The walk to the office building was short on the deserted sidewalk. Dream looked up at the faded brick. Windows gleamed in the morning light. Linx pulled her through the large metal door. Once they were inside the old elevator, he released her.

"Do not speak unless spoken to. You will stand quietly." He said. "Is that understood?"

"Yes." She said.


The elevator dinged their arrival to the desired floor. The frayed brown carpet caught on her shoes, nearly tripping her. Dozens of portraits of unsmiling old men stared at her from the faded red walls. He stopped at the last door on the left. The stained pine door sounded hollow when Linx knocked.

"Enter." A low male voice called.

Opening the door, Linx pushed Dream inside. As her eyes adjusted to the dim light, Dream noticed that the colors within the room were all dark. Burgundy walls, dark brown carpet, black drapes and black leather chairs. The effect made the room depressing. Sweat began to bead on her forehead. The only light in the room came from the blazing fire behind the large desk. A man stood facing the bright flames. Despite the stifling heat, he wore a dark suit.

"You are late, Linx." His voice was low and gravelly.

"Yes, sir."

The man turned to face them. "Welcome." He said. "My name is Haze."

Dream stood quietly. Eventually, Haze would tell her why she was there.

"Hand over the necklace."

"I don't have the necklace."

"Do not lie to me." He hissed, narrowing his eyes.

"I'm not. I don't have the necklace."

Haze walked up to her. When he was about a foot away, he stopped. Anger flashed in his brown eyes.

"Where did you hide the powers?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Dream's head snapped to the side. Her cheek stung from where Haze had slapped her. She blinked and turned her face back to him.

"Last chance. Where are the powers?"

"I don't know." She said through clenched teeth.

Haze slapped her again. The force of the blow sent her to the floor. Her ears rang.

"Lock her up." He told Haze. "Make sure that she stays there."

"Yes, sir."

Linx pulled her to her feet. Dream swayed a little, but he kept her upright. He pulled her out of the room. The cool air in the hallway dried the sweat on her forehead. She was shoved into a room on the right. Her feet went out from under her. Before she could regain her balance, she heard the door slam. She looked around. A small cot was placed against one wall. The blanket and pillow looked old, sporting a few holes. She sat on the cot, the springs squeaked under her weight.


Noir let out a breath. She turned away from Dream. Owyn would want to know. She ran to the apartment building garden. After scanning the area, she opened the portal. The scent of flowers assaulted her nose. She let out a howl and hid in the bushes. A large bird sailed down from the clouds. It landed in front of her. She walked out as it ruffled its feathers. The bird took a few steps.


Noir.The bird dipped its head. Where is she?

She has been captured.

What? Owyn spread his wings.

Be calm. She gave herself up.


To learn. Noir lay down. She wanted to find out more about who was after her.

Owyn tucked his wings back into his sides. She is a smart girl. But I fear for her.

It is normal. She has put her trust in the demon to help her.

She has learned.

Noir bobbed her head. It is still new, but she will be fine.

I do not like waiting.

You must not interfere. She bared her teeth. She must learn on her own.

I know.

Fly high, my friend. I will keep you updated as much as I can.

Owyn dipped his head before taking flight. Storm clouds were moving in. He sailed into the black mass. His wings beat out a steady rhythm. Thunder claps followed each beat. His ancestors had flown around the world, following storms. Each male Thunderbird chose his own female. To catch her attention, the male would show his ability to create the loudest thunder. Thunderbirds mated for life. When Owyn was born, the world held hundreds of the large birds. Today, he was the only male left.


Anubis paced the hotel room. He clenched his hands into fists. Letting Dream walk out had been one of the hardest things he had done. Only the fact that she was putting her trust in him kept him from going after her. She needed time to learn. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. His anger was causing him to lose his rationality. Going after her right at the moment would defeat her purpose. He sat on the couch. A bright light shone in his peripheral vision. He looked up.

The light was swirling like a whirlpool. A shape took form. As he watched, a woman walked out. She wore a long black dress that had one shoulder strap. Her black hair was cut short and reached her shoulders. The honey gold color of her eyes held him immobile as if in a trance. She walked right up to him. A diamond necklace hung around her neck.

"Who are you?" he asked.

She smiled. "I am a friend." She answered. "Do not fear for the girl. She will not be hurt. The man who has her, needs her too much. Until he gets what he wants, she is not in any danger."

"How do you know that?"

Instead of answering, she laughed. The low sound calmed Anubis' nerves a little. He frowned.

"Be calm, friend." She said. "I am not an enemy."

Anubis stood. "Why should I trust you?" He asked looking at the necklace.

"Because I can help." She told him. "I am a guardian. It is my job to protect her."

His eyes narrowed. "Protect her how?"

The woman smiled but didn't answer.

"What is your name?"

"Not important." She said dismissively. "Do not go after the girl for a few days. The information that she will gather is important."

Before he could say anything else, the woman walked back through the swirling vortex. He stared at the place where the woman had disappeared. Confusion made him frown as he thought about what she had said.


Noir shook her head. Black fur began to cover her body once again. She hated being in human form. Joy flooded through her at the feeling of her bones transforming again. She shook out her fur before she began to look for Dream. The girl was still in the cell. Though she appeared to be asleep, Noir could tell that she was only pretending - a smart move. The man holding her would let her sleep, hoping that she would be communicating with the gods and on her way to finding the necklace.

The concrete of the floor sent spikes of cold up through her legs as Noir moved closer to the cot. Dream's eyes were open and staring at the ceiling. Noir could see her thinking through her plans. She needed information. Getting it without asking out right would be difficult. Noir turned to look at the door. The knob turned and the man that had captured her walked in.

"He would like to talk to you again."


Dream rolled her head to the side. Linx still looked like hell.

"Then he can come in here."

"That is not the way this works." He told her. "Get up. Now."

She felt nothing as she turned her head back to look up at the ceiling. Being trapped here wasn't going the way she had planned. She sighed.

"I'm going."

She stood up. The cot creaked as the springs adjusted. She followed Linx back to the dim office. The man still stood by the fireplace. He turned to look at her.

"How was your little nap?"


Haze frowned. "Is that all?"

She nodded. "I got some sleep."

Haze's jaw clenched in anger at her answer. An animal-like whimper sounded behind her. Dream rolled her eyes at Linx's fear. The man had no backbone. Haze swung back to the fireplace. His body had a rigid look to it.

"You are no closer to finding the necklace?"

"No." she shifted her weight. "Why do you want it?"

"Trying to pump me for information?" he looked at her.

Dream shrugged. "Just curious."

He seemed to think that over. "My interest in the necklace is not for the jewelry, but for what it holds." He began. "Your mother put her powers into the stone. I want those powers."

"What makes you think I know where it is?"

"She is your mother."

"I haven't seen her in weeks." Dream said. "We haven't talked either. My parents were out of town."

Haze's face drained of all color. "You do not have the powers?"

"Of course not." She said. "Do you think that I'd run away if I had them? Like hell, I would fight back."

He clenched his hands and took a step forward. Dream took an involuntary step back away from him as the first pang of fear pierced her. She hadn't meant to be so confrontational. Since her home had been invaded, her attitude had shifted. The decision that she would stand up for herself had been an easy one to make.

"Who would she trust enough to give the powers to?" Haze asked.

"I don't know."

"Tell me!!" He yelled.

"I don't know. My parents were secretive."

Dream grunted as her body hit the hard wood floor. Her jaw began to throb where his fist had connected. She pushed herself into a sitting position and rubbed her hand over her jaw. Haze stood over her. His eyes blazed with fury. As his breathing became more labored, Dream saw an almost desperate light enter his eyes. True fear balled in her stomach. She scooted back against the wall.

"You will find the necklace for me, or the world will feel my wrath, starting with you." He said in a low voice. "Take her away."

Linx stepped forward and pulled Dream to her feet. He kept a hold on her arm as they walked back to her cell.


Anubis walked down the hallway to the door of the hotel. The woman at the desk smiled at him again. She must have seen Dream walk out with Linx. He clenched his fists beneath his wings. Once he reached the outside, he took a deep breath. If he didn't get control over his anger, he would do something stupid. He walked beck to the garden. The bowl of the birdbath was still on the ground. He walked up to it and picked it up. After he put it on the stand, he decided to look at the near future for Dream. The image was not the one that he wanted to see. He sighed. The man had found the necklace. He closed his eyes to study the image of the gravestone.


Vanity frowned at the image of Haze just staring at his fireplace. Linx had delivered the girl. She had been all but gift wrapped. Why was he not going after the necklace? Vanity slapped her palm on the makeup table. She stood and stalked out of the cabin. Her dress swished around her ankles as she headed to the beach. She wanted off of the island. The only way to achieve that was to please the man that refused to identify himself. He held the power to get her to Olympus.

One of the handmaidens walked up to her. "Are you feeling okay?"

"Yes." Vanity said. "I want a plate of ambrosia."

The maiden bowed her head. Her long brown hair curtained her face. Vanity watched her leave. She turned back to the water. A rustle to her right caught her attention. She looked over to see a shadow. She sighed.

"Have you made any progress?" the low voice asked.

"Yes. The girl has been delivered to the wizard. Locating the necklace should be done soon."

"Very well." He said. "I shall return in due time."

Vanity nodded. She watched the shadow disappear. Annoyance filled her over the fact that he refused to show himself to her. She pushed a lock of hair over her shoulder. A shudder racked her slender body. She felt a chill creep up her spine. The man had not left. He was watching her from the cover of the trees. He must be watching for her reaction. She refused to run back to her cabin to check on Haze. A shadow passed over her. She looked up to see a large bird. The gray feathers were ruffled by the wind as it landed on a nearby tree. She turned to face the falcon.

"Your ambrosia."

"Thank you." She said absently taking the plate. "What kind of falcon is that?"

"A Gyr falcon." The handmaiden told her. "A few of them fly over the island now and then. Every once in a while one of them will spend days here." She smiled. "My father loved to watch the falcons fly over our house."

Vanity nodded. She listened with only half an ear. Her eyes were still on the bird in front of her. Something about the way it was watching her made her suspicious. She narrowed her eyes and took a plate of ambrosia. The gelatin-like substance tasted like strawberry honey. She turned to the handmaiden.

"I will take dinner in my cabin." She said and walked off.

Vanity paused on the top step of her porch. After glancing behind her, she walked inside. She still had the feeling that someone was watching her. Ignoring the feeling, she went to the mirror. She waved her hand. Linx's image shimmered before her. He was back in his apartment. She watched as he paced the floor. He seemed agitated.


Linx rolled his shoulders. "I am working as fast as I can." He said for the hundredth time. "I cannot make progress if you continue to call me every few minutes."

"Do not sass me." Haze barked.

"It is not sass. I am merely stating a fact. My work takes time. The process is not easy. Without the proper concentration the process will fail. I cannot get results if I am constantly pulled away." Linx sighed. "I will call when I have found something. Until then, I am going to turn off my phone."

He closed the phone on a sputtering Haze. On his way passed the bed, he dropped the phone. His computer screens were blinking at him. For the last hour, he had been creating the basis for a program that would track a thread of power. The program was nearly complete. He needed a few hours more of uninterrupted work to finish it. Lavenda's daughter would provide the information he needed. He would be able to track the blood tie between mother and daughter.

He glanced at the mirror. The green eyes looking back at him made him jump.

"Any progress with the girl?" the goddess asked.

"Minimal." He answered. "I am working."

"I know." She told him. "Relax. I am merely checking in."

Linx nodded. He rubbed the back of his neck.

"I will check again in a few days."

"Yes, my lady."

The goddess vanished. Linx dropped into his chair. He ran a hand through his hair. Locating the necklace seemed to be taking longer than he thought it would. Lavenda's power trail was distorted by something. He sighed and leaned toward the computer; his fingers few over his keyboard. A small red dot appeared on the screen. He smiled. The dot blinked where the office building was located on the map. He stood and picked up the small device that would track it to the very room the necklace was in. As he walked to the door, he grabbed his coat and his bag. The door locked behind him as he left.


Dream smothered a yawn. Her eyes burned from trying to stay awake. Haze had given her a small amount of information. She wanted to learn more. Sleep pulled at her. She let her eyes close and surrendered to sleep. Before she fell into deep sleep, she rolled onto her side and curled into a ball.


Silver mist swirled around her like molten steel. She waited for the dancing light reflecting off the mist to settle into one place. As the mist began to fade away, Dream saw the outline of a person. Before the face was revealed, Dream knew it was Novel.

"Good evening, miss." He greeted. "Welcome back."

"Thank you. Why am I here again?"

"I have news that should help you. The person that stole my book has read only certain pages."


Novel shifted his weight. "The pages had information on defeating demons, gaining powers, and how the first dictator took over the world." He told her. "Whoever took my books is planning to take over the world. If this happens, a different event will occur."

"What event?"

"The end of the world. Once over turned, the demons will trigger the apocalypse. They do not like to lose."

Dream nodded. She understood, but still didn't know how to find the books. After passing a hand over her face, she went still. The proverbial light bulb went off in her mind. Haze had the books.

"I know who has the book." She whispered.

Novel smiled. "Good. When you find them, merely rub your hand along the spines. They will shrink."

Dream nodded again. Novel stepped up to her side.

"Please hurry." He placed a hand on her shoulder. The familiar warmth spread over her.

She closed her eyes.


The room was cold around Dream. She sighed. Haze had the books. Now she had to find them. The office was the most obvious place. Searching the room would be difficult to do. Plans began to form in her mind. She sifted through the plans looking for the simplest one. She let out a frustrated sigh. In order to even get to the office, she had to get out of the cell. Dream got up from the cot. She did a slow circuit of the room. Nothing stood out to her at first. On the second circuit of the room, she noticed that one panel seemed to stand out more than the others.

She crouched in front of the panel. With careful fingers, she began to prod the edges of the panel. When she touched the left side, a rush of air blew over her. The blast of air blew her hair back from her face. She smiled. A gentle push caused the small door swing open. No light met her eyes. She dropped to her knees. Cautiously, she crept into the small room. A dank, musty smell had her wrinkling her nose. She coughed, sending dust away from her. As she moved farther into the room, something touched her forehead. She reached up. Her fingers touched a string.

She pulled it. Light exploded through the room. A small desk and chair were positioned off to her right. The top of the desk had a gray layer of dust on it. On her left, there was a window. She moved closer to look through it. She saw Haze standing by his fireplace. A smile curved her lips. She had found a way out of the cell. Another look around the small room revealed several good hiding places for larger books. Now, she just had to figure out where they were.


Anubis paced beside the bird bath. He clenched his fists. It took all of his will power to stamp down his anger. He rolled his shoulders. Two days had passed since Dream was taken. He sighed.

"You can go after her now."

He spun around. "What do you want?" his voice came out in a low feral growl.

The woman smiled at him. "You have done well." She said, her golden eyes flashed. "You may go after the girl now."

He clenched his jaw. She was beginning to irritate him.

"Thank you." Anubis sneered.

He turned to the bird bath and opened the portal to the past. The treetops looked alive. With determination, Anubis lifted himself with his wings. His feet sank into the water when he set down. He stretched his wings to their full span when he emerged on the other side. The woman had not followed him. He shook his head before he left to find Dream. The pull he felt toward her led him to a beat up office building. She was inside somewhere. Instead of immediately going inside to look for her, Anubis decided to scope out the building first. He moved into the alley beside the building.

Anubis wrapped his wings tighter around him. The wind coming off of the small lake outside town was cold. A passing shadow caught his eye. The man walking into the building had shaggy brown hair and was very thin. He looked like he hadn't eaten in days. Anubis made himself invisible before following the man.


Linx frowned at his device. He had already checked the building. The necklace was not there. He sighed. Warm air washed over him when he opened the door. The device in his hand beeped at him. He walked to the elevator and pushed the button. As the bell dinged to announce the car's arrival, Linx felt the hair on the back of his neck stand on end. The feeling of being followed sent a chill up his spine. He spun around to look behind him as the doors opened. His shallow breathing echoed through the empty hallway. He ran a hand through his hair.

"You are losing it." He mumbled to no one. "No one is following you. Focus on the mission ahead of you."

He stepped into the car and pressed the button for his floor. A light wind brushed over him. The cold temperature caused him to shiver. He swallowed. The car rattled slightly when it began to move. Linx leaned against the back wall. His device beeped again. He glanced down at the screen. The small red blip was flashing faster. He stepped into the hallway when the doors opened. The tracking device led him to the room that housed the girl. With a frown, he opened the door and moved inside. A quick glance of the room showed the she was not there. Confusion swarmed him.

"Hello?" he called.

He waited. When nothing happened, he moved further into the room. Linx remained cautious as he moved through the room. He noticed that there was a crack in the wall. After putting his tracking device in his pocket, he kneeled in front of the crack. Cool air blew over the hand he stretched out. He ran the tips of his finger over the crack. The wall shifted to show him the girl in the middle of a small room. She was kneeling beside a small oak desk, looking through the drawers. Mumbled curses floated to his ears. Taking care to stay silent, Linx moved into the room. He gave her a quick once over. The necklace was nowhere in sight. She huffed and sat back on her haunches.

"Where is the necklace?" he asked.

She gasped and spun to face him. "I don't have it."

"You know who does."

"No. I don't." She accentuated each word to get her point across.

Linx clenched his jaw. The device in his pocket vibrated. He tensed. The necklace was close.


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