Chapter Five

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Noir curled her lip away from her teeth. Dream was being badgered by the wizard and this shell of a lackey. Their actions infuriated Noir. She clicked her teeth in anger. The necklace blinked against her black fur. After a moment, indecision washed over her. She wanted to help Dream, but leaving her haven would only endanger the girl. A growl of frustration rumbled through her chest. She watched the lackey move toward Dream. His mannerism wasn't very threatening, but Noir could see the tension in his body.

She paced the length of the room and back again. The knowledge that Dream could be in danger pushed her decision. With her jaw set in resolve, Noir shifted from a wolf to the form of a human woman. A shiver racked her body as her fur melted away. She rolled her shoulders and opened the portal. The swirling silver mist seemed to swallow her as she walked through. Cold air washed over her when she entered the room.

"Get away from her." She said with an animal-like growl.

The man turned to face her. "Who are you?" he asked.

"My name is unimportant." She said. "The girl is under my protection."

He raised an eyebrow at her imperious tone. "Giving me orders?" he took a step toward her. "A nameless woman will never give me orders."

Noir braced herself as he continued to walk toward her. The necklace flashed against her creamy skin. The man paused in his advance. His eyes locked on the pendant. A feral and greedy light entered his eyes. His body language shifted from defensive to predatory. He continued to stalk her like she was a small bunny. As they began to circle each other, Noir noticed the faint shape at the edge of the room. She gave a nearly imperceptible nod in Dream's direction. The shape began to move toward the girl. With a quick movement, Noir dropped a small box into a still open drawer as she passed it.

The man closed some of the distance between them. She gave a feral growl, the wolf coming through in the warming. She bared her teeth to emphasize the warning and underlying threat. When she was close to the door, Noir bent low and ran as fast as her legs would carry her. The man followed her as she knew he would.


Dream stared at the door where Linx and the woman had disappeared. She was still stunned that the woman had appeared out of nowhere. With a shake of her head, she pushed herself to her feet. The books weren't in the small room, but she had the feeling that they were near. Off to her right, she saw something shimmer in a dull red light. She turned her head to look. Anubis walked out of the light. Relief washed over her at the sight of him. He walked up to her.

"Are you hurt?" he asked giving her a quick once over.

"No. I'm fine." She assured him. "I've been in this room pretty much the entire time I've been here."

His face remained black. "Did you get the information that you wanted?"

"I learned a few things, but not what I truly wanted to know." She sighed. "This room looks into the wizard's study. I have a feeling that the books I've been looking for are here. If not in this room, then in the study somewhere." She paused to take a breath.

"What books?" he asked. "You were looking for a necklace."

"Yes, but I was asked to locate a pair of books for someone."



Anubis frowned. "The Keeper?"

She nodded. "He told me that the books, partnered with enough power, could end the world. At least that was the point of the speech he gave me." She paused and licked her lips. "I have to get the books. I have him my word."

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