The Street Fighter Claimed Me?

By gabbilove

20.6K 547 73

Brielle is always known as the black hair beauty. She's sweet and kind, but she hardly has any freedom becaus... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 1

10.1K 144 8
By gabbilove

The one night I get away from my overprotective brothers,and my best friend just had to drag me to a club. To hook up and get some fun in my life. My life is fine just the way it is. But no Jessica has other idea's. When they think I'm not looking Jessica and my oldest brother Daniel give each other secret looks. I know they're dating, but it hurts that they won't tell us. The club she took me to is called Avion's. Don't know how she got my brothers to agree for me to go to a club. When I first walked in I immediately noticed him.

He was gorgeous, but something else told me he was dangerous as well. I wasn't close to him, but I knew he was checking me out. My brain told me to stay away, but my body and maybe my heart told me to get closer. As I got closer I saw that he had muscles, not the kind of muscles that has muscles on top of muscles, but just the right amount in the right places. I didn't get the chance to check him out further, because Jessica pulled or rather dragged me to the bar. The only rule my brothers had for me to go to Avion's was not to drink. But I had a feeling Jessica was about to break that rule, and bring me some drinks as well.

When we got to the bar, I turned around and saw the mystery guy was gone. For some reason I was oddly disappointed. Jessica handed me a drink, but I turned it down. I headed to the dance floor, my favorite song was playing, Into The Night by Santana featuring Chad Kroeger. I was dancing away when I felt hands on my waist, I turned around and saw that the hands belonged to the mystery guy. When I tried to move, his hands tightened around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I couldn't help myself, somehow someway I felt whole being around this mystery guy. I turned back around and started to dance again. He pulled me closer to him. I don't think he wanted to let me go anytime soon.

I was looking around for Jessica when my mystery guy grabbed my hand and pulled me to an empty booth. I thought back to what my brain registered...why did I say my and why did I claim him? He isn't mine and with my brothers I doubt he will be. But by the way he's looking at me, I say he has already claimed me as his. And I doubt my brothers will stop him. He had his arms wrapped tightly around me, from where we sat we could see everything around us, but we couldn't be seen. And a good thing too, because my brothers just got together with Jessica and pulled her out of the club. Benji and Nathan were still at the club...probably looking for me.

But I was happy where I was at. I moved further into the mystery guy's arms. I was so close that I could feel his breath and teeth on my neck. Turning my head slightly his lips were suddenly on mine. And let me tell you something, I have never felt anything so passionate. Clinging to him tighter, deepening the kiss. I didn't ever want to stop, but we both needed to breathe. He pulled away first and put his head in the crook of my neck.

I ran my fingers through his hair, just thinking. What would my brothers do? How were they going to react? Then I remembered back to when my brothers were at the club. They took Jessica which meant I had no ride home. I'm screwed. I had stopped running my fingers through his hair, when he realized I had stopped he looked up. He had gorgeous gray eyes. He also had a scar above his left eye. Made him look more dangerous but also sexy. I had a feeling that he wanted to know what had made me stop what I was doing.

"I have no ride home and I don't even know your name." I told him.

"I can fix that. And my name is Maddox." he said.

"I get the feeling you don't talk much." I said.

"Nope and since I told you my name, it's only fair for you to tell me your name."



He put his head back into the crook of my neck. Without moving his head he picked me up and put me on his lap. He kissed my neck, then he put his lips on mine. I turn to straddle him, so I could deepen the kiss. This kiss was hotter than the last. Maddox hands were around my waist and he pulled me closer if possible. My hands were in his hair again, tugging and pulling him closer. We were so into the kiss that we didn't even notice or hear the wolf whistle. Maddox broke the kiss and started to glare at the people who wolf whistled at us. My head was in the crook of his neck. I moved my head so I could see who wolf whistled and made Maddox break our kiss. They weren't bad looking guys, I think Maddox knew I was checking them out, because he suddenly attacked my lips. I kissed back just as passionately as he kissed me.

"Come on Maddox we get it. She's yours. We just want to see the slut you picked."

That's when I broke the kiss. Maddox looked pissed. "Justin if you want to live then go the fuck away." Maddox told him.

"Come on Dox we just want to see the slut." Justin kept going on.

I moved my head to see what Justin looked liked. He looked to be about six feet and had a couple of tats. But his mouth and what came out was horrible.

"See something you like sweetheart?" he asked.

"Well not see, but I liked who I was kissing. Now you on the other hand makes me want to gag." I told him.

Maddox and the other guys except Justin laughed. Justin was glaring at me then everybody else. I guess he didn't like what I said about him at all. Maddox stopped laughing and glared at Justin.

"Doesn't matter, you're still a slut." he said.

"Watch yourself Justin. I beat your ass once, I'll beat your ass again."

Still didn't like Justin, but the other guys were okay. Didn't look like they thought I was a slut. But Justin can kiss my ass. Maddox was sweet for sticking up for me, but it's my time to go. I got off Maddox's lap, when Justin grabbed my ass. Maddox was up and about to kick his ass, when I slapped Justin and kneed him in the balls. I turned to Maddox who looked at me in shock. I just shrugged.

"Look my brothers did teach me some stuff. But anyway I got to get home."

I kissed Maddox on the cheek and turned to leave when Maddox stopped me. "How are you going to get home? I'll take you but I'm also the guys ride as well."

"Thanks but no thanks. I'll call one of my friends, don't wanna be anywhere near Justin. Call me when Justin grows up."

"Call you? Won't I see you at all any more?" he asked.

"Sure I'll be around, just not anyway you could see me."

Maddox suddenly got a glare, when I turned around Brody was there. I groaned, Maddox and his friends looked at me.

"Hi Brody, what do you want?"

"Bri, I got to know, where were you hiding when your brothers came and got Jessica?"

"Somewhere, but really what are you doing here?"

"Came to pick you up. Lets go."

"See you around Maddox. Bye guys, bye ass." I blew Maddox a kiss before I left the club.

Maddox and his friends followed us out, and Maddox wouldn't stop glaring at Brody. When he was close enough to me, Maddox grabbed me and gave me another passionate kiss. Maddox's hand slide into my back pocket, squeezed my ass before he let go. He pecked my lips and whispered in my ear 'you're mine. I better not find any other guy wanting you. Or even being near you got it?'

I nodded, stunned. That whole speech got me all hot and bothered. I never had a guy just up and claim me, but I should have known. The way he kissed me in the club already said I was his. I loved it. And by that dangerous yet sexy look, he was hot and bothered too. I kissed his lips before walking to Brody's car. I looked back again and he stood in the same place, probably waiting for me to get in the car like Brody. I touched my lips still having the feeling like Maddox lips are still there. I got in the car and Brody drove off. I leaned my head against the window thinking about the lecture I was going to get from my brothers.

"Where were you?" Brody asked again.

"I told you somewhere." Was what I said in the club, and I was going to stand by that answer.

"Were you with that guy since you got to the club with Jess?" Brody asked.

"That's not any of your business Brody. What I do in my personal life is for me to know, not anybody else."

"But that guy can grope you like a slut?"

"No and don't you dare call me a slut again."

"You're acting like one Bri. Look ever since the accident your brothers are just more protective of you. And you know I think of you as a little sister, I just don't want you to get hurt. None of us do."

"Look Brody it's kind of you to say that, but really I'm a big girl I got to learn from my mistakes. How am I ever going to learn if you four keep me locked up inside the house? I do still need you guys to be protective, just not as protective. I need you guys to let me breathe, I feel like I'm drowning most days. Just give me some room and if I need help I'll call. I got to go inside. Think about what I said and please don't tell my brothers."

We were already in my driveway when we were through talking. I noticed another car driving along the sidewalk when Brody left. I walked to the car, I know stupid of me right, when some familar faces popped out of the window. Maddox and his friends. He had followed us. But why?

"So you wanna tell me why you followed me?" I asked Maddox.

"Sorry Bri we told him it would be stalkerish but he just wanted to make sure you got home okay. I'm Austin, and I'm sorry about my brother, Justin. He's an ass and desevered what you gave him."

"It's okay, and it is a bit creepy Maddox, but also sweet." I kissed Maddox on the cheek, but he moved his head so he got a kiss on the lips instead. I pulled away before it could get heated like it did at the club and in the parking lot. I shook my head at him. I thought I saw a smile when he shrugged.

"Bye guys. I got to face the wrath of my brothers. Nice meeting you guys, well not Justin. And I guess I'll be seeing you guys later." I looked at Maddox when I said the last part. Maddox nodded his head, and motioned with his hand to get into the house.

I slowly started to walk to my door not ready to face my angry brothers. But I was angry as well. They had ruined my night, they ruined girls night out. I turned around and saw that Maddox and the others weren't there. I must have been so lost in my thoughts that I didn't hear their car pull away from the sidewalk. When I got to the door I slowly pulled it open, and in the doorway was my brothers. I was in trouble, but I didn't care.

"Look Brody already gave me a lecture tonight I don't need to hear it from you three. So what if you're angry or pissed, so am I. Tonight was supposed to be about me and Jess. But you guys ruined it, so what if I hid from you three. I only hid because I have no freedom from you three.

I never get to have any type of breathing room because you three are all in my business. News flash I'm Twenty, I don't have to stay here. I can leave anytime I want. And if I do leave you best be sure it's your damn fault. But anyway who would want to stay with people who are always so close to her that she can't even have time for best friend?"

I shoved past them without hearing what they had to say. I didn't want to hear any of what they had to say. I said what I needed to say. When I got to my room I saw Jess fast asleep on my bed. I looked at my clock at noticed it was two in the morning, and Jess and I left for the club at ten. Wow I must have been with Maddox an hour before my brothers came and got Jess and tried to get me.

I started to change when a piece of paper fell out of my back pocket. How did that get there? I picked it up, and then a thought came to my head. Maddox. He must have put it there when he kissed me in the club parking lot. That's why his hand went into my back pocket. Now I wished I had stayed with him at the club. Or even left with him when he dropped by my house.

I smiled when I opened the paper. Maddox really meant what he said. I was his, and he was mine I hope. When I read what he wrote he I smiled.

'I'm yours and your mine sweetheart. I want to hear from you soon, my number is already in your phone. I took your phone when we were kissing inside the booth. Sorry, wait no I'm not. You're my girl now. I want to get to know you more Bri, I hope you feel the same way. I had a great time tonight despite Justin and Brody.'

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