Broken Wings

By Harmless

29.4K 1.1K 107

~ When fairies want something, they get it. It doesn't matter what it is, they get it. But what happens when... More

Chapter One~ "You're acting weird today"
Chapter Two~ "Stay Safe"
Chapter Three~ "Trouble in paradise?"
Chapter Four~ "Why do you always need saving?"
Chapter Five~ "She's not ready!"
Chapter Six~ "They said that you were dangerous."
Chapter Seven~ "Welcome home, Vi."
Chapter Eight ~ "Goodbye, Anna."
Chapter Nine~ "You don't have wings."
Chapter ten~ "The petals can show you the future,"
Chapter eleven~ "You do take after your mother."
Chapter Twelve ~ "You were born to be a queen."
Chapter thirteen~ "I can't let them hurt him!"
Chapter fourteen~ "Leo knew you'd come."
Chapter fifteen~ "You made me do this."
Chapter Sixteen~ "I loved you!"
Chapter Seventeen~ "This isn't Anna anymore."
Chapter Eighteen~ "Are humans always in love?"
Chapter nineteen~ "He couldn't help himself."
Chapter twenty~ "Is this what caring feels like?"
Chapter twentyone~ "You're not perfect."
Chapter twentytwo~ "You, Miranda and Me."
Chapter twentythree~ "You need to think things over."
Chapter Twentyfour~ "You'll be a wonderful queen."
Chapter Twentyfive~ "Let's go be a queen."
Chapter twentysix~ "Silly Vi."
Chapter twentyseven~ "No, you don't."
Chapter twentyeight~ "I'll see you in two months, Juliet."
Chapter twentynine~ "It's Aily."
Chapter thirty~ "Eelii,"
Chapter thirtyone~ "You'll come out different or dead."
Chapter thirtytwo~ "Everything's wrong."
Chapter thirtythree~ "Are we a kingdom?"
Chapter thirtyfive~ "It's a bit late for that."
Chapter thirtysix~ "YOU MAY NOW BEGIN."
Chapter thirtyseven~ "I love you."
Chapter thirtyeight~ "I would never have hurt you."
Chapter thirtynine~ "I won't let you hurt her anymore."
Chapter forty~ "This is how you kill her."
Chapter fortyone~ "Guess who's back?"
Chapter fortytwo~ "I know that."
Chapter fortythree~ "Forever."
Chapter fortyfour~ "You guys are the best."
Chapter fortyfive~ *The end.*

Chapter thirtyfour~ "We were trying to protect you!"

362 16 1
By Harmless

Chapter thirtyfour~

“Vi,” Eelii glanced at me from across the table. I stared blankly at my food and pretended not to hear him. “Vi?” He waved his hands towards me and Aily glared at him. From the corner of my eyes, this looked pretty hilarious. 

“Vi!” He said louder, stretching across the table to poke my arm. I ignored that too, just to watch Aily’s look of jealousy ripen.

“She obviously doesn’t care, Eelii.” She snapped suddenly, but just like I was ignoring him, he was ignoring her.

“Anna!” He shouted suddenly, stopping everyone at the table and shushing the quiet mumble of conversations. That’s what Eliyn had done when I was ignoring her. But no one since her had called me that. And once again, all eyes were on me. I hated being queen.

No one would care if I wasn’t queen.

I turned to him with pursed lips, keeping my expression guarded.

“Are you ok?” He said lightly, smiling a little. He had gone through all that effort just to ask me if I was ok? I laughed inside, but sat completely still on the outside. “The guards told me you and Aily were arguing while I was gone.”

I quickly looked to Aily, who was glaring at me. I kept my frozen expression and then turned my attention back to the empty space in front of me.  Eelii then turned his gaze onto Aily, and from the corner of my eyes I watched the scene play out.

“What did you do to her?” He said harshly. Aily’s face right then was the picture in my mind that I’d keep with me forever to make me laugh when I needed to.

She looked completely shocked and hurt at the same time.

“I didn’t do anything. I just told her the truth.” Her vicious laugh faltered as she tried to cover up her feelings.

Eelii froze then. He knew.

He knew he’d lied to me, just like everyone else. The only one who’d told me the truth was the one who hated me. The ones I loved, they all lied.


“I don’t want to know.” I said flatly, still interested in the nothing in front of me. The room seemed to have gone back their dinner conversations. Miranda shuffled uncomfortably next to me.

“We--” She tried to help Eelii out, but I was angry with her too. She’d lied too.

“I said I don’t want to know.” I snapped at her, turning my head slightly so she knew I was aiming it at her. She shut up, returning to her food.

Why did they not tell me the truth? I’d sat there believing that Trys wanted independence, I’d sat there believing they were the bad guys!

“It’s not what you think.” Said Eelii after a long period of silence. The five of us at the top of the table turned to him.

“We were trying to protect you. We were trying to make you—”

“Believe that Trys were the bad guys and it doesn’t matter if they die?” I cut in and he looked a little shocked.

“Vi, Trys are the bad guys.” Miranda said from beside me quietly. I closed my eyes and tried to think of every possible thing Eliyn could’ve done to start this war.

“How are they the bad guys if Eliyn started the war?” I asked. All eyes flew to Aily then, Eelii looked pretty pissed off and so did Miranda.

“What?” She shuffled uncomfortably in her seat, “Eliyn did technically start it!”

“She did not!” Miranda snapped, slamming her hands down on the table. And again, the eyes were all on us five.

“If she hadn’t of gone off to earth than none of this would’ve happened!” Aily whined, staring down Miranda. I stayed silent, eating my food and listening intently. I still didn’t know why this started.

“Trys was the first to attack.” Eelii said calmly, looking at the table.

“Well, they didn’t attack for no reason!” Aily replied, trying to be as calm as Eelii but it didn’t work.

Eelii turned to her as if to shut her up and obediently she did so.  The his gaze wondered to me curiously. I lightly put my napkin on the table and stood to leave.


“I don’t care, Eelii.” I said flatly, leaving the table. He stood, just as calmly, and followed me.

“We did it for your own good.”

“What good was that?” I asked curiously, how could lying to me possibly be for my own good?

“So you didn’t get too caught up in the war.”

“In the war I’m meant to be ending?” I laughed, still walking down the corridors, his footsteps constantly following me. “The war I’m putting my life on the line for?”

“We didn’t want you getting into the reasoning.”

“Don’t I deserve reasoning?” I laughed, quickening my pace.

“You do, but—” He quickened up too, but I made sure he wasn’t able to walk alongside me.

“But what, Eelii?” We were reaching my room now and I was getting agitated.

“Vi, listen—”

“I’ve listened before and you just told me lies.” I muttered finally, shutting the door slowly on his face. I walked over to the window and looked at the ruins in front of me.

If it was true, and Eliyn had started this, it was my duty to end it.

(A/N: Really short chapter because I had no time sorry.)

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