By Bloombury

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INTRODUCTION "It's vacations again." After a hectic year of college Susan Cruz and her friends were headed to... More

CHAPTER ONE-Formation of new gang
CHAPTER TWO-The journey begins
CHAPTER FOUR- Entry of more rudeness
CHAPTER FIVE-The search underwater
CHAPTER SIX-Pearl lost
CHAPTER SEVEN-Jennifer kinapped
CHAPTER EIGHT- Entry of a new member
CHAPTER TEN- The secret passage
CHAPTER TWELVE- Susan's secret revealed
CHAPTER THIRTEEN- The final move
CHAPTER FOURTEEN- The dissapointment
CHAPTER FIFTEEN- The sixth passage

CHAPTER THREE- Reaching the club

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By Bloombury

They saw a women coming over there who was introduced as Nate by Hannah. They all wished her.

"Let me introduce you to my students," Nate said and started moving as the others followed.

They came at an open space where the river connected to a sea. The land there was without trees and many tents were planted a little far away from the sea.

Nate called all her members.

"Introducing each of them would be a rather tough job so you can do it all by yourself," Nate said. Nate excused herself to pick a phonecall she had just received.

"Well I'm leaving now. You all enjoy yourself and if you require anything just give me a call. Your luggages have already reached here so there won't be any problem in your stay," Hannah said as nate left.

"You are not staying with us granny," Clara asked.

"Sorry dear I wished to but I have to keep an eye on the construction of the unfinished castle," Hannah replied, "Whereas what will I do in between all the fun of yours. You all enjoy yourself."

"We will surely do," Susan said with a smile.
Her granny hugged her and all the others and took her leave.
She had planned to travel by the helicopter after walking up till the place where the helicopters were parked.

It was already 7:30pm at that time. All the scuba diving members were busy preparing the night's dinner. No one was least interested to interact with Susan and her friends. Susan and her group decided to finish preparing their tent and later join the others. They were hoping that at least they would get something to eat from those scuba diving members.

They started planting the tent leaving Susan who was busy doing some calls. She returned back after 30 mints and saw just tents cloth laid on the floor.

"What a nice tent have you all planted," Susan taunted looking at the mess.

"Sorry we don't know to put a tent," Tyson said with a weird grin.

Bryan and Steven gave a weird laugh for which they received a stare showing them how useless they were.

"It isn't that big deal if we don't know to plant a tent," Emily said placing her hand over Susan to calm the angry girl but her stare was a scary one which made her take of her hand from Susan's shoulder.
Susan took a deep breath.

"What's wrong with her," Amanda whispered to the other group members.

"Maybe trekking has made her damn tired," Clara whispered back but got silent looking at Susan scary stare towards the group.

Susan putted her hand in her back pack. All waited to see what was she going to remove from it.

She removed a folded cloth. It seemed quite small. She placed it at a distance and moved away from it. She then removed a remote from her bag and pressed a button on it. The folded cloth opened up and up and formed a huge tent.

"The girls can accompany me in this one," she said and moved in.

"What about us," Bryan asked.

"Walk a little up ahead you will find your tent," she replied in the same irritated tone.

"She has a split personality," Steven said as they headed towards their tent.

"How can you take her as your girl friend," Eric asked as he looked back at the girls tent to see that Susan had gone in the tent with the others.

"I have seen this behavior of her for the first time. She is too tired maybe," Tyson replied a big worried about her... she was surely acting a bit strange.

"We are also tired here but we haven't undergone a personality change," Amanda said joining them.

"Leave it she will be back to normal soon after she takes some rest," Tyson said trying to distract them from the topic.
he wad actually wishing for the same.

All went towards their respective tent. Tyson looked back towards the girl's tent as he moved towards his tent. In this entire one year he hadn't seen such a behavior of Susan ever in whatever situation it maybe then what had happened to her suddenly.

"Hey what happened to you," Tyson heard Bryan calling which distracted his thoughts.
He found himself lagging behind... He covered up the distance by running towards them and joined the walk with them.

In an hour's time all had settled themselves at a place where the dinner was going to be served. It was in front of Nate's tent.
Susan was missing in the crowd. Tyson was worried about her and thus asked about her to the girls.

"She said to go on ahead she will accompany later," Emily replied.

"How is she? Is she back to normal," Eric asked.

"Don't know," Amanda replied trying to remember her reaction while they last saw each other...

Susan joined them in 15 minutes when all the food was served.

"Sorry to get late," Susan said with a sweet smile.

"Good to see you in your normal personality," Bryan said after inspecting her for a while.

"Sorry I just was a little disturbed," Susan replied.

"But what was the thing that was disturbing you," Tyson asked getting concerned.

"I myself don't know," Susan said with a weird smile on her face.

All looked at her confused.

"Let's begin eating. I'm too hungry," Susan said changing the topic.

They finished of having their dinner. The food was not that great but was fine for them at that time. They headed to sleep as soon as they had finished eating. All went into their tents. Everyone was too tired and soon felt asleep.

Next day the boys came in front of the girl's tent after they had got fresh. The girls were all ready excluding one.

"Where is Susan," Tyson asked as the couples united.

"Don't know. When we got up she was missing," Amanda replied.

"Ok," Tyson replied... he wondered where she could be... she recently was troubling him by making him worry about her a lot.

The group decided to leave after waiting for susan for some while... and there wad no sign of her...

They were leaving that place when they heard Susan's voice and they halted.

"Good morning everyone," she called out.

"Where were you," Tyson asked trying to not act too worried.

"Just went to have a small morning walk," Susan replied.

"You normally don't go for morning walks," Amanda said remembering.

"As I had said earlier I love the forest, the trekking and many other things. Taking walk at these places at any time is my hobby," Susan said, "Although I don't get it to do much in our town,"

"That's another weird hobby we came to know of Susan," Steven said.

"It isn't that weird," Susan said.

"It's already 9 am. Did you boys checked out what others are doing," Amanda asked.

"No we came here directly," Steven replied.

"Then let's go check out then," Tyson said... he was back to normal now... No worries at all...

All moved towards Nate's office where they had ate their food earlier. All were placing plates there.

"Can we provide you with some assistance," Susan asked to the girl placing the plates.
She looked up at Susan and then continued her work getting totally engrossed in it ignoring Susan.
Nate noticed them there and wished them. They too wished her.

Susan was wondering why the girl was behaving in that manner.
Nate noticed that and spoke to distract her observation.

"You all came at the perfect time. We were just going to begin eating," Nate said.

Susan gave a smile and so did some of her friends while some had blank faces. They took their seats and begin eating. The food was not good like the last night but it was eatable. And no one even complained as they can't expect to receive comfort everywhere they go.

They finished off having their breakfast. Others too had finished and they were back doing their respective jobs. Half an hour passed and the group of friends did nothing rather than wonder around.

"What are we going to do," Clara asked.

"Yeah we have not come here to just wonder around," Emily replied.

"Let's talk about that to Nate," Susan suggested.

"What are we going to talk to her," Clara asked.

"What can we do? That's what I'm going to ask her" Susan replied.

They all decided to have a talk with Nate at last and moved towards her tent.

"Can we come in," Susan asked pepping in the tent.

She saw Nate getting worried and jumbling up the papers on her table.

"Sorry did I disturb you," Susan said entering in.

"Ohm it's you," Nate exclaimed.

"Were you expecting someone," Susan asked.

"No actually I was looking at the progress reports from the students. I guess I was too much into it so got a little jumbled up," Nate replied.

"Oh," Susan replied.

"What brings you here," Nate asked in a stern tone. She wasnt like before... Her way of speaking made them realize that ghe women had least intrest in talking with them...

"We wished to know what our tasks were for today," Tyson asked.

"Well I'm too busy with the paper works today so why don't you just roam out for today," Nate said, "Do you mind doing that without disturbing our work," she said with wide eyes.

"We will take our leave now," Susan said and moved out of her tent and so did others.

"She is so mean," Clara said.

"Even I agree with you," Emily said.

"You are again busy thinking something, aren't you," Tyson asked.

Susan got distracted.

"I just stare at a particular thing. I don't think about anything," Susan replied.

"So what are we going to do," Amanda asked.

"Let's just enjoy by ourselves," Steven said.

"Yeah that would actually be better," Bryan said, "At least we won't be able to hear any mean things from that Nate lady,"

"Ok then we will be on our own then. Let's go little far away from this place," Eric said.

"No," Susan shouted suddenly.

"What happened," Tyson asked.

"Nothing," she replied with her head down for shouting suddenly.

"You didn't like the idea I guess," Tyson asked.

"Hmm... I was actually thinking that we always stay on our own so if we got a chance to get mixed with others then why don't we utilize it," Susan said.

"We haven't got a chance. If we go to interact with others that Nate would surely shout and I don't want to listen her bad mouth speak up," Amanda said.

"She isn't that mean and we came here to enjoy...," Susan said.

"And so are we going to go," Bryan said.

"We always enjoy it by ourselves and if we wanted to enjoy in that manner then why did we came here. We need to interact and enjoy with everyone," Susan tried to make up their mind.

All were silent.

"I'm waiting for your reply," Susan said seeing that the topic would end if the silence spread for any more time and she wont be able to do what she wanted to do.

This time it wasn't Tyson to agree to what Susan said but surprising Amanda agreed. They all decided to go and have a talk with the scuba divers.

"Let's separate and have a talk," Susan suggested.

"Why can't we go together," Tyson questioned.

"It's better to have one to one conversation for closer bonding, don't you think?" Susan asked.

No one in the group was satisfied but before they could have kept their view forward Susan had moved away.

"Something is surely wrong with her," Amanda said.

"Yes she is acting a bit weird since we have arrived here," Bryan said.

"It's like the last time, don't you think," Tyson said.

"What do you mean by last time," Emily asked.

"It's like 5 months ago. Suddenly Susan had started to behave in the way she is behaving now," Eric said.

"Yes she was back to normal but had taken too long to be back," Clara said.

"Now that you have mentioned I remember it was the time when many things were going in the city, am I right," Emily asked trying to remember.

"Yes and we had thought that the sudden change was because of the change in the society," Eric said laughingly.

"We'll leave let's keep this topic aside and try to have some fun with these scuba divers," Tyson said.

They decided to move in a group of two or three rather than going alone. They moved as soon as their group was made.

Mean while Susan moved towards a girl named Rachel. She was busy doing some things in the scuba diving equipments. Susan didn't have much idea about what all the things were actually called. She decided to ask the things later on and begin with a normal conversation.

"Hi Rachel, my name is Susan," she said.

The girl looked at her surprised as she knew that no one had introduced her or given out her name but she recovered back from her surprise soon and was back to her work. Susan decided to move from there seeing thag tje girl was least intrested in speaking.

"Is your name Jennifer?" she asked as she moved towards a tall dark black long haired healthy girl.

"How do you know?" she asked having the same surprised look that was on Rachels face.

"I had just heard it from here and there. Well you don't seem busy like the others,"

"Yes my works all done. I'm free for now,"

"What is your work?" she asked as she saw the girl pack her things up.

"Our work at this place is distributed. Like my work is to keep safe the things we have collected. I have a partner unluckily to disturb my work,"

"Why unluckily,"

"Can you see that girl with curly blond hairs? She is my partner named Jane. She is the one responsible for making my work increase to its maximum level,"

susan looked in the direction when jennifer pointed.
"You are too frank in speaking up, areng you?" Susan asked.

"I like to make friends... you vall that the reason."

"Well at least I found someone who likes to do that. i found here people too much engrossed in their work."

"There are some good people here like my best friend like Janet. She is also blond haired... i guess she will spare some time to make a new friend."

"The other blond haired girl," Susan asked.

"Yup, there are two among us one is Jane and the other Janet," she replied.

Susan suggested if she was free then why don't take a walk rather than sitting there and chatting. Jennifer agreed as she wasn't that busy and she was enjoying their conversation...
"I would surely like to have a walk with you," she said with a smile.

"So what does your friend Janet do," Susan asked as they started to take a round near the river side

"You can call her the main person because she is the one who dives and find out different things underwater,"

"So all of you don't go for diving," Susan asked.

"We go sometimes if we don't have any work," Jennifer replied.

"Your best buddy would also have a partner then,"

"Yes her name is Karen. Janet and Karen consider themselves enemies since the group was formed,"

"When was the group formed," she asked.

"About a year ago," Jennifer replied.


"How did you and your friends reach here? Do you all love scuba diving?" jennifer queagioned.

"No we didn't know actually that we are going to come here. It was a surprise from my granny,"

"That's a weird surprise,"

"I love to do weird things, maybe those are the reason," Susan said with a wide smile.

"So who all are there in this group? I don't know anyone. It's just too difficult to mix up over here without even knowing the names," Susan said when she noticed that Jennifer was going to tell that she was leaving.

"Well there are other 2 partners having rivalry. They take care of the costumes named as Sharon and Kenny,"

"All in your group are rivals I guess,"

"Yes you can say that. That's the specialty of our group that no one trusts anyone here,"

"It would be hard to stay in a group like that,"

"I'm used to that now. Well I'm getting late. We can chat later on," Jennifer said.
This time Susan wasn't able to stop her and took her leave. She saw her friends sitting and having chat and Tyson sitting all alone.

"I'm sorry Tyson," she said to herself and moved to meet someone else.

She decided to move to meet Karen.

"I heard you had a nice talk with Jennifer. Well I'm not one like her to just go on doing friendship with anyone. So you can just take your leave," Karen said before Susan could speak up, "Well there is something you can do to have friendship with me,"

"And what's that," Susan asked although she had no intention in following.

"I don't think you can do, even I don't think you have an intention then why should I waste my time,"

"Just I would like to listen,"

"What would I get from that? I don't have time to sit and waste like you. I have my own work. So move away," she said and left seeing susan yet standing there confused tok what had happened out there.

She decided to meet Janet next and went in search of her. She found her soon and moved towards her. She was going to speak up when Jennifer came there.

"You came to meet my best buddy," Jennifer asked.

"Yes thought to have a conversation," Susan replied.

"So I won't disturb you. Have a nice chat," she said and left seeing Janet's angry face.

"Would you like to have a small chat," Susan asked with a smile.

"I'm not interested. I'm busy," she said.

Just then Susan received a call.

"Whose call is it," Janet asked all of a sudden.

That made Susan a little shock. why suddenly janet got intrested in knowing about her personal things...

"Well it's an unknown no. I myself have to check out. Excuse me," Susan said and went aside to pick up the call.

She noticed that Janet was trying to over hear her talks by following her. So she moved a little more distance and picked the call. She saw Janet at a distance but she was sure that she won't be able to listen although she could have seen Susan's expressions.

She picked up the call and had a normal expression. Janet was getting bored looking at her same expression and decided to leave when she suddenly saw Susan in a shock. Janet tried to move towards Susan to listen what she was speaking. Susan noticed Janet was trying to hear her conversation. So she ended up the conversation on the call.

"Do you need something," Susan said moving towards Janet.

"I felt that I was a little rude during our previous conversation so I decided to tell you that we can have a small conversation some while later," Janet said.

Susan was happy to hear that but knew that it was only an excuse for trying to follow her. But at least she could use her excuse for having a chat.

I am actually waiting for publishing the next chapter...
the real fun starts there...
i hope u like this chp
well please give ur comments so that i would come to know whether you are liking the story or not...
thanks for reading.

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