Gay Marvel Match-Ups

By Hiddlestoner15

446K 3.7K 2.3K

This is basically a whole bunch of smut for Marvel characters. Request are open!!! More

Lab Accident
Nat Saw All Of It
Who's Gonna Cave First?(Part1- 69)
Whose Gonna Cave First? (Part 2- Sex Therapy)
Tech Savvy

Fun & Games Til You Fall in Love

20.9K 240 97
By Hiddlestoner15

The Avengers were currently sitting in the living room on the floor in a circle using the coffee table as the centre of their circle. Tonight was game night and they had played about every board game they had as well as some card games, like Kings in the corner and Uno. Now they were currently playing Truth or Dare?

"Truth or Dare?" It was Steve's turn and he had already picked truth 15 times. Tony kept making comments on how he needed to pick dare already, because otherwise there was no point in playing. Natasha had an idea on how to get Steve to pick dare the next go around so when Steve picked truth yet again she asked, "Do you want to kiss, Tony?" Steve's face flushed fire engine red before he looked everywhere, but at anyone in the room.

"I think that's a yes, Tony. Steve wants to kiss you." Clint said the last part in a singy song voice making Steve flush worse than he had been before. Tony however hadn't said anything. Usually by now he would have said some sort of sarcastic comment, but this new information had rendered him speechless.

Tony kept his eyes on Steve watching his every move before he whispered out, "Steve? Is... is that true?" The way Tony's voice came out made him sound like a small, innocent, and curious child. Steve gave a curt nod before getting up and going to the kitchen muttering something about getting a pop. Tony rolled his eyes before following him into the kitchen. "Capsicle, it's called a soda. Not pop." Tony laughed a bit, but when Steve didn't pay him any mind he walked over to him and touched his shoulder only for Steve to turn around with tears in his eyes.

"Are you going to stop playing games and hiding how you feel, Tony?"

"Steve what are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about you rejecting me because I'm disgusting. To like another man is wrong, Tony. I'm an abomination to even think like this and feel like I do about you. Tony I-" Steve didn't get to finish because Tony had shut him up by kissing him. Tony cupped Steve's face and kissed him with everything he had because he couldn't take the way Steve looked or how he talked about himself, it made Tony want to just hold Steve and shield him away from the world and the people that made him feel this way. When the broke apart Steve let a sob rack through his body as Tony just pulled him closer and whispered softly in his ear.

"Steve I don't find you disgusting, far from it actually. Hearing you speak this way about yourself makes me want to hurt every single person that ever put those thoughts into your pretty little blonde head. I don't think you're disgusting and I know that everyone in the next room doesn't find you disgusting. Especially Natasha, I think she's a secret fangirl for this kind of stuff. Truth is Steve I like you a lot and I never told you because you grew up in the forties where this isn't as accepted as it is now." Steve hugged Tony tighter and buried his face into Tony's neck.

"I love you." Tony tensed up not sure if he heard right, but when he felt Steve tense as well he knew he heard correctly. "I... uh I didn't mean that. I mean I did, but I didn't. Tony-" again Tony kissed Steve to shut him up and again it lasted longer than intended to.

"I love you too, Steve." After they pulled apart Tony let those words fall from his slightly swollen lips. Steve smiled before pulling Tony into another hug and just holding him in the kitchen. After a while Steve yawned indicating that he was tired and upon hearing that yawn Tony could only copy. "Let's head to bed I'm tired. And I know you are too." Tony pulled away from the hug only to take Steve's hand and lead him out the kitchen, past the other Avengers, and down the hall to Steve's room. After stripping out of their clothes much to Steve's embarrassment they climbed into bed and cuddled up next to each other under the covers before drifting off to sleep with smiles on their faces.

The first thing that Steve noticed upon waking up was that he wasn't alone in the bed. He felt a warm small body pressed against his side. When Steve looked down and saw Tony's face the memories of last night flooded his head. A small warm smile braced his face as he remembered the words that fell from Tony's lips.

The next thing he noticed was that Tony had a little problem resting just above Steve's hip. Steve felt his face flush with embarrassment and realization of the predicament he was in. Tony shifted so that he was pressed harder into Steve and upon doing that he had moved some what down and onto Steve's front. Steve let out a strangle sound is Tony's hard-on pressed against his own. Tony shifted his head to the side and his eyes fluttered open only to see Steve's flushed face and hear his harsh breathing.

"Steve what's wrong?" Tony sat up to look at Steve only to feel something hard and long press itself between his butt cheeks. Steve flushed even more as a groan escaped his mouth. Tony raised a brow before he rolled his hip forward. Steve's hands shot to Tony's hips holding him still as he glared at Tony. "What's wrong Steve don't you like this? Doesn't it make you feel good?" Steve nodded his head before he shook it closing his eyes tight as if that would alleviate the problem.

"Well, which is it Steve? Is it good or not?" Tony couldn't help, but smirk at how flustered Steve had become.

"It- it feels g-good Tony." Tony's smirk became even cockier Tony took a hold of Steve hands and move them above Steve's head and started rock his hips back-and-forth. Steve let out a strangled moan. "Tony..."

Steve had never been touched like this and he wondered why he hadn't done it sooner.

"Tony. You're...gonna make me..." Steve cut him own self off by cumming. Steve felt the front of his boxers dampen and begin to stick to him as Tony came to a stop before sitting back on Steve's thighs and pulling Steve's boxer down.

"That was... quick." Steve blushed five ways till Sunday.

"No it wasn't."

"Yeah it was. Just admit it Steve." Steve growled a bit before he grabbed Tony's wrist and flipped them over so Tony was on his back with an amused look on his face. "Did you just growl at me?"

"Shut up Tony." Was the only thing that Steve breathed out as he started to kiss Tony's neck. Alternating between nipping, licking and kissing.

"What I'm just saying. Animals growl. Didn't know you were an animal." Tony wiggled his eyebrows as he smiled at Steve. Steve laughed a bit before he started his descent from Tony's neck to the top of Tony's boxers.

Steve pulled off Tony's boxers and threw them to the side before he licked the head of Tony's cock before he took it into his mouth. Tony grunted in response before his back arched. Steve's mouth felt sinfully good and Tony tried his hardest not to thrust up in to Steve's throat.

"Steve... oh god Steve!" Tony panted out as Steve play with his balls. Tony felt a hot searing pleasure running down his spine and to his cock. "Steve...stop I'm gonna...ugh!!" Tony was cut off when Steve sucked harder hollowing his cheeks in the process. Tony's hip thrusted up on their own accord and Steve gagged a bit feeling Tony release in his mouth. Before Steve swallowed as much as he could.

Steve got up on his knees and stroked his cock. His boxers no where in sight. Tony couldn't remember when he took them off, but he doesn't care. Steve stroked as fast as he could while his other hand held the base of his cock and his balls before he felt his release coming on fast.

"Tony... ah... oh god Tony... Ahhhh!!" Steve moan out as he came on Tony's stomach. Steve bent forward slightly as his orgasm ripped through him. The hand that was on the base of his cock shot forward to steady himself as he felt himself falling.

Steve collapse to the side of Tony so that their shoulders were touching and they both caught their breath. Tony let a smile stretch across his face as he turned to his side and rested his hand on Steve's chest and his head on his shoulder.

"I love you, Steve." Tony whispered out and Steve smiled while looking down at Tony.

"I love you too, Tony."

Sorry for the slow updates, but as you all know I haven't  really been feeling this. So let me know what you think about this chapter.
- Hiddlestoner15KGK

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