The Whore and the Virgin

By xoCrashFire

302K 18.1K 19.1K


Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Twenty-Five

6.6K 430 743
By xoCrashFire

*tiny smut warning*

Gerard's POV

Frank was right not to trust our cooking skills - well, more like our preparation skills actually. Once we got the cookies in the oven, they turned out fine, but before we made it that far, Frank managed to cover the entire room in batter by turning the mixer speed up too high, and my mom had refused to help us clean up after that, leaving us alone with a shake of her head, and a promise that the kitchen would be spotless when we were done.

At least we had some fresh cookies to eat while we attempted to scrape the mess off the walls, which had turned out delicious by some miracle, and even though I usually despised chores of any kind, doing them with Frank actually made them somewhat bearable, and I found myself giggling softly for no particular reason.

"Hey - don't laugh at me, I didn't know that button would turn your blender into a freaking weed whacker," Frank pouted, throwing his rag into the sink when we were mostly finished cleaning up, ignoring the spots that were too high up for us to reach.

"I can't help it, you are such a fucking dork, not to mention you still have cookie dough in your hair," I chuckled, reaching over so I could grab the coated locks in my hand teasingly.

"You are one to talk, your hair is fucking nasty."

"Ugh...I need a shower again, I hate showering twice in one day," I grumbled, ignoring the way Frank rolled his eyes at me playfully.

"You are so weird Gerard, who doesn't enjoy a nice shower?" Frank asked.

"It's just...time consuming I guess, and then my hair looks all fucked up afterward - I don't know, I just try to avoid it until I have to," I shrugged, not really sure how else to explain my distaste of showering to someone who seemed to appreciate it so much.

"Like I said...fucking weird," Frank scoffed, but he quickly followed his harsh words by a soft kiss, which I leaned into gratefully. Frank tasted delicious, like cookies, and coffee, and a slight hint of mint, and I wanted to taste more of him, but I restrained myself, knowing that Frank probably wouldn't be willing to partake in a full blown make out session with my mom in the house.

"So that took longer that it should have, and I think I should probably head home soon. I have a lot of homework, and there is no way I'm going to be able to concentrate covered in cookie dough," Frank sighed when we pulled apart, and I had to suppress a groan of frustration.

"Are you sure - you can shower here if you want?" I asked, nowhere near ready to let Frank leave just yet, but I doubted he would feel comfortable enough to bathe in my house, still - I had to try and find a way to keep him here.

"Nah, I'll be okay, but can I get a ride? With my luck, someone will see me like this, and I would never live that down," Frank chuckled, and I nodded in agreement, grabbing my keys before following Frank out the front door and over to my car.


Once I was home again, I headed straight up to my room, ready to get out of my itchy clothes, but I decided to grab a few cookies on the way before Mikey discovered them and ate them all. I sighed softly to myself as I pondered my relationship with Mikey; I didn't let it show often, but I really did miss my little brother, and I had hoped once he saw how much I truly cared about Frank that he would stop hating me so much, but that obviously hadn't been the case.

I knew I shouldn't expect him to forgive me easily, especially not after what I had done to Ray, but I had thought that he would see that I was changing, that Frank was changing me, but he really didn't seem to care. It was mostly Pete's fault, I knew that he encouraged Mikey to stay away from me, but even after everything I had done, it still hurt to have my baby brother hate me.

But there was nothing I could do to make up for my past sins now that Mikey had made up his mind, and I couldn't let him get me down. At least I had Frank; he didn't judge me, and he seemed to care for me unconditionally, no matter what I did, which was more than I deserved, and I was so thankful to him.

Actually, I was more than thankful...I - I think I was in love with him; I had even slipped up and let out the 'l' word when I was talking to Jonathan earlier, but there was no way I was going to tell him that just yet. We hadn't been together for very long, and after Bert, I never said those words first anymore; it was just too terrifying, and I refused to put my heart out there only for someone else to stomp on it, and even though I didn't think Frank would do that to me, I couldn't take that chance.

I couldn't help the way I felt though; Frank was just so perfect, besides for his unwillingness to have sex that is, but when including that unfortunate oversight, I had never met anyone like him, and sometimes I still couldn't believe that someone as amazing as Frank had actually chosen me to be his boyfriend.

Ugh...I missed him already, and my previous good mood was deflating without Frank's jovial presence by my side, but it wasn't like we could spend every second of every day together, even though I would love that, but that just wasn't realistic.

Chewing on a cookie absentmindedly, I climbed the stairs to my room in a daze, trying to decide what to do with my alone time. As much as I didn't want to, I knew I would have to shower, which would probably lead to me rubbing one out...again. I was really getting tired of my hand, but right now, I didn't really have any other option.

Just as I was stripping off my soiled t-shirt, I felt my phone vibrating in the pocket of my jeans, and I quickly pulled it out, expecting to see a text from a Frank, so I was surprised when an unknown number popped up on my screen. Pulling open the message warily, I sighed to myself as I read the few lines of text.

"Hey, it's Jonathan, I got your number off of Bob."

I shouldn't have texted him back, if anything, I should have deleted his message and ignored him completely, but I was bored, and lonely, and even though I would never cheat on Frank with Jonathan, it wouldn't hurt to simply talk to him...right?


I had barely gotten my jeans off before my phone was vibrating again, alerting me to the fact that I had a new text message.

"Hi ;) just reminding you that my offer from earlier is still open anytime."

Damn...this guy was persistent, and if I had met him a few months earlier, I would have had him in my bedroom in a heartbeat, but I had Frank now, and no matter how sexually deprived I currently was, I couldn't give in to this guy's advances, no matter how hot and desperate he was.

"Thanks I guess, but I really can't..."

I was about to get in the shower when my phone went off again, and my curiosity wouldn't let me leave the message unread.

"I know, but just think - you could have him and me. I know you want me...I saw it in your eyes."

I sighed heavily when I read his text, because in a way he was right; I was aching for sex, or anything even remotely sexual that is, but it wouldn't mean anything if it didn't come from Frank - he was the only person I wanted those things from.

"I'm sorry, but please stop. I really care about Frank, and I can't."

I hadn't even locked my phone before his next message came through, and even though I had intended on ending our short conversation with my last text, I couldn't help but glance at what he had sent me, and fuck - I really shouldn't have.

"Come are so hot, I would kill to have you in my bed. I would let you do anything to me, let you fuck my mouth, I would suck you so good. Then you could turn me around and fuck me so hard - fuck - I'm touching myself right now just thinking about it...."

I didn't read the rest of his message, instead, I threw the phone to the edge of my bed in disgust, wringing my hands together as if the device had burned me. With a sigh of frustration, I stormed into the bathroom, locking the door behind me as if the extra precaution would protect me from Jonathan's words.

I was literally shaking with rage, and not just with Jonathan, but at myself, because as much as I didn't want to admit it, his proposition had seriously affected me, and I felt so fucking guilty for the throbbing hard on I was currently sporting.

"Fuck," I cursed weakly, the pressure in my stomach demanding my attention, and I knew I had to get rid of this erection before I could form a coherent thought, so I twisted the knobs on the shower angrily, not even waiting for the water to heat up completely before I stepped onto the slippery floor.

As I reached down and cupped myself lightly, I tried to contain my twinge of regret, because it wasn't my fault for getting so turned on, anyone would have if they received that dirty of a message, but I still didn't feel right, as if I was betraying Frank in some way.

It was too late to stop now though, and as I began twisting my wrist slightly, rubbing up and down over my aching length, it was an image of Frank that filled my eyes, not Jonathan. I pictured Frank on his back, kissing me passionately as I slipped inside of him, low moans spilling from his mouth as I slowly pumped in and out of him.

I felt better once I began thinking of Frank, but the fact still remained that it had been Jonathan who had gotten me into this state, and I couldn't push away the nagging sense of unease in my head, because in a way, I almost felt like I was cheating, even though I wasn't.

I came into my hand quickly, my legs trembling underneath me as I stroked myself through my release, but it wasn't good enough anymore, and even though my erection was now gone, the pool of lust was still simmering inside of me, needing only the tiniest spark to be reignited once again.

I washed myself quickly, toweling off my wet body before collapsing back into my bed completely naked. I was too lazy to get dressed just yet, and no one was home besides for my mother, and she wouldn't come in without knocking, so it's not like it really mattered.

I couldn't seem to get comfortable though, and I ended up cuddling the pillow Frank always liked to lay on when he was here, inhaling the faint scent of his hair into my lungs as if that would bring him to my side. I wanted to call him, but after what had just happened with Jonathan, I felt too guilty to fake happiness, and knowing Frank, he would immediate pick up on my distress.

I couldn't tell him about this, because even though I had done nothing wrong, Frank might not see it that way, and I refused to lose my perfect boyfriend over some asshole that couldn't take no for an answer, so I simply buried what had just happened deep inside me, reverting back to my old coping methods, and hopefully this time, they would actually work.

Hey guys, I was gone for awhile again, and I'm sorry. I was on vacation in California, and I had no time to write, but I'm back now.

Oh and I saw FOB last night, and they were so amazing <3 Patrick's voice was perfection, and Pete was so dorky and cute and he screamed a lot, and Joe popped one of the big balloon they were throwing in the crowd by accident and he looked so sad, and ugh it was so much fun.

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and as always, thank you to everyone who is reading this ^_^

((((happy vibes))))

<3 starr

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