God's Grand Design

By MujikaruNeko

6.5K 166 66

After a long day of randomness, Lucifer sits atop the roof of a church. He gets captured by said church, and... More

Episode 2: White wings, and a little bit of war
Episode 3: What happens next?
Episode 4: Falling over again
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9

Episode 1: A church captured Lucifer?

1.1K 22 11
By MujikaruNeko

Hanzo Urushihara sighed in content as he stared at the full moon in front of him. It had taken a while to find a place like this on Ente Isla, but here, it was only a short 15 minute flight from the 'Devil's Castle'. It was the only time of day, or night, really, that he could come out of the house and not get arrested for completely destroying the bridge at Sasazuka Station. 

He sighed, looking at the stars and the moon, thinking about his rather... interesting, should that be the right word, day. 

The day had started just like any other. He woke up, crawled out of his taped-together udon noodle box, unsurprisingly finding one of his roommates, Sadao Maou, aka Satan, gone and at Mgronalds for work for the day. His other roommate, Shiro Ashiya, aka Demon General Alsiel (Alciel?), cooking breakfast for the both of them, mostly for himself, though. Ashiya was humming a happy tune, most likely because he didn't know that Urushihara was awake. This was typical around the small six-tatami house, mostly because no one really forgave him for the whole 'I'm going to defeat Satan and destroy a bridge' thing, and therefore, was treated like useless crap. 

Lucifer sat on his knees at his computer, looking for more online games to play, as if he could actually handle the games he was already playing. But, since he finished all his goals and missions for now on the other games, he looked for more, a bad habit he had when he got bored. 

In three of the games he played, he was a general, just like he was back in Ente Isla. And in a few more, he played as a demon, again, like he was in Ente Isla, and in one of them, he even played as an angel, which would make him sometimes feel nostalgic, and the part of his back where his wings came out would start tingling. 

His thoughts were interrupted by an old priest passing by, shouting at him. "Hey, boy! Get down from there, it's dangerous!" Lucifer stood up, stretching his tired wings, to leave when the priest shouted at him, "And take off those wings, you're being a disgrace to our lord!" 

Lucifer flew down from the rooftop onto the ground, feeling to priests negative emotions suddenly being absorbed into him. "Oh my," the priest said, slightly shaking at the sight of him. "You're a-" Lucifer cut him off. "I know, I know," he growled. "I'm a fallen angel, you don't have to insult me, I'll leave." He felt his own negative emotions boiling up inside him. 

"Well, fallen angel," A voice said from behind. "I think it would be in your best interest to come with us." Lucifer turned around sharply. There was a tall man in black robes that went down to his feet, with robes that covered his entire face. Well, either he was tall, or Lucifer was just short, either way, they're both true.

Lucifer began to panic inside, despite his stoic expression. 

But before he could say anything, someone had splashed holy water in his face, he flew up into the air, but fell down due to hitting one of his wings on a tree branch, cutting it, and he fell onto the ground with a sickening crunch. He screamed in pain as he was deemed unable to fly because of his broken, cut and bleeding wing. 

He was shocked, scared, and unable to fly or run away. He screamed out in pain over and over, the burning of the holy water and from his broken wing both becoming a painful kind of numb, where the only thing he can feel is pain, and nothing else. 

The man walked to his side, staring down at him menacingly.

'Where am I?' he thought. 'What's going to happen to me?' His train of thought was interrupted yet again, when he had a large metal net thrown onto him. Within a few seconds, he could feel a burning, no, searing pain everywhere his bare skin had touched the metal bars and chains that connected to them. 

The bars were about one inch long, and connected with chains. The bars had some sort of symbols, one on each bar. They weren't Ente Islan, Lucifer knew that, but they looked... Heavenly. It was one of the Heavenly languages. He could tell that the words were things like 'purification', and 'holy' and things like that. It probably shouldn't have hurt him as much as it did, because he used to be an angel, but it to him, it hurt worse than hell. 

He struggled to get free from the net, but it was all in vain. He yelped again as he was dragged across the ground, and into the church. The concrete floor of the church was cold, and, and his wing bumped against the seats as the man carelessly dragged him inside. 

The priest who had spotted him earlier had walked up to him when he stopped being dragged and was stopped in front of a large glass window that made a picture of Jesus. "What is your name, unholy filth?" The priest asked. Lucifer didn't answer, and instead growled in reply, trying to ignore the burning, becoming searing pain on his back as he sat up on his knees. 

"I'm not telling you, old man." Lucifer said, his voice slightly wavering. Suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, multiple nets were thrown onto his back, and he screamed even louder than before. Though, this time, the burning was even under his clothed skin. 

He howled in pain again, because it was much easier to deal with the pain in his throat, than with the pain everywhere else. tears brimmed his eyes as realization suddenly poured over him like a faucet you'd see in a kitchen sink. 'No one is coming for me. And now, they are going to kill me,' Lucifer thought. 'Unless I tell them my name.' 

"Fine!" Lucifer yelled in a hoarse voice. "Fine! I'll tell you my name!" The nets were removed from his worn body, and he coughed up some blood. He sat on his knees, because he had fallen to the floor without even realizing it. He took a few breaths to calm down. The robed man was about to throw the nets onto him again, but the priest had stopped him. 

When Lucifer had finally calmed down, he took one for good, deep breath, and whispered, "Lucifer," The priest looked at him strangely. "My name is Lucifer." He said, this time, more audible. Someone had taken his hand immediately afterwards, and dragged him through an old stone hallway, right after Lucifer said his name. 

"W-wait!" Lucifer yelled. "Where are you taking me?" The man remained silent, and took out a torch*. He led Lucifer through a hallway that was dark, and the air was humid and sticky.  

/*the kind of torch that is lit up with fire, not the British name for flashlight*/

Soon, they stopped in front of a large door. 

It was old and dusty, like it hadn't been opened in years. It was made of wood that looked like it would't fall apart the second you touch it, and the hinges were cast-iron, and rusty-looking. The door had no door knob, and it was missing a few nails, so Lucifer wondered how it managed to survive this long. It look to be at least a hundred year old. 

The man who dragged him here let go of his hand, and opened the door. 

The door made a sickening creaking sound that filled Lucifer with dread as he didn't even dare imagine what awaited him behind the door. He gulped, and shook slightly. The man walked inside, and Lucifer followed him. 

The room was much like the hallway, but with a different atmosphere. 

The room seemed cold and warm at the same time, and was much dustier than anything else within the old church. There was a large desk in one corner, an old fashioned one with two drawers on each side, stacked on one another. It had cast iron hinges and handles, and the wood old and almost falling apart, much like the door. 

In the center of the room, sat a large, dusty, tea-green, piano with intricate golden designs decorating the sides. The top was open, and it was a very old-looking piano that also seemed brand new at the same time. 

The man dragged Lucifer to a wall with cast-iron shackles attached to the wall. 'Man, this place sure likes to have old cast-iron crap laying around, huh?' Lucifer was barely given any time to process that thought, as the man next to him had sharply grabbed him, and almost shoved him towards the wall. 

Lucifer landed on his back, almost screaming again at the pain that coursed through his torn up, and nearly burned-off wings. His hand was roughly grabbed, and a shackle was attached to it. The man did the same with his other hand, and as well as his ankles. 

By this time, Lucifer was covered in dirt, blood, sweat, and burns. His clothes were torn up, not that he really cared about his clothes much more than he cared about getting out of here as soon as possible. 

The man left without another word, not that he had said any in the first place. This time, he actually had more time to look around the room. The desk had some old, worn out papers on it, along with ink, and a feathered pen. He found that the two drawers with the desk were locked, too. 

There were some books laying around, along with broken wood, a book shelf, and some leather bound notebooks. He didn't have the energy to explore any further, so he just lay on his side, wondering how this all seemed to happen so fast, and cried himself to sleep. 


When Lucifer awoke, he wasn't in his box, as he would have liked. 

He awoke on the cold, hard, ground*, his face sticky from crying himself to sleep. His body was sore, and worn, and all he could really do, was sit up, and breathe. So he did. He looked at his wing, which was now completely numb, and when he touched it, he got the numb-pain feeling again. This time, though, it was more comforting, rather than the opposite. 

//*see what I did there?*//

He sat in the cold room, wondering if anyone would come for him. 

At that moment, the old door opened, letting out that loud, sickening creak that he hated. A girl about 14 years old stepped into the room. "We need to oil that thing, huh?" She asked herself. She looked around until she spotted Lucifer. 

"Oh, there you are!" She smiled. She kneeled next to him, and brought out some bandages, seemingly out of nowhere, and began to disinfect and bandage his wounds. "Looks like they treated you pretty badly, huh, Lucifer?" She asked him. Lucifer wondered how she knew his name, but didn't seem to have the voice to say it. 

Again, she brought out something out of nowhere, and poured it into a spoon. She gave the spoon to Lucifer, and said, "Here, take this. You're going to need it to recover your voice, okay?" He nodded, and took the spoon, but dropped it. He realized that his hands were too weak to hold anything right now. 

"That's okay, I actually expected that one. Here." She pulled another spoon out from behind her back, and poured the medicine into it. She held it at his mouth, and he opened it. He swallowed all of the medicine with no problem, except for the rancid taste. 

Next, she pulled out a hamburger from MgRonalds'. It gave him nostalgia, and only reminded him of how much he wanted to see his roommates again. The girl opened the wrapper, and set the burger at Lucifer's mouth. "Here, you're going to need to eat this." He took a big bite, and swallowed quickly. He wondered why this girl was being so nice to him. 

She continued to feed him until the whole thing was gone, and then she pulled out a Spark*. "Here, you want some, right?" She asked. He desperately nodded. She opened the can, and set it at his mouth. "Drink up!" He continued to drink until the whole can was gone, not even stopping to breathe at this point. He was way too hungry for breathing. 

//*Spark is an anime knock-off of the drink Sprite*//

The girl left after that, and didn't come back for the rest of the day. He soon fell asleep again. 


About an hour later, he was woken up to a net being thrown onto him. He screamed, much less hoarsely than yesterday, and got up when the net was removed. 

He was told not to go back to sleep until the man said so, and so he didn't. He was afraid of what might happen if he did. 

Since the girl came and helped him, he had a lot more energy to move around. He walked over to the piano, pressing a key. A sound came from the piano, a low sound that seemed to described his mood. He hadn't played piano in a long time, so he wondered if he even remembered any good songs, and so he tried. 

It took a little bit, but he finally remembered the right notes for a song called, Suppose, by Secondhand Serenade. He hummed the tune as he played, not clearly remembering all of the words. He closed his eyes, and began to get absorbed into the song. He smiled, which was something that he hadn't done since he had gotten himself into this situation.

He soon got tired of playing the piano, and picked up a book. 

It was old and dusty. He blew the dust off of the cover, and looked at the title. It was called 'I am a Cat' by Nastume Sōseki. It seemed interesting enough, so he read it. He began to read it for a long while, becoming absorbed into the old words, and terms. It was written in 1905, after all, so he had to take a minute to remember some of them. 

After a while, his wing began to hurt. It wasn't bad, but enough to distract him from the book. 

He took a look at his wing, not seeing anything wrong with it, other than all of the wounds on it that were covered in bandages. He once again picked up the book, looking for his page, and began to read it again. An hour later, the man who had woken him up with the net had walked into the room to find Lucifer reading. "Lucifer, you may sleep, now." Lucifer nodded, putting down  the book, and laying down. The man left, and Lucifer was once again alone. He stretched out his wings and wrapped them around his body like a safe cocoon, and almost fell asleep when he saw the one feather on his left wing. He nearly screamed when he saw it, but didn't. He simply started, mortified at that one feather. 

Why you may ask?

Because it was white.

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