
By fatalimposter

854 62 29


Just Six Months Ago
That Constant Threat..
Only Hope Left
What I Think When I Think of You
God's Workings
Demolition Lovers
Silent Treatment or Death Wish?
Heart Eyes Howell Meets Love Eyes Lester
Don't Forget
All the Hope in the World
All For You
If Only It Were Different
A Crayon Note
Docks of Hopeless Survivors
So Long

Paint or Blood

53 4 4
By fatalimposter

Tyler's Point of View

After ten days of silence from Dan and Phil, Tyler was glad to see them making up from whatever Dan was mad about. Of course, Tyler had no idea why he would be mad at Phil, but it was whatever. He didn't want to get mixed up with their odd domestic fights. It was actually nice to be sitting in the warehouse with Troye, listening to Dan and Phil apologize over dumb things ("Dan, I'm sorry I used to steal your cereal." "Don't worry Phil, I used your shampoo a lot and I'm sorry." "Wait, the one that smelled like cherry blossoms?" "Yeah... Sorry about that." "Dan!").  It brought a smile to Tyler's face. He didn't know why, but it was just kind of... sweet, in its own way.

The warehouse was nice too, for apocalyptic building. There weren't many Windows or doors to board up, it was nice and warm, and there were quite a few things left from whoever deserted it. They were able to find blankets and a few pillows, a bit of food and random water bottles (they were sealed), clothes, and some shoes. Dan actually was able to find some ammo in the back and a couple.knives. It reminded Tyler of a flea market, what with all the little stands and finding so much stuff. He didn't know if the British called it something other than flea market, but whatever. It was nice and they actually had some stuff to use. They didn't have to leave right away, which was nice. Tyler's feet were sore from running and walking from place to place.

But the niceness didn't mean they didn't have to keep watch. The order now went: Dan, Phil, Tyler, Troye. Two people ended up sleeping together in one sleeping bag since they only had two. Tyler kept promising to make a third one soon, and now with a bunch of blankets, he could. But Tyler enjoyed being able to sleep curled up to Troye. All those months without him made the other boy long to be with him as much as he could, figuring any second could be their last. But, of course, Dan pestered Tyler about the third sleeping bag more and more often. Why? Tyler had no clue.

So, during his watch one night, he made another one and chucked it at Dan. Phil and Troye were laughing at the sound Tyler had made as he threw it and the sound Dan made getting smacked in the face with the bag. Phil said they both kind of sounded like dinosaurs falling, which was probably the best comparison Tyler had heard in a long time. But the bag got Dan to stop complaining about having to share with Phil (Dan said he just didn't like how close he was to him in the bag, yet they'll hang out in the corner, all cuddled up. Riiiigggggghhhhhhhtttttt). 

On the fourth day of hearing Dan and Phil play the apology game, Tyler and Troye offered to go scouting. The restrooms didn't have clean water to drink and even if they had, Tyler really didn't know how he felt about possibly drinking toilet water. Plus, they wanted to form a strategy before they moved since being in one place wasn't a good idea. The first few weeks hadn't been pretty because they had tried to stay in Dan and Phil's flat for too long.

It started out some what normal: woke up, someone sat by the door, someone by the window, and someone walked around their flat and checked anywhere out of sight from the living room. They had been in the flat for three weeks. The food was running short and the water was scarce. They had talked the night before about leaving to get some to bring back, but they hadn't come to an agreement on it. Dan didn't like staying in one place, but Tyler and Phil wanted to stay. They had said it would be safer since they would know all the entrances and exits of the place. Dan had been right to want to leave because that morning, zombies (a good seven or eight of them) managed to break the door down and get into the flat. It quickly started to smell like death. To Tyler, death smelled of wet dirt, sulfur, garbage, and actual shit, all rolled into a ball with a layer of the smell of well water wrapped around it (well water had a different smell and taste from regular city water!). The came stumbling in and the three boys barely had enough time to get out of the flat with their few weapons, clothes, and a bit of food (one of them distracted the zombies while the other two got the stuff. It was scary as hell). They quickly rushed into the hall way to find more zombies, but luckily, they were faster and maneuvered through the undead quickly than Sonic could have. When they were safe, Tyler mentioned how fast they were when getting out there and that's when Phil mentioned they were all Sonics. Dan's input on the matter? All he said was "Gotta go fast." Tyler swore Dan was the personification of the internet and all of its memes. If Tyler didn't know better, Dan would some how make new memes without the internet. That would be Dan's legacy. 

So out went Tyler and Troye to scout the area. It started out okay. A few strangling zombies here and there. They were easy to knife and walk away from so that a horde didn't attack. It was a bit odd because whenever Troye attacked a zombie, Tyler would just watch. He didn't want to say the other looked sexy as he did, but Tyler could see how powerful his boyfriend had become over the past months fighting zombies. It was beautiful to watch his body to tense and relax in certain areas as Troye would wrap his arm around the zombie and drive his knife into the head or neck of the creature. It wouldn't be attractive, but Tyler liked seeing his bean pole of a boyfriend being so strong. 

But the beauty was short lived when Tyler heard foot steps behind him moments too late. The feeling of hands on his neck brought Tyler to attention but not fast enough. Before black spots clouded his vision, Tyler watched helplessly as a person came up behind Troye and seemed the grab his neck. Tyler couldn't even yell for his boyfriend to watch out. Everything around his turned to black quickly. 

Tyler swore he was dead. He didn't know what it felt like to die, since he had been alive his whole life. He swore he should have died, but he wasn't.

Tyler yanked his arms and felt resistance. The feeling of rope around his wrists made Tyler realize his arms were bound. To what? He didn't know. He also realized there was something over his eyes. He tried blinking and felt cloth rub against his eyelids. Panic quickly set into Tyler and fight or flight mode switched on. Tyler had to find a way to get out. He needed to find Troye. He needed to get back to Dan and Phil. This wasn't good.

Moments later, Tyler heard the sound of foot steps. He let his head fall back into the position it was in when he woke up, lolled to the his right side. He tried to calm himself so he looked like he was still knocked out. It wasn't easy, but Tyler figured that he might be the best he is as good as he can be pretending to be asleep while panicking. 

"... woke up and demanded too much. I honestly wanted to slit his throat but you know how she gets. She wants them both alive."

"I know." A pause and a sigh. "He isn't awake yet? Shouldn't he have already been awake, screaming for help? That's what happened last time."

Last time?

The first voice, which sounded like a girl, spoke again, "I don't know. We don't know how pressure points effect him. People are all different so I don't know. Might as well wait until he wakes up I guess."

And then silence. Complete and utter silence. Tyler didn't like it and almost forgot about the two people in the room. Soon, the silence got to him and he lifted his head, acting more panicked so they didn't have any suspicions. Quickly, whatever was over his eyes was removed and Tyler could see.

It was barely lite room. The only lighting was from a camping lamp. The walls looked to have once been white, but were covered in dirt and what Tyler hoped was red paint. In front of his was a girl and a boy. The girl had short, dark brown hair. It was close to Dan's hair color. Close up, Tyler could see she had green eyes. They weren't bright, emerald green, but they were still a lovely color. Her face was covered in dirt. 

Tyler almost forgot about the boy until he say him move in the shadows of the room. His dark skin allowed him to hide in the dark and it made Tyler more nervous. The boy's hair was almost military cut, but it was a bit longer than military regulations. He wore regular blue jeans and a black tee shirt. In his hand he had a very large knife, like only used to carve turkeys at Thanksgiving. Tyler swallowed and looked at the girl in front of him.

"Oh good, you're finally awake. I have some questions. If you don't answer, we kill you and your friend." Her voice was a little different up close. She had authority in her tone and it made Tyler fidget a bit. She meant business. Tyler nodded and stared at her. This time, she said, "good."

The girl moved away from Tyler and pulled up a chair, sitting in it backwards. Now, Tyler could see the gun she had in her hand. The kid was like, fourteen. Did she know how to use that thing?

"We know all about your, Oakly. What we need to know is simple." She paused, checking her gun for bullets, as if to intimidate Tyler (it did). 

"Take us to your little hide out and give us all your supplies or you get the honor of your brains painting the walls like a few other idiots."

The girl raised her gun and aimed it at Tyler. A lead ball dropped in Tyler's stomach. This wasn't good.

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