Alpha, Beta, Gamma? [bxb]

By photographybook

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[Book Two of The Murdag Chronicles] The war between the Wolves and Sprites is raging on around them, but it i... More

Prologue - Mates
The Girl Who Cried Wolf.
Bad Awakening.
The Future.


170 10 5
By photographybook


We were up and running in a matter of seconds. The scream had come from downstairs, probably the living room so we practically flew down the stairs- with Luke stabilising me once as I stumbled over my still bruised leg- but soon enough we were in the living room.

"She's seeing something again." Skylar greeted us and with him, the sight of a sweating and writhing Jay in the middle of the floor.

"No!" She suddenly screamed and I saw Skylar wince terribly but he couldn't reach for her. We all knew that touching her during a vision could have fatal effects on her mental state. I sent Luke a worried glance and our gazes met halfway as he turned to me too. Eden had run back out of the room to grab chocolate and tea from the kitchen, to give Jay as soon as the vision was over.

This was the second major vision of hers she'd had since she came. There had been smaller ones, where her eyes would glaze over and her body grow stiff for a little bit before she recovered (the last time that had happened she'd run into Eddie's art supplies and was covered in paints when she came to again), but the only other time a vision had taken its toll to this extent was back during the attack in the bunker.

We'd been sitting next to her writhing body for a few minutes before she seemed to calm down. She hadn't said anything specific, except for the odd shout of someone's name, but everyone let out a sigh of relief when her eyes finally opened and she gasped. Her eyes searched the room frantically until they rested on Sky and she buried her face in his neck.

"Jay?" I tried, but Sky sent me an angry look and growled deep in his throat. I cocked a brow but didn't press it. I needed to know what she'd seen in case it put the pack in danger but I knew I wouldn't get far with her mate hanging over her like that. I felt a tug at my sleeve and looked to see Luke nodding towards the door; I sighed but followed.

"You need to focus on your surroundings more." He hissed as soon as the door had closed behind me and Lucian.

"What?" Lucian asked confused and I turned my head and sniffed the air. There was a weird scent mixed into the normal scents emitted from my pack.

"What is that?" I asked, but Luke just shrugged.

"Makri called." Eden exclaimed as she burst through the door and we hurried to follow her. She led us outside to the boarder of the forest and I growled when I smelt that foreign scent again. It smelled like dirt, fresh air and human blood.

"Makri says they appeared out of no where wanting to talk to the Alpha." Eden whispered quickly and I held Luke closer to my body when, as if they had heard them a group of naked people stepped out of the forest. Their bodies were pale but dirt was smudged everywhere and they reeked of blood. A frown formed on my forehead and I stared at the female who seemed to be leading the group. Her body was lithe and muscular, and her blonde hair hung into her face in wet tresses, while her pale blue eyes were focused on me but kept checking her surroundings as if she was expecting someone to attack them.

"What is this?" I growled and she stopped in her tracks. A tall man came up next to her, his shoulders wide and his whole body packed with muscle.

"Sind wir hier richtig? Sie scheinen nicht wirklich freundlich zu sein?"

"Sei still. Ich mach das schon." I stared at them trying to figure out what they had just said, but the language was beyond me. It sounded harsh and throaty and made me worry that they were going to attack. The woman took a step forward and I let out a warning growl.

"Answer me. What are you doing here and who are you?" She looked around nervously one more time before she opened her mouth to answer.

"We- we are Stüpp. We have come from Germany to talk, Alpha." Her voice was laced with a slight accent but her English was fluent and precise.

"Our seer knew of your pain and loss and your enemies will spread to the continent if we do not help to stop them." She nodded to the tall man when she spoke of the seer and I narrowed my eyes at them. I felt Luke stir next to me and looked down at him.

"Maybe we should invite them inside." He said, throwing a worried look behind us. I turned to see almost all unmated wolves from the pack, staring at the new comers with a hungry look in their eyes. Rolling my eyes, I turned back to the foreign people.

"Come inside." The woman looked relieved and Luke started to lead the way to the Alpha House. I stayed behind. There were at least 30 of them. They would fit into the living room but worry ate its way into my mind- what if they hurt the pack? Or the town people? I couldn't shake the smell of blood, no matter how hard I tried.


"I'm Kilyan and this is my mate Luke." I introduced once we had found them all some clothes and they had taken their showers. "My beta Lucian and his mate, my cousin, Eden." They all murmured a greeting. And I waited for them to introduce themselves.

"Oh- sorry. My name is Klara and this is my mate, and our seer, Odan. My beta Susanne but you can call her Susi, and her mate Dafne." The two girls seated next to Klara waved and smiled, showing their sharp teeth.

"What are you?" Luke blurted and Klara chuckled at his blush.

"We are Stüpp- or well. I guess we're Werewolves but we hunt differently. You will find us barbaric if we tell you." I scoffed and received an elbow into my solar plexus from Luke.

"So how do you hunt?" Eden asked.

"Are you sure, you want to know, little girl?" Odan's voice boomed through the house like thunder on a dark, stormy night.

"I'm not little. Tell me." She seethed and Lucian put a hand on her shoulder to stop her form charging at the man.

"You asked for it-" Klara muttered and looked straight at the four of them. "We hunt humans." I gasped. "We lie waiting at crossings, graveyards or places of suicide or- how do you say it? - wrong-doings? And then we jump onto the person's back, clinging until they die of exhaustion." Her face hadn't changed at all during this description of- well - cannibalism almost.

"That's why you reek of human blood." I stated and I could sense Luke's shock.

"Yes." She laughed. "We also killed a hunter or two on the way here though." An evil grin stretched across her lips, just as the door burst open and a blonde whirl-wind ran into the room.

"Eddie! I ripped my dress!" I started laughing. I don't know why to be honest, but everything about this situation seemed so ridiculous. When I had calmed down, Luke and Lucian were giving me weird looks while Eden just grinned. The Stüpp seemed confused.

"Warum lacht er denn jetzt?"

"Ganz im Ernst, nicht was ich erwartet hatte..."

"Meint der das wär'n Witz?" Klara and her stoic mate were the only ones not muttering away under their breaths. Their gazes were firmly locked on me and I shifted slightly under the intensity of them.

"There's a big guest house on the outskirts of our settlement. You're welcome to stay there, but no killing humans unless they're hunters. They're out to get us, from what I've heard." That got me a chuckle and I smiled. "You can live on human food as well, I presume?" Klara nodded and I sent her another smile.

"Follow me." I was about to lead the way to the front door, when an exhausted looking Jay blocked the door.

"Don't go." She gasped and Sky appeared a second later.

"Jay-darling, please stop-"

"No, he can't see, don't you get it? He can't see him!" Her words confused me and I sent Luke a questioning glance but he just shrugged.

"Jay what're you talking about?" I asked and could sense the Stüpp behind me murmur.

"I- I-"

"She's clearly just had a vision, she needs fresh air and more tea. I'd recommend green tea." Odan suddenly said and Jay's eyes flicked over to him, before a pensive expression settled on her face.

"Who are-" Her eyes glazed and she gasped when she came back to us. "Oh. Nice to meet you, Odan." She smiled at him and he grinned back, bowing and placing a gentle kiss on her hand. He simply waved Sky off when he growled.

"I'm mated too, don't worry." Odan chuckled and Sky just sent him a glare, before wrapping his arm tighter around Jay.

"She's been saying that-" He was interrupted by yet another scream, but this time the scream seemed to be a mixture of confusion and happiness. I sent Jay another look and hurried outside. I felt her trying to hold Luke back but he brushed her off, to hurry after me.

"That was my mum." He shouted and sped up, overtaking me. We reached the far east assembly place and saw Luke's mother kneeling on the floor clutching a body to her, while Luke's little sisters stood behind her with blank expressions. Luke slowed down when he got closer and his sisters seemed to sense he was there, because they turned and ran to him.

"Mummy is-"

"-crying. Why is she crying?" They asked, tears in their voices. Luke dragged a hand through their unruly hair and kept going. I knelt down and held the two girls close to me, while my eyes followed my mate worriedly.

"Mum...?" He whispered and his mother looked up at him. Her face was streaked with wet-hot tears, which surprised me because she was one of the strongest pack warriors we had. Then my eyes looked down at the body in her arms. It was a man, his face was covered in dirt as well as his whole body and cuts and bruises coloured his skin. He seemed skinny, but a slight definition of muscles was recognisable in his arms.

"Mum-" Luke's voice suddenly sounded thick with emotions and a wave of them crashed over me. Pain, Grief, Happiness, Confusion, Love.

"Dad." And he broke down next to his mother who continued crying and clutching her husband's body to her.


Here's a little update... I promise I'll write more soon, but uni has been very stressful, with loads of deadlines and translation works and- I could go on forever.

This update is dedicated to my little kkomaya~ in the hope that this will (kind of) cheer her up a bit... I know it's not exactly a cheery chapter but... you said you needed something to read ;)

Stay strong and remember that flu shots only hurt so much, before they actually help to keep you healthier ;) haha

Love you kkomaya <3

To the rest of my lovely readerlings, I wish a happy weekend (yes I know it's only Thursday but I don't care, it's ALMOST Friday so it counts ;) haha)

The German will also stay untranslated to add to the confusion of Kilyan. If you really wanna know what it means PM me or Google Translate it~ sorry dolls, but Kilyan doesn't get to know, so you don't either ;) haha

Also wanted to tell you about my new obsession with Tori Amos~ she's bae. Especially her song "Cornflake Girl", makes my day~ hehe

Stay fabulous!

Love y'all, readerlings~ Kxx

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