The Future.

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"I need to see him! Please!" I could hear a female voice outside the door and then a guard's voice telling her to leave.

"Let go of me!" She screeched and I heard something that sounded like someone dragging a person against their will. I opened the door quickly and saw Jay hanging in between two guard wolves, fighting to get free with all her might.

"Let her go." I ordered them and they released her immediately. After all, I was going to be the second Alpha soon.

"What is it, Jay?" Her hair was in terrible disarray and I could see her ever present sunglasses on the floor. She bent to pick them up and started to talk but before a single sound could escape her, an angry growl rolled through the house. She whipped around and I saw a black blurr before Jay was wrapped in Skylar's arms. He let out another protective growl before Jay's soft giggle erupted.

"Are you okay?" Skylar whispered and Jay just nodded.

"She was about to tell me something- now if you would let her go, we might actually get to that bit." I drawled and Skylar sent me a dark glare.

"Babe? Where are you?" Kilyan's voice sounded from his room and I rolled my eyes.

"I told you not to call me that!" His laughter sounded and I motioned for Jay and Skylar to come inside. "Are you decent?"

"With you around? Never!" He laughed and I opened the door with a huff. He was at least half dressed in dark blue slacks and no shirt.

"As much as I'm loving the bare-chest, we have guests so please put shirt on." He dropped a kiss on my forehead before pulling a clean white shirt over his body.

"Please sit- now what were you screaming about?" I turned to Jay who had paled again. She sat down on one of the two couches and Skylar pulled her close immediately. I plopped down opposite her, only to have Kilyan pull me into his lap.

"Seriously?" I turned around but he only smirked and buried his nose in my neck. I knew he was putting up a brave front.

"It's about the war and- the Alpha." I felt Kilyan stiffen, but his face stayed in my neck.

"What about him?" My hand grasped Kilyan's automatically and he squeezed my hand tightly.

"When I was in the bunker- I-" she broke off and Skylar whispered things into her ear. "I had a vision." I nodded encouragingly and Jay seemed to relax a little bit, unlike Kilyan who had my hand and waist in a death grip.

"You said you're a psychic- thats normal right?" She flinched a bit at Kilyan's tone.

"He's upset; ignore him." I soothed her and she sent me a disbelieving smile.

"Well I saw- I saw the Alpha- and- the battle." She took a deep breath and I felt Kilyan's grip loosen as if he'd realised that he was squishing me. "The battle was gruesome, so many dead- I- All I could do was watch."

"It's not your fault, Mandu." She had singular tears running down her cheeks and I reached for the tissues quickly, but she declined.

"I also saw the Alpha- I'm sorry I couldn't warn you in time, but the Alpha leading the battle in my vision- was you Kilyan."

- {SONG} -

"It's okay, it's okay. Calm down." I tried to calm him but the tears wouldn't stop. He was curled up in my lap, Jay and Skylar had left a while ago and the ceremony was to be held soon. But Yan had broken. It must have looked surreal, the big bad Alpha in my lap, but there was nothing else I could do, so I held him. My arms around him while I tried to soothe him by resting my hand on the back of his head, running my fingers along his cheek. I pressed my lips to his forehead while I felt his tears soak my shirt. I'd need to change before I left but so did he. His tears had stopped, I couldn't feel any more hot liquid drenching my shirt, but he was still sobbing; his body convulsed in my arms and I felt so helpless. I didn't now what to do.

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