Warriors ~ Sky's The Limit


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Chapter 1 ~Stormkit~
Chapter 2 ~~Solarkit~~
Chapter 3 ~~Crestkit~~
Authors Note
Chapter 4 ~~Shadowkit~~
~~Chapter 5~~
~Create Your Character~
~Chapter 7~
Percy's Birthday!
~TRRRIIIIP! Then School... :(~
~Chapter 8~
~Create A Character #2~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~
~Shoutout... Sunday?~

~~Chapter 6~~

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Hey peeps! This is a before chapter short A/N!!!!! :3 So anyway, this chapter will switch between each clan. And the clan will be labeled so don't worry. :3 Just telling ya so you guys don't get confused.... not that I have many readers.... I have like three or two.... 

ANYWAY!!!! Here's the chapters dudes!

Oh wait before you read, I decided to change the prophecy.

Now it's:

Four cats each from different clans

Must use their power and save the forest

But beware the one you call friend.

I hope that it doesn't suck....

I am bad at writing prophecies and stuff. :(

Anyway on the to story! :3


(Moonclan) Crestkit's POV

Starlight leaned over to groom Forestkit for the hundred-millionth time.

Forestkit ducked out of the way. "Mum! I'm good! You've done this a million times already!"

Starlight huffed. "Alright! But just once more-" Starlight fixed a tuft of fur sticking out from Forestkit's tail. "Now Crestkit! Get over here!"

I obediently walked over and sat down although she has done it ten times already.

Mother groomed my fur again as Dapplestar called a clan meeting.

"All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather underneath the High Rock for a clan meeting! " Dapplestar yowled from the top of the High Rock.

Forestkit, Lunarkit and I hurried up to the High Rock and scrambled to get on top it.

The clan slowly gathered underneath us and Dapplestar continued speaking.

"Today we have three kits ready to become apprentices. Forestkit! You have become 6 moons old and are ready to become an apprentice."

Dapplestar nodded towards Forestkit who stared back, eyes shining proudly.

Dapplestar turned towards the crowd underneath him.

"You will be Forestpaw until you get your warrior name. Birdwing will be your mentor."

Birdwing walked up to Forestpaw and touched noses with him.

Dapplestar turned to me. "Crestkit! Until you earn your warrior name, you are Crestpaw. Nightsky will be your mentor."

The black shecat went up and touched noses with me. Nightsky acted calm but her eyes gave her away.

Lunarkit was next! I was so excited!

"Lunarkit. Until you get your warrior name, your name will be Lunarpaw. Moonfire will be your mentor."

The young grey tom nodded in respect and touched noses with Lunarpaw.

"May Starclan light your paths!" Dapplestar meowed and the clan started chanting our new names.


I stood there, grinning. I was a Moonclan apprentice!


(Eclipseclan) Solarkit's POV

I stood on the highrock as Spottedstar gave Creekkit his apprentice name.

"From now on you are Creekpaw until you receive your warrior name. Crowtail will be your mentor."

Mentor and apprentice touched noses.

"Crystalkit, your name is now Crystalpaw until you get your warrior name. Mapleseed will be your mentor."

The young shecat went up to Crystalkit and touched noses with her.

Now it was my turn. It took all of my strength to keep from squealing.

"Solarkit. Until you earn your warrior name, you are Solarpaw. Cloudstream will be your mentor."

My new mentor came up and touched noses with me.

Spottedstar grinned. "May Starclan light your paths."


I felt so proud, up there with my siblings as APPRENTICES! I was so happy! Soon I would be a warrior!


(Airclan) Solarkit's POV

(Also I realized there was a mistake in Chapter 4. Its Hazelkit not Featherkit xD I got mixed up with Featherpaw and Hazelkit.)

Hazelkit, Fernkit, Owlkit and I were going to be apprentices! I was so excited! Nothing could ruin my day! Even Owlkit and Fernkit! They were glaring at me but I ignored them.

Finally, Cherrystar called a clan meeting. We scrabbled up onto the rock where Cherrystar was.

Our mothers had groomed us, we all looked clean and sleek.

"We have four kits that are 6 moons old and ready to become apprentices!"

I tuned out Owlkit's and Fernkit's apprentice ceremony. Their mentors were Darkclaw and Patchfur.

"Hazelkit! Until you receive your warrior name you will be Hazelpaw! Your mentor will be... Sparrowwing!"

Sparrowwing came up and touched noses with Hazelki- no Hazelpaw.

Now it was my turn!

"Until you gain your warrior name, your name will be Solarpaw. Your mentor will be... Hmm... Sunwhisker!"

I stood there, shocked as Sunwhisker came up and touched noses with me.

I got the deputy as my mentor?!

I hardly heard Cherrystar as she continued to ceremony and the clan chanted our new  names.

I hopped down from the highrock and Hazelpaw congratulated me for getting the deputy as my mentor.

But my good mood was soon dampened by no other than Owlpaw and Fernpaw.

"I can't believe you got the deputy as your mentor, runt!" Owlpaw scoffed as soon as he saw me.

"Yeah, they probably did it out of pity." Sneered his sidekick, Fernpaw.

I narrowed my eyes to slits and gritted my teeth.

"Leave her alone!" My best friend Hazelpaw growled.

My brother and his friend smirked. "Why should we? Huh?"

"Just go away!" Hazelpaw growled and we walked away from them.

"Thanks Hazelpaw..." I grinned at her.

She smiled back. "Hey no problem! They're such mousebrains!"

I laughed. It felt good to walk around with my best friend.
Especially as an Airclan apprentice!


(Hurricaneclan) Stormkit's POV

Oh my Starclan! It was my apprentice ceremony! And Joykit's, Breezekit's and Emberkit's ceremony too!

I was so excited! I was bouncing around the nursery as my mother tried to fix my fur.

"Stormkit! Please stay still! Its your apprentice ceremony!" My mother mewed trying to get me to sit down.

I stopped jumping for a second and let her groom me.

"There! All done!" My mother, Streamlight said proudly.

Over in the corner Spiritbreeze was grooming Breezekit and Emberkit who were desperately trying to get away.

My sister, Joykit had already been groomed and was trying to stay that way.

Finally, our mothers were done and we hurried over to the highrock where Songstar was waiting. She had already called a clan meeting.

"We have four kits ready to become apprentices! Emberkit?"

Emberkit stood there proudly, his chest puffed out.

"You are now Emberpaw! Firefoot will be your mentor."

They touched noses, then it was Joykit's turn.

"Until you get your warrior name, you'll be Joypaw! Quailstream will be your mentor."

The young shecat came up and touched noses with my sister.

"Breezekit! Until you earn your warrior name, your name will be Breezepaw! Badgerclaw will be your mentor!"

Badgerclaw touched noses with Breezepaw.

Now it was my turn! It was all I could do to not bounce around in happiness.

"Stormkit! Until you receive your warrior name, you'll be Stormpaw! Runningblaze will mentor you!"

My new mentor came up to me and touched noses with me.

Songstar grinned. "May Starclan light your paths!"

The clan started chanting our names.


I felt so proud! I was a Hurricaneclan apprentice! Ahhhhh! Yay!


Heyyyyyy peeps! :3 Did ya like the chappie? Sorry if it was bad... I haven't been writing much.

School is starting soon. :(

That's sad... Anyway! I'll try to update more sooner now! I know I keep saying that but please stay with me! :3

Until next time,

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