The Pretend To Be Agreement

By Cataldinabluebird

469K 12.4K 814

[UNDER MAJOR EDITING] 'So, it's agreed then? If I help you with your financial problems, you'll pretend to... More

The Pretend To Be Agreement
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six (Different Version)
Epilogue PT. 1
Epilogue - PT. 2
Important Information (FAQ)
New Account

Chapter Thirty-Two

9.6K 278 17
By Cataldinabluebird

*Hiiii, sorry for the long wait. I hope you all enjoy this chapter!


We feel asleep on the window seat that afternoon, curled up under a blanket while Will's arms were wrapped around my waist. The rest of them came home later that day, but none of them had found us until late evening. Vivien walked in – muttering "thank you Jesus" – and woke us up for dinner. The first thing I had seen was her wide grin and the gleaming in her eyes and then she pulled me for a hug.

Dinner was rather odd, but wasn't a complete waste of everyone's time when Henry suggest we play a game of charades. The first round had been rather boring, with everyone staring at Henry like he was a crazy old man – which he is, essentially. Then we got to the fifth round and it just had to be James's turn and let's just say his impersonation of a chimpanzee was better than the real life thing.

It had gotten even better when Will had secretly video-taped the performance and caught it all on his phone. I had thought I had been the only one to catch him doing this, but then his mother leans over, and does the most surprising thing yet – ask for a copy!

At the end of the night, which actually around two in the morning before we all decided to call it quits, I question Will about Katherine's odd behavior. The two of us had just been getting ready to crawl under the covers when the question had just slipped out of my mouth. This got him looking at my weirdly, and then he answered saying his mother had her 'moments'.

Of course he wouldn't tell be what these 'moments' were actually about, though.

A couple of days pass by with nothing extreme happening, and then there's a knock at the front door. Everyone looked at each other, questioning looks on our faces as a silent question hung in the air: who was at the door?

When everyone expect Vivien decline the offer of going to greet this mysterious person, and she begrudgingly got up off the couch and starting grumbling things under her breath as she walked. It's not until we all hear her let out a happy shriek that it catches all five our attention and were up and running to see what Vivien was so excited about.

It all made sense after a couple seconds when we all laid eyes on the person standing in the entryway of the house. Shock filled me as I stared into a pair of silver eyes, ones almost identical to Will's, and all I could do was stare. Standing frozen like a statue I gap at the sight before me.

"Samantha!" Squeals an overjoyed Vivien as she wraps her arms around her granddaughter. There, standing in front of us while she was getting smothered, she lets out a little laugh that comes out as hoarse.

She smiles weakly at us as she pats Vivien's back, "N-Nice to see you, too. Do ... do you want to know what else is nice, grandma? Breathing."

Vivien lets out a breathily chuckle as she lets go. She apologizes as she caresses Samantha's cheek and then steps back to let the rest of them hug her. Katherine greets her daughter with a smile, but the two don't hug. James just simply pats her on the shoulder and gives her a half-hearted attempt at a smile. Henry actually hugs her, telling her how much he missed her and she gets chocked up and just nods.

Then she turns to Will and a wide grin spreads across her face and she's running over to him until they collide together in a tight embrace. She lets out giggle when he twirls her around in the air and when he sets her back down she stumbles but he catches her. Will plants a kiss on the top of her forehead and the two siblings whisper back and forth for a good solid minute.

When their little moment is over a blonde haired, silver eyed child comes running over to Will and latches onto his leg. Will let's out a chuckle and smiles down at the kid before he bends down and ruffles the boy's hair.

"Hi, Luca." Will tries to suppress the grin that comes to his face but it doesn't work. Luca, Samantha's son, scrunches up his nose and lets his arms fall back to his side.

He pouts, smoothing down his hair. "Not the hair."

I couldn't contain myself as I burst into laughter, my head flying backwards as I shut my eyes for a second. Accidently, I back into the wall behind me and to steady myself I place my hands on my thighs, my laughter not stopping. When my eyes open I find that everyone was staring at me, amusement in their eyes and bit of confusion.

"What?" I ask once I've calmed down and they all look at me like I'm stupid and then something in my brain clicks. "Oh! I-It's just that it's very easy to tell that Lucas and Will are related."

Samantha raises a curious brow, "How?"

I smirk at this and then mimic, "Not the hair!"

They still don't seem to get it so I walk over to Will and reach up and run my hand through his hair, messing it up. His eyes widen in shock on the minute my arms are back down at my sides his hands are flying up to his hair. Then, when he says the famous 'not the hair' phrase the rest of them finally get what I had been seeing all along.

And just like that everything went back to normal.

It was only a couple of days before Christmas, about three, and Vivien practically dragged Katherine, Samantha, and I with her to go last minute shopping. On the way there, traveling in the back of Vivien's car, Samantha explained to me what it was we would be doing.

Apparently, every year they got the rest of the family to come down for Christmas and on the twenty-fourth they'd buy a whole bunch of junk food and make the strangest things. None of them wanted to get into detail what 'strange things' were, and when I asked the three all gave a knowing look to one another.

When we got to the store, we split into groups of two and then went on our way but before Katherine hands me a list. Samantha and I got the pleasure of going to the deli and purchasing steak because Henry didn't like turkey and then somehow we ended up in the toy section of the store.

Walking around, I carry the basket while Sam – as she told me to start calling her – started running up and down isles, looking up and down frantically. This goes on for about five minutes before she blows out a relieved sigh and then sucks in a breath when she spots the price tag. Since I had been following right behind her I come to a sudden halt.

Standing beside her I see that the toy in her hands was Spider-Man action figure and it cost thirty dollars. I silently curse whoever had decided to price these damn things when I notice tears welling in her eyes.

I knew exactly how she was feeling at the moment. She didn't have the money to pay for it and the money she most likely saved up on was spent on the plane tickets to get here. There was no explanation needed when I looked down at her and saw only disappointment. The toy that was in her hands was obviously for Lucas and even though I didn't know her very well I knew what it was like to be down in the dumps with no options.

Biting my lip I pull her in for a hug and she accepts it gratefully as she cries into my shoulder. I smooth her hair down as I tell its going to be fine, and even if she doesn't believe me, I know that it would be.

Samantha couldn't buy the toy; couldn't make her baby boy happy. In this moment I knew how to help, and I didn't give a damn if nobody liked the idea that was floating in my head, I did.

*Two days later: Morning of Christmas Eve*

I woke up early that morning and headed downstairs. The rest of them were still asleep but we had gone over how this was going to play out. Today was all about Will. Vivien and Henry are in charge of making breakfast and Katherine, James, Samantha, and Lucas were to spend the afternoon with him. After the day is almost over I was to do something special for him – something that I honestly had no clue what it would be.

When I step into the kitchen I see that Vivien and Henry were already working on breakfast and I grab the two mugs full of coffee out of Henry's hands. Thanking him I walk back up the stairs and make my way back up to the bedroom.

Since I had left the door open just a inch all I had to do was push it open with my elbow and it flew open. I close it using my foot and step over to the bed and put the mugs on the desk and then crawl onto the bed.

I shake him awake and he lets out a little groan in annoyance and tries to roll over but fails. Leaning down, I go for a different tactic, and lock our lips together. For a second he doesn't respond and I'm about to pull away, but then his lips start to move in sync with mine. His eyes slowly open and I could feel him smile into the kiss.

His arms go around my waist and pull me into him and my chest collides with his. He tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear when are our lips disconnect.

"Good morning, Grace," he says, his voice husky. It causes a strange heat to spread throughout me and I try not to think about it.

"Good morning, birthday boy," I say back as I peck him on the nose.

"Oh, so that's what's with the special morning greeting." He grumbles sadly.

I raise an eyebrow. "You like me greeting you like this in the morning?"

He shrugs. "It's not so bad. Especially when it's you."

I blush at his words, "I think about it."

"So, what have you all got planned for me today?" He questions, slyly.

I gap at him. "It's a surprise! But, I can tell you this: this will be the only time will have with each other until tonight."

He frowns at this. "I don't like this plan. What if all I want for my birthday is to spend it with you?"

I smile at him. "That's very sweet of you, Will. But your family also wants to spend time with you. Look at it this way: We live together and see each other all the time while you only see them a few times a month. How do you think they feel?"

"I don't want to spend the day around my father. He's an ungrateful bastard who puts his wants and wishes onto me, thinking that it would make me happy, but they don't. You, on the other hand, do, Grace. You make me happy; you make me see that there's much more to life than money." He grumbles, adverting his eyes from mine.

I purse my lips. "I'm glad I make you happy, I really do. All I want is for you to be happy. But tomorrow is Christmas and you guys have been ignoring each other for a week. Just ... please go to lunch and then we can do whatever you want tonight, sound good?"

He rolls his eyes at this idea but a ghost of a smile tugs at his lips. " ... Fine, I'll go. But I'm not going for them, I'm going for you."

"I hate the sound of that, but at least you're going. And don't forget that your grandmother is taking us all too mass with her – so you better be back around five so we can go out for dinner." I tell him as I roll of him and he crawls out of bed.

"Please tell it's the steak house down in town?" He asks a pleading look on his face as he zips open his suitcase and searches for something. It's a white shirt and he slides it on.

"Maybe," I mumble, not meaning for my words to come out quiet, but they had.

He raises a curious eyebrow. "You sound distracted? Anything on your mind?"

I could feel a heat spreading through me and it wasn't heading for my cheeks, "No, not really, just that you look better ... shirtless."

He wiggles his eyebrows at me suggestively. "Oh, really?"

I roll my eyes, but instead of denying anything I grab a pillow and chuck it at him. He catches it and tosses it back on the bed and just stares at me. His gray eyes pour into mine and I see that his pupils are dilating.

"You are very dirty, Mr. Reed," I state, crossing my arms.

"Oh, honey, you have no idea."

My eyes widen at this, "Really now?"

He nods, smirking. "Really, baby. I can be your Mr. Darcy."

At his words I choke on my spit as he winks at me. It becomes a lot harder all of sudden to ignore the burning heat that hits me like a tidal wave and all I can do is stare at him. He knew exactly what it was that he was doing to me, and he was obviously enjoying every second of it. It came to mind, much to my dismay, that I actually liked it when he called me 'baby', though he had pet names like 'honey'.

What really surprised me was the way 'baby' rolled off his tongue. It came out as seductive and naughty, and as I watch him walk out of the door the swipe of his tongue on his bottom lip didn't go unnoticed. A chill is sent down my spine and it took me a minute to figure out what just happened.

I drag my hand down my face and shake my head, "What the hell are you doing to me, Reed?"


The morning passes by rather slowly and it's just Vivien, Henry, and I. Henry ends up going to watch the football game at the neighbours, stating that they apparently had 'better cable'. Vivien goes off to the music room, taking her knitting kit with her. I was watching TV but had to turn it off when it went static.

Read the last chapters of my books and making an early lunch for myself I find myself ending up in the music room. The heat is blasting through the entire house, keeping it warm and toasty, but somehow I still get goose bumps.

My hair is tied up into a towel that sits on the top of my head and I feel droplets of water slipping down the back of my neck and my cheeks. I wipe them away quickly as I enter the room, knocking first and then making my grand entrance when there's a response. I find Vivien sitting down in one of those big, old chairs that have the removable cushions as she knits. It looks like a blanket or at least that's what it looks at the moment.

She glances up at me and her silver eyes meet mine and it intimidates me just by the slightest. I walk over to her and take a seat on the window seat. Grabbing the blanket that's beside me I wrap it around my shoulders when I feel a cold draft coming from the window.

"How are you doing, Grace? Are you and Will alright?"

I look up at her, a little surprised from the question. "Were doing fine, I guess."

She doesn't look up at me as she states, "It's either you know or you don't. So, which one is it, Grace?"

I think it about for a second and then answer, "We're doing okay. Is there any particular reason you're asking?"

She simply shrugs. "Am I not a loud to know about my grandson's life?"

My eyebrows knit together in confusion. "You are, but that still doesn't explain why you're so curious."

This time her neck snaps to the side to face me and her eyes stare into mine, "Because I worry about him. I don't need him to be losing anything."

I purse my lips, leaning forward, intrigued and suspicious. "And what is it would he be losing exactly?"

"Himself," she states, turning back to her knitting.

"Why would he lose himself?"

I couldn't help myself. She was talking in riddles and there was obviously a double meaning behind each and every word that came out of her mouth. At the sound of my question she drops what's in her hands into her lap and then she slowly turns her head.

"Well, isn't the answer obvious? He'd lose himself if he lost you."

I suck in a breath, and for some reason I couldn't find it in myself to believe her. "He wouldn't. He couldn't."

"You're too modest for your own good, you know that?" She says, raising a brow. "My grandson needs you like he needs water. There hasn't been a time where he's ever brought a girl home to meet his parents, much less his grandparents. You mean something to him, and that something hits deep for him. If he were to lose you, whether death took you or not, he'd be absolutely devastated. There are reasons why he won't subdue himself to his father, because you are his rebellion, the person that's saving himself from his own misery."

"I-I can't ... I can't save somebody from their misery." I tell her, rubbing my hands onto my thighs as I could feel the start of an anxiety attack approaching.

"You are, Dear. He's been doing exactly what he's father started doing at forty-three, drinking his life away; except, Will started doing it at seventeen. He'd most likely be in a hospital right now, on dialysis for the way he'd been drowning his sorrows in Scotch. You are his savior, the love of his life. Now, tell me, Grace, has he saved you?"

Any words I had to say about what she had just explained to me got stuck in my throat and my mouth fell open. My stomach twists and turns and it takes me a few seconds to realize that I'm not going to throw up. I was probably going to deny everything Vivien had just told me, but I couldn't find it in myself to do so.

Will had saved me in so many ways and it's taken me all this time to get that – to realize that he had. I would be lost without him in my life, and no matter how pathetic that makes me sounds, it would break my heart to see him gone from my life. It's hard to imagine him not there by my side, and though I hadn't known him for years and only for a couple of months, it feels like I had.

I only nod weakly, and stand up slowly. "He has. He is."


When they come back from lunch it's much later then they should have been out. I had to cancel the dinner reservations I made, but it wouldn't had matter anyway when I heard on the radio a half an hour later that everyone should be expecting a snow storm. There was a bit of anger running through me when Will came walking through the door, but it died when I saw he had come back alone.

I had been sitting on the couch when the door slammed shut and seconds later did Will come stumbling into view. He walked straight into the living room, a look of guilt playing on his features, and then he falls onto the couch beside me.

"I'm sorry, Grace," he apologizes, placing his hand on mine and squeezing it. When I looked him the eye, searching for anything that could be false emotion, but there wasn't and I remembered the conversation Vivien and I had hours ago.

"It's fine." I tell him, still a little ticked but was slowly calming down.

He leans over and presses a kiss to my forehead. "I didn't purposely forget about the time – it just passed."

"I know, you're forgiven," I say, falling forward and letting our forehead's touch.

He smiles. "I love you, Grace."

I shake my head as I let out a chuckle. "I love you, too, you goofball."

That's how we spend the rest of the day together, cuddled together on the couch as he runs his fingers through my hair. I fall asleep in the middle of him telling me a story about his childhood.

I'm woken up ten minutes before we have to leave for church and I'm running up the stairs to Will's bedroom and frantically look around for my outfit. Slipping on a long-sleeved, purple, lacy shirt and a pair of black leggings I head to the bathroom and check my appearance.

Coming face to face with my reflection I see that my hair is an unruly mess. Snatching my hair brush off the counter do I start to brush my hair, and wince every time I tug too hard or when it gets stuck on a strand. Sam comes in minutes later when I've just set the brush down and I see hat in her hands is a makeup bag.

"Do you have any concealer?" The words come out of my mouth before I could even think and she stares at me for a moment, just as confused as I was, but then digs into her bag and hands me a small tub of concealer.

"Thank you," I tell her, grateful, and then spin the cap off the bottle and dab it onto the area just under my eyes. Rubbing it in with my fingers I use my other hand to hand the bottle back to her.

From the corner of my eye I could see her fidgeting nervously and before I could ask if something was wrong she asks, "Are you putting makeup on for Will?"

She sounds just like a kid at this exact moment – one who was curious and slightly afraid of how I might answer.

I shake my head as I turn the tap on to the sink and wash my hands. "No. I don't need makeup to impress your brother. It's more for the fact so I don't look like something that's just crawled off the bottom of a bridge – but then again, whoever doesn't like what they see can kiss my rear."

She nods, letting out a short chuckle. "I can see why he loves you, Grace."

I glance over at her, my eyebrows knitting together. "Oh? I mean, I know I make him happy and I'm apparently his salvation, but would it sound terrible of me if I asked why? Does it just sound like I'm fishing for complements? I'm really not; I'm just confused of how another human being could ever love me."

She shakes her head and leans against the wall. "Just a bit, but I can see why you're confused. I'm going to guess you've had a lot of lose in your life?"

I tilt my head, "Just a bit."

She smirks at my words. "Love is probably the only thing you let yourself feel for another human when it's your family. You can't let yourself believe someone could ever love you when all you think about is how much they could end up getting hurt. He loves you because you are in fact different. You both give and don't give a shit about what others think about you because you see there's much more to life.

"He loves you, and it's not because you're pretty or that you might be good in bed. He loves you because you got a beautiful soul, and if it means anything to you, the way he talked about you at lunch today was definitely something. Grace, you bring out the best of him, and as his little sister, I thank you for helping him."

I nod, swallowing harshly. "Y-You're welcome? If you excuse me, I need to go find someone."

And with that I'm rushing out of the bathroom and down the hall until I come to a very familiar door. I don't bother knocking as I just walk in and I find Will standing in front of the mirror. I slow my pace, my heart thumping so hard in my chest that I could hear it in my ears. He looks over at me, smiling, and all I feel is a rush of want – need.

I restrain myself from throwing myself at him and step closer to him until I'm standing right beside him. His eyebrows are scrunched together in concentration as he tries to figure out how to tie his tie, but I bring my hands up and start to do it for him. For a few seconds my mind drifts off to our trip to Hawaii and how I had done the same thing.

"What would I do without you?" He asks when I'm finished.

I shrug. "You'd most likely be lost."

He looks taken back by my choice of words, but then blinks a few times and he's okay again. "And what would you do if you were without me?"

I grab his hand and I look him right in the eye. "I'd be crying as I sat on the bathroom floor, my heart aching, and a pain in my chest as if I had just been shot."

He doesn't respond with words, but with a kiss. Leaning forward, his arms wrap around my waist as our lips come together. Raising my arms they go around his neck, pulling us closer to one another and deepening the kiss.

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