Chapter Fourteen

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"Hey, Gracie, I want some, too." I hear Jordan say at his seat at the dining table.

Glancing over my shoulder, to the left, I give him a not-so-sweet smile. "No. And never call me Gracie again."

Going back to cooking the pancakes, I flip them over one by one. From in the family area a loud chime can be heard coming from the grandfather clock, indicating that it is now 9:00a.m. A yawn escapes past my lips, and I stretch out my arms, still feeling a bit groggy from when I woke up thirty minutes ago.

Katherine - as she insisted on being called - had knocked on Will's and I's bedroom at 8:30 in the morning, wanting us to wake up. I, being a light sleep that I am, had woken up instantly to the sound of her voice. It wasn't the most pleasant thing to wake up too. I basically had to beg to let Will sleep in for a little while longer, saying he's being having some stressful nights and that sleeping in would be good for his health. She abided, but only if I agreed to go shopping with her.

I look up when I hear footsteps enter the kitchen and see Will standing in the entry way. He's wearing a pair of sweat pants and ruby red v-neck t-shirt and his hair is a mess, looking like a rat's nest. But to me, he was still pretty good looking.

Walking over to the side of the counter that wasn't an oven top, he sits down on one of the stools, and watches me closely. The feeling of him watching me lingers as I turn my attention back down to the pancakes and flip them over, happy to see I hadn't burned them. Other things I had cooked earlier, like bacon and scrambled eggs, but today I decided to mash it up and put pancakes in the mix.

When I first got down here, I had only spent twenty minutes in the kitchen as I had taken a ten minutes shower beforehand. Most of my earlier time was spent making the scrambled eggs, putting the rest of the leftover bacon in the oven, and dealing with very annoying, Jordan Alder. The light brown, sparkling baby blue eyed, twenty something was very cocky, and had a knack for thinking he's the smartest person in the room. I had learned a few things about Will's best friend, and still haven't decided if those things were frightening to me or not.

"So, Gracie, I'm still not seeing any food in front of me." Jordan tells me in a sing-song voice.

Did I forget to mention the guy's a misogynistic asshat?

"Gracie?" Will asks, and I look over at him and see that his nose is crinkled up in what could either be disgust or annoyance.

"Yeah, your friend is being a bit of a... pain in the butt." I say, not wanting to offend Will's taste in friends even though he called Jordan an ass the other day.

"Well, Gracie, can I have a pancake?" He asks, saying that horrid nickname in such a way that made it sound sweet and not mocking.

I smile at him and nod, grabbing one of the plates that I had put on the counter and started to put food on it and then hand it over to him when I'm finished. He looks at me in question, waving his hand over his food, but I get the message. He needs a fork. Getting one from the drawer by my right side, I toss it over to him and he catches it.

He picks around at his food, staring at it and then glancing up at me and then back down at the plate. After a minute of just staring at it, he starts to eat it and he lets out a satisfied moan. Trying to have some manners, he starts off his slow, but then just starts shoving in his mouth like he hasn't eaten in a week.

"This ... is ... fan... tas... tic." He says through a mouth full of food.

"Thank you," I say back, snatching a piece of bacon off of its dish and chewing on it slowly. I wasn't a big fan of meats, but when it came to a good, old fashioned bacon, I was a defiant fan.

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