Gone Bad

By LaMaeAnn

313 16 2

Good girl gone bad. More

chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.

Chapter 4.

31 2 0
By LaMaeAnn

Josh ;

I was mad but confused all at once, what the fuck T.mike got us into ? No. Himself into. That's my boy , I love em to death and Ima rock with em wrong or right. And in this he's both on some shit.

If he loves Leah likes she said he does, well that's kind of the right part. You can't help who you fall in love with. But I don't really believe he's ' in love ' cause if he was he wouldn't be in a fucking RELATIONSHIP with CARLY ! or fucking multiple hoes.

The wrong part is.. He's fucking grown ! She's a teen -_- then to top it all off her father is our boss and will end his fucking life then I'll have to end quads cause that's my brother. That's just a situation I do not want to be involved in..


" what the fuck was you thinking ! " I yelled at him.

" man look, she came on to me. She fine and look it just happened bruh "

" shit ain't just happen , man and she pregnant what the fuck ! "

" man I know, I'm gone be thea for my child "

" how if you dead ? "

" I ain't gone die, I'm just gone come out like a real man "

" you in love with her ? "

" nope " he said poping the ' P ' like it was no deal.

" she thinks your in love with her T , she thinks y'all gone just live happily ever after "

" man she just young and don't know what she talking about , she just my baby momma and I'm gone be thea for em no relationship tho "

" that's yo problem "

T. Mike POV.

Man.. I'm fucked.

I filled her head up with a lot of Bullshit but I can't fall in love with no damn 16 year old, yeah.. she's fine, goofy, fun and cool as fuck but I ain't ready to be tied down. Only female that can put me in my place is Carly and that's barley.

I'm Witt that.. Fuck a bitch get money !

But I have a lil one on the way, I'm only changing a lil. I don't want Leah we just gone co- parent, I need to sit her down and tell her this bit after we tell her father cause I be damn if we on bad terms while I tell her pops then I know I'm a dead man walking.

Me: hay le, can you come over ?

FreakyLe: yeah.. Omw

About 30 kind later she was sitting on my couch.

" since josh knows now I guess we should go ahead and tell yo pops "

" yeah , I guess. "

" what's yo problem ? " I asked getting slightly iterated.

" your my problem, T I'm ready to be a family. I'm ready to move in so you need to drop miss Carly and every other hoe you have "

" you trippin, Carly ain't going no where and as far as us being a family is a no go, your 16 I'm a grown ass man that needs a grown ass women your just my childs mother get it ? "

" but you said- "

" I know what the fuck I said ! I was being dumb , look le your a beautiful girl but we can't be together but I will be thea for my child OK ? "

" no, no, no, NO ! " she was full on crying.

" you said you loved me T , you said we was gone be together ! "

" chill Leah, I do love you but not how you love me. Look baby girl we're telling your father in the morning just get home and sleep "

" Fuck you ! " she yelled as she ran out the door.. I'm not chasing her. I don't even chase Carly the fuck ? I was being nice to the liltle bitch, better go sit on her pussy and get it thru her head that we can not and I repeat CAN NOT be together.

Next Morning.

I was at Olive Garden with bj, and josh waiting on quad & Leah. I decided to tell him in public so I wouldn't die off top & to bring bj cause quad wouldn't hurt me in front of him.

They pulled up and we all walked in and quickly got seated. We started small talk and talk about the game but I just wanna get to it.

" quad lele's pregnant and I'm the father- "

Before I could say anything I was cut off.

" fuck you mean she pregnant and you the father ? Leah you fucking !? And You fucking my daughter kid ? " I could see the vines in his head popping out.

" daddy look I'm sorry, I'm sooo sorry but I love him and I know he loves me "

Not like that..

" yes, I'm pregnant but I'm gone step up and grow up.. I was thinking that I could move in with him "

" no ! " me and quad said at the same time. She fucking tripping! I should of known she had some up her sleeve when she came up hea smiling and shit.

" Leah is you dumb ? He dont fucking love you ! You just pussy in his eyes you not living with him fuck you thinking ? "

" daddy he does love me and I'm gone have to move out some time "

"Not today ! Not tomorrow ! Bitch not never ! You sitting up hea fucking grown men I should beat the fuck out of you ! " owwe he was real mad now.

" daddy why you just can't be happy for us !? "

She's dumb.. Yelp thats what it is.

" look Leah, you need to listen to your father. I'm grown you'd just sixteen you can't stay with me , and quad I know you wanna snap my fucking neck but what's done is done we have a child on the way and I will be thea for him or her "

He didn't say anything just mugged the he'll out of me.

" but I wanna stay with you so we can be a happy family baby "

Two seconds before I slap this girl.

" y'all have no relations , y'all will ONLY see each other if it has something to do with the baby other than that y'all stay the fuck away from each other. Let's go Leah "

" but dad- "

" ain't no but dad shit ! Get yo ass up and lets go "

She got up and they left. He took it wayyy better than I expected.

Leah's POV

I don't know who the fuck T. Mike thinks he is, its takes two to make a baby.. Even if I stuck a safty pen threw the condom. Yes, I planned to get pregnant.

But I thought he loved me and would be happy I'm pregnant and leave Carly ugly ass. But it was nothing like that. .

Right now I'm in the car on the way home , not listing to what my father has to say. I give no fucks.. At all.

When we got home dad told mom and she started crying like c'mon dawg it ain't that big of a damn deal.

" w- why LeLe ? I trusted you, your out there having sex with grown men "
I just looked at her like she had about 7 heads.

" then she said she wants to stay with him "

" really ? Let her ass stay with him then , coming in my damn house looking at me like I'm stupid. Get yo shit and go "

I started walking up the stairs.. She's not hurting my feelings but I will make it seem like that.

I started packing my things and cried. Not because of them just to make it seem like I'm sorry.

After all my things we're packed I walked downstairs to see my mom crying into my dad's chest.

" baby girl you don't have to leave we just need to talk- "

" yes she does, she wanna be grown let her quad " she opened the door for me and I walked out. I called a cab about 20mins before I got threw packing so the cab was waiting on me already.

I have the cab driver T. Mikes address and after about 15 mins of driving I was at his house. I knocked on the door and he didn't come. I just sat on his porch and called him. He didn't answer. I'll just sit right hea and wait for him.

About a hour into waiting, Carly pulled up.

" hay le, what your doing here ? "

" I was waiting on T "

" you look like you've been crying, c'mon in. "

This bitch.

I grabbed my bags and dragged them in.

" so what's wrong Leah ? " she asked as I sat on the couch.

" nothing, just waiting on my bd "

" bd ? Baby daddy ? Who ? Wait your pregent ? Lord "

" yes bd and T. Mike and yelp "

" what !? "

" I know you heard me "

" yes, but I don't think I heard you correctly "

" oh you heard me correctly, I'm pregnant by T mike "

She stood up and walked upstairs. I guess she can't handle the heat. Oh we'll. T mike is MINE, fuck her and anybody else that think other wise.

A lil while later T came in and looked shocked to see me.

" finally you hea, baby I'm hungry "

" I'm not your baby, and were Carly ? How you get in my house ? "

" Carly let me in, she's upstairs I think she's mad at you "

" fuck you told her ? "

" that you got her pregnant ! ", Carly said walking down the stairs with two bags in her hand.

" wea the fuck you going !? " he asked her.

" I'm done with your Bullshit "

T. Mike POV

I'm about to kill Leah.

" why you even hea !? " I asked as Carly left out the house.

" my momma told be to bounce so I did, so now.. We can be a family and tell your lil hoes don't come by the house "

" one. We ain't no damn family , two. Since you is my childs mother I'll let you stay hea but in the guest room, three. This is MY house not OUR house, I do whatever the fuck I please so I advise you to get a damn job cause I'm not your daddy your not about to be living off me. Get it ? Got it ? Good. "

I said all in one breath.

" and food is in the kitchen,

Amber ;

" baby ? " Kevin yelled.

" yes ? " I asked looking at the powerder that was laid out in front of him.

" come sniff this with me "

" no thank you, I decided to stop "

" stop ? Fuck you mean ? You trynna leave me ? "

" no , not at all. I just thought it would be best for me to stop "

" whatever "

" I'm going to tia house for a lil bit "

" you still fooling with that bitch ? She gone get ya ass beat "

" bye baby "

I said as I left the house.

When I made it to tia's house I noticed it was a car in the driveway.

" hayyyyy bitch ! " I yelled as I ran and jumped on her.

" you look good " she said with a judge smile.

" thank you.

" amber this is josh, josh this is amber y'all will make some cute baby's "

" hay how you doing " lord he is fine ! I remember the first time I saw him but he didn't see me I was in a daze over this man.

" fine , and you ? "

" good, so how old are you ? "

" 20 , you ? "

" 21 "

" ooh "

" you seem nervous " he laughed.

" I'm not "

" bett but I gotta get going, I can get your number ? "

I grabbed his phone out of his hand and it was already unlocked. I saved my number under


" I'll hit you up later ma "

He dapped up Tia and smikerd at me and left the house.

" bitchhh ! He is O' so damn fine ! " I squaled.

" bitch why you think I been trying to hook y'all up !? "

" we can only be friends tho, I'm still with Kevin dint think we'll be together for a lil while "

" oh no the hell y'all won't ! You got to next month to pack yo shit and come move in or I'm gone do it my damn self ! "

" whatever my boyfriend hea ? "

" yelp "

I walked to the back wea black jr room was and I opened the door and he jumped up and hugged me.

" I missed you boyfriend wea you was ? "

" with my uncle, bae lets go get some tacos "

" c'mon "

" tia c'mon we going to get tacos ! "

She rushes out her room and into the living room.

" damn you hungry ? "

" yessssss! "

" your sad "

We hopped in my car and headed to taco bell. We got out and went into the restaurant.

And what I saw I almost wanted to die.

" ain't that's Kevin ? " Tia asked.

He was too busy all kissed up on some hoe that he didn't even realize I was staring.

I'm not about to get all worked up over a nigga that beats my ass. I'll just get my shit out of his house by tomorrow. I put on my hoodie and held my head low so he wouldn't see that I'm hea.

" yes, just be quite "

About 2 mins later they left and we ordered, after our food was done we hopped in the car.

" can I craah at your place ? "

" why you even asking ? "

I quickly drove to Kevin's house and and packed about 4 bags and got most of my things. Tia and bj helped me take my things to the car and we left to tia's.

" I'm happy your hea, its time you start over "

" yeah.. I guess "

" amber don't sweat it baby girl, you got me and you got bj and your soon to be husband josh "

I laughed. " husband ? Nah I'm already married to bj "

" I'm starting to think you and my son really have something going on "

" cause we do "

I said laughing.

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