That One Girl

By Mochanuttt

442 69 34

Stella is your stereo-typical casual nerd girl. She gets targeted and played by a boy named Spencer. She has... More



18 5 1
By Mochanuttt

Stella POV 

"Hey mom. I'm going to take Jeff out for a walk." I yell from downstairs.

"Okay Honey. Don't talk to strangers!" My mom yells from upstairs. As I get the leash, Jeff is already at the front door.

"Come over here buddy." I say as I leash him up. As we step outside, I take a deep breath and exhale it.

"It's such a beautiful day." I sigh.

"Sure is." Says a familiar voice. I whip my head around to see Spencer.

"What are you doing here?" I whisper. I don't want my mom see me talk to Spencer. She'll get suspicious and won't leave me alone.

"I was at a friends house." He says while running his hands through his hair.

"Oh. Well I gotta walk the dog." I say tugging on the leash.

"Mind if I come with you?" He asks. My brain was saying no, but instead I say:


"So what's it's name?" He asks, petting Jeff.

"First of all he's a boy, not a "it". And his name is Jeff." I snap.

He puts his hands up in the air like he's surrendering. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Chill! I didn't mean to say "it". I'm sorry." He says.

"I'm sorry I snapped at you. I'm not really in a great mood." I say. The rest of the walk was pretty quiet.

"Um. I think I should get going. It's almost dinner time." I say.

"Yeah. We'll see you tomorrow." He says.

"Yeah see you tomorrow," I mutter under my breath. Why can't he just leave me alone?


"Oh hey honey. Right on time." My mom says as she sees me walk into the house.

"What's for dinner?" I ask.

"Your favorite. Pizza." my mom says. "Go take a shower, while I prepare the pizza." She says.

"Okay." I say, as I walk up the stairs. As I go into the shower, I look up and my mind is blank. The water trickles down my body, to the floor. I get out of the shower and dry my self.

"Hey mom, is dinner ready?" I say, as I walk to the kitchen.

"Yeah." she says as she sets the dinner table up.

"So. Who was that boy you talked to outside?" she asks. So she did see us talk? Why am I not surprised? She must have snooped on me.

"Um. No one special." I mumble. "Hey mom, can I go over to Daniels house tomorrow?" I say trying to switch the conversation.

"Sure." she says, taking another bite of her pizza. The rest of the dinner was very quiet. Then I heard a clink at the front door.

"Hey guys." my dad says coming toward us.

"Hey dad." I say kissing his cheek.

"Can I be excused." I say tiredly.

"Sure." My dad says taking a seat at the table. Instead of brushing my teeth or even wash my face, I just go straight to bed. And then I fell into a dreamless sleep

Hey guys!! I know this chapter doesn't have any good twists, but I promise that the next chap is extra good. Vote and comment on what I should improve on.

Do you think Stella will fall for him?

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