~ Light Of Hope ~ (A Toushir...

By AmeChan192

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Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN BLEACH CREDITS GO TO TITE KUBO~SENSEI~~<3 Yuuki is a bright, cheerful, compassionate... More

Hi Guys!! (^w^)v
1. " Things Lost in the Rain "
2." Into the Abyss "
3. " New Beginning "
4. " Home "
5. " Unknown Origins "
6. " Shinigami Daikou "
8. " To Soul Society "
9. " A Chance Encounter "
10. " A New Found Hope "
10.5. Extra Chapter - " 3 Again "
11. " Girls Day Out "
12. " The Sacred Jewel of Soul "
13. " Growing Feelings "
14. " Incoming Storm "
15. " Game Start "
16. " Missing Again "
17. " Battle Preparations "
18. " I Hear Your Voice "
19. " Reunion "
20. " Confession "
20.5. Extra Chapter - " Personality Gone Bad "
21. " Confusion "
22. " Vasto Lorde "
23. " Calm Before the Storm "
24. " The Guardian Deity "
25. " Friends and Foes "
26. " Frustrations "
27. " Visored "
28. " Espada "
29. " The Twelve Honoured Knights "
30. " Light x Dark "
30.5. Extra Chapter - " First Date "
31. " True Feelings "
32. " Training in Hell "
33. " Visions of the Past and Future "
34. " Deciding One's Fate "
35. " Personal Vendetta "
36. " Complications "
37. " Hell Has Fallen "
38. " Strategy Meeting "
39. " Under the Moonlight's Glow "
40. " Nagisa "
41. " Pledge of Loyalty "
42. " Awaken "
43. " True Meaning of Sacrifice "
44. " Memories "
45. " Camaraderie "
46. " A Heart That Doesn't Forget "
47. " Choices "
48. " The Inner Abyss "
48.5. " Extra Chapter - Lost Child (Part 1) "
49. " Deepest Secrets "
50. " Truth Unveiled "
Final Chapter ~ A Place to Return To
51.5 " Extra Chapter - Lost Child (Part 2) "
51.5.5 " Extra Chapter - Lost Child (Last Part) "
Thank You

7. " Parting and Reunion "

568 27 0
By AmeChan192

Seeing Yuzu and Karin's red eyes sent chills down Yuuki's spine. She tries to stand but is still unable to do so. Yuzu and Karin rose to their feet and lunges at her. Haru saw them and fires an arrow at Karin's chest, she slumps to the ground and never moved again. Then he immediately unsheathes his sword and stabs Yuzu at the back, she too slumps to the ground, lifeless. Afterwards, he turns to Yuuki who was in a daze as she looks down at Yuzu and Karin's lifeless bodies. Haru raises his sword to strike her too but suddenly froze upon seeing teardrops wet the ground. People who gets possessed by a Shadow don't cry, right? He stood there frozen in place as Yuuki gently closes Yuzu's eyes with trembling hands. He lowers his weapon but not his guard. Then Yuuki looks up and glares at Haru with rage and hate. But instead of being intimidated, Haru expresses shock upon seeing her golden eyes. They're not red like he expected them to be. Not only that, he also saw the resemblance between her and his mother.

"Wh-Who are you?!", he finally asked with a confused look on his face.

While waiting for a reply, he notices the black mist have started to gather around them.

"Everyone, don't let your guards down, it's coming!", he yelled to the soldiers.

The Chained Hollow who took Yuuki back to the Abyss appears from the black mist.

"W-What is that thing?!", one of the soldiers exclaimed with a terrified look on his face.

Haru frowns.

"That thing..... it doesn't look like a Shadow but its presence seems a bit like that of a Hollow's...", Haru mumbled then his eyes widen in realization. "Don't tell me! That thing is a fusion between Hollows and Shadows?!", he exclaimed.

Then a soldier charges at the Chained Hollow.

"Wait!! Don't attack carelessly!!", Haru warned.

The Chained Hollow fights back using its sharp claws and injured the soldier at the torso. The other soldiers came to his aid but when they saw that his eyes were red they started to panic.

"Your eyes... t-they're... red!", a soldier said with trembling voice.


When he looks at his reflection at the blade of his sword, he knew that it was the end of the line for him. Then he looks at Haru with acceptance in his eyes.

"It's been an honor serving with you, Haru-same.", he said and committed seppuku with no hesitation.

Haru clenched his fists and looks away.

"As do I, my friend. You did well...", he muttered.

The Chained Hollow dashes towards Yuuki but Haru stands firmly between her and the Chained Hollow. It fires a Cero at them but Haru easily blocks it with some kind of a barrier using a paper talisman. Then he sensed a presense behind him for a split second but when he whirls around to look, Yuuki was no longer there. As well as Yuzu and Karin. He looks back to the Chained Hollow but it also disappeared. That's when he realized that it was just a decoy to divert his attention from Yuuki while another one took her back to the Abyss the moment he got distracted. Haru clenched his fists in frustration.

(Who was that girl?), he thought.


Meanwhile, Yuuki is once again back at the Abyss along with Yuzu and Karin. She tries to comprehend what just happened and tries to put everything together. Based on what she just heard and saw, she came to a conclusion.

(This must be the 'Abyss' they were talking about and those things also came from here. The reason why they killed all those people and the soldier who committed suicide might mean something worse than death might happen to them if they continued to live. And that Haru person might have all the answers. But..... who is he to me? Why did he looked so surprised when he saw me? And why didn't he recognize me?! He was the very first person I saw when I lost my memories, he knew me then! But what I really want to know is what connection does all of these have to do with me?! Why do those things keep on dragging me back here?! I have a feeling that if I find out more about it then the closer I get to find out about myself. For now, getting Yuzu-san and Karin-san back home is my first priority. They've been here for far too long. I got out of here not only once, then I can get out of here again.), she thought.

She easily summons the jewel again and got out with its help.

Upon waking up, she saw Yuzu and Karin peering down at her. Surprised, she quickly sits up and looks at them in confusion. Then she realized that they're actually souls upon seeing the Chain of Fate on their chests. Then she saw their bodies lying next to her.

"You were the one who saved us from that dark place, right?", Yuzu asked.

"We saw you in there.", Karin said.

Yuuki stares at them and nods. She then looks around and recognizes the place. They're at a playground not far from home.

"See?! I told you she can see us!", Yuzu cheerfully said.

"Yeah, yeah. Thank you for saving us.", Karin said.

While they were busy chatting, Yuuki heard a loud howl and senses that something is coming towards them.

(Oh no! It's that monster again!), Yuuki thought.

She signals for the twins to run to the opposite direction but they merely look at her in confusion.

(That thing is after me again, I must keep them away. I failed to save their lives but this time I won't fail to save their souls.), Yuuki thought in firm determination.

Yuzu and Karin frowns in confusion. Yuuki knows that look well so she's the one who runs away instead. This is the first time she hoped that the Chained Hollow is really after her because if not, then she just left the twins to die, again. And that will be on her. Fortunately, the Chained Hollow completely ignored Yuzu and Karin when it went past them. Unfortunately though, its after her.

The twins tried to call for help but no one was able to see or hear them. Toushirou and Ichigo arrived a few minutes later.

"The Chained Hollow was here.", Toushirou calmly said and looks around. Then he saw Yuzu and Karin and approaches the two. "Are you two alright?", he asked.

When Toushirou approached and talked to the twins, Ichigo's eyes widen in shock upon recognition, his mouth agape.

"Yes! Please you have to help her the monster went after her!", Yuzu frantically said.

Instead of asking who they meant,

"Which way did they go?", Toushirou asked. He can figure out who the person is later. Right now, they need help.

"They went that way!", Karin said as she points to the direction where Yuuki and the Chained Hollow went.

"Alright. Kurosaki, I'll go after the Chained Hollow, I'll leave these two to you.", Toushirou said without taking his eyes off the direction Karin pointed.

He quickly heads off and failed to see Ichigo's reaction.

"Kurosaki?? Ichi-nii?", Karin frowns then looks around and finally saw Ichigo.

Yuzu follows her gaze.

"Onii-chan! Is that really you?!", she exclaimed.

Ichigo snaps out from his daze the moment they called.

"Yuzu?? Karin??", he called.

The twins runs up to him. Now that he can see them clearly, he smiles. Finally, after eight years they got reunited. Ichigo cries in utter relief and happiness. It would've lasted longer if he didn't see the Chain of Fate on their chests. Realization hits him like a ton of bricks as grief sets in.

(No no no no! This couldn't be happening!), Ichigo frantically thought.

His knees buckle from underneath him and the tears running down his cheeks now has a whole new meaning.

Upon waking up, Yuzu and Karin knew what they are; soul, ghost, Plus or whatever people call it. And it's only up 'til now that reality finally hits them upon seeing their older brother's grief-sticken face. There's nothing any of them can do except hug each other tightly as they cry their hearts out.

Rukia and Orihime arrives shortly afterwards and saw the three of them. It wouldn't take a genius to figure things out based on the scene before them. A gasp escaped Orihime's lips and cups her mouth with both hands.

"Kurosaki-kun....", Orihime muttered as tears glide down her face.

Rukia approaches them and places a hand on Ichigo's shoulder with a sad look on her face.

"Ichigo.... I know how hard this must be for you but you know what you have to do.", she said in dismay.

The three siblings continues to cry but Karin regained her composure after a short while. She pulls back just enough to look at Ichigo in the face.

"I-Ichi-nii, we'll be fine. You have to go and help her.", she said.

Yuzu pulls back as well to look at him.

"That's right! She saved us! If it wasn't for her we wouldn't even be here!", she said.

Ichigo looks at them still unable to grasp the situation or he didn't want reality to set in yet.

"What do you mean she saved you?!! Look at you!!?", he exclaimed, his voice raw.

"Ichi-nii.... she saved our souls. If it wasn't for her then we'd still be stuck in that dark place.", Karin said.

"No! I won't leave you ever again!!", Ichigo exclaimed.

"Ichigo, it's okay we'll go.", Rukia said as she pats him on the shoulder then turns her attention to Orihime. "Inoue, let's go."

"Hai.", Orihime said as she nods.

"They went that way!", Karin said as she points to the direction where Toushirou went.

Rukia and Orihime left to give Ichigo and his sisters some privacy.


By the time Toushirou caught up with Yuuki and the Chained Hollow, Yuuki was lying on the ground unconscious. A small pool of blood slowly forms on the ground underneath her injured shoulder. The Chained Hollow is about to deliver the finishing blow but Toushirou quickly intervenes.

"Soten ni zase, Hyorinmaru!", he chanted.

He hurls towards them and slashes at the Chained Hollow. However, it sensed the attack and backs away to avoid the attack. Toushirou places himself between the unconscious girl and the black monster. It fires a Cero at him but he counters it by activating his Zanpakutou's special ability. The attacks collide creating a wall of smoke. When it cleared, the Chained Hollow was gone but it suddenly appears from above and attacks. Toushirou immediately creates an ice wall to block it. The moment the Chained Hollow broke the ice wall, he entangles it with the metal chain that was attached to the hilt of his sword and the crescent-shaped blade pierced its back. The Chained Hollow tried to retaliate by using the sharp end of its tail to stab him. Toushirou once again activated his Zanpakuto's special ability to freeze the Chained Hollow solid. He proceeds to deliver the final blow by shattering the ice along with the Chained Hollow.

With the battle over, he walks towards Yuuki and points his sword at her throat.

"I'm sorry..... this will be over quickly.", he said as he laments.

By this time, Yuuki is starting to regain consciouness and felt the cold blade against her throat. She looks up but her vision is blurry so she's unable to tell who the person holding the blade. She sees the outline of the person raising their sword to deliver the final blow but she suddenly grabs it firmly by the blade. Toushirou expresses a surprised look knowing she can barely move due to her injuries. He tried to shake her hand off but she grips it even tighter making her hand bleed and jostle the wound on her shoulder causing it to bleed even more. Seeing the pained expression on her face made him stop instantly.

"L-Let go!", Toushirou demanded.

(No! I'll never let go, I don't know what will happen but not knowing about myself is the same thing as worse than death itself! I can't let things end like this! I can't die yet! Not here! Not right now! Not like this!), Yuuki thought as she desperately tries to stand on her feet.

She somehow managed to get up but is barely able to stand. Then she looks at him firmly in the eyes. Toushirou didn't see anger in them like he expected, he tried to kill her, afterall. Instead, he saw unyielding courage and determination. Then finally, he realized that they haven't turned red yet. He stares intently at her golden eyes as they bore into his torquoise ones.

Normally, after someone gets injured by a Chained Hollow, their eyes turn red which is the first indicator that they got corrupted.

Yuuki wore a surprised look but her expression softens upon recognizing Toushirou's beautiful turquoise eyes in which he didn't fail to notice. She finally loosens her grip on the blade and reaches her hand towards him.

(Shiro! Finally... I found you...), she thought. Relief washes over her and steps forward but that's all it took for her to lose all the strength left in her and slips into unconsciousness.

Toushirou's reflexes took over and catches her before her body hits the ground.

"O-Oi!", he worriedly called.

"Toushirou-kun! Are you alright?!", a familiar voice yelled from behind.

He looks over his shoulder and saw Orihime and Rukia running towards them.

"Inoue! Hurry! You need to heal her!", Toushiro said, urgency in his tone of voice.

"Hitsugaya-taichou! What happened?! Are you okay?!", Rukia asked.

"I'm fine. This girl was attacked by the Chained Hollow and got badly injured!", Toushirou said.

"What?! But shouldn't you kill her before her soul gets devoured and turn into one of them?!"

"I'll explain everything later.", Toushirou said and looks at Orihime. "Right now she needs help!"

"I understand, leave it to me!", Orihime firmly said and steps in front of him.

Toushirou lays Yuuki on the ground and gives Orihime some space. Finally having a clear look at her, Orihime's eyes widen in shock. This didn't go unnoticed by both Shinigamis.

"What's wrong?!", Toushirou and Rukia simultaneously asked.

"Yuuki-chan!! Hang in there!!", Orihime said and started to heal her.

"You know her?!", Toushirou asked.

"Hai. She's Kurosaki-kun's sister who went missing two months ago!", Orihime said on the verge of tears.

"What!? You mean, she was the one who was taken by a Chained Hollow that time?!", Toushirou asked with a surprised look on his face.

Orihime nods at him in response. Rukia takes a closer look at her to confirm.

"You're right! It really is her! There's no mistaking it!", she said.

As they speak, Orihime's healing barrier started to become unstable and cracks. Moments later it explodes, causing the three of them to recoil.

"W-What?!", they simultaneously said with a surprised look on their faces.

"My powers... didn't work?", Orihime said with a puzzled look on her face as she stares at her hands.

"Kuchiki! Call Unohana right away!", Toushirou said to Rukia.

"On it!", Rukia said and left.

Toushirou applies first aid to try and stop her wound from bleeding.

"Yuuki-chan! Hang in there! Please... I don't know if Kurosaki-kun can handle much more... i-if you die too! You can't do that to him!", Orihime sadly said as tears glide down her face.

"Kurosaki?! What are you talking about?", Toushirou asked.

"The two girls we saw earlier were Kurosaki-kun's sisters who were thought to have died eight years ago. Now they appeared out of nowhere as souls, but judging from their wounds... they appear to have been killed. If Kurosaki-kun sees Yuuki-chan like this.....", she trailed off as she clenched her fists.

Orihime continues to cry and holds Yuuki's hand tightly.

"That's why, Yuuki-chan! You can't die! Kurosaki-kun needs you right now!", she pleaded.

"She won't die.... we'll make sure that won't happen.", Toushirou said. "But for now I think it's best if we keep this from Kurosaki. She might also have the answers that we've been desperately searching for in a long time. That's why letting her die here is not an option.", he firmly said as he managed to stop the bleeding.

Orihime sighs in relief but knows she's not out of the woods just yet.

"Thank goodness...", she muttered. "I understand. Since she's still in a pretty bad shape telling this to Kurosaki-kun won't do any better so I'll keep this from him for now."

"She'll be fine for now but we need to get her to a safe place.", Toushirou calmly said.

"How about we take her to the hospital?"

"There are too many people there. If the Chained Hollows come after her again then innocent people might get involved."

"What about Urahara-san's place?"

Toushirou shakes his head.

"They weren't there when we came by earlier today."

"Then how about at my place?"

"I guess your place will do for now.", Toushirou said as he carefully lifts Yuuki in his arms.

~ ¤ ~ ¤ ~ ¤ ~ ¤ ~ ¤ ~ ¤ ~ ¤ ~ ¤ ~ ¤ ~

Japanese words used:

Seppuku (切腹) - ritual suicide / disembowelment / harakiri
Onii-chan (御兄ちゃん) - older brother

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