Angelique .

By Outsiders_Ink

13.9K 309 100

Angelique is becoming a new student at Wareheim High. But she has a deep secret inside.... She kills ... She'... More

Angelique .
The New Students ....
What Exactly Did You See .??
If You Dare...
Stay Away From Jacob., Okay ?! Or Else... (Pt.1)
Co-Writer PLEASE !?!? (Not A Chapter)
Stay Away From Jacob., Okay ?! Or Else... (Pt.2)
Who Did This To You ?!?!?!
Don't Leave Me....Please...
She's Missing ... You Did It.......And You Want Me To Join You ???
I'm In Some DEEP Shit..
I'll Join You.
The Twins >:)
Everything Is Done For....Finally.
But I Thought....
The Finale ....
Hey Guys!!

♥Paybacks A Bitch .... Love, Angelique♥

436 19 7
By Outsiders_Ink

Okayyyy, Loviess ! Yall really thought I was  gone tell yallwho hurt Jessica in the last chapter??? Teeheee y'all thought wrong. But in this chapter I'll find out who it is.... >:) On with the chappie. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Beep..........The machine kept going. I sniffled through my cries as I looked up. The machine was showing her heartbeat....I ran out of the room and to the waiting room. Jacob andChres looked at me in a worried concern. I was happy....that my sister isn't gone. 

"DOCTOR, DOCTOR...SHE'S ALIVE!!!!" I screamed at the doctor at the front desk. Then I ran back to Jessica's room. A few minutes later Chres and Jacob came running in. She slightly opened her eyes. 

"Angel..?" She asked moving her head around. I went over to her.

"I'm here.I'm here.." I said smiling at her. She chuckled and smiled back.

"How'd she ????" Jacob asked in confusion.

"Doesn't matter.....She's here.." I said relieved that I didn't loose my sister.  They took a seat to the side.

"Who....Who found me??" She asked. I looked at Chres And Jacob.

"Chres and Jacob." I said smiling.

"Well, actually it was Chres, that noticed your body in the alley. Since I was kind of behind him while we were walking." Jacob said and smiled.I looke at Jessica as she looked over at Chresanto and smiled. Everyone's full of smiles tonight!! And tears of joy. :)

"Thanks, Chresanto." She said to Chres. He smiled.

"No problem." He replied. Yet, I was still a bit confused....if she was dead??? How'd she come back to life. It's a MIRACLE...But I just want to know.

"How'd you come back??" I asked.

"Well...Long story short. Umm...I wasn't really dead, or well in heaven...I was in a phase on where I had to choose if I wanted to come back down or not..." She said.

"So you decided to come back.?" I asked.

"No..To be honest. I didn't want to. Mom told me to. I wanted to stay with her, but after what I heard you say....I came back." She smiled. I smiled back. And I engulfed her in a huge hug.

"Promise me that whatever else happens...we'll be there and protect eachother... And won't let anything or anyONE....hurt us, ever again...or else.." I smiled throught the hug. She chuckled.

"I promise." She replied.


~Jacob's POV~

Yea.....When Angelique said that....Me and Chresanto's eyes grew BIG. "And won't let anything or anyONE.....hurt us, ever agan....or else.." Ran through my head over and over. Because one....I told Chresanto about when I saw Angelique and Jessica KILL somebody. But he didn't fully believe me... They don't know I told him...And two....We were planning on PLAYING them...Yeah.....remind me NOT to do that anymore...

Nope...She'd probably chop off my damn dick if she ever found out those two things...I'd rather push that away....Cause I want kids. -.-


(2 Weeks Later >:) )

~Angelique's POV~ 

I wake up to 'Material Girl' blasting from my phone. As I yawn, get up, and stretch. I walk to my bathroom and start to get ready. Alright. So let me tell you guys what happened in the past two weeks. Jessica's recovery. She had to stay in the hospital for the two weeks that had past and came home yesterday. I know, I know. Your probably thinking. "Where the hell was your dad?!?!"

Welp. He came, and we told him all that she had remembered, so did Jacob and Chresanto. He was pissed cause of course somebody jumped one of his daughters. But he told us to handle our business when we needed to. Not in front of Jacob and Chresanto of course. And I was GLAD no wait, scratch that. do that. Still wondering who it was that jumped Jessica.???? Hmm??? Well you'll just have to wait.

 I finally got finished and grabbed my stuff as I walked downstairs....To find Jessica??? I smirked.

"Finally on time, eh?" I said smirking at her.

"Shuddup. -.-" She said. We headed out.

"Bye, dad!!!" We yelled, and leaving out the house.

"We're walking?" I asked. She nodded her head.

"Ready for tonight??" I asked grinning evily.

"Oh. Hell. YES.!!" She said smiling and rubbing her hands together. I chuckled at her.

We made it to school and went in. We headed to Health class. Once we got in...only TWO effin' seats were empty. One by Chresanto, and one by ?? ... Jessica slightly pushed me over and walked to the seat next to Chresanto. Fml.... -.- And the other seat was in front of Jacob. At least that was some what good, right? 


~Jacob's POV~

When Angelique and Jessica came in. Jessica quickly walked in and went next to Chresanto. I saw Angelique as she walked to her seat and sat down. Then she smiled. 

"Hey, Kendra...How's life?" She said putting  her fist on her cheek, as if she was interested. Why is she acting so nice to Kendra??? She hates that bitch...Especially after ALL that happened. (o_O)

"Umm, hi ?" Kendra said confused. 

"So what's been up with you.? Everything going fine for you??" Angelique asked.

"What's up with you? We hate each other. I hate you more though..." She replied having her Australian accent coming out.

" Yea, I know. But honestly....I want to put everything aside. All of our differences and what not." She smiled looking honest and sincere. Seriously. What's up with Angelique. She's not acting like herself. They continued to talk and what not. I've been thinking lately about EVERYTHING....and I've been thinking on some maybe asking her out.? 

Honestly, I've been growing some feelings for Anelique. Literally. Call me crazy...but I don't know just about YET...

I'm just really glad that Jessica is okay...Seriously. I sighed and continnued to do my Health work.


(Later On That Night >:D)

~Angelique's POV~

"Are you serious!?!?" She asked. I nodded my head.

"Mhmm. So where we gotta meet is by this alley. But FAR from our house... So this'll be good." I smirked.

"Aight. Let's go. It's already 9.....Can't come back home too late again." She said looking at her watch. Jessica was dressed in all black, while I on the other hand. Had on the regular. Leather, and my knife. We told dad that we were gonna be out for a little bit, but not too long. Then... we headed out. As we were walking out, I glanced over Jacob's house and saw two figures. Must have een him and Chres. Oh well. We continued walking until we reached our destination.

We walked, up to ?? and approached.

"Hey, Kendra..." I greeted her as she turned around and smiled. This bitch actually thought we were close to becoming friends. Bitch Puh-Lease...

"Hey, Angelique." She said coming up for a hug. I hugged back.

"So what'chu been up to?" I asked.

"Nothing, I was actually coming from the super market that we have around here, until I thought we'd meet up." She smiled. I nodded.

"Who's this?" She asked reffering to Jessica who had her hood on. She took the hood off as she revealed herself. Kendra's eye's grew big.

"H-Hey, Jessica...?" Kendra said as her voice cracked a bit. Yup. You could tell she was in fear.

"Don't 'Hey, Jessica' ME.... Your gonna get what you FUCKING deserve for having you and your little followers JUMP me...." She yelled.

"L-Look, Jessica. I'm sorry." She said with full fear in her voice.

"Sorry. SORRY?!?! YOUR SORRY FOR FUCKING JUMPING ME?!?!?! I ALMOST DIED BECAUSE OF YOU AND YOUR DAMN ROACHES.!!! YOUR GONNA LEARN THE HARD WAY, WHETHER YOU WANT IT OR NOT!!!!" Jessica yelled in a higher tone. Causing me and Kendra to jump a bit. She's never been so EVER.

"What do you mean??" Kendra asked.

"This should teach you not to mess with people and their siblings..." I said smirking as me and Jessica backed her up into a wall. I looked over to Jessica.

"Brutal, or normal?" I asked.

"Oh, this is gonna be BRUTAL..." She said whipping out her knife and putting it up to Kendra's neck.

"Pl-please....Don't kill me.!! I'm sorry. It'll never happen again." She pleaded.

"Oh we don't give second chances. Once you've fucked up, your done. Right, Angel?" Jessica asked starring right at Kendra.

"That's right." I smirked

"Paybacks a bitch..." She said as my hand went straight for her neck. And Jessica stabbed Kendra right in her stomach. My hands squeezed so tight around her neck her face was turning blue. She kept trying to scratch me off as she tried to breathe. I let her go as she fell to the ground, coughing and gasping for air. 

 Jessica stabbed her legs and twisted the knife in both of them, so she wouldn't be able to walk. I was too pissed. I hovered over her as my legs were on her sides and ringing my hands around her neck once more. Within seconds, she was dead. Or unconscious I think... Just to be sure. I took out my knife and slit her throat. I got off of her as I watched Jessica stabbed repeatidly. Right now...Kendra's insides were now pouring out of her body... She was now finished.

"Should've learned your lessonn, BITCH!" She said walking away. I followed as we ran back home. Good thing that alley was abandoned and nobody would find her within days. Hopefully....longer.

We got home quickly, and we stopped once we got in the house.

"That, was awesome. Finally the bitch is GONE!!! She deserved it." Jessica said relieved. I nodded un able to speak from so much running. We went up to our rooms, and called it a night.

Don't worry....we're coming for the twins, next...


Woop Thurr It Issss !!!! You Finally Found Out WHO Jumped Jessica. Kendra and her Roaches !!! Woot Woot. But Now She's dead.....Sad Fah Her.... Mm Mm Mm. Smh. And The Twins Are Next ?!?!!?!? What ?! Bettah watch Zee Hell Outz !!! (O.O) And Jacob......Yhu Thinkin Bout Askin Angelique Out....???? (o_O) Ehh, Good Luck Wit Det Mah Afro Puff.!

Anywho, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Sorry if the killing scene wasn't as brutal as I expected it to be.




And Tell Yuh Franns O.- Watchin Yall ...

Byeee !!!

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