The Dandelion in The Spring

By prettyinpanemfanfics

757 16 6

To any outsider, Katniss and Peeta look perfectly happy. But seven years after the Games, Peeta still has bre... More

Part 2
Part 3

The Dandelion in The Spring

538 6 1
By prettyinpanemfanfics

"Katniss, you're... pregnant."


 The word echoes inside my head. Instantly I think about Prim. How happy she would be to share this moment with me. A tear escapes my eye and rolls down my cheek. The nurse pulls me in for a hug and wipes the tear away.

  As I'm driving home, I think about what I'll say to Peeta. How will he react? Ever since he got  injected with the tracker jacker serum, nothing has been the same. He still has mental breakdowns even I can't control.

 Then, for the second time today, I think about Prim. My beautiful, loving sister. How happy she would have been to be an aunt. Suddenly I turn my direction to the meadow where she's buried. Prim needs to be the first person I tell. Once there, I pick some bright yellow flowers to decorate her grave. As I'm placing flowers randomly around where her body would be, I say,"Prim. I have some news to tell you." I'm about to cry already. I can almost hear her excitment. I can picture her jumping up and down. "Well, you're going to be an aunt." My voice breaks at the end. I rest my head on her headstone and sob. Sob that she's not here to celebrate this moment with me. Sob because I'm afraid of what lies ahead in my child's future.

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