If Only You Could See Me Now

By littlemissmoonshoes

22.2K 512 62

Have you ever been in love with someone who doesn't love you back? Yes or no, I think anyone can appreciate i... More

If Only You Could See Me Now
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11


2.1K 55 21
By littlemissmoonshoes

Jem's POV

Apparently having unrequited love for your best friend could not get anymore complicated. Well those people clearly haven't heard my story.

So I’m back and with quite an entrance! I’m guessing you probably want to know what happens next. Well sorry to tell you it’s no where near as dramatic as the other parts of my story; in fact it’s pretty mundane in comparison. I made a full recovery with no complications other than the few barely noticeable little scars that lingered on my skin but they were nothing.

I was discharged from the hospital relatively quickly; well they had to keep me a while just to keep me safe as they were baffled by the speed at which I woke up again. The second I was out of that place I returned to school and at first the place was filled with flurries of gossip. I suppose it was inevitable, Jennie and Tom had split up after a screaming match, I had finally made a return to the world of the living and minutes after that Tom and I became a couple; so people had a lot of things to talk about. I suppose I can’t really blame them. But I just ignored it, even Jen kept her mouth shut amazingly missing an opportunity to talk me down in public, I guess she was still furious about the whole thing and wanted to forget it. Tom and I just regarded the circulating stories from a distance laughing at the obscure tales that arose from the whole episode. For a week there was a rumour that it was Jen that was driving the car that hit me. That one was probably the strangest, probably started by some idiot from lower school who had nothing better to do. Well it certainly entertained us for a while. But eventually after the initial flurry of chaos everything just drifted back into place and things started to make sense again.

Lily took a while to get back to normal though. She was consumed with guilt when I first woke up and she immediately launched into an explanation followed by an apology followed by another apology and another one after that. For a while she did nothing but apologise to me. Little did she know that she had done me the biggest favour anyone could have ever done for me. I told her again and again that she had done that right thing and after about the millionth time she began to believe it. The guilt slowly faded and Lily began to act normally around me.

Jen is now just a part of my past and trust me that is where she is staying. She'll still bitch about me to anything that will listen but one mention of a strawberry nose shuts her up pretty quickly which is my handy little technique. She seamlessly moved onto a new relationship pretty quickly but to be honest I couldn't care less. She's not worth bothering about as long as she's not spreading her poison in my life or in the life of anyone I care about.

And as for Tom and I... well things are the way they should be and always should have been. I love him and he loves me and there’s no way of spinning this in fancy language it’s as simple as it sounds. We’re happy end of and nothing is ever, (and I mean EVER,) going to come between us again.

So there you are, I think that's good enough proof that things can get a heck of a lot more complicated and painful than just plain old unrequited love... just add a coma into the equation.

Oh and one last thing just in case you were wondering. We didn't tell anyone the truth about our story. It's just another one of those things that only Tom and I know our little secret. So that's it, you’ve heard my story.


Author's Note: So if you have read through my entire book then thank you very much and you deserve a massive hug! *HUGS* I really appreciate the votes, comments and reads so if you're reading this you're AWESOME!

If you want to read more of my works I have two on the go. One is called 'When An Accident Prone No One Runs Into A Celebrity There Will Be Chaos...' which is a light-hearted rom-com and the other is called 'Don't Get Mad. Just Get Even...' I would really appreciate some comments or votes on this story as thus far I have none whatsoever :(

But anyway the main point of this note is to say a massive thank you :D

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