Untrusted Love (Editing)

By NicoleSmith159

2.8K 31 7

Attention!!! : I wrote this story when I was thirteen. I'm in my twenties now. It was horribly written and I... More

Untrusted Love - Chapter 2
Untrusted Love - Chapter 3
Untrusted Love - Chapter 4
Untrusted Love - Chapter 5
Untrusted Love - Chapter 6
Untrusted Love - Chapter 7
Untrusted Love - Chapter 8
Untrusted Love - Chapter 9
Untrusted Love - Chapter 10
Untrusted Love - Chapter 11
Untrusted Love - Chapter 12
Untrusted Love - Chapter 13
Untrusted Love - Chapter 14*
Untrusted Love - Chapter 15
Untrusted Love - Chapter 16
Untrusted Love - Chapter 17
Untrusted Love - Chapter 18
Untrusted Love - Chapter 19
Untrusted Love - Chapter 20
Untrusted Love - Chapter 21
Untrusted Love - Chapter 22
Untrusted Love - Chapter 23
Untrusted Love - Chapter 24
Untrusted Love - Chapter 25
Untrusted Love - Chapter 26*
Untrusted Love - Chapter 27
Untrusted Love - Chapter 28
Untrusted Love - Chapter 29
Untrusted Love - Chapter 30

Untrusted Love - Chapter 1

457 7 2
By NicoleSmith159

          Started writing this in 2007 and ended in 2008. This is going to be the corrected version, though there won't be many changes. Just spellchecking and fixing sentences. If you've read this on the other website don't give away what happens please.

Enjoy! :)


          Nick was in his room on the phone talking to Megan, trying to get her to go out with him.

          "Come on Megan, just go out with me, please." he begged.

          "Okay, Nick listen. I've told you like a million times, I don't like you like that. When will you get it?" Megan argued.

          "But there's just something about you that makes me have to be with you. It's just that, I really wanna be with you, ya know?" he replied

          Megan paused for a second, confused, then asked, "Well if you really like me that much and I haven't showed any signs of liking you back than I really think you should move on."

          "Okay, I know that. But would you hate it that much if we went on a date or something? I mean the worst thing would probably be me giving you a kiss." he joked with her.

          "Nick, now you're just being mean." she laughed at him.

          "Will you just let me take you out on Saturday or something?" he asked after his laughing subsided. Megan didn't reply.

          "Or ya know maybe Sunday if Saturday isn't good." he added.

          "Nick," Megan started.

          "Please Megan. I'll do anything. Just please, come on." he begged again.

          "I'm sorry Nick, but I don't like you like that." she rejected one last time.

          "I think if you let me take you out, you'll change your mind."

          "No, I don't think I will." she was trying to sound sincere. It was obvious she wasn't though, "But I have to get off, my brother needs the phone. I'll talk to you some other time. Bye." She hung up before Nick got the chance to say bye. He sat there with the phone to his ear listening to nothing but the dial tone.

          He finally hung up then walked over to his window and looked down at the beach. The sun was setting. He saw people in their cars driving away from the beach. He looked at his clock. It was 9:00pm. He decided to go to bed so he could get up early to surf before the beach got crowded. He sat his alarm clock for 8:00am, closed his window blinds, and flopped down on his bed and fell asleep.

          BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!

          Nick sat up fast, scared from the sound. He looked at his clock and sighed. He then turned the alarm off and got up and went to the kitchen. His dad was still asleep and he didn't want to wake him. He got a glass and poured him some orange juice. He hated orange juice because it tasted sour to him. He drank it every morning so it would wake him up. After he put his glass in the sink he went back to his room to put his swimming trunks on. He went in the bathroom and brushed his teeth then quickly ran out the front door. He went around his house and got his board and headed for the beach.

          He looked at his watch and it was 8:15am. He smiled and started to jog. When he finally got to the beach, there were already about 12 people there. He stepped on the sand and started walking for the water. He looked over to his right and saw a few people with there surf boards. He wondered why they weren't in the water. Then he looked up and saw that the big waves weren't that close to the shore yet. He new it wasn't a good idea to surf all the way out in the deep water because there were sharp rocks that the waves went over that you couldn't see. But that was where the best waves were.

          He then looked over to his left and saw only one person. It was a girl. He couldn't look away. His jaw dropped. He wasn't watching where he was going. He just kept staring at her and kept walking. Then the next thing he new he was laying on the ground and his head was bleeding from a rock beside him. The girl looked at him laying on the ground and started walking over to him. He looked up and saw her walking towards him. He tried to get up but he felt like something was holding him down. This was the weakest he had ever felt.

          When the girl finally got to him, she asked, "Are you okay? That looked like it hurt."

          Nick looked up at her, "Yea. Uhh I think I'm okay."

          She looked at his forehead, "You're bleeding.."

          He interrupted quickly, "No, really I'm fine. It's just a cut. I'll be okay." He touched his head and whipped the blood away.

          "Are you sure?" She asked.

          "Yea, I'll be fine." Nick answered. "By the way.. my name is Nick."

          "My names is Allie." She said in return.

          "Well that's a very beautiful name." Nick said as he tried to stand up.

          "Thanks. I never really liked it that much." Allie said, helping him up.

          "So, you here alone or waiting for your family, your friends, or boyfriend?" He asked.

          "Umm, actually, I'm here alone." Allie answered.

          "Really?" Nick asked in a flirty voice.

          Allie giggled, "Yes I am."

          Nick smiled, "So... no boyfriend?"

          "No. No boyfriend."

          "And why not?" He asked, curiously, as a small breeze of wind went through his hair.

          "I don't know. Maybe because no one wants me. That's what I've always thought." She answered.

          "So who was the last lucky guy that was with you? If you don't mind me asking." Nick asked.

          "Well, there hasn't been many guys coming my way. But the last guy was a real jerk. And that was probably," She paused and thought for a minute, "2 years ago."

          "Uh, um, why 2 years ago? Ya know, I'd like to think a pretty girl like you would of had like a bazillion boyfriends in the past.. don't you?" He asked.

          "No, I really have a hard time trusting people." Allie said.

          "Even your family?" He asked.

          "Yep." She said.

          "Friends too."

          "Yep." She answered again.

          Nick asked, "Well, uh do you, um, trust me?"

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