[discontinued] We've Got Youn...

By TheTeenWolfVampire

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Beacon Falls- the ultimate hub for the weird and supernatural. What happens when the vampires from the TVD sq... More

Chapter 1: California Girls
Chapter 2: Beacon Falls Inbound
Chapter 3: New Kids On The Block
Chapter 4: Escape
Chapter 5 : The Truth Comes Out Pt.1
Chapter 5: The Truth Comes Out Pt. 2
Chapter 6: I Warned You
Chapter 7: The Upper Hand
Chapter 9: Runnin' With The Pack
Author's Note

Chapter 8: Catch Us If You Can

1.4K 54 5
By TheTeenWolfVampire

Scott's POV

As we drive to the Sheriff's station, my phone rings. I fumble it out of my jacket to see who the caller is and I almost drop it. It's Derek. 

"What?" Stiles asks, noticing my discomfort. "Who is it?" I grumble and show it to him. He gasps a little.

"Well, answer it!"

"No! What if he knows about Peter? He'll kill me!" 

"Even Derek cannot kill you over the phone, Scott." I grumble and lay the phone on the centre console so Elena, Stefan, Liam and I could all hear. Nervously, I answer it.



"Is that Derek?" Stefan asks Liam, who is leaning over the backs eat from the boot.

Liam nods. "Yeah,"

"How did you know?" Stiles asks.


"Wait," I say. "Stiles's or Peter's?" 

"BOTH!" Brilliant.

Stiles leans closer to the phone. "I'm not afraid of you Derek." I face-palm. That was his first mistake.

Derek growls. "You underestimate me, Stilinski. I'd be careful where you step." Stiles snorts.

"Yeah, right. Normally, I'd turn down your help, but dealing with your uncle isn't the easiest thing  in the world. So, get your werewolf ass up here before I get Braeden to drag you up here. Speaking of Braeden, where is she?" Stiles asks.

"She's out playing with her artillery rifles." Derek says. Stiles gulps a little.

"Okay," says Stiles. "Maybe we don't-" Derek laughs, which is rare.

"Too late," he says as he hangs up. I look at Stiles in confusion. I hear the load beep of a car horn beside us, and I look out the window. Derek is sitting in his black car, with Braden sitting next to him with a pistol pointed at the roof.

"Holy crap," Stiles whispers.

"I'm guessing that's Derek?" Elena says.

Stiles grimaces. "Unfortunately," Liam grabs the phone of the centre console an rings Derek.

"Yeah, Liam?" he answers. 

"Meet us at the Sheriff's station."

"Sure thing. We'll be huntin' Kanimas tonight."


Stiles's POV

As I hop out of the jeep and close the door, I know something is wrong. It feels wrong. I fiddle with the keys as Scott explains to Stefan why we're here. Getting bored, I decide to have a look around. I just can't shake the feeling that something's not right. People come in and out of the station as per usual, so nothing's wrong in there. I walk around the corner to see the dumpsters and the back door where Scott and Kira went to steal her phone. I  poke around the dumpsters for a while, looking through the trash to see if there might be a surprise dead body or something. Nothing. After I move a few more trash cans out of the way, I hear a moan in one of the dumpsters. No way. 

I shift a few trash bags out of the way, then climb on to the dumpster to see Parrish, paralyzed on top, groaning. His eyes widen in shock and he mumbles something that sound like my name. I can see a little cut seeping crimson on the back of his neck.

"Woah!" I yell as I promptly fall of the dumpster. I swiftly get and and yell over my shoulder a I run towards my Jeep, "I'll get the others!" I fall onto the pavement, panting. Scott looks up to see me. He runs over, helping me up.

"What is it? Did you find him?" All I can do is nod. He tells Kira to get Malia, Liam and  Lydia, who are inside talking to my Dad about Parrish's whereabouts. Derek arms his small handgun, while Braeden grabs her rifle. Stefan and his gang appear out of their cars and follow Scott and I to behind the dumpster where Parrish was when I left him.


I jump in surprise when I don't see Parrish. "He was here just a minute ago!" I mutter to Scott, who nods. "He was paralysed by the Kanima!"

"Where is he now then?" Derek asks, annoyed. I hear a small clattering coming from the roof, and I look up to see the Kanima, crouched, on the roof with its tail wrapped around Parrish's neck, who is dangling precariously in the air. It hisses as it throws Parrish to the ground. Luckily, Caroline moves with her vampire speed to catch him before he hits the ground. He lands in her arms, and she props him up against the dumpster. The Kanima hisses again, and Derek jumps into action. He shoots a few rounds, five to be exact. Two land in the Kanima's chest, propelling it backwards, another in the arm. 

Caroline snarls and springs at the Kanima, which is still on the roof. She uses her vampire speed to get up there, but the Kanima whips its tail around and catches her on the elbow. She squeals and drops off the roof, Stefan catching her. Bonnie mutters an incantation, something to do with fire, and the Kanima jumps off the roof and onto a neighbouring dumpster, the spot where it was standing moments before is scorched. She swears something inaudible. 

Braeden aims her rifle at the beast and shoots three rounds. It dodges all of them, the last one bouncing off its scaly skin. Jeremy and Matt grab their crossbows, each loaded  with wooden stakes, and shoot at it. The Kanima rears up, catching each stake before they makes a scratch on the scales, and squeezes the stakes. The shatter into splinters. It leaps off the dumpster, and Damon jumps at it, as well as Elena. The Kanima's long claws gorge into Damon's back, and it flicks Elena on her cheek with it's tail. She falls to the ground, and so does Damon after being accidently shot with Derek's gun, when he was aiming for the Kanima. Liam and Malia roar in anger, and they charge at the beast, their eyes glowing their respective colours. Liam swipes at it, but pulls back when the Kanima rears at him. 

Malia uses this opportunity to sink her claws into the Kanima's back, and she ducks as the Kanima hisses and swipes his tail at her. 

"Shoot it!" she screams at Braeden. Braeden lines up her shot and shoots ten bullets into the Kanima's chest, and Derek shoots three. It screeches in pain, it's tail thrashing wildly. It knocks Malia off and charges at Liam, its tail catching him on the back of his hand. Scott and Kira run at it. Scott tries to swipe at it, but misses as the beast's claws catch him on the arm and gorge deep into his skin. Kira has a fiery aura around her, which resembles a fox.  She runs at it and slices its tail of with her katana. It howls in pain. Isaac runs at it, barely dodging its claws, and sinks his own into the beast's chest. It screeches and screams in pain, and eventually falls limp. Isaac retracts his claws, letting it fall to the ground. Black blood runs from its wounds and pools onto the ground. Bonnie and Stefan rush to their friends' sides, while Lydia runs to Parrish and Scott runs to Liam. I breathe a sigh of relief, and wipe my forehead, turning toward the direction of my Jeep. 

"Okay, nice work. Really beautiful job, everyone. Well done... oh crap." I hear a whimper of the girl standing at the end of the alley, her eyes glued to the body of the Kanima.

"What..." she says, "the holy hell," she whimpers again, "is that?"



*hides as you guys throw stuff at me*


I really have no excuse for being almost a month late.


Watch Your Pack,


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