Picking Up The Pieces

By pleasedontcutily

1.1K 80 19

Tony and Jaime have been bandmates and best friends for years. But with Tony's girlfriend's passing and Jaime... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Four

81 6 2
By pleasedontcutily

Jaime's POV
I woke up to Tony thrashing around and screaming.

"Tone! Tony, wake up! Tony wake up kid!"

"Jaime!" he screamed and threw his arms around me.

I hugged him back and pulled him in close to me. I felt my shirt get wet with warm tears again. God, I hate seeing him like this. I slowly rubbed his back, trying to get him to calm down. "Tone, what happened?"

"E-rin, I dre-amed about t-the acci-dent."

Shit. He mentioned before to us that he'd been having nightmares about it but I didn't know it was this bad. "Shh," I said rubbing his back, "it's going to be okay, T."

"I m-iss h-her s-soo mu-ch."

I rocked him back and forth slowly while patting his back, "I know, turtle."

His breathing finally slowed down and he stopped crying. I pulled him away from me and lifted his head up toward me. "Smile" I said.

His cute turtle grin showed up across his face, causing me to smile too.

"Alright it's around 8:00, so you still want to head over to Way's?"

He thought about it for a while, "Yeah, let's go" he said with a smile.

"Go get yourself prettied up then" I winked at him.

He giggled and got up and walked into his closet and shut the door so I snuck downstairs.

Tony's POV
I looked around my closet wondering what the hell I should wear. I didn't want to look super fancy because it was just a bar but I also didn't want to look like a bum. I decided on some black skinny jeans, a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles shirt and my favorite pair of Vans and headed to the bathroom.

From force of habit I went to put some of my hair into little braids but then I remembered that I couldn't do that anymore since I cut my hair really short. Erin was the one who suggested it, she knew I was always so hot and sweaty on stage with my long hair and I had it cut short and I really liked it that way.

I reached into the cabinet next to the double sink and grabbed my hair gel. I worked it in my hand and then spiked my hair up like Erin liked. As I looked in the mirror to check it I saw the note she left me on the mirror a few days before she died. Erin wrote me a note on my side of the mirror everyday. The last one she ever wrote me was, "I love you, Turtle, make sure you pick up some ice cream for our Star Wars marathon tonight. Love, E :)". I put the gel back in the cabinet and grabbed Erin's favorite bottle of perfume. I pulled off the cap and smelled it. It smelled so sweet, so warm, it made it feel like she was still here. So many memories hit me all at once, I almost teared up. I set it back in the cabinet and walked downstairs.

"Hey, foxy," Jaime said after he whistled at me, "let's head out" he said taking my arm in his.

I smiled, Hime was such a goofball sometimes. He was such the life of the party.

He walked me out to his car and opened the door for me. "Here you are, lovely" he said with a grin.

I chucked and got in the car and he shut my door for me. He got in his car and backed out of my driveway and headed to Way's.

I looked over at Jaime as he drove, he looked adorable when he was concentrating. He was wearing a plaid flannel, dark wash jeans and Vans. It was a pretty put together outfit considering he usually never matched.

He took a left on Broken Dreams Boulevard and then pulled into a parking lot.

"We're here, bud" Jaime said while slapping his hand on my leg and squeezing.

We got out of the car and he locked the doors. He threw his arm around my shoulder, "We'll have a great time getting wasted" he chuckled.

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