Beneath Your Beautiful {A Lol...

נכתב על ידי selenagomezrox1999

35.9K 647 249

In several love stories there is the concept of opposites attracting but in this case they are exactly the sa... עוד

Looks Who's Drooling Now
Well, He's Wrong
One Of Those Girls
Nice To See You Again
A Date...With You?
Certainly Made An Effort
I Will So Kill Him
Things Just Get Better
You Know Each Other?
You Don't Know?
Are You Scared, Babe?
Goodbye Present
Selena? Interesting...
The More The Merrier, Right?
So, Let's Get Packing...
Until, Now
I Need Different
I Hate Him And That's All...
She Better Like It Rough
As My Saviour
What Do I Do With A Boy Like You?
I Really Hate That Guy...
What a Surprise!
Whether She Likes It Or Not
I Will Make Her Love It.
Logan's Not Coming To Save You This Time
The Faint Whimpers
Whirling Blackness
All for the Best

You Never Expect The Unexpected

979 24 9
נכתב על ידי selenagomezrox1999

Logan's P.O.V

Chuckling silently under my breath, I remind myself of the interesting encounter with Selena. She just can't stop entertaining me, can she? Smirking, I make my way to the living room, where I expect to see Taylor and Chace, fast asleep on the couch. Instead, I view my blond cousin, who was clearly abducted my sleep, but Chace was nowhere to be seen. My eyebrows furrow, as I secure the fact he isn't in the room, before searching the whole cabin. I look cautiously into every room but never seem to find my friend. Or Selena. Weird.

The angel who had formerly been wrapped in a towel is nowhere to be seen. 

Hence, I wisely decide to move to plan B which may be more successful than searching. 

"Hey Chace, where are you man?" I yell, with my hands cupped around my mouth, enabling my voice to project itself. Hopefully, I haven't woken up Taylor because the last thing you will want to see is a groggy Taylor that you have just woken up. Instead of a response from Chace, groans echo across the small corridor which seem to be heading from the living room. Oops. I'll have to deal with the monster later.  

After sighing and smacking my head, I witness a figure coming out of a...broom cupboard? I raise my eyebrow as I observe his shining jade orbs dart from side to side before spotting me and lifting his hand as a greeting. I lift my hand in response. The odd matter is the fact he eyes are shining and in his case they either shine when he is up to something or angry. With the persuasion from his gritted teeth, I predict that he's angry. Why is he angry, especially after coming out of what seems like a box room or store cupboard? He approaches casually before stopping a few strides away from me.  

"What's up?" he asks, now and then looking back at the door he had just appeared out of.  

"Nothing, just wandering where you were?" I reply shrugging my shoulders. I know something's not right and I need to know. "So, what were you doing in there?" I question, pointing at the wooden door.

"Oh, just...just looking around the know" he stutters, whilst chuckling which evidently depicts the fact he is trying to hide something. He should really clean up on his lying.

"What? A broom cupboard" I tease, grinning lopsidedly

"Well.. yeah?" Chace replied, which came out like a question than an answer.

"Ohhh...kay" I drag suspiciously. I am now certain that behind that door something has gone very wrong. Pushing past him, simultaneously pushing away his lame comments to divert me from my intention, I make my way to the door, sneaking a glance at his expression. Right now, his eyes are as wide as golf balls and his mouth rapidly opening and closing like a fish. Before entering, I list the positive matters that may appear when I open this door which only seems to be one. He could be having early sex with a stranger he just met. Very unlikely; since we had only arrived here yesterday, but I guess in Chace's world anything could happen. On the other hand, there is an assortment of horrid things that may reveal itself, written down in my mind. I grab the handle to the door...


Selena's P.O.V

So here I am, standing like and idiot, wrapped in a towel holding my bleeding hand, trying not to scream out in pain. I don't usually fall for such ridiculous threats, but from the vision of Chace's fury I assure the fact he wouldn't hesitate killing me. I place my ear, against the cold wooden door, eavesdropping into the conversation between Chace and Logan, now and then wincing at the throbbing pain that shoots up my arm. Although it isn't the greatest thing to do, especially when I am in a situation like this I snigger silently at the stammering Chace. Logan is definitely seeming incredulous. Well, who will believe that stupid lying idiot?

Chace did say if I tell anyone he will kill me but if they find out themselves he has not right to kill me. How clever, Selena! If Logan opens this fucking door, I will be free and Chace will probably be sent to prison for attempted sexual assault. I feel the hope rising inside me, causing me to take a deep breath in, waiting for the moment. Continuing to listen in to the vague conversation, I stumble back as I feel pressure on the door. My eyes widen whilst my body stiffens. A sens of relief and desperation grows inside me, as I take a step back, gratefully allowing the door to be opened. My front two teeth force themselves onto my bottom lip, as I observe the handle rattling.

I stand here, feeling hopeless but hopeful, like a bird about to be let out of its cage. Let out of the prison I was placed in a few minutes ago, to fly into the wilderness and to live life for the next days in an adventure. This trip can be the one and only source of fun I will have other than hooking up with guys; I don't deserve to be that rabbit hiding from that fox and his threats. My poetic thoughts abruptly come to a halt, as I realise that the handle is no longer rattling and instead of the creak the door is meant to produce when opened, a too familiar shriek pierces itself through my poor fragile ear. This could only mean... Taylor.


Logan's P.O.V

Before I even had the chance to open the door by a millimetre, my investigation was interrupted by a very recognisable voice. Oops. I'm dead meat. 

Filled with regret, I turn my head, only to face a blonde with hair all over the place and fists tightly clenched, looking ready to attack. Although her eyes are only half open and her eyelids are clearly weighing them down, her aqua orbs are filled with such fury and anger and prepared to drag me to the centre of hell. I warn you, an innocent friendly individual you may find her when you come to first meet her - just pray that day will never arrive - there is whole different side. When someone makes me wait I can tell you I am a very frightening monster and at the same time if you are the cause to waking Taylor up, sorry but you will never live to see another day. Guess Sherlock has to run! 

Before I can sprint through the narrow corridor and hide behind the couch crying for my mummy - I know, seriously lame for a 'bad boy' - she roughly grabs my hand and glares with her teeth grinding into one another. 

"Um, hey?" I awkwardly wave at her, desperately looking back plotting an escape route. 

"Where do you think you're going? We have a bit of talking to do" she hisses with her nails marking clear dents in my skin. What kind of cousin does this? 

"Sorry, I was looking for Chace, I couldn't find him, so I... so I called out for him and that must have woken you up. Sorry Taylor... I didn't mean to," I helplessly waffle, only receiving an uncomfortable stare. What's seriously happened to bad boy? 

"Called out? Called out? You mean yelled out!" she exclaims causing me to stumble backwards like a coward. 

"I said sorry. Please don't do anything to me, I'm too young to die" I plead hands cupped in front of me. God, what's happening to me? I hear Chace quietly chuckle so I turn around sending him a glare. That shut him up. I turn back to view the Taylor monster. 

"Okay. If you don't want to die, there is something you have to do" Taylor justifies, with a devious smirk on her face; a smirk that never meant good. 

"Um what?" I ask, gulping awaiting something hideous. 

"Okay...ummm" she thinks, stroking her chin. " Okay, you have to kiss the first person you see when you step out of this cabin" 

Before I could ask anything, she stops me by waving her index finger around. 

"Man or woman." Again, before I could argue she presses her finger to her lip as I sign to not talk. 

"You can't say anything, my dearest cousin. Just do it, you deserve it. You should know better than you the T-Lady" she smirks, crossing her arms.  

What do you expect me to do? Laugh at her daft nickname? Punch her in the face since I'm the bad boy? Well, you have to face the fact that punching her is the last thing that should be ever done on planet Earth. I eventually agree by nodding my head, hoping for the best. 

For the second time, I hear Chace snigger. What a great friend! 

I watch Taylor give me a thumbs and Chace make their way to the small kitchen to possibly make breakfast. I allow the peaceful silence to drown me before I hear a series of footsteps disturb it. Following the sound, I swiftly run my head only to view Selena behind me... still wrapped in a towel? Once our eyes meet, I watch her hesitantly bite her bottom lip. Where was she all this time? And why is she still wearing her towel, when I she had a towel 30 minutes ago? Questions cause my eyebrow to raise in confusion. Before, I could ask anything, I observe a few drops of red liquid dropping onto the wooden floors. With no words, I advance her and whilst she tries to back away, I grab her hidden arm and pull it towards me. My eyes widen as they draw themselves to five long deep cuts across her wrist. Blood oozing out from, spoiling her beautiful porcelain skin. Not a word escaping my mouth meanwhile all she makes out are "ums" probably trying to make up an excuse to escape, I drag her to her room. 

Selena's P.O.V 

Where is taking me? Why is he not asking me anything? I'm doomed if he finds out. Unlike Chace, he gently pulls my arm towards my room. What the hell? Whilst I stand by door, holding my quite red towel with my undamaged hand, I inquisitively watch him rummage through Taylor's bag. Finally he approaches me with what looked like a first aid kit in his hands. He taps on the bed, as a sign for me to sit down. Reluctantly, I make my way over to the bed as he kneels in front of me, with the kit open and his hand digging through it. Eventually, he pulls out a bottle of some liquid, cotton and bandage.  

"This might hurt a bit," he warns before tilting the bottle onto the cotton and pressing it softly against my cuts. I bite my tongue and small winces escape my mouth. Damn, it fucking hurts! I watch him concentrate, with his brow furrowed and azure eyes shining with focus. Dang, he's flipping adorable. I mentally curse at myself. This was not the right time. After the horrible episodes of whining and dabbing, I finally ask the question that had been bugging me for the past few minutes. 

"Why haven't you asked anything about the cuts?" I question, although not directly looking in his beautiful eyes.  

"Well, it's none of my business. If you wanted, you would have told me anyways" he simply states, shrugging his shoulder. As I dreamily - sorry, can't help it - stare at him work at my cuts, his words echo in my head. If it was anyone else, I will have to sit down and answer their endless questions. But he's here, on his knee, treating my throbbing wrist, I can't believe how he was such a pervert half an hour ago but a pure gentleman now. I just don't understand him. Interrupting my thoughts, I hear him finally talk after what seemed like a long time. 

"Okay, finished" he says, tapping my bandaged wrist. I moan with pain, a gentle tap causing my arm to throb. 

"Stop moaning you're turning me on" he mocks in a high pitched voice, before sitting beside me. I can't help but allow a giggle to escape before stifling with a cough. When looking at him, I realise, like me, he has towel wrapped around his waist and another slung over his neck; tiny droplets dripping from the tips of his dark chocolate brown hair. Before I know, his exquisite oceanic eyes cast an enchanting spell on me. We just stare at each other, abosrbing every detail and inch. I've never felt this way with anyone; i's an undescribable feeling. I don't know whether it's good or bad. But it feels right. In order to stop myself from doing anything I will regret, I decide it's best to stop.

"Now, go I need to change" I make out, allowing a hint of my fierce self to enter. Pouting hopelessly, he walks out, hands in pocket. Before he could disappear, I spill the word I have hardly said in my entire life.

"Hey Logan," responding to my call he swiflt turns to face me."Thanks"

He smiles and continues to walk out before finally vanishing behind the door. Wait... was that the first time I had seen him... smile? Not smirk or the lopsided smile but a proper, sincere smile. Never expected that. Well, you never expect the unexpected. 



Sorry for making it short and rubbish again. I just don't understand how wattpad authors can write so much in one chapter and I simply can't. Thank you so much for reading and tell me you liked it. Beside, is a tumblr which represents the scene when they are staring at each other.

Wasn't it cute when Logan treated her cuts?

Do you think Logan will find out soon?

Any going on between Logan and Selena?

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