Spideypool - tacos and texting

By Hodgia42

61.7K 2.4K 1.4K

My first attempt at character x character fanfiction After a night of fighting crime, Spiderman and Deadpool... More

Part 1 - Let's go on patrol together
Part 2 - Peter does some serious thinking
Part 3 - The text... Wade freaks
Part 4 - Text talks
Oneshot- Unwanted explosives

Part 5 - Boyfriends?

9.5K 428 341
By Hodgia42

Half eight was fast approaching and Peter was nervous. He'd actually picked out an outfit for once, instead of just throwing on the first shirt in his draw. He'd showered and changed after getting back from work. He had a paper due for the end of the week, but that could wait. The plethora of feelings danced with the nervous thoughts of if he should do something with the fluff that was his messy brown hair. Opting out of brushing it in fear that it'd make him look like he'd made too much of an effort and deciding against wearing his useless glasses that usually go with his everyday look, he departed from his house shouting a quick bye to his Aunt.

It didn't take long for Peter to make his way to Deadpool's apartment and he was only a few minutes later than Half past. He would have got there faster if he was webbing his way there but he wasn't wearing his costume and couldn't risk someone seeing. Plus, it'd be nice being let in by the door for once instead of just appearing through the apparently stuck open window. Knocking on said door, Peter's nerves came back with double the force. Then again, if the texts were anything to go by, he had nothing to be worried about.

The door opened on Deadpool.

"I didn't order a pizza sorry, but I'll take it if it's going." Deadpool said. He was wearing normal clothes, a button up and some greying blue jeans possibly older than Peter himself. He was also wearing the mask.

"It's me! Spiderman!" Deadpool pondered over the young man's words, squinting a little and then nodding to himself.

"Sorry. Thought you'd come by window. You know, like usual."

"I would have but, as you can see, I can't really be doing things like Spiderman without the... Mask." Peter said as Deadpool let him move past into the familiar apartment. Peter had only been there in five minute intervals previously but he still knew what to expect. The trash, piled magazines with almost naked women on them shifted further to the corner of the room in an attempt to hide them, guns sat on a small table next to the sofa resting with a phone and the tv remote.

"About that... I did want to, you know, let you know the other me, but there isn't really another me. My name was Wade Wilson but it may as well be Deadpool now. You don't want to see what's behind this." Deadpo-Wade said tugging the fabric of the mask a little further down his neck.

"I do." Peter said quietly.

"You don't." Wade said. "Anyway, you haven't told me your name yet."

"It's Peter. Peter Parker." Peter said, acknowledging the change of subject but deciding just to go with it.

"It suits you." Wade said obviously smiling under his mask. "And let me just say, you're even more gorgeous than I imagined."

"You've been imagining what I'd look like?" Peter asked incredulously.

"Well. Yeah. It was all I could think about last night. But seriously though! You weren't lying when you said you did photography and occasionally helped out at a lab, cause you could be a model!" Wade said in a serious voice.

"Flattery will get you no where Wade." Peter said cheekily.

"1. You make my name sound hot and 2. It's not flattery if it's true." Wade replied.

"Can I please just see?" Wade then noticed how close they had gotten, Peter's hands on the collar of his shirt, fingers brushing against the bottom of his mask. He twitched back slightly, catching Peter's hands.

"I don't know." Wade said in an uncharacteristically quiet and almost scared voice.

"I've already seen your chin and lips." Peter said in test.

"I know but... I'm not... I'm not good looking. That's an understatement. I'm kinda disgusting. Like puke worthy." Wade said in a slightly more light-hearted voice.

"I could never find you ugly. Please. Show me." The last part was a whisper as Peter removed his hands from Wade's allowing Wade to take the mask off, and surprisingly he did. It was a slow movement as he rolled the mask up carefully. He faltered for a moment deciding the step a bit back, not liking how close Peter was, but continued until the mask was all the way off his face. The look on his face was one of both fear and slight hope but it showed that Wade was expecting something that didn't happen. "Not puke worthy in the slightest." Peter said stepping up to Wade again and kissing him. It shocked Wade at the start but then he kissed back almost desperate but gentle. Peter's fingers hooked themselves under Wade's collar pulling as Wade hands made their way around Peter's neck and into his hair. Peter broke off the kiss, hands moving to Wade's shoulders. "Thank you. There was no point hiding it anyway. I think you look hot." Peter said smiling.

"Ew, you don't have some weird scar fetish do you?" Wade said teasingly.

"Haha no! I hope that doesn't exist!" Peter said. Wade swore that smile shone brighter, if that was even possible.

"Oh you never know. There are some seriously messed up people out there." Wade smiled back. Gosh that smile was just contagious.

"That reminds me. What were you reading that day?" Peter asked, eyes showing his curiosity.

"Like I said, a fan fiction." Wade said.

"About who?" Peter pushed.

Wade sighed not knowing what response this would get. "About us; but it was a fluff I promise and... Why are you laughing?"

Peter was giggling. He grabbed Wade's hands and kissed him again. "You're surprisingly adorable."

"And you're just surprising." Wade replied smiling at Peter and kissing him again. "So. Are we boyfriends now? Cause personally, I'd love to brag to all my friends that I got Spiderman. Oh and I could change my facebook relationship status..." Peter put a finger to the merc's lips.

"Yes." Peter said pecking Wade on the lips.

"Yes to what? Bragging or changing my status or being boyfriends?" Peter walked away and sat on the sofa. "Peter!" Wade whined.

"Yes to all of them." Peter smiled.

"Yay!" Wade shouted plonking down next to Peter. "TV?"

"TV." Peter said leaning on his new boyfriend.


Author's note: I was thinking of writing more for this story but it kind of seems right to end it here. I think I might write a loose sequel to this one. It would be focussed on what the new couple does after this and may have a bit of angst where the other heroes are involved. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my little stint into character x character writing and I hope I got their personalities right, especially Deadpool seen as I see his personality a lot like mine. See ya in the next one. Hodgia. X

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