The Seventh Member of the Sto...

By StrikerSkyKnight

19.4K 428 25

This was well recieved on my Quotev page so I thought I should publish it here too! What if the Storm Hawks h... More

Age of Heroes: Part One
Age of Heroes: Part Two
Sleepover with Piper!
Gale Force Winds
The Code
Tranquility Now
Best Friends Forever
The Black Gorge
Absolute Power
Fire and Ice
Terra Deep
Nika's Room
Storm Warning
A Little Trouble
Thunder Run
Moving Too Slow
Forbidden City
Too Much At Once
Nika Fights Back
Terra Neon
The Storm Hawks Eight
A Reason To Celebrate
Jinxed It!
Talon Academy
Revelations and Games
Nika's Story of Yaris
The Baron Betrayer
Jor's Confliction
Cyclonis' Twisted Game
Terra Tropica
Siren's Song
A Day Together
Calling All Domos
The Lesson
A Corrupt Mind
Cyclonis' Plan
The Broken Crystal
I'd Wait
Dude, Where's My Condor?

King For A Day

380 10 0
By StrikerSkyKnight

It took a whole hour for Piper to admit that she got the Storm Hawks lost, the team could have done without Finn and herself arguing but the pair were overdue a spat – something that happened less frequently but hey who was going to complain. "Squadron log, alright I admit it – we're lost! So, my directions were a little bit off! It's not like it's a big disaster!" She ranted, trying to regain some lost pride. Nika chuckled quietly, after watching Finn prove a good point that Piper was incredibly proud she was rather amused with Piper admitting she was wrong. "This is a big disaster." Stork began, prompting everyone to roll their eyes. Junko put a finger to his lips before he started to sneak up on the Merb. "Flying at night, where things can sneak up on you." As he finished, Junko curled his finger around Stork's ankle making him scream in fright. Nika held her stomach laughing, doubling over when Junko innocently greeted him. "Sup?" Stork glared at his teammates, now cheered up by Junko's prank. "What's gonna sneak up on us in the middle of the night?" He asked, Stork blankly looked at the team as if the teenagers were oblivious to the danger around them. "Cyclonians, acid storms..." He listed, Nika stopped listening and lost interest – she tugged on Aerrow's arm seeing a mountain coming straight for them, he responded by wrapping an arm around her waist and hanging onto the rail. Stork saw the danger, only just managing to avoid the danger but not fully – it smashed into the mountain – Finn and Junko slid with the ship, poor Finn being squashed by the Wallop. The Condor skidded to a halt, Stork heavily breathing as everyone backed away from him. "My Condor..." He wailed, Piper managed to calm the Merb down before he had a mental breakdown and gave Nika a headache.

"Um... you can let go of me now." Nika blushed, Aerrow immediately took his arm away and looked away bashfully – he was hoping she would tell him about who she was but she hadn't – like Piper said, she wasn't being or going to be treated any differently. "Sorry." He replied before grabbing a torch and ordering everyone to outside to check for damage and see where they landed since Piper had no idea where they had landed. The sounds of howling and a weak breeze blowing through a fairly derelict terra greeted the Storm Hawks, "Stork, any damage?" Nika had wandered ahead, wondering why there was nobody around – well she was quickly proven wrong when a red light shone in her face, the brunette backed away shielding her eyes. Junko quickly moved her behind him, there was at least forty soldiers aiming at the young squadron. "Wait stop!" Aerrow shouted, instincts kicking in, "We come in peace!" He yelled, the soldiers didn't listen and began to fire at the group, making everyone either duck or hide behind the Condor. Not wanting to run away, Nika brought out her two swords, attaching paralyser crystals to the hilts and began firing energy beams to the soldiers, hitting some of them. All of a sudden, they charged but stopped at Finn – everyone looked on in confusion. "It's... it's him!" He exclaimed, what was so brilliant about Finn all of a sudden? "Yeah, you better believe it's me! Wait, what have you heard?" He replied, his confidence wearing away with each word, the soldiers chattered to one another then bowed down to Finn. "Are we all dreaming or is this reality?" Nika asked, Stork smirked and pinched her making her yelp. "First, they attack us then they surrender to Finn... Anyone want to explain this to me? Finn?" Aerrow asked, bewildered by what he just witnessed. "Dude, I have no idea." Finn answered, an old man walked up to the sharpshooter inspecting him for a few moments. Nika rubbed her arm, knowing Stork left a small bruise – she retaliated by flicking his ear. "That was so uncalled for." He hissed, Nika only smiled before Piper slapped both of them upside the head. "Quit it, you two!" She scolded, both of them rubbed the back of their heads – just sticking their tongues out at one another like children.

Thanks to her bickering with Stork, Nika had entirely missed why the soldiers surrendered to Finn and where they were. Junko being the nice guy he is, quickly explained it as they all followed this King Agar to the palace. Apparently, Finn was a legendary saviour of this terra and the people began to worship him – feeding the boy's already inflated ego. Nika flinched at the word "earthquake", something Aerrow noticed – he grabbed her wrist and made her slow down. "What is it?" He asked, looking into her eyes intently – why was she flinching at a word? "It's nothing, let go." She sighed, his tone scared her. He proceeded to ignore her request and despair at the fact Finn was getting a major ego inflation. "I swear we are somehow stuck in Finn's imagination." Nika muttered, Piper giggled and waved for her friend to shush.

"Come great Domo! We shall lead you and your servants to the palace where we shall look after you." The King announced, the people of Vapos cheered – some of the girls gathering around Finn. Not wanting to get on the wrong side of the people, the Storm Hawks followed – all of them mentally despairing at being called Finn's servants. Soon enough Finn emerged wearing fancy clothes and gold, something that made Nika scoff and roll her eyes. 'This is going way too far.' She thought, long giving up on trying to free her wrist from Aerrow's grip. "Must be amazing being royalty." Aerrow murmured, giving Nika a sideways glance however the brunette just shrugged as if it was nothing. He had to find out, whether it came from her own admission or he forced it out of her, he hated secrets within his squadron.

The brunette flinched when Finn brought out a disco ball, suddenly she felt incredibly angry with the sharpshooter – he was taking advantage of these poor people! He should be helping them, not taking from them. She smiled when the disco ball broke, "Uh... Can we get somebody to fix that please? Um and I need some more polish for this crown." He moaned causing Nika to roll her eyes in disgust. "I prefer the disco ball being broken, don't need to watch him dance again." She muttered, Stork chuckled in agreement. King Agar strolled in accompanied by servants carrying clothes, the Storm Hawks watched Finn with bewilderment, his behaviour was appalling! "Great Domo." He announced, Finn replied rudely much to everyone's disgust. "Is everything to your liking?" He asked coming closer to the group. "Oh yeah, I feel like a king." He replied before striking a macho pose, Aerrow loosened his grip on Nika and she snatched her wrist away, her fists clenched from being angry with Finn. "We have brought suitable clothes, for your court." The king continued, Nika shook her head and glared at Finn – the princess in her kicking in, she served no one but the people of Yaris and her squadron. "His court?" Piper repeated, hoping she heard the King wrong. "I'm not wearing that." Nika spat, everyone in the room looked at her, her blue eyes flickered to Finn before glaring at the King. "I don't mean to be disrespectful but I'm not a part of his court. I'm not going to be his servant." The King walked over, looking rather furious but he instead smiled. "Hmm. Very well, we shall lead you to the prison." Aerrow and Junko stood in front of Nika, who couldn't care any less by the King's order – no way was she serving Finn. "No! You can't do that!" Junko shouted, the King smiled at the Wallop. "Those who do not wish to serve the Domo is a traitor to Vapos – your friend goes to prison. Guards!" He spoke coldly, with a sigh Nika stepped around her friends and looked at the King straight in the eye – he flinched under her piercing glare. "Going to prison is much better than being here anyway." She muttered – the guards merely held her upper arms and with no struggle she was led away.

"Ok, this has gone far enough. I'm putting a stop to this." Aerrow announced, he was furious with Finn and Nika's behaviour – sure she had a good point but it was out of character, she was normally respectful towards those in high positions, just borderline disobedience – not being imprisoned. "No, don't!" Piper called, she too was furious but more at Finn since she knew Nika's secret which explained her behaviour. "Can't you see that their entire culture is based on this prophecy?" She asked, being the voice of reason within the squadron. "We have to play along, at least for now." She continued, it stopped the Sky Knight from acting but it certainly didn't stop his thinking. "Minstrel! How about a song?" Finn smiled, enjoying the lap of luxury he was receiving, Piper made a face – suddenly regretting what she said but they had to play along. With a grimace to his friends, he began to strum a few strings – Finn being oblivious to how his friends felt, seemed to enjoy the song. "Robbed of all my dignity, forced to sing this song. What did I do to deserve this, where did it all go wrong?" He sung, trust him to be pessimistic.

Nika calmly walked into the cell, ignoring the dirty looks the citizens and guards gave her, and watched as the door was slammed shut and left alone. "Maybe I should come clean." She whispered, fixing her ponytail. "Stupid Finn and his stupid ego!" She cursed before screaming from outside interrupted her. The Sky Knight ran to the small window with bars, seeing the citizens of Vapos scatter and duck into their homes away from flying figures coming ever closer to the town. Nika let out a frustrated scream, knowing she couldn't help – if she hadn't gotten so proud and just went along then battered Finn later she wouldn't be in this cell. Thankfully her friends put a stop to the attack, she couldn't help but feel ignored and peeved with them. Especially Finn and Aerrow – Finn was self-explanatory while Aerrow had been making sudden subtle hints about royalty – earlier it had taken a lot for her not to turn around and yell at him. She looked at her hands and sighed, maybe he had figured it out like Piper and just wanted her to tell him to confirm it. No one came to see her, not even Piper – maybe they were mad at her.

The Storm Hawks, minus Nika, gathered with the King and some citizens outside the broken palace before Finn took off to defeat the Verrocs. The team was glad that he had returned to his Storm Hawk self but he insisted on doing it alone – Aerrow figured it was to redeem himself but he still wasn't happy about it. Finn, we should do this together. Aerrow pleaded, stepping closer. "You heard the prophecy, I have to go alone." He argued back, a determined look in his eyes. "Just me, the Gomo." Stork corrected the sharpshooter who promptly left, just as Piper arrived and called for him to stop. She ran up to Aerrow, who raised his eyebrows in question. "Aerrow, we have to stop him!" She yelled, the King gave the navigator a stern look as he heard Piper try to interfere with the prophecy. "The Domo must fulfil the prophecy! We cannot allow you to interfere!" He shouted, Piper decided to take leaf out of Nika's book and attempted to sass the King. "Oh yeah? What are you going to do to stop us?" She replied, the King shouted for the guards to take them to the prison. "That's our friend! We have to help him!" Junko shouted struggling against the five guards as the Strom Hawks were escorted away.

Nika sat up hearing Piper's voice shouting, five of the seven Storm Hawks were struggling against the guards as they were led to the largest cell and thrown in. Nika walked to the bars, holding them as she listened to her friends talking – oh great Finn is meant to get eaten, that's just fantastic she thought. "Nika!" Junko called, a smile on his face. "How's it going? How did you all get thrown in here?" She replied, copying Junko's expression. "Piper sassed the king and tried to stop Finn." Aerrow replied, feeling a wave of annoyance at how Nika was reacting to the situation – it was like she didn't care and understand the severity of the situation! "Nika you shouldn't be laughing this is serious!" He shouted, the brunette lifted her arms in surrender – what's gotten into Aerrow? "Oh, pipe down Aerrow! I know this is serious but us fighting isn't going to help." She replied, Stork sniggered. "Oh, a lover's spat, always entertaining." Nika frowned at the Merb, the last thing she wanted to be reminded of was how she felt about Aerrow and with this fight, she didn't like this side of him. "It's not a lover's spat! We are just friends!" She yelled, the Merb rolled his eyes – not believing the Yarisian. "Not yet." He muttered turning his attention to his instrument. "Oh, just drop it and let's get out of here!" Piper yelled, tugging at the window bars and then the door, nobody responded – a bit shocked from the fight between Nika and Aerrow.

"We don't have much time!" She yelled, Junko smiled showing his knuckle buster that the guards had neglected to take off him. "Allow me." He let out a roar and punched a hole in the wall, allowing Aerrow and Radarr to slip through, Junko followed but found that he couldn't fit. "Um, I think I'm stuck." He admitted bashfully, "JUNKO!" Piper yelled, making everyone wince at the loudness. "We're all worried too, Piper." Nika smiled, the navigator caught the brunette's smirk and turned red. Piper started to pull on Junko's arms but the Wallop was stuck fast, Nika giggled at Radarr screeching at everyone and began to work on a lockpick. Stork had made himself comfortable, apparently accepting the fact the squadron would be forever jailed. "We'll never see Finn again, and that part is sad enough. But now Aerrow is history, too. I get to have all their stuff." He sang with a smirk at the end. "Well that's as sympathetic as Stork will ever get." Nika laughed, picking at the locked cell door. Piper suddenly gasped from her spot at the window shouting the boys had made it.

"C'mon, c'mon aha!" Nika cheered as her cell door opened, being met with three angry looking guards, with a nervous laugh she shut the door over again. "The Domo has ordered for your release." One said letting the Storm Hawks out and helping Junko. With a crash, he landed on top of them, "Sorry!" He whispered helping them up. Radarr ran up and hugged Nika, she laughed and let him sit on her back as they walked to the palace. The people looked happy, rebuilding their town and talking excitedly about the future. Aerrow and Finn were laughing as they descended down the steps to meet everyone else, Piper blushed seeing Finn while it was awkward between the two Sky Knights. "Hey?" Nika smiled trying to break the tense silence, wondering why he had been angry with her lately. "Let's leave the two lovers to make up, I feel a rash coming on." Stork said to no one in particular, scurrying off, followed by Junko and Radarr then Piper and Finn – who shared a worried look but followed none the less.

Aerrow looked away while Nika shuffled her feet and whistled looking at the sky, wishing to not be in this awkward situation, eventually the silence got to her. "Would you just say something already?" She blurted, sounding more upset than she felt, Aerrow quickly turned his attention to Nika – a clouded look in her eyes. "Care to explain what happened earlier? And why." He replied, Nika shifted with his tone – he wasn't usually this cold, not in the month and a half that she had known him. "You know something about me, don't you? You know what I told Piper." She accused, feeling guilt wash over her. "Would you like to confirm it?" He retorted, Nika ran her hands from her eyes to her cheeks in frustration. "Look, I don't know what you heard exactly but "– She began before he held a hand up to her, stopping her. "Are you really the Princess of Yaris?" He asked, his eyes softened when Nika's filled with tears but she refused to let them fall. "Yes." She simply replied, Aerrow sighed – not sure what to think. "I wanted to tell you, believe me. I'm sorry. If you want me to go, I will. I don't blame you." She said humbly, giving a sniff and cursing her emotions. "Nika, I heard everything." Aerrow replied, Nika tensed and her cheeks went red. "E-everything?" She choked out, did he know she liked him?! She suddenly wished for another pit to open and swallow her whole – be much better than dealing with feelings right now. "Define everything!" She shouted in panic, not realising the rest of the Storm Hawks were watching the pair from the window, not hearing anything unless it was shouted.

"Why are they fighting anyway?" Finn asked, Piper gave him a quick glare knowing the reason: Aerrow had somehow worked out that she was a princess and was rather peeved with her for not telling him. "It's a lover's spat!" Stork shrieked throwing his hands in the air, "Why else would they be going red?!" Junko smiled down at the pair, Nika waving her arms around while Aerrow simply stood where he was with his arms folded, he couldn't help but worry. "Maybe we should go listen in?" He suggested, "That's probably not a good idea." Finn replied, giving a funny look to Stork – who was still wearing his court clothes and holding the instrument. "You do realise you're supposed to give that back, don't you?" Stork replied by jingling the bells and shrugging. "Well, I like it." Piper scoffed, keeping her attention on the pair. "He's annoyed that she didn't play along with the prophecy earlier." Answering Finn's question, well it was half an answer but the boys didn't need to know that.

"Um well, I just heard that you were a princess but that's it." Aerrow replied, shifting on his feet as he tried to work out why Nika was so flustered. "Guess what happened today makes sense now." He gave a small smile to Nika – who now sported a glorious shade of red on her cheeks. "Is that it?" She found a smile tugging on her lips, rejoicing that he didn't know how she felt about him. "Yeah, guess you can say that." Aerrow replied, he felt playful now that her cheeks remained red and that she looked relieved. "But I'd like to know why you're going red." He smirked stepping closer, Nika backed away with a nervous laugh. "Oh no, just embarrassing girl stuff!" She yelped, feeling extremely vulnerable. It was now Aerrow's turn for his cheeks to turn red, thinking he tried to intrude on girl stuff – very personal girl stuff. "Oops sorry." He chuckled, despite how embarrassed and rude he felt. "It's ok – last one on the Condor has to defend Finn from Piper!" Nika yelled, sprinting to the awaiting Condor, the redhead following quickly after.

Finn flinched from what Nika yelled, backing away from the window and seeing Piper smiling evilly at him. "I think you should stand still and I'll not be so hard on you." She grinned, creeping him out. "For what?" He asked feeling brave against the crystal expert, she laughed and backed him into the corner. "J-Junko!" He yelled hoping the Wallop would step in, he despaired when said Wallop shook his head laughing. "W-what did I do?" Frustrated Piper was answering him and that she was dangerously close to him. "Oh, you know, getting us, all thrown in jail and you didn't help us." She replied innocently, the sharpshooter gulped. Nika and Aerrow ran in, the brunette clearly winning but Aerrow had other ideas and grabbed Nika and throwing her over his shoulder and grabbing Piper. "Go Finn, go!" He laughed, Finn didn't need to be told twice and ran off screaming for his room. He released the girls who smiled evilly at the redhead. "Now, now let's not be hasty." He smiled nervously, Stork watched the entire spectacle with boredom while Radarr was smirking and Junko was laughing. "I think we should braid his hair, what do you think Nika?" Piper asked her friend as they advanced on the Sky Knight. "That's not fair two against one!" He complained, the girls just smiled and tackled him – Nika held his arms while Piper quickly braided his hair. Soon their method of torture was over and they stood side by side admiring their work, Aerrow just lay on the floor – long given up on caring how he looked. "Now that is revenge." They both simultaneously spoke, they looked at one another and giggled before walking away. "We could always leave them here?" Stork suggested with hope in his voice. Somehow the girls managed to torture Finn and the Condor went quiet until dinner time, where everyone gathered back into the bridge.

"Hey Finn, did they tell you they changed the mural?" Piper asked leaning on the table, Finn suspiciously eyed the crystal expert before relaxing. "What? Do I still get eaten?" He asked, still upset over being in the creature's stomach. "Yes, but they made a change to make it a little bit more... accurate." Piper replied, trying to find a fitting word. "I'll bet that they retouched my winning smile. Huh, Am I right?" He smirked, Piper and Nika rolled their eyes – at least Finn was back to normal. "Uh yeah. That's exactly what they did." Piper replied with a nod, being borderline sarcastic. In reality – the people had made the mural to show Finn//Domo screaming on his skimmer.

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