Broadway Bound

By sincerelyboggess

16.5K 329 174

14 year old Meredith Green is given the opportunity of a lifetime when she is offered the role of Meg Giry in... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22- The End

Chapter 17

334 10 4
By sincerelyboggess


{Harry's POV}

At about 4am, we finally land! That sucks, because we have rehearsal tomorrow. While standing outside in the cold, November NYC air, groggily hail a taxi.

"West 54th street please." I quietly say to the driver, who is smoking a cigarette. My voice is STILL cracking! This can't be good.

I grab my suitcase from the trunk of the taxi and slowly make my way into my flat. I sleep for about 5 hours until I hear my phone ring. I look at the caller ID. It's Andrew.


"Yes, Harry, it's Andrew. How soon can you make it to the theatre?"

"Uh, an hour?"

"Great, I need to run over some things with you."

"Okay. See you in an hour."

I take a quick shower, pull on my super comfy NASA shirt and jeans and run over to the theatre. Today is rainy and disgusting, Which REALLY makes me miss Hawaii. Does it ever rain there?

Once I arrive at the Imperial, I run downstairs to the green room, where I see Andrew sitting at the piano. all the lights are burnt out, except for the tiny work light above the sleek grand piano. It's actually kind of freaking me out.

"hello, Harry."

"hello Andrew. Why exactly did you need me here?"

"I just wanted to run Beauty Underneath to make sure you can still hit that high C6, that's all."

My stomach drops. I can't hit that, at least not today!

"uh, O-O-Okay." I say, shakily.

I hit all the notes with no problem.

"the splendor... the glo-"

My voice stops. Nothing comes out.

Andrew stops playing.

"Harry, I'm very sorry, but I'm going to have to release you."

"I know. I'm so sorry."

"I'll announce at the show tonight." Andrew says. His eyes look rather shiny. Wait, is he CRYING? No, this is Andrew Lloyd Webber we're talking about. He doesn't cry.

As I walk outside, I realize: Oh no. How am I going to tell Meredith?

{Meredith's POV}

I arrive at Imperial Theatre a little early today. I figured it would give me more to hang out with Harry. I hope his voice is feeling better!

After I sign in, Andrew calls everyone down to the green room for a meeting. I look around the circle of cast members. I see Sierra next to Ramin, but no Harry. Where is he?

Then i see him- Daniel Huttlestone. I guess he's on vocal rest. Why didn't he tell me?

"Hello, all," Andrew begins, "I know you all are wondering why I gathered you all here."

There are murmurs all around.

"I am very sad to announce that we've had to release Harry Child from the cast. His voice has dropped and is no longer a boy soprano. Daniel Huttlestone will be taking his place as principle Gustave."

Everyone gasps, then looks at me. Sierra is on the verge of crying, and buries her head into Ramin.

I try to hold it in, but I just can't.

"excuse me," I barely make out. I bust out of the door, and start to sob. I run up to my dressing room, slam the door, and completely collapse on the small couch.

I sob and sob until I have no more tears to shed. How? Why? When? I try to believe this isn't happening, but Andrew's words repeat in my hear over and over again. "we've had to release Harry Child from the cast." This makes me cry even harder.

After about 30 minutes of crying, I hear a knock on the door.

"Meredith? It's me, Sierra. Can I come in?"

"mm-hmm." I muffle under the couch.

I hear the door slowly creak open. Then I feel Sierra place her hand on my back.

"Hey, Mere, are you okay?"

I look up to see Sierra's face. She's clearly been crying at least a little. I let out a whimper and go back to crying.

"Hey, boo, it's gonna be okay. I know it's hard."

I look up more and see Ramin as well.

"Yeah, when I found out that Sie was leaving Love Never dies in 2010, I did NOT handle it well. and hey, I'm okay."

"you can get through this, Mere, I know it. It's not like he's leaving forever. Plus, Hadley made you a cake, with EXTRA ICING!"

I look to my left and see Hadley in a 'Kiss the cook' apron, with hot pink oven mitts, holding a chocolate cake with vanilla icing.

I giggle through the tears that are falling and say "Thank you guys, so much. Really. Is cake your answer to everything, Hadley?"

He nods, his ridiculous chef hat falling off of his head onto the floor. We all laugh.

"Thank you for cheering me up guys."

"No problem. What are friends for?" says Sierra.

{Harry's POV}

I'm laying in my lonely flat when i hear my phone ring. It's my mum.


"Hello darling!" Wow. Haven't heard that voice in a while.

"Hey mum."

"Andrew informed me."

"he did?"

"Yes, he did. You're coming back to London to live with me. Your father and I figured it was a reasonable decision."

I drop my phone on the floor.

"WHAT?!" I scream. "I can't just leave! I have a life here in New York! I have friends, and not to mention a GIRLFRIEND! I can't just leave them!"

"Well, you are going to have to. I am your mother and you will do as I say. You can go and visit."


"You have no choice. Your ticket has already been bought. I'll see you next week. Goodye Harry."

I hang up the phone and clench my wrists into a fist. I grab the nearest thing to me, which in this case is a book, and I throw it to the wall and collapse on my bed. The, I feel a burning in my throat and tears streaming down my face. I can't just leave. This is horrible. I'll have to tell Meredith. I reach for my phone and text her:

Hey sweetheart. Up for lunch tomorrow? I need to talk to you about something. Love you Mere-bear💕

I hit send. This is not going to end well.

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