Living the Life of Riley | ✔

By peripxteia

96.8K 3.8K 228

Samara never looked for trouble on purpose, she just seemed to 'fall' into it. So when she gets pregnant on... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven

Chapter Thirty Two

1.6K 72 1
By peripxteia

The next two months breezed past, and everything seemed to settle down. I still had my moments of craziness and anger but nothing like that night when we found out about Will. I'd made sure never to reach that point again. It was a horrible feeling, and it weighed on me for the rest of that week. Luckily, everyone tended to stay away from the words "it's complicated" and avoided talking about Will.

I missed the gang though. They stayed until the hour before Liam came home. And no, they didn't help clean up when they left. The house was trashed with dirty cups, plates. My clothes that Jo had tried on where left everywhere... it was a mess and unfortunately it wasn't even half cleaned up when he came back. He'd been happy though, that I hadn't been left alone. I think even though Liam knew I was more than capable of looking after myself, he was still scared for me.

No-one had told him about the night I'd been attacked. I hadn't threatened anyone but I had told them there would be consequences if Liam somehow found out.

"Mars, where did you put my milkshake?" Thom asked, looking around the terrace. We were sat in the back garden, enjoying the weather and the peace. Last month, I'd finally dropped out of school (again). I hadn't told them beforehand but when my stomach started showing... there was no denying what was happening. I didn't see the point in staying any longer – I wouldn't have been there for the tests.

"On the table?" It was in a small glass, but it wasn't that easily missed! It was chocolate for God's sake. All he had to do was look for something with chocolate in. And with a swirly straw. Sometimes he was such a child.

"It's not there. Are you sure you made it?"

"Yes! I'm sure! I'm eight months pregnant, not stupid." I stuck my tongue out as he made a face. "Are you gonna start the barbecue?

"Sure." He walked over and opened the lid of the grill before making a strangled noise.

"What?!" I freaked out, worrying why he was making such a weird noise.

"Seriously? You put my milkshake in the grill?"


I'd heard that sometimes pregnancy screwed with the brain. I hadn't lost the filters in my brain but over the past month I'd been putting things they shouldn't have. There was putting my keys in the washing machine, putting a DVD in the CD machine and wondering why it wasn't working, trying to eat some of Cassie's potpourri... and now putting a milkshake in a barbecue. I was so thankful that I only had a month left.

"Sorry." I gave him a cheesy smile.

"Maybe we should keep a watch over you. Who knows what will go missing next?" Thom smiled, shoving some burgers on the grill. I pushed myself off my chair and waddled over to him. Smelling the burgers, I moaned out loud.

"God, they smell so good." I let out another loud moan before Thom shushed me.

"I already have to hear this when I walk past Tristan's room, I don't need to hear it now. Just shut up, would you?" I rolled my eyes and handed him some raw sausages on a plate. "Thanks. I don't know how you have the energy to have sex still. You can't even walk for ten minutes without complaining about your feet."

"That's because they have to carry two people!" I exclaimed. "And you know with sex-,"

"I don't want to hear how you do it with my brother." His whole body shivered and I grinned.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure!" He snapped. "And if you start to tell me, I might tell someone that tomorrow is a special day."

"What special day?" Crap. He couldn't know, could he? I hadn't told anyone unless... Damn it Mason!

"Well, you turn seventeen tomorrow don't you?"

"I swear to God if you tell anyone, you'll be begging for mercy." He held his hands up, with the spatula flying in the air.

"Damn." He jogged and grabbed it before coming back. "And don't worry, I don't want to incur your wrath. We remember what happened."


"I don't know why you hate your birthday so much. Why don't you want to have a party?"

"Because I don't." I'd never celebrated my birthday without Kaya. This would be the first year, and it just didn't feel right. We were twins, and we'd done everything together and for the past eight months we'd been separated. I didn't like it.

"So what about when Tristan asks about when your birthday is?"

"I'll just tell him he missed it. Simple." I shrugged. I wasn't really fussed. Seventeen was an odd number – I still couldn't go to a pub and buy a drink. Technically, I could actually hold a full driving license but that was it. It was a very awkward age. "Who even told you?"

"The little guy."

"The little guy?" I repeated. "You mean Harvey?" To be fair to Thom, Harvey was tiny. I was about 5 feet 5 inches, and he just about reached up to my neck. There was no meat on him either – I'd seen him topless in a pool and it was frightening. He was literally bones. But it wasn't like it was his fault. Harvey had told us he just had a superfast metabolism. I believed him. He ate so much and never gained any weight. It was so unfair.

"Is that his name? Then him." Thom added some sausages (finally) to the barbecue instead of just keeping them on the side. "How old is he? He looks like he's fourteen."

"He's sixteen. Couple of months younger than me. I think he's in the year below. I don't know. I can't remember." I'd never been in any lessons with Harvey when I was in my old school so I had no idea. "Uh, where is everyone? Do you want me to get them?"

"No, they'll smell the food." He spoke the next words carefully. "Tristan and Kelly are checking something out."

"What's so interesting out there?"

"It's just a hunch that Kelly has."

"A hunch?" Had something been happening behind the scenes? I mean, I spent a bit of time here when Thom and Beau had finished school but nothing had ever seemed... unsafe or off. Was I losing my intuition? Frowning, I wondered if I was... I'd never suspected anything about Will and look what had happened – I'd slept with and been impregnated by a stalker. "What does Kelly even do?"

"He's head of security for us." I rose my eyebrows and Thom froze, his metal spatula stuck under a hamburger.

"Why do you need security?"

"I meant for my dad's company." He sheepishly laughed. I narrowed my eyes but I didn't say anything. This was the fifth time Thom had slipped up, revealing more and more about the secret they were hiding. I hadn't pressed Tristan to tell me about what Will had been hiding or why he had so much information on me. But I had a feeling I'd be finding out soon.

Before I could press Thom subtly for information, I felt two arms wrap around me. I leaned back and tilted my head up.

"Hi." I grinned.

"Hi." Tristan smiled back.

For the past two months, we'd rarely argued. It was kinda nice but I did miss the arguing... there was something about how intense it was that I liked. But then again, I barely had the energy for anything.

"Shouldn't you be sitting down?" He asked and I puffed my cheeks out before answering.

"I've been sat down all day and I'm starving."

"Food's not going to be ready for a while. Might as well keep Mason company." Thom turned and gave me a look that said he wanted privacy with his brother. I thought this would be the perfect time to push him.

"Mason's a big boy, he can occupy himself. I want to make sure you're cooking my burger and sausages right." I gave him a smile and didn't move.

"And your feet are going to hurt if you stand here waiting."

As I was about to speak, Tristan interrupted.

"I need to speak to my brother privately anyway." He kissed my forehead and was pushing me towards Mason, who had taken a seat on the wicker chair. I spluttered and pushed my heels into the ground.

"I can walk by myself thank you very much!" I protested, forcing Tristan's hands off me.

He tutted before leaving me. I made my way over to Mason, with my head held high. Thom was right my feet had started to hurt a little and I fell into the chair.

"If you're not careful, you'll break it." Mason grinned and started to chuckle. I laugh mockingly at him.

"Har har. Funny." Crossing my arms, I stared at the two brothers trying to read their lips. I groaned angrily when I couldn't decipher what they were saying.

"What's up?"

"I wanna know what they're talking about." I turned to Mason, keeping my voice low and one eye on the Grey brothers. "They're keeping something from me. I can feel it."

"Is this about...?" He flailed his arms and I took it as he was trying to mention that night without actually saying it.

"Tristan said he'd tell me when I was ready but I think he was just saying it, you know?" Mason nodded. "Have they said anything to you?"

"No." He changed the subject though, which shocked me. "So what are you going to do about your birthday?"

"Shh!" I shushed him a little too loudly because Tristan turned. I gave him a wave and a smile, before cringing. Why? Why did I wave? "I'm not doing anything, let's just forget tomorrow is my birthday. Please."

"Fine. But I'm going to make you have a party at some point."

"Whatever." I wasn't focused on the conversation any more. Something in my gut stirred, telling me something was wrong. Tristan and Thom kept looking to the trees behind the house, and I followed their line of eyesight. I couldn't see anything. But I didn't feel right. "Mase-,"

But before I could say anything, I saw Tristan and Thom abandon the barbecue. There was anger in their eyes and their hands curled into tight fists.

"Stay here." Tristan practically growled at me, and he didn't say another word. I stared at him before staring, open mouthed, at Mason.

"Should we follow?" I whispered, wanting to know what was going on.

"You should stay here, in case it's dangerous. You're almost nine months, I don't want to risk anything happening to the baby." Mason ran off, leaving me alone and I felt like screaming.

They didn't want to endanger me? Well lookie here! I was by myself. It was a good thing I could defend myself. Okay, so my stomach sticking out didn't really help but at least I had a good swing. Kicking wasn't really an option – I ran the risk of falling over (and that had actually happened when I'd attempted to kick Thom... it was a very embarrassing moment).

Getting myself off the wicker chair, I walked to the fencing that enclosed the terrace. There was a gap where there were some stairs to walk down. I started making my way down, not to go into the forest, but to stretch my legs when I heard someone. Someone who brought back some horrible feelings.

"Good to see my little girl is still growing." Turning, my eyes widened when I saw Will stood in front of me. "It's a shame you won't be able to see her."

"Do you really think you can take her away? I'm not alone this time Will." My eyes narrowed, and I stood my ground. I would not be intimidated. "And we all know how much of a creep you are."

"A creep? Well, that's new." He started advancing towards me, and my feet automatically stepped back. Luckily, I was aware there were stairs behind me, so I walked down them backwards instead of toppling over.

"You fucking stalked me and my family. You looked into my family tree and picked me out of some long-ass list!" I begged myself for the anger to come back. Unfortunately, fear was filling me instead. Why, body, won't you listen to me and give me my fury back?!

"So you found my home? Did Tristan tell you why you're so important?"

"Did anyone tell you that you should be locked up in a mental institute? I'm surprised care in the community aren't looking out for you right now." I gave a smirk, to try and falter him. "Did Wild Will forget to take pills for the crazy?"

"Crazy? You're the crazy one for thinking you could hide from me. I've got your scent, love, and I'm not forgetting it any time soon."

"Scent? What are you, a fucking dog?" I scoffed. "You'd be an ugly, pathetic one at that."

"I'm not a dog, Samara. I'm a wolf."

"Right. A wolf. Because you're so hairy and you've got a snout." I laughed sharply. "Maybe we should get you a muzzle."

"Tell me, are you afraid of the big, bad wolf?"

"I'm not afraid of you, Will. You can go to Hell!" I spat. Where the Hell was Tristan? Or Thom? Or anyone?! There was a psycho on the loose and I was his target!

"We'll see." He smiled, showing his white teeth. He removed his jacket and started to peel off his clothes. My eyes widened. He was just chucking them on the grass, as if he wasn't going to need them. Fear of being violated ran through me. I could take a couple of punches... but I didn't know if I could fight off... that.

As soon as he was naked, he got on all fours and stared at me.

"Why don't I show you what you've got in your belly? And the lie everyone held from you? I'm sure you're curious."

And then I heard loud cracks and pops. The bones under Will's skin started to move and shape him into something else. Blonde hair sprouted through his white skin and his face became deformed, shifting into a snout. Bile travelled up my throat, and it was hard to keep it in. By the end of his transformation, instead of a person... there was a large wolf. And I knew I'd seen it before. Outside my house. All those months ago.

I couldn't keep the vomit in any longer, it spewed out of me onto the floor. Wiping my mouth with my cardigan sleeve, I saw Will – or should I say the wolf? – slowly advance. I didn't do what I'd expected, or even thought about.

I screamed. Loudly.

My legs shook.

And I turned and started to run. Of course, it wasn't easy and felt uncomfortable but fuck staying where I was. Will had turned into some sort of wolf-monster thing and okay, I could handle attacking a person but an animal? No. Way. You were out of your mind.

Mason suddenly came into view, and his face was full of shock. I ran straight into his arms and sobbed, loudly. I was in disbelief. Will had turned into a wolf.

Will was a wolf.

Will was a werewolf.


They existed.

They were real.

A black blur breezed past us and I twirled, staring at two wolves. Thom ran up and looked at me.

"Mars? What happened?"

"He-he-he turned. Into a wolf." My voice was low and practically a whisper. I couldn't stop staring at the two wolves fighting. Each snapping their jaws and trying to gain the advantage. My breathing was starting to increase rapidly, to the point that I was afraid that I wouldn't actually be getting any oxygen.

Eventually though, they stopped, the black wolf standing in front of us, like he was a shield. Will growled before snarling while looking me dead in the eyes. I could feel the bile slowly rising again and panic settled in. This was stuff that was in movies.

Will turned and ran, leaving us with the black wolf. When he turned and looked at us, I saw that he had blue eyes. Very similar blue eyes. And then his fur started to recede into his body and he became smaller, doing what Will had but reversed. And then it was a person in front of us.



"Stay away from me." I trembled, stepping back.

"I can explain..."

"Get away from me!" I shrieked before almost tripping backwards. Luckily, Mason caught me. And then, at the worst possible time, I felt like I'd peed my pants. Except I hadn't.

I looked down to see a puddle of water under me. Shit.


Ooooooh!!! It all gets exciting from here on out!! There's probably only like five chapters left now :( and you guys might hate me in a couple of chapters... but yes, secret's out!

Please enjoy! xxx

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