Get 'em Jonny Boy

By summersum1

92.5K 3.1K 2K

Based in GTA5 Evan (Vanoss) and his friends are all millionaires. Jonathan (H20Delirious) is a poor man, his... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20: Epilogue
Spin off?!?
Thank You!!!!

Chapter 1

10.7K 274 226
By summersum1

*Evan's PoV*

"Tyler get your ass down here to help me get the plan done," I scream to wildcat.

"Hold your tits I'm coming," I grab onto my chest as he walks into my office, "well alrightly then."

"Alright so I don't know who should do what," I rub my head.

"Well lui and David could be in the lobby holding the hostages," Tyler says.

"Really David," I laugh.

"Yeah he can't fly a plane and I don't trust him with the money," he says I nod in response, "then it can be me and you getting the money, brock, Brian, Marcel, and Craig in the hellamchoper."

"Yeah great," I get off my chair and walk out towards the living room, "GET YOUR ASSES OUT HERE."

"Calm down Evan my god," Craig said as he walked out of the kitchen with a monster.

"What's the plan," the rest of them came out of their rooms, Tyler walked up to my side.

"Ok we are robbing a bank today, lui David you take care of the hostages don't kill unless they do something out of hand, Brian Brock marcel and Craig you will have 2 choppers you decide who is in witch, you will need to keep the air clear of any other plan or helicopter, me and Tyler we got the money," I explain.

"But Brian is the only good pilot," Brock said.

"Does it look like I give a fuck Tyler will fly after we get the money," I groan.

"What's got you in a mood," lui asked in his squeaker voice.

"He needs to get some it's been awhile since I've seen him bring a girl home," Brian says.

"I don't to get some I'm just annoyed," I snap, I grab the Karambit knife I hide in my belt.

"Whoa whoa calm down there mr. Owl," Brock said.

"Fuck you guys," I walk out the apartment door into the garage. The rest follow, "you four get in one car the rest of us will meet you at the air strip."

"Got it," the four said.

*Time Skip to the bank*

Tyler, lui, David, and I walk into the bank, I here the choppers outside.

"Mask now boys," I whisper into my ear piece they all nod. We reach into our bags i grab a owl mask, Tyler grands a pig mask, lui a monkey, David, a paper bag.

"Paper bag man for the win," David says we all chuckle.

"GET ON THE FUCKEN GROUND," I scream deepening my voice and pulling out a gun, "NOW."

We walk around the lobby of the bank. I nod to Tyler we walk threw the door the leads to a vault. We burn 3 locks until we get to the cash.

"Fuck Tyler guards," I say into the mic on my ear.

"Yeah I know," he says back. We start to shoot the guards. When we kill all of them we run towards the door.

"Get the cash and fast," I yell.

"Guys we can't hold off the police and choppers much longer hurry the fuck up," Brian yelled.

"Come on hurry Tyler," I yell grabbing money.

"Ok I'm done," Tyler said as I finish.

"Lui you there," I say.

"Yeah we are holding down hostages and cops," he yells over the gun shots.

"Tyler we need to hurry," I yell.

"Guys meet in the back whoever is flying chopper 2 pick me and Evan up," Tyler said.

"Brian pick up David and lui," I say.

We all hurry out to the back, cops and swat all over the place.

"Shit well get ready for a massacre," I yell over gun shots.

"Guys we are here make a run for it," Craig said.

"Ok I see you lets go," Tyler said running towards the chopper.

"David's shot Brian get your ass down here so we can go," lui yelled. I look over to Tyler he is running for speed to the chopper.

"Marcel move over we are here," Tyler yelled. We throw the bags in the chopper and jump in Craig gets out of the pilot set I move in Tyler on the other side of me.

"Brain hey David out of here we can lose them just get working on him," I yell as I fly the chopper.

"Got it," brain said I see his chopper fly off  Tyler shoot a jet that is following him.

"WE GUNNA DO SOME STREM SPOATS IN A HELLAMCHOPER," Tyler yelled. We all laugh. We bob and weave threw the trees.

"I think we lost them," I sigh.

"Yeah I'll tell the mechanic to bring the car to the valley," Craig said.

"Use the disposable phone," I say to him.

"Yeah yeah I know," he said.

We land the plan by the car.

"I'm driving its my car," I say as I place the C4 on the chopper. I walk into the car and 'The Real Slim Shady' was blasting.

"May I have your attention please?
May I have your attention please?
Will the real Slim Shady please stand up?
I repeat will the real Slim Shady please stand up?
We're going to have a problem here," Tyler rapped.

"Shut the fuck up we need to go," I turn off the music and start to drive away.

"Cool guys don't look at explosions," marcel said as I push the button.

"We need to hurry up, MOM MADE CHICKEN," Tyler shouted I floor it back to the house. I pull into the garage park the car, we all jump out of the car and run into the apartment.

"Lui is he ok," Craig asked as he ran to a crying lui.

"I don't know," lui sobbed.

I walk over to lui and rub his back.

"Shhh shhh shhh it ok he will live," I coo he nods, "you should go take a nap."

"Yeah I I should," he got up and went to his room.
"Fuck it I'm getting drunk," I walk over to the wine bottle and take a glass, "Marcel get the vodka."


New story whoooooa.



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