Chapter 3

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*Evan's PoV the next afternoon*

With our 4 million dollars we just put it in different bank accounts. We're not dumb we now we would get questioned of we transferred 4 million into one bank account. With all of the accounts together we have almost 154 million.

"Tyler," I yell from my office, "Craig," no answer from ether of them.

I get off of my chair and walk into the living room. Craig is sitting on Tyler lap making out. I stand there and stare for a couple of minutes.

"My god do they have unlimited breath," I whisper under my breath, "guys stop sucking each other's faces I need to talk to you guys," Tyler moaned, Craig jumped off his lap and ran toward the couch.

"What do you need to talk about," Tyler asked.

"One thing what the fuck was that," I ask pointed to the two.

"Ummm," Craig breaths looking at Tyler.

"What did it look like," he asked.

"It looked like you and Tax man were making out," I smile.

"Well you guess is write because that is exactly what were doing," he said with a sly grin.

"How long has this thing been going on," I ask the two.

"Umm few hours," Craig whispers.

"Oh so I see you guys sent moving slow," I smirk.

"Is there a rule that says you have to go slow," Tyler asked titling his head.

"No but can you guys kiss again THAT WAS THE CUTEST THING EVER," I squeal.

"Yeah," Tyler says.

"Tyler n," he cut off Craig when he shoved his lips on his.

"AWWWWW," lui and Brock say as they walk into the apartment, Craig pushes Tyler off of him.

"Great," Craig's moaned.

"It is great," Tyler smiled as he pulled Craig's off the couch into a hug.

"What did we miss," David asked as him and Brian walk in to the apartment with groceries.

"DO IT AGAIN DO IT AGAIN," lui screamed in his squeaker voice. Tyler looked down to Craig who was glaring at him.

"You missed this," Tyler said as he kissed Craig again.

"Alright you need to stop that shit, I can't handle it," I laugh, but felt a ping of loneliness.

"Awwwwww someone needs to get some for sure," Brian laughed. I flip him off.

"I'm going to my room," I storm into my room, I slam the door and face plant on my bed. "I don't need a hocker to make me happy do I," I question myself, "no no I don't but maybe it could lighten my attitude."

"Evan get your ass out here," Marcel yells. I get out of my bed and walk into the living room.

"What do you want," I ask.

"Wanna go for a ride," he asked I sigh and nod.

*Jonathan PoV*

"Dale give me fucken time I can't get 10 grand in a day," i yell.

"I need that money now or we are both dead," he screamed in my face.

"Go ahead kill me now so I don't have to deal with your bitch ass anymore," I scream back.

"Maybe I will kill you I don't need you, you useless homeless nicotine addicted bastard," he screamed.

"At least I'm not fucken addicted to methamphetamine," I yell.

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