The Beauty Beneath The Beast

By 17wardm

29.6K 1.5K 255

Peeta Mellark didn't ask for this. He didn't ask for his father to anger a sorceress and cause her to cast a... More

Chapter 1: Katniss
Chapter 2: Peeta
Chapter 3: Katniss
Chapter 4: Peeta
Chapter 5: Katniss
Chapter 6: Peeta
Chapter 7: Katniss
Chapter 8: Peeta
Chapter 9: Katniss
Chapter 10: Peeta
Chapter 11: Katniss
Chapter 13: Peeta
Chapter 14: Katniss
Chapter 15: Katniss

Chapter 12: Katniss

1.7K 90 6
By 17wardm

"So let me get this strait," Prim says. "You fell in love with the beast who just so happened to be the boy with the bread you always talk about, causing him to be released from the spell. And now you are marrying him and carrying his baby."

"Yeah," I say. "That pretty much sums it up."

"But, he kept you prisoner," she says. "He's a monster."

"He isn't a monster," I say. "He only did what he did because he was desperate. He had no choice. And the truth doesn't change how I feel about him. We went through a really difficult time after I thought you were dead. But we've moved past all that. I thought you'd be happy for me. I've finally found someone who actually cares about me and doesn't just want a wife. Someone who doesn't want me to just be there to bare twelve children to bring glory to his name. He just wants a child to make our lives whole. The one that I dreamed about."

"But you always said you never wanted kids," she says.

"Well now that I'm actually carrying a baby, it's just so unreal. She's part of me. I really do want her. I was so, so happy when I found out. I'm having a baby with the man I love more than life itself," I say.

"How did it happen?" she asks.

"How did what happen?" I ask.

"A child out of wedlock," she states and I sigh.

"We've shared a bed for months now, but only in that way for maybe five weeks. It just sort of happened one night, after one of my nightmares. But that doesn't matter now. What's done is done and I'm having Peeta's child. That's just how it has to be. And I'm happy with that," I say. "So what do you think?"

"I don't entirely like it, and I don't really trust your future husband," she says. "But I don't think I've ever seen you so happy. And I'm happy for you."

"Then would you please stay here with us," I say. "Help Peeta and I raise our child and be part of her life? I still need you Little Duck and you are far too young to live on your own."

"I think it would be nice," she says. "Now that the spell is gone, this is a beautiful palace. And I will admit, Peeta is very handsome. With you two as parents, this child is bound to be adorable." I chuckle softly at that. "And I think I'd miss you too much to leave."

"So you'll stay?" I ask.

"I'll stay," she says and I pull her into a hug.

"Thank you," I say before pulling away. "But you need to promise me one thing."

"What's that?" she asks.

"Try to be nice to Peeta," I say. "He's a good man and he is going to be your brother when we marry. He's very sorry for what he's done to you. If tried to actually get to know him, I think you two would become very good friends. I know you love art and he is an amazing artist."

"Really?" she asks. I nod and point to the wall, at the painting of the stag.

"He gave that to me," I say. "Because I said it reminded me of Father. He has a whole gallery in the west wing filled with more of them, possibly even more beautiful than that."

"It's lovely," she says stepping forwards and touching it. "Peeta painted this?"

"Yes," I say. "Perhaps if you ask him, he'll show you the others."

"Maybe I will," she says. "In the morning." I look out the window and laugh.

"It already is morning, although I'm sure that he isn't sleeping right now," I say.

"Why?" she asks. "Isn't he tired? Aren't you tired?"

"I told him he's going to be a father in a few months time last night," I say. "He will be far too excited to sleep. As for me, I can't sleep very well in daylight."

"You should at least try to get some rest," she says. "For the baby I mean." I yawn and feel my excitement over Prim coming back start to die down to be replaced by my near constant fatigue.

"Maybe I will," I say. "Feel free to enjoy my old room. There are some fresh clothes in the wardrobe that should fit you, including a nightgown. Effie will most likely be by later to help you run a bath. Sweet dreams Primrose."

"Sweet dreams Katniss," she says and I smile at her as I shut the door and make my way back to Peeta's room. I open the door to find him laying in the bed, sketching in a journal.

"Shouldn't you be sleeping?" I ask him.

"I should say the same for you," he says.

"I had to explain how things are to Prim," I say. "It's not like any of this is normal. And just because we are getting married and having a child together doesn't mean she automatically trusts you. I think we have a better chance of that happening now though." I lay down next to him and I feel Peeta push up my nightgown and run his hand over my still flat stomach.

"I can't believe our baby is really in there, grown and developing into our own little bundle of joy," he says smiling at me. He presses a gentle kiss to my abdomen.

"Well believe it or not, that's exactly what's happening," I say laying back and pulling the sheets over me as I curl up next to him. I look at his drawing and laugh.

"What?" he asks.

"Can't you wait until I'm actually showing to draw pictures of me with a belly?" I ask.

"Not really," he says smiling.

"Well I don't think you'll have to much longer before that happens," I say as I lay down my head. "Now if you'll excuse me, I think the baby and I are going to go to sleep for a while."

"I think I might join you," he says and sets his journal down and puts out the candle. I curl up in his arms and fall asleep to the gentle beat of his heart.

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