Home (Thranduil fanfic)

By GwenBouvier

67.2K 2.7K 120

Asachiel is a young elf who has exiled herself from her old life in Greenwood. Now a dark mystery threatens... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 5

4.6K 180 4
By GwenBouvier

It took no more than a minute of settling back into the places she used to walk, eat, sleep, be, to feel the familiar impressions of home, a home anyway, and to realize she was back, and it was happening all over again.

She was explaining what had happened in the odd century she'd disappeared into the human world, and during her encounter with Thranduil just before. A pitcher of high strength berry wine sat on the table. Her three best friends, all at the top of the elven military operations, were gathered around her. She paused and looked at them. Asachiel was afraid she'd rather enjoyed this, and realized how much she'd missed their little club.

'Just like old times?' smiled Tauriel, scooting in a bit closer to make sure she didn't miss a word. 'More than you know.' Asachiel said, smiling at her friend's unrelenting appetite for mischief. They had been friends for what seemed like forever. Tauriel was such a strong elf, a real fighter in every sense of the word. Her hair had an exceptional red hue and the freckles on her nose betrayed the rascal she was, and the inherent playfulness of the character. She was so capable, yet so sweet, and Asachiel loved her with all her heart.

'Tough day, huh?' inquired Esenor, smiling a bit too happily perhaps to see her return so sudden. 'Ū - No,' she shook her head. 'Same as before, sadly'. She looked pensively at her friend. Esenor and her had a shared history, as in, more than just friends, she remembered with some regret. He was smart and kind, a loyal friend, skilled marksman and clever strategist. They could all learn from him. Though she loved him like a brother, he could be quite loud and come on strong when he'd had one too many. Which used to occur on a regular basis in the days. She patted his arm and smiled.

'Orcs would drive anyone to drink' shrugged Legolas as if he'd read her mind, taking a sip of his berry wine. 'Almién - Good health. Great to see you all again wenches'. Asachiel had to laugh at her companions – leave it to them to make light of the situation. Legolas especially could be quite off-handish when he wasn't at court, or at least anywhere near his illustrious father. But that was what Asachiel appreciated. His strength and kind nature were exemplary. He was the moral compass of the group, and on more than one occasion had proved to be the keenest among them for off-the-books trouble.

There was an obvious level of anticipation buzzing through the group. As she took a sip herself, she wondered how hard it had been to leave this lot behind so long ago. She scanned around the table, and all eyes were on her.

'U-uh,' she said 'we can't do this on our own. Forget it.' As they raised their voices she almost spat into her drink. 'This is too dangerous, and beyond our capacity. Don't even start'.

'I told you,' Esenor croaked, with a teasing yet warm smile. 'Our Asa has changed, she is all softly softly now'. Tauriel's brown eyes twinkled. 'Self-confidence right down the drain, courage shot by one too many hugging sessions up the mountains.' They knew how to push her buttons.

'Come on you lot, I've only been back a couple of hours.' she smiled. Legolas, knowing just where it hurt, but could also spur her into action, suggested 'Maybe she's seen too much of this stuff.' He looked genuinely concerned. She paused on his looks, which were so like his father's and had certainly had a mesmerizing effect on quite a few female elves.

'I just don't think a vigilante squad is called for here. We shouldn't go against the king' she weakly offered. 'Do you want to hear about my day?' Legolas said, arching one eyebrow. 'Practice, training of the troops, lunch at court,' he sighed 'followed by practice, training of the troops, checking on the guard and, er, dinner at court'.

'All the while batting away the beautiful maidens surrounding your father's throne and longing for their gorgeous elven prince, I bet'. Asachiel teasingly tried to get him back for his earlier stab, but was slightly surprised to see the stung expression on Tauriel's face. Legolas just shrugged and looked at his wine. Asachiel had loved him as a brother in arms and a dear friend, but they'd never gone there. Now she wondered whether something was up between her friends.

'This place needs more real action!' exclaimed Esenor, breaking the awkward silence. They all happily agreed to that and cheered once again. 'I'd run things differently' he cheerfully added, which really got them going. 'You wait, you wait' he added, laughing. Wiping away tears of laughter, Asachiel shook her head. They bartered a bit longer, but she knew it was only a matter of time before she'd give in.

Their proposed expedition to go back to the village and root out the orcs by themselves, without giving due notice, well, to anyone, seemed crazy dangerous to Asachiel. But then again, how could she doubt her friends? There weren't three sharper minds in the elven halls of the forest, or among the class of elves deigned destined for deciding strategy and defending the realm. With a shock, Asachiel realized she'd once been counted as part of this revered class.

She let out an expectant sigh and looked at their eager faces. 'We set out tomorrow morning. And not a word to your father'. 'Of course' Legolas, Esenor and Tauriel said. 'Duh.'

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