A Second Chance

By MySecrets44

2.5K 164 101

« As I pass by the sweets aisle, I see a familiar mop of brown hair paired with hazel eyes. You know he almos... More

1. a Christian Grey
2. a stranger in the dark
3. a semi- reunion
4. a party
5. a hero
6. a baby
7. a kiss
8. a sleepover
10. a party gone wrong
11. a prank
12. a promise
13. a paint job
14. a second kiss
15. a scratch
16. a friendly hug

9. a game

129 14 3
By MySecrets44


So if you haven't noticed, I mostly write in British English. So I spell words like metre instead of meter, please don't complain. But I will change a few things to American English; chips-fries, Crisps- chips.

Thank You!

Anyway, happy reading!!

Chapter 9

Riiiing ! Riiiiing!

"Christian shut that baby up," I say, pulling a plow over my head.

The whole night last night the baby kept on crying and it was extremely aggravating. I barely hacked a wink of sleep.

But the annoying noise continues, "Oh gosh Cindy that's not the baby! It's my second alarm, which rings to tell me I should be leaving the house. Which means—oh shit! We're late again, get up!" He says, scrambling up from the floor.

I roll over in bed to face the other side, ignoring what he says, "Come on, Cindy," he whines.

"Just go without me," I say tiredly.

He sighs and pulls on some clothes, because there's barely anytime to shower. Then I hear him leave the room and I breathe out a sigh of relief, shocked that he actually left me.

But then I hear footsteps back into the room and I'm about to turn to look back and ask why he came back but then ice cold water comes down on me, making me yelp in surprise.

"Christian! What the heck?!" I cry.

"I told you to get up," he glares.

"You're incredibly annoying," I glare back, climbing out of his bed.

He comes up to the bed and strips it of it's beddings, before dumping the wet beddings into a laundry basket.

"Now go get ready. Borrow something of Sandra's clothes or something," he shrugs, "And make it quick," he says, climbing down the ladder.

I follow behind him as he shows me to Sandra's before he leaves the room for me to change.

I rummage through Sandra's closet, looking for something nice yet something she wouldn't mind me keeping for a really long time. Because, knowing me, I probably won't return it for months.

I end up with a black pair of jeggings and a white adidas cropped hoodie.

I quickly brush my hair and apply some light makeup before running down the stairs.

"Let's go, you were taking so damn long," Christian huffs.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I glare.

"You're such a pain," he rolls his eyes throwing a Pop Tart at me.

"You expect me to eat this for breakfast and get full?" I scoff.

"I'm sorry but we don't exactly have time to meet your standards your highness," he says with a mock bow.

He then grabs my hand, pulling me out of the front door of his house.

Once we're in the car, I turn on my phone and go through the text messages and notifications.

I see a few missed calls from Claire which is weird.

I dial her number and nervously wait.

"Cindy! " she yells.

"What, no hello?" I chuckle.

"Where are you, class is about to start and you're never this late," she says, answering almost immediately.

"Calm down. I had to stat at Christian's house last night because of the storm," I tell her.

Christian glances at me at the mention of his name.

"Oh yeah I had fun playing with his little cousins and-" I explain but she cuts me short.

"Not that kind of fun idiot ,a little action in his-"

"Uhhhh, shut up now. I hope you know nothing could ever happen like that," I roll my eyes.

"Maybe we could work something out," Christian says with a smirk.

"Have you been listening to our conversation this whole time?" I glare.

"Not my fault you put it on speaker," he says, giving me an "are-you-stupid" look.

Oh... Of course Cindy. Idiot.

"Oooh Chris! I hope you didn't knock her up though. I haven't given you the fatherly talk yet," she says, making me stiff a little but I quickly relax, as to make sure Christian doesn't notice.

"Not yet Claire, you've got nothing to worry about," he says as we turn into the street that our school is on.

"Not gonna happen dude," I roll my eyes as they fall into hysterics.

As we drive into school, I duck my head, trying to resist a smile. He finds a parking spot and swerves his car into it before we quickly hop out of the car.

Weirdly enough though, he grabs my hand and pulls me behind him as we run towards the school building just as the warning bell rings.

Thankfully, when we get into our class, the teacher hasn't yet arrived but we get rather odd stares from people around as we breathe as if we just ran some marathon when in reality it was only a few metres.

The rest of the lesson goes by quite okay. At lunch, I look around for Sandra and thank the heavens she's at our usual table.

"You! Where were you last night?" I ask once I arrive there.

"My mum didn't tell you?" She asks.


"Well I was at a friends house because of that stupid storm." She huffs, "Well at least you got my bed to yourself. Mum told me you slept over."

"Oh my gosh, why didn't I think about that?!" I groan, "I forgot about your bed and had to sleep in Christian's."

"You slept with—" she begins to yell but I slap a hand over her mouth.

"Stop shouting!"

"You slept with my brother?!" She whisper yells.

"No I—"

"What are you two whispering about?" Luke asks as him, Claire and Daniel arrive at our table together.

"Cindy slept with Chris!" She whisper yells.

Their eyes almost fall out of their sockets as they look at me.

"I knew you two would."

"He got a good one."

"How was it?"

They ask all at once.

"How was what?" The voice I dreaded to hear this conversation.

"Your night with Cindy. I heard you're sleeping together," Claire whispers.

"Uh uh uh, slept. Wait what, no!" I correct her and then realize it's just as bad and implies the wrong thing.

"Is that right Cindy? If you just wanted to sleep with me you could have asked," he smirks.

"No!" I says, getting flustered, "Guys, as I was telling Sandra ,before she interrupted me with her stupid assumptions, I only slept in his bed while he slept on the floor because there was a storm and I couldn't go home!"

"Ohh," they all chorus.

"I still think you two should sleep together," Luke says, "Will ease up the tension."

"I know right—" Claire begins.

"End of conversation," I roll my eyes, standing up to go buy my lunch.

As I wait in line, someone taps my shoulder and I turn to see the she devil herself.

"What do you want Zoe?" I ask, looking at her tiredly.

"Excuse me but I thought the lunch ladies are supposed to be behind the counter?" She asks, smirking at me as her friends laugh at her horrible insult.

What fake friends, feeding her false hope.

"And I thought that garbage was meant for trash bins but look at what we have here," I say eyeing her and then turning back around as her face heats up.

I hear her scoff and her heels clack against the floor as she walks away.

"Drama queen," I laugh under my breath.

I get a chicken teriyaki sandwich with a lemon water and head back to the table. As I'm walking though, I see Zoe stick her foot out in my path so that I can trip.

What are we? 12 year olds?

I step over her leg and she looks up at me surprised that I saw lame trap.

"Better luck next time," I smile sweetly.

"I'll get you. You just watch your back!" She yells, attracting attention.

I laugh and continue on my way.

"What was all that about?" Sandra asks when I arrive back at the table.

"You know just Zoe being her crazy self," I chuckle.

They all laugh before all conversation shifts to the boys game today.

"Are you guys nervous? You're playing agains the Tigers?" Claire asks.

"Naa, not that much. I'm pretty sure we can take them down. After all, we are the Panthers," Christian says proudly.

"But I hearTJ is back. And with him and Derrick on the team, this might be a tight one," Luke says.

"Who's TJ?" I ask.

"Taylor Jackson. Heart throb and heartbreaker of his school. Also he moved away last year but he's back now," Daniel explains.

"How do you know so much information about them?" I ask, biting into my sandwich.

"Because they're our enemies. If you have an enemy, you tend to want to know about them," Sandra explains, "But TJ is kinda good looking you know."

"Yeah those eyes. You want to see a picture of him?" Claire asks me.

Before I reply, Christian interrupts, "No. You guys better stay away from him. He's bad news."

"Okay dad," I roll my eyes.

"-dy," Claire whispers into my ear, "Daddy for you," she smirks.


The last bell for school rings and people literally jump out of their seats and run out into the hall way.

"Go Wild cats!" Claire randomly says, once we meet up in the hallway.

"Oh my gosh, I love that movie!" I gush.

"Who doesn't? I think it's one of the best musicals ever created," Claire laughs.

We go on talking and fan girling about High School Musical as we make our way to the parking lot where we find Sandra.

"Are we going to grab something to eat first and then come back or..?" I ask.

"The cafeteria usually sells food during our home games and there's concession stands. So we're good," Sandra explains.

As we're walking in, a bus drives in with teenage boys and girls dresses in skimpy cheer outfits, riding in it.

"There's the Tigers," Sandra nods towards their bus,"Tucson City High," she grimaces.

Soon after, a car drives in with a few girls inside it, "And that there is Dylan. TJ's little sister, she's one year below us. But don't worry about her, she's quite sweet."

"Do you guys stalk these people?" I ask with a laugh.

"As we said earlier. Information about out enemies is key. It could help us find ways to defeat them during games you know," Claire shrugs.

I roll my eyes at the two and turn to walk into the building. But I notice TJ looking our direction or more specifically, at Sandra.

"Guys! I'm hungry, what are you looking at?" she whines.

"TJ is staring at you,"I say.

"Chris will beat him up if he sees him even glance in your direction," Claire smirks.

"Guys come on," she says nervously, "Plus, he's totally not looking at me."

"Please," I roll my eyes, "You're definitely  his kind of girl," I laugh.

She drags us into the cafeteria and I grab a burger and some fries with a slice of cake on the side.

"I'm not anyone's girl," she says.

"Geez Cindy, don't you think that's a little too much. After all, you have a little losing to do. Why add extra burdens?" The voice we all hate pipes.

"Sorry I didn't get that, I don't speak bullshit," I say looking at her.

"You know Cindy, you're not as good as you think you are, you're not even pretty," she laughs, probably thinking she made some good ass comeback.

"Well honey, don't hate me because I'm beautiful, hate me because your boyfriend thinks I am."

"Chris loves me!" She screams in frustration.

"What's that thing called when your crush likes you back? Oh yes, your imagination," I smirk.

We leave her staring at us, her jaw agape as we walk out with our food, "That was amazing," Claire laughs and claps.

"Thank you, thank you," I laugh.

"I love how you shut her up," Sandra laughs, "Ahhh, it made me so happy, I could punch her."

We all laugh as we head to the bleachers to book our spot.

We sit there for a while before someone comes and sits in front of us, making Sandra glare. And that's when I realize it was that girl Dorcas or something that we had seen driving in earlier.

"Why do you hate her? Because she goes to that school? Or is it because you're both the quarterbacks siblings?" I ask.

"Yeah, and also she's sitting on our side. Like what the hell? Her team is on the other end," Sandra complains.

"I doubt she's really that bad. Watch," I say and then lean to tap the girl in front of me, "Hey, you must go to the other school, right?"

"Yeah," the blonde says, "Sandra."


Ohhh, Dylan not Dorcas.

"So Dylan, I hear your brother is TJ. Is that why you and Sandra hate each other? Because your brothers are both on the team?" I ask, trying to keep up the conversation.

"Look, we don't talk to Panthers and Panthers don't talk to us. So shut up," some other girl sitting beside her says.


"I'm just kidding. I'm Violet," she laughs.

"Oh. I'm Cindy," I say and her eyes seem to light up in recognition.

"Ahh, the QBs ex," Scarlett muses.

How do they learn these things?!

"You could say that..." I say looking away awkwardly.

And funny enough, Claire and that other girl, Violet keep talking like best friends. While Sandra and Dylan remain not so subtly glaring at each other.

I sigh and join into conversation with Claire and a few other girls as I devour my food.

Soon enough the game starts. Since Sandra's brother is Christian, she was forced to watch and attend his games thus leading to how she is now explaining everything that happens to me.

Yup, I do not fancy American Football that much.

In the middle of the game though ,Christian is knocked down and doesn't come back up after two minutes.

I begin to panic and turn to Sandra who looks panicked herself, "What happened?"

"I don't know, Christian never really gets hurt. He's always up again after a hit in no time," she says, her voice strung with worry.

"Let's go see what's wrong with him," she says, grabbing my arm and pulling me with her.

Meanwhile, Christian is lifted onto a stretcher and carried off of the field. There seems to be a lot of commotion before Christian sits up and I release a breathe I didn't know I was holding.

"What's wrong?" Sandra asks once we get to him, after much arguing with the coach of course.

"I just hurt my knee really bad," he says.

They stare at each other for a while and I almost begin to think they're speaking telepathically.

"We'll talk at home. See you after the game," Sandra says as she turns to walk back to the bleachers.

"What was all that telepathy about?" I ask.

"Nothing important. Just trying to see if he was telling the truth."

"And was he?" I ask, sitting down.


"What happened?" Claire asks.

"He just hurt his knee badly," Sandra says looking distant for a second.

"You okay there?" I ask her.

"Totally," she smiles and cheers erupt from the crowd making me forget our conversation.

Christian limps back onto the field and I don't miss how Sandra rolls her eyes.

Hmm, strange...

The rest of the game goes by smoothly, without any more interruptions thankfully.

In the end, it's a dead tie and they even give them extra time but no team scores any additional points. So they decide on a rematch soon.

"You guys did great," Ella says when we go up to the boys after the game.

"We know," Luke says, flipping his 'hair'.

"Why was TJ looking at you guys?" Christian asks.

"Oh not us, he—"

"He was looking at Dylan because she was sitting in front of us," Sandra, eyeing Claire to tell her to shut up.

"Mmhm," Christian says looking at us doubtfully.

"Go get changed, we're going out to celebrate the fact that you didn't get your sorry asses beaten this time," Sandra says making as all laugh.

"Don't you want a hug first?" Luke asks, gesturing to their sweaty bodies.

"Yeah, I think they do," Daniel says.

The boys start to run after us and we scream and run. Soon the rest of the football team is chasing after the cheerleaders too.

Wait, if Christian's knee is supposed to be hurt, how is he chasing me?

What's going on with Christian??

What do you think about Dylan an her gang?

Please leave your thoughts in the comments and don't forget to vote!

Thank you!!

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