Kakashi's Adopted Daughter

By lizzyuchiha

329K 11.4K 3.4K

Anyone want to know what the life of Kakashi adopted daughter would be like? Well her name is Rika and she go... More

Kakashi's Adopted Daughter
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Last Authors Note!
New story, Rika's Love Interest?

Chapter 16

11.1K 442 136
By lizzyuchiha

It was about 2 weeks after all the preliminaries and I was walking around Konaha bored.

"What to do? What to do?" I asked myself looking around until I saw the three from the sand village.

"I remember them. They were a part of the chunin exams. The blonde and the red haired are going to the final round I think." I said and decided to go talk to them so I walked up.

"Hello." I said politely and had a kind smile.

"Who are you?" The one with face paint asked.

"I'm Rika Hatake." I smiled. "I was in the chunin exams. I'm going to the final round."

"I remember you." The blonde one said and stood up and I noticed she was taller than me.

"I'm Temari." She said and pointed to the guy with face paint. "This is Kankuro." And lastly she pointed to the red head. "And this is Gaara."

"It's nice to meet you all." I smiled at all three of them but when I smiled at Gaara he looked...confused but you couldn't really tell if he was confused or not. That's what I thought I saw anyway, him being confused.

"My dad is training another person and I was just kind of walking around aimlessly." I said. "I know this might seem weird or strange but...is it okay if I hang out with you three. You all seem nice." I said and gave them all a small smile.

"All of us seem nice?" Kankuro asked raising an eyebrow.

I nodded.

"Even Gaara?"

"Actually yes. I would like to get to know him better to." I said innocently and Temari and Kankuro had a look on their faces like I was crazy.

"What is it?" I asked confused.

"Nothing. Nothing." They said at the same time.

I slowly nodded and said, "By the way Gaara that gourd and the thing you do with your sand is really cool. You have to teach me sometime!" I giggled and hugged him and the next thing I knew I had sand around my arm in a tight grip and Temari and Kankuro looked frightened and nervous not knowing what Gaara was planning to do next.

"Is something wrong Gaara?" I asked quietly. "Do you not like other people touching you? Because if so I totally understand. Like my one friend Sasuke. He doesn't really like it when people hug or touch him. Let alone even talk to him." I said and Gaara's sand slowly loosened up on my arm.

"I'm sorry Gaara. I didn't mean to make you upset." I said looking at him. "But now I know for next time." I grinned.

Temari and Kankuro sighed in relief and said "Weird. Gaara normally never lets someone go like that. He normally kills them."

"Oh." I muttered then smiled "Then that means I'm different and that he likes me as a friend." I put a fist in the air and Tamari and Kankuro shook their heads in amusement as Gaara just stared at me.

I blushed embarrassed and put my arm down.

"Sorry." I muttered.

Kankuro laughed and patted my head and I giggled. "It was nice to meet you all." I smiled and heard "RIKA!"

I turned and saw a panting Naruto who stared in horror at me being with Temari, Kankuro, and Gaara.


"Come on! Hurry!"


"Because-" He started to say but got cut off, "IT WAS THE POWER OF YOUTH WHICH BROUGHT ME HERE TO FIND YOU!" Rock Lee yelled standing beside him and Naruto sighed, "This is why. Why must you follow me!?" Naruto yelled.

"I am not following you." Lee turned his head. "I just so happen to be going where you plan to go next." He said while crossing his arms.

Naruto groaned and said, "Come on Rika. Let's go get ramen!"

"Alright." I said with a smile and turned around. "Will I be able to see you guys again sometime before the final round?"

"Of course kid." Kankuro said and ruffled my hair.

I smiled up at him and hugged him then hugged Temari and last Gaara forgetting about last time.

Everyone froze when I hugged him and I noticed the sand didn't grab my arm like last time.

I pulled away and blushed looking at Gaara. "I'll...I'll see you later." I waved and ran to Naruto and Lee and we all went to get ramen.

                                                *Gaara P.O.V.*

-This feeling. I've never felt it before. Why did I feel it only when this Rika girl was hugging me?-

-Someone's in love. Someone's in love.- My annoying demon said in my head.

-Shut up Shukuku. I do not love her. I do not even know her except for the fact her name is Rika Hatake.-

-If you knew more about her then I bet you would be in love.- He laughed and I sighed.

-I am done with you, you annoying little pest.-

-Ohhh is someone getting feisty.- He mocked.

-Be quiet Shukuku. I'll tell you later.- I said just so he would shut up and it worked. I didn't hear a word from him. Now all I have to do is learn more about this Rika Hatake person and the reason why I felt that way when she hugged me both times. And why the second time my sand didn't stop her.

I sighed before thinking. -Shikuku. Why did you not grab her arm with the sand like you did the first time she hugged me?-

-I have my reasons.- I could tell he was smirking from his tone of voice.

-Any other reason?-

-And also because she wasn't a threat. Well she didn't seem like a threat. She just wanted a little hug from you Gaara.- He laughed.

I sighed and noticed Temari and Kankuro packing up so we all left to our hotel but I still had Rika in my mind.

(Short chapter I know I know -_- its like 9:10 p.m here and I just got done with an hour of Spanish and math homework and wasn't even planning to write until I got a message..well a comment from AuburnGum123 which said 'YOU DIDN'T LET RIKA MEET GAARA?! WHY?!' and if you want you can read the rest of her comment in my last chapter (Chapter 15). When I read it I laughed and said why not. So you can all thank her for this chapter upload ^_^ so this is why this chapter is dedicated to her :D I hope you all like it :) and by the way if you want anything like a one shot or something go check out my other story and comment there. I know most people don't like when people..."advertise" I guess would be the right word, their stories but I love getting requests. Anyway imma go now since this outro is getting to long lol. I love you all and will upload soon <3)

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