Back to the Past (Newsies)

By saylinemagninjas

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Charlotte Ocompo was a normal 21st century teenager from Queens, hopeful for a kickass summer ahead of her. H... More

1. the beginning
2: Getting a Name
3. Meeting the Boys
4. In a Blink of an Eye
5. Have Ya Seen Her?
6. Don't Wake Up Spot
7. Pinky Promise
8. The Messenger
9. Dot Dot Dot. . .
10. Visitors
11. Back in Manhattan
12. Without a Goodbye
13. Carryin' the Banner
14. Stretching the Truth
15. Kit: the newsie of 1900
16. This Night
17. Putting All the Cards on the Table
18. Hard to Explain
20. Super Bass
21. Lucid Dreams
22. Winnin' Big
23. Capture My Heart
24: Thunderstruck
25. These Darn Newspapers
26. Parallels
27. Look at You Forever
28. Newsgirls
29. Friends Don't
30. Layers and Layers of Lies
31. Back to Brooklyn
32. The Present
33. Strange Coincidence
34. Human Telephone
35. Stupid and Foolish
36. Early Bird Gets the Worm
37. The Races
38. Worser
39. The Cut
40. Chosen Family
41. Not the Point
42. The Middle of the Night
43. Fleas and Ladybugs
44. Ghost of the Past
45. We're Okay?
46. Honor and Virtue
47. Dancing Shoes
48. Broken Family

19. Les Miserables

629 24 10
By saylinemagninjas

((I don't even want to talk about it 🙈 just look at my profile pic and that'll explain everything))

Cowboy casually walked into the Jacob's household as if it were his home, too. He has been there so often, he might as well be living there. Kit could see how comfortable he seemed there, especially when Sarah was in the room. Kit observed how much calmer and happier he looked when he was there, as if a giant burden was lifted off his shoulders.

Jack's body language was more relaxed than at the newsies lodging house, or selling, or with any of the other guys. It warmed Kit's heart to see him so at home with the Jacobs, and she couldn't help but be happy for him.

Cowboy deserved to have this stable family in his life, especially when the life of a newsie is anything but. One bad headline and having a few extra papers left over at the end of the day could be a killer, costing a missed meal or a night in the streets if you don't make enough of a profit to afford the board at the lodging house.

"Kit, Jack! Welcome!" Mrs. Jacobs exclaimed and gave the two tight squeezes.

"Hi, Mrs. Jacobs. How's everythin' goin'?" Kit said with a smile.

"I told you already, Kit, call me Jane!" she replied, with a fake stern look and putting her hand on her hip. Kit chuckled in defeat.

"Alright, alright, Jane." Kit put her hands up in defense, and with a stern nod, the Jacobs mother went back to the stove to finish making dinner.

Cowboy walked over to Sarah, who was reading a book in the corner. He gave her a quick peck on the cheek, and they started talking animatedly. Mr. Jacobs peeked his head out from behind today's newspapers and greeted Cowboy and Kit. He then proceeded to yell: 

"Boys! Kit and Jack are here! C'mon out."

Les and David appeared from their bedroom. David seemed focused on a book he held in his hand while Les strolled out of the room with his usual bounce in his step.

"Hey Kit! Hey Jack" Les said excitedly.

"How's it goin'." Cowboy replied. "You'se grown so much since I'se last seen ya, at least 'alf a foot!" He continued to ruffle Les's hair.

Les exasperatedly pushed Cowboy's hand off his head. "What are you talking 'bout, Jack? I saw you earlier today!"

Kit and Sarah laughed.

"Nah, I agree wit' Jacky boy. You'se been growin'. Whadda been eatin'?" Kit added.

"Yeah, my little boy is growing up too quick." Sarah agreed while squeezing Les's cheeks.

"C'mon, he's a man, Sarah." Cowboy said, winking at Les. Les beamed in response. A smile warmed Kit's cheeks.

"Hello to ya, too, David." Cowboy aimed toward the boy with his nose stuck in a book.

"Mm," was the only sounds heard.

Cowboy scoffed and continued his conversation with Les and Sarah, making sure to include Les's interests.

Kit rolled her eyes, walked over to David, and playfully shoved his arm to get his attention. This finally broke his trance, and he looked up from his book. His eyes finally rested on Kit who raised her eyebrows at him expectantly.

"Heya Kit." he said, straightening his posture.

"Well hello to you'se too, Davey."

He gave her a crooked smile.

"What cha reading?" Kit asked, glancing at the large book  that looked to be at least 1,500 pages.

"Les Miserables by Victor Hugo. I've been dying for a decent translation, so once I had enough money I had to buy it as soon as I could." David gushed, pronouncing the title in a perfect accent.

She's heard of the classic, but had only seen the musical. 

"Da one 'bout da French guy who stole bread?" Kit asked.

"Yeah." he replied. His wore a shocked expression that she had heard of it.

Kit then realized that it was suspicious of her to have head about Les Mis, so she quickly changed the subject.

"Wow, dat book is ginormous." she commented. She was effective in steering his attention on her.

"Yeah it's quite long, but it's so captivating. Hugo's writing brings me across the ocean. I just got bought the book a 3 days ago, and I haven't been able to put it down." David said with a gleam in his eye, gesturing to his spot in the book that was at least 3/4 of the way in.

"Wow, you're far innit already." Kit said in shock. "I'se hoird o' it an' it seemed real interestin', but I'se never gottin' 'round tah readin' it 'cuz it's like one o' da longest books written."

"You should read it. How about after I finish reading, I can lend it to you?" David said enthusiastically, like he couldn't wait to share this masterpiece with someone else.  She noticed the passion in his voice and she could tell how much he enjoyed the work.

Kit felt honored that he wanted to share with her something he found so special.

"Dat would be great." she replied and couldn't help the smile that formed on her lips.

"I'll let you know when I finish."

"Kids! Call up your dad! It's time for dinner!" Mrs. Jacobs called out from the kitchen.

Sarah went to grab Mr. Jacobs, who had retired to the master bedroom to rest, and the boys began to set up the table. Mrs. Jacobs set the delicious smelling meal on the table, and Kit could feel her mouth water. The home cooked meals and eating dinner with the Jacob's family made Kit feel a certain warmness flow in her. It was a nice break from the hustle and bustle and chaos of the newsies, and it was almost like a different world. The Jacobs treated her so kindly when they had no obligation to her, and Kit was grateful for them.

After dinner, Kit wanted to head back to the lodging house, but she could tell that Jack wanted to stay a little longer. It's not like she wasn't having a great time at the Jacobs household, she just wanted to go back. She hated to admit it, but she wanted to hang out with Blink, especially after their date in Central Park the night before.

Kit didn't want to be the clingy type, but she also hadn't seem Blink since the morning because Jack wanted his "Kitty Time" today and Race was bombarding her with questions about the future. There was no way that Kit would let Blink find out. That would change everything between them. She believed that he wouldn't want to be with her if he found out that she was some weird chick from the future, or if he thought she had a few screws loose up there. Either way, Kit concluded that him finding out that she was from the year 2018 would not end well. 

Once they all finished eating, Kit pulled Jack to the side.

"Hey Jack, I know you'se wanna stay longah, but I'm goin' tah start headin' back ta dah lodgin' 'ouse."  

"No, it's fine. I'll go wit ya." Cowboy began, getting up from his seat.

"No, no, no. Stay." Kit argued.

She didn't want him to leave because of her, and she felt a bit like a burden to him. He seemed so at ease in the Jacobs household, and she didn't want to be the one who ruined that. After Jack confided in her about Little Lucy, Kit felt that he needed his time with the Jacob's.

"I'se don't want ya tah walk back by youse'self." he explained.

"I'll be ok. I prahmise."

"A prahmise ain't enough. I'se swore ta keep ya safe."

"I'm a big  goil." she said, but Jack didn't look convinced.

She sighed and crossed her arms. Her gaze fell on David, who was busy washing the dishes with Sarah and Les who was drying them with a rag.

"Fine. How's 'bout I'll take David wit' me an' let 'im walk me home?" she offered.

Jack contemplated the idea. A beat of silence went by.

"I guess that's alright . . ." he said. He trusted David to be smart enough to avoid any potentially dangerous situations, or to at least talk the ear off an assailant as a distraction for Kit to run away.

Kit convinced David to walk her back to the lodging house, well it didn't take much convincing as he seemed happy to do it with no problem. Jack of course gave him the ol' "keep an eye on her, don't let her outta ya sight, if she gets hurt I'll soak ya" bit, to which David rolled his eyes but agreed to.

Kit thanked them for dinner and promised to come back soon. Mrs. Jacobs gave the two a knowing look as they began to walk out the front door. Mrs Jacobs enjoyed Kits company as she was polite, sweat, and always friendly.

The streets were quiet as the lamp post flickered the shadows of the two newsies, both of whom were neither full newsie. David was smarter and more book intelligent than most newsies. Most newsies could only read enough to sell the newspapers.

David had a family and a hope for his future as a journalist for a paper. He just sold paper for some extra money for his family since his father couldn't work in the factory due to an injury. He was not rich by any means, but he has a more comfortable and stable lifestyle than the other newsies.

And then there was Kit, the girl from the future who was undercover as a newsies in the year 1900. It sounded crazy, but that sentence was the new normal for her. All the pieces felt like they were beginning to click together, but she couldn't tell what the big picture being made was.

"So, Davey, how's ya writin' going?" Kit asked.

"Good, good. I've been apprenticing Denton the last few months, however it's been more secretary work than anything," he shrugged, "but it'll get my foot in the door, and Denton's doing me a huge favor."

Kit nodded, recalling Denton as the journalist who aided the newsies strike the last summer. 

"Dat sounds neat. Hopefully you'se will be doin' more interestin' things soon, an' get tah exercise ya writin' skills."

"Yeah, hopefully." he replied. "How selling the papers been for you?"

"It's been good. Da 'eadlines haven't been terr'ble." Kit responded.

"That's true. You've picked up selling the papers quickly," he commented.

"Thanks," Kit smiled proudly, "I mean, I did learn frahm da best, apparently."

David chuckled. "Yeah, Jack's a great guy."

Kit nodded in agreement.

"So, uh, what are your plans for the future." he asked.

Kit's mind froze. Her plans for the future? She's been living on the day to day basis. What are her plans for the future when she is from the future?

"Uh, I'se not too sure, ya know." Kit said a moment later as she scratched the back of her neck.

"I mean, you can't be a newsie forever."

Kit nodded and shrugged shortly after, "I know."

"I can tell you're intelligent  and perceptive, and I think you can do more than just sell newspapers." David said. "You're resourceful and fully capable to do bigger things."

"Yeah? Like what exactly?" She said, intrigued to hear the Mouth.

"Like become a teacher. I see the way you act towards the younger newsies and my brother. And, I mean, you demonstrated a proficient knowledge of English and grammar when I first met you before you picked up the newsies accent. You can discuss topics outside of newspapers, gambling, cards, and Medda. "

Kit digested this information.

"Well, aren't you'se very observant." she commented, unsure of exactly what to say.

"You know you don't have to talk to me like that. I'm not like other newsies, and I honestly wouldn't mind having a more formal conversation."

Kit gulped. She felt uncomfortable under David's scrutinization. They were sweet things to say, but she felt like he was seeing beyond her act of Kit: the newsie of 1900. His observations made her nervous.

"I know you came into the newsies lodging house, and Jack took you under his wing, but you don't have to act differently than who you are just to fit in with them." David continued.

Well, they didn't call him the Mouth for nothing.

Kit was at a lost for words. David was hitting a little too close to home.

"I'm not sure what you're talking about." Kit replied, consciously dropping her newsies accent.

David put his hands in the air in defense.

"Never mind, it's fine. You don't have to explain anything. I'm just giving you my two cents." he said carefully.

Kit nodded, unsure of what to say. She was surprised as to how preceptive David was. She didn't think he would catch onto how different she was from the other newsies, especially since he didn't even live in the lodging house with them. She thought she did a pretty good job hiding it.

They continued to walk in silence as the crescent moon shone on them in the cloudless night. The silence still felt comfortable, as they both seemed as ease despite the awkward end of their conversation. They soon stopped at the entrance of the Manhattan newsies lodging house where they said their goodbyes.

"I apologize if I stepped over any boundaries before." David said, rubbing the back of his head.

"No, it's fine. I'm just not used to someone paying that close attention to me." Kit admitted honestly. "I mean, with what you said," she paused and looked up to him, "you weren't really wrong. Like with me acting a certain way around the newsies."

David nodded in response. She didn't know whether he could be trusted with the truth.

"It's just that, I want to fit in with them and not be an outcast." She continued, admitting the partial truth. "They're just like a big family, and I want to have that, you know,? Even if it means that I have to act a certain way."

"I understand what you mean.  I'm lucky to have my family, and I know you guys have it rough out there."

Kit nodded, knowing how some of the newsies would do anything to have a family to lean back on like the Jacobs. David looked at her with a serious but warm expression.

"I just want you to know that around me, you don't have to act like anybody you're not, ok?" he said in a gentle tone that held the thoughts of a whirlwind breezing through wind chimes. "I want you to feel like you can be comfortable."

She smiled at his kind gesture. "Thanks, David. That really means a lot to me. I'll keep that in mind"

He returned the smile back.

They approached the lodging house, and Kit felt a certain airiness to her step. Having David acknowledge her like that lifted a little burden on Kit's shoulders, not the entire burden, but some of it. It was simultaneously terrifying that he read her so well, yet relieving that he understood her actions in such a way, even though he didn't know the full story nonetheless.

They quickly exchanged good bye's and see you soon's, and Kit wished him luck with the rest of Les Miserables, happy to have bonded with David.

(( I'm the worst, but I'm doing this for my own sake. I love story and I hope others will fall in love with this story as well. I can't promise that I'll be consistent, but just know it'll be done to my best ability ❤️))

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