Jenny Smith-Holmes

By Jessica_Pond

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What if the Doctor and River had a child, but after the Time War she took a break from traveling and turned h... More

Chapter 1: How It all Started
Chapter 2: Understandings
Chapter 3: Mummy, Daddy, and the Voices
Chapter 4: Nightmares and Uncle Visits
Chapter 5: Drumbeats
Chapter 6: The Time Vortex
Chapter 7: Clothes Shopping
Chapter 8: Angels
Chapter 9: Blue Box?
Chapter 10: Joe
Chapter 11: Lies
Chapter 12: The Pool
Chapter 13: Jessica, Rose, and Mr. Smith
Chapter 14: Asgard
Chapter 15: Fish Fingers and Custard
Chapter 17: Christmas
Chapter 18: AMERICANS!
Chapter 19: Deffry Vale High School and Pirates
Chapter 20: We're Back!
Chapter 21: Jessica!
Chapter 22: Sneaking out
Chapter 23: Time Flies
Chapter 24: The Reichenbach Fall
Chapter 25: Goodbye
Chapter 26: Doctor's Visit
Chapter 27: Some Answers

Chapter 16: Flubble

72 6 0
By Jessica_Pond

Jenny's P.O.V.

We had just said goodbye to Jessica's mum when Jessica got a phone call.


"Jessica? It's Greg, I think that you better get here quick, 44 Eaton Square."

"Alright sir, had there been a murder?"

"Actually no, but Sherlock was drugged and we're going to need a little more help to get him home."

"Okay sir, we'll be there in a bit. Bye." Jessica laughed as she ended the call.

"Is daddy ok?" I asked.

"Uh, oh, yeah, he'll be just fine, trust me."

"Okay." I held Jessica's hand as we walked to 44 Eaton Square.

When we got there, it was an interesting sight, Lestrade and John had daddy's arms draped around their shoulders as they were practically dragging him out the door.

Jessica's P.O.V.

"It looks like you've got everything under control; I don't see why you need my help." I said as we came to a stop in front of them. Greg and John were huffing and looked tired, Sherlock on the other hand looked drunk the way he was stumbling and slurring all of his words together.

"Jessica, come here and hold this side." I took Greg's place next to Sherlock as he got out his camera phone.

"Really, you asked me to come down here so you could take a video?" I groaned as Sherlock shifted most of his weight on to me.

"No, not just to video, I needed a rest from getting him down the stairs. When I'm done I'll take John's place so he can have a rest and we can just keep rotating like that 'til we can get him home."

"Good plan." Huffed John.

"Greg, watch Jenny while it's not your turn, alright?"


"What's wrong with daddy?" Jenny had turned to Greg.

"He's just... just really tired, that's all." Greg answered hesitantly.

"Oh, okay."

"Whend'yougethere,Jessica?" Sherlock slurred at me. It was a bit hard to understand but I got the gist of it."

"A couple of minutes ago, why Sherlock." I huffed as John let go of Sherlock to let Greg take his place. John went to go call a cab while we stood there for a few minutes.

"Idon'tknowwhy,butyournamesoundsfamilar." He continued the conversation.

"Yeah, it probably does because I work with you sometimes."

"Nononono,beforethat,Ihearditsomewhere,butImustofdeletedit." I gave him a strange look. "NOWAIT,itwasthatthing,thatonethingthatJennysaidafewyearsago.IthadsomethingtodowithawarIthink, Ireaditsomewhere." Greg gave me a weird look while I looked at Jenny. It was obvious that she wasn't listening because of how tired she was. I instantly knew what Sherlock was talking about; he was talking about the Time War, but how he did he know about it?

"I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about."I tried my hardest not to let my voice shake, but I don't think that I succeeded. I have lied to lots of people and aliens (including some Time Lords) but I think that this was one of the hardest to lie about; especially to a highly intelligent person like Sherlock, but his deduction skills are probably dulled due to being drugged. John walked over and said that a cab would be there on few more minute.

"John, come switch places, he's getting heavy." John did as I asked and I went to stand next to Jenny, whose eyes were drooping.


"Sherlock, I think you should stop now." Greg tried to step in.

"NO,she'slying,justlook." He turned to me, "Sheobviouslylostherfamily; herhusbandandherchildren." That slur had hit me hard. It has only been about 15 years since they've been gone. Now John and Greg were looking at me.

"Sherlock, I think you should stop."John said. Just then the cab that John had called pulled up.

"It's alright guys, he's drugged and he doesn't know what he's talking about." I said as I helped them get into the cab. "Jenny and I will walk, since there's obviously no room for us in the cab. I'll see you John when we reach your flat." I smiled at them as I shut the door and they pull out on to the road.

Jenny was standing there yawning. I picked her up and started walking in the direction of 221B Baker Street. Before I knew it, she was asleep and I was basically left alone with my thoughts. In one week, it will be the anniversary of that horrible day. The anniversaries of all their deaths, my husband and children, have already past a couple weeks ago. They were all pretty close together, my two kids died on the same day together and my husband about 3 weeks later. When we found our children, they were holding hands.

A lone tear rolled down my face into Jenny's hair. I breathed a laughed when I realized that in a few years she'll be the one standing here thinking these thoughts.

Jenny's P.O.V.

(Everything's in Gallifreyan until I say it's not)

There was a knock at my door. 'Who would that be at this hour?' I walked over to my dorm room door and opened it. Of course it was Rullana, who else would it be.

"Rullana, what are you doing?" I had only just realized that I was only in my nightgown. He stood there looking nervously.

"I know that it is appropriate to ask this, but can I come in?" He kept looking behind him like he was expecting something to pop out.

"Of course, come in." I opened the door wider and let him in. he immediately shut it behind him. He looked sort of relieved that he was in here. When he turned to say something to me he quickly noticed that I was in my nightgown and I quickly noticed that his dress shirt was much fuller than usual.

"Rullana, it's okay, we're friends. Now do you to tell me why you are and not in your own dorm?"

"Well, it's kind of a long story. You see, I was kind of trying to... um... smuggleaflubbleintotheacademybecauseIknewhowmuchyoulovedthemandthey'rejustsocute. ButthentherewasaprofessorandIhadtorunandyourroomwascloserthanmine." He explained at a thousand miles.

"What?" He started pulling something from his shirt to reveal the cutest little flubble.

"I was trying to smuggle a flubble into the academy because I knew how much you loved them and they're just so cute. But then there was a professor and I had to run and room was closer than mine." He just smiled shyly. By now I was holding the flubble in my arms and petting her head softly.

"She is just the cutest thing ever, did you know that my dad had a flubble when he was here." Rullana looked up at me in shock, because I knew what he was thinking; that I was supposed to be mad and tell him that it's against the rules and that he should put it back, but he had probably work really hard to get her there and she was just so cute.

"So you're not mad?" I sat on my round bed and Rullana sat next to me.

"I probably should be, but that's the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me. Thank you." I looked up to him and smiled. He flashed me a big grin.

"So what are you going to name her?"

"I think I'm going to name her..." I paused in a moment of thought, "Willa, I think that that's a good a name for her." He smiled at me for a moment.

"Where sis you come up with that name?"

"I met someone a long time ago on my travels with my dad who was very kind to me and her name was Willa." I smiled up at him. He was my best friend so I felt okay with telling him that I traveled with dad, even though it's technically against Gallifreyan law. He was about to say something else when an all-too-familiar wheezing sound. Rullana looked so confused by it.

"Hey, you know how I said that I should introduce you to my dad?" He nodded and I looked pointedly at the now dematerializing Tardis. His eyes got wide with excitement when the wheezing stopped.

"Jessie, I've found a new restaurant on Mars and it is simply amaz..." My dad (in his fourth regeneration) came out of the Tardis speaking in English like he normally does, but he slowed to a stop when he saw me holding a flubble and Rullana was sitting next to me. "So Jessie, what've you been up to?" he said with a half smile. I smiled at him as I jumped up and ran over to him.

"Daddy, look," I switched to English, "Rullana got me a flubble her name is Willa." I hand her to him while Rullana had stood up and was standing near my bed.

"Cute, now I was saying that there is this amazing, it's called, I think, um, Antimatter. Cool name, right? Sarah Jane said that we should wait to go with you."

"Sarah Jane always thinks of me, but she not here right, 'cause humans aren't allowed on Gallifrey?"

"Relax, it's not like we're staying, plus she's asleep."

"Rullana, come here." I turned around and beckoned him to come closer. He hesitantly walked over and stopped beside me.

"Uh, Rullana Golven of Redlooms, sir." He gave a slight bow like we all were taught to do when talking to elders. He had surprised me when he spoke in English, because he failed the English test we were given in languages a couple of weeks ago.

"Oh, don't be so formal and don't call me sir, just the Doctor will be fine." Dad smiled at Rullana and I could tell that he was relieved.

"Oh dad," I pulled his ear closer so Rullana couldn't hear, "can we please take Rullana to that restaurant, he's always wanted to travel? Please?" I gave him my best puppy dog face. Dad huffed, but he smiled at me.

"Only if he wants to." I jumped up and hugged dad, being careful not to squish Willa before turning to Rullana.

"Do you want to come; dad could get us back here 5 minutes ago?" I smiled at him. His entire face lit up.

"Really, I can come?"

"Yes!"I grabbed his hand and dragged him in to the Tardis. "Okay, I lied a bit, it is all it's cracked up to be." He stared at the console room in awe as dad came back through the door still holding Willa.

"Come on I'll show you around since we probably still a have a few hours because Sarah Jane is still sleeping." I started pulling him to the wardrobe so I could change out of my nightgown and he could change out of his school robes.

"This is the wardrobe; you can pick anything you want from this section of clothes." I pulled him over to the 21st century section of the wardrobe. "I'm going to go change; the Tardis will let you know where I am, okay?"

"Okay." I could tell that he was so excited.

I started walking when I ran into a door. Unfortunately, it was not the one to my room. But it was one of my favorite rooms. I walked inside breathed the familiar air. It wasn't a specific room like the garden or wardrobe, but it was just a big empty room with a high ceiling and hard floors. I ran over to the small closet and quickly changed.' It'll probably be awhile before Rullana comes back, Tardis, play some music please' I smiled as she did as I had asked and began to dance.

When I finished, I heard clapping from behind me. I turned around to see Rullana standing in the doorway in a simple white T-shirt and a pair of black sweats.

"That was beautiful, what was it?" He walked closer to me.

"It's called ballet, it's a type of dance that from Earth. I've been studying it for a while now." I smiled at him.

"That's so cool. Can I ask you a question?"

"You just did, but sure ask another one."

"Why did you father call you Jessie?"

"Because that's one of my many nicknames."

"What's your whole name?"

"Jessica Senlorlunadrawinakalakaladath Sigma Pond; my mum was part human and never had a Time Lord name, so she gave me a human name and my dad gave me a Time Lord name."

"I see." Now where a few feet between us.

"Oh, there is something I must show you, come on." I pulled him down the hall to my room. "Wait here." I told him before I ran into my room and changed into a similar outfit as him; blue T-shirt with black sweats and no shoes. I ran out and grabbed his hand as I ran past, taking him by surprise. I dragged him down the hallway back to the console room. Dad wasn't there so he must've taken Willa to the garden or somewhere. I quickly put the coordinates in and pushed a few buttons just like mum had shown me; it was actually quite a smooth flight.

"What are you doing, you can't fly a Tardis!" I looked up to see that he was smiling.

"Who says I can't, but anyways we're here." I strode up to the door. "Are you ready to get a your first look at space and time?" I said dramatically as I stood by the doors.

"Where are we?" He breathed.

"The Medusa Cascade." I pulled open both doors and grabbed his hand. "You ready?"

"For what?" I quickly pushed him out and grabbed his foot. He had let out yelp before he laughed."This is amazing." He just floating there, I could remember when dad did that to me. I pulled him inside and we sat down so that our feet were dangling out into space. He put his arm around me and I put my head on to his shoulder.

"Was it worth it?" I asked.

"Yes, being able just to sit here and see this incredible thing in real life instead of just the holograms that we see at the academy." I could see the wonder in his eyes, now I understand how my dad feels when he says that he travels with companions to see things through their eyes.

I woke up groggily on the couch and that's when it hit me; the girl in my dreams name was Jessica Pond. I ran around the flat as quietly gathering paper and drawing utensils and I drew and wrote down everything from my dream. I'll have to ask some Jessica some questions the next time I saw her.

About an hour later, everyone else had woken up. John, daddy and I sat at the table. John and I were eating breakfast while daddy was reading the newspaper. Mycroft had come over to the flat and was now standing near the table.

"The photographs are perfectly safe." Daddy said not looking up from the newspaper.

"In the hands of a fugitive sex worker." Mycroft said sarcastically, I wasn't really paying attention, I was just thinking about lots of things.

"She's not interested in blackmail. She wants ... protection for some reason. I take it you've stood down the police investigation into the shooting at her house?"

"How can we do anything while she has the photographs? Our hands are tied."

"She'd applaud your choice of words. " John smirked at daddy's words, I was paying attention so I didn't really know what was going on.

"You see how this works: that camera phone is her "Get out of jail free" card. You have to leave her alone. Treat her like royalty, Mycroft."

"Though not the way she treats royalty." He smiled at Mycroft sarcastically, who returned the smile humorlessly. Just then a weird sound came from daddy's phone.

"What was that?" John asked.

"Text." Daddy replied almost ignoring it.

"But what was that noise?" Daddy got up to pick up his phone and looked at the text.

"Did you know there were other people after her too, Mycroft, before you sent John and I in there? CIA-trained killers, at an excellent guess." Daddy came back to the table as John looks toward Mycroft.

"Yeah, thanks for that, Mycroft." Mrs. Hudson came in from the kitchen holding a plate of breakfast and put it down in front of daddy.

"It's a disgrace, sending your little brother into danger like that. Family is all we have in the end, Mycroft Holmes." Mrs. Hudson chastised Mycroft.

"Oh, shut up, Mrs. Hudson."

"MYCROFT!" Daddy and I yelled madly while John yelled, "Oi!" Mycroft looked at all of our angry faces and grimaced before looking round to Mrs. Hudson.

"Apologies." He said a bit forcibly.

"Thank you." Mrs. Hudson accepted the apology

"Though do, in fact, shut up." Daddy said. His phone made the weird sound again as Mrs. Hudson was walking backing the kitchen, she turn back to look at daddy.

"Ooh. It's a bit rude, that noise, isn't it?" Daddy ignored her as he looked down at his phone.

"There's nothing you can do and nothing she will do as far as I can see." He turned back to the conversation that he and Mycroft were having.

"I can put maximum surveillance on her."

"Why bother? You can follow her on Twitter. I believe her user name is 'TheWhipHand'"

"Yes, most amusing." Just then, Mycroft phone rang and he took it from his pocket. "'Scuse me." he walked out into the stairwell with his phone to his ear. "Hello." Daddy watched him walk out and started to frown suspiciously. I looked up at daddy while John looked back at the door.

"Why does your phone make that noise? I asked.

"What noise?"Daddy replied looking at me.

"That noise - the one it just made."

"It's a text alert. It means I've got a text."

"Your texts alerts don't usually make that noise."

"Well, somebody got hold of the phone and apparently, as a joke, personalized their text alert noise."

"Hmm, so every time they text you ..." John asked. Right after he asked that, daddy's phone made the noise again.

"It would seem so."

"Could you turn that phone down a bit? At my time of life, it's ..." Mrs. Hudson said coming from the other room. Daddy put the phone back on the table and went back to reading the newspaper.

"I'm wondering who could have got hold of your phone, because it would have been in your coat, wouldn't it?" Dad raised the newspaper higher so we couldn't see his face.

"I'll leave you to your deductions." John smiled.

"I'm not stupid, you know."

"Where do you get that idea?" Mycroft came back into the room, still talking on the phone.

"Bond Air is go, that's decided. Check with the Coventry lot. Talk later." As he hung up, daddy looked at him.

"What else does she have?" Mycroft looked at him quizzically.

"Irene Adler. The Americans wouldn't be interested in her for a couple of compromising photographs. There's more." Daddy stood up and faced Mycroft, "Much more." Mycroft stood there with a neutral look on his face so daddy walked closer to him. "Something big's coming, isn't it?"

"Irene Adler is no longer any concern of yours. From now on you will stay out of this."

"Oh, will I?" Daddy said locking eyes with his brother.

"Yes, Sherlock, you will." Mycroft said with authority in his voice. Daddy just shrugged and turned away from him.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a long and arduous apology to make to a very old friend."

"Do give her my love." Daddy picked up his violin and started playing 'God Save the Queen'. Mycroft rolled his and turned to leave. Daddy started to follow him while he was leaving to annoy him while John and I were smiling. Mycroft basically ran down the stairs while daddy walked back to the window still playing.

A about a month later I was sitting in math class. I was in my second year of primary school and it was so boring. Everyone else here was so stupid, I know that it's rude to think that but they are just so slow. Mrs. Lewis had written down a word problem on the board and everybody was writing down their work. The question was: 'Allan has two peaches and Jake has four peaches. How many peaches do Allan and Jake have together?' it was obviously 6 peaches. I raised my hand from where it was resting on my desk.

"Yes, Jenny, do you know the answer."

"Of course I do, it's 6 peaches." The teacher gave me a disapproving look before telling the rest of the class that I was right. I usually was kind of rude at school, I didn't like hanging around kids my own age; I liked being around Jessica, daddy, or John, I liked to be around people who were smarter than me so I could learn things from them. I put my head back down on my desk before I heard the bell ring. The teacher dismissed the class and everyone got up to leave.

"Jenny, would you come here for a moment?" the teacher called me as I was nearing the door. I turned my back towards the door and walked to the teacher.

"Jenny, I know that it might be easier for you to get the answers than other people, but some of the other students don't like it when you make it sound like its super easy."

"But it is super easy; I've known most of this my whole life. It's not my fault if they can't learn, I don't complain when their idiocy distracts me from my work." I had burst. People have always told me to do my best and yet this teacher wants me to sit back and do nothing. I can't help it sometimes, I've been around daddy for too long.

"Jenny Holmes, that is not the way you should take to your teachers, I believe that we should call your parent to talk about your behavior." I sat there in my seat glaring at her.

"Good luck." I whispered under my breath as she called daddy or John, I didn't know who. I tuned her out as someone answered the phone and looked out the window. About 10 minutes later John and Jessica came in. 'Where's daddy?' I thought. Mrs. Lewis looked up from her work on her desk when the door opened and stood up.

"You must be Jenny's parents." She smiled as she their hands.

"Actually, no. I'm Jessica Pond and this is John Watson. Sherlock wasn't available to come, but we both work with him. John here is his flat mate, so he lives with Sherlock and Jenny, and I take care of Jenny a lot." Jessica spoke up sitting on one side of me while John sat on the other side.

The teacher looked confused, "What about Jenny's mother?"

"Um, we don't know who she is, Jenny was adopted." John said. Mrs. Lewis decided to change the topic. I felt a lot better now that John and Jessica were there and the rest of the kids had left.

"So where do you work?" She looked at Jessica and John.

"Um, I help my friend, Sherlock, solve crimes for the police, and Jessica is an inspector with them." Mrs. Lewis looked a bit calmer now that she knew that they were with the police; well, technically only Jessica was

"So I called you here to talk about Jenny's behavior." She looked serious as John furrowed his brow.

"Her behavior? She's never really had any problems in the past."

"The other students are complaining that it makes them feel bad when she makes it seem as the answer to a problem is very obvious and then she got very frustrated with me and insulted most every student in her class." John and Jessica shared the same look of sudden realization.

"Now that we understand, did she basically call them all idiots?" John asked looking at the teacher.

"Yes, but sir, I don't think you understand. She was behaving very improperly and it's not something to take lightly."

"Oh no, of course it's not, it just that we know where she gets it from. Her dad, Sherlock, is very smart and most of the time he thinks everyone around him are idiots. Jenny has been living with him for a little over two years so she's been picking up a lot of his habits." Jessica explained. I heard John's text alert go off and saw him take it out of his pocket.

"I'll talk to her and her father at home, but right now I need to get back home." John said with a new urgency in his voice. He took my hand and started walking out of the classroom. "Goodbye, it was nice to meet you." Jessica had said goodbye and was walking out behind us.

"Bye Jessica." I waved bye to her and kept walking with John.

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