Hayden Spells Trouble

By AsexualWriter

51 7 0

Samiyah has tried to avoid her family but she has to return to Florida once again to stop a supernatural disa... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven

Chapter Five

4 1 0
By AsexualWriter

When Samiyah woke up the next morning she immediately knew something was not right. The room was freezing. Her teeth chattered as she went over to the window. Ice covered it and managed to break it open, creeping through the gap. She searched for any signs of Elanil's magic. The weather was natural, for lack of a better word. She let out a relieved sigh. The door opened and she spun around.

Atian's face was flushed and he was wearing a leather jacket. He held a duffel bag. "The car won't start."

"Great." It was hard to speak. "What's....What's in...the bag?"

He opened it and pulled out a coat. He threw it to her and said, "My sister called. Down there's...even worse. It rained hard at night. Now, it's a desert."

Ideas rushed through her head as she put on the oversized coat. Only one made sense. The elves were at war. She couldn't think about that. Instead she forced herself to move over to the bed. Wrapping the covers tighter around Katherine, she tried to remember the innocent girl she watched grow up.

Maybe I left too soon. I should've waited until she could come with me. Her stomach churned. What if I can't save her?

"Are you okay?"

Samiyah nodded. Picking up the hotel phone, she dialed the SBPD. The movements felt robotic. She wasn't surprised when she got an answering machine. She hung up and redialed. She repeated this until she got Jaegar's assistant and pack mate, Demetrius. He heard her voice and immediately forwarded the call.

"Where are you? What's going on?" Jaegar's voice was hard but full of worry.

Samiyah gave a high, nervous laugh and her voice was choked as she explained. When she finished he let out a deep breath. She could imagine him rubbing a hand over his face.

"Where's Oliver now?"

"Don't know. Haven't...felt him...since." She clamped her lips closed. She hadn't met to say that part out loud.

He growled. "Sam, I'm coming to get you."

"Okay," she said in a meek voice. She hung up the phone.

"Didn't go well?"

Samiyah sat on the bed next to Katherine and drew her knees to her chin. Tucking the coat around her legs she said, "It went well. I called my alpha." She didn't mention that telling Jaegar she might've bonded with another alpha while he was worried just complicated their day. Atian was already giving her an odd look.

"So it's true. What did I get into?"

"Been asking myself that for the last nine years."


Katherine woke up to find Samiyah gone and Atian watching the news. A second later the cold hit her and she pulled the covers tight around her. The first pangs of hunger began to stir. Her body ached.

"Where did...my sister...go?"

"Downstairs." His response was dispassionate.

Katherine winced, more affected by his tone than his words. It made her determined to get him on her side. "I wish I'd known.... I'm not... cut out...for this."

"You knew nothing?" He sounded skeptical, but curious.

She latched onto that. "No! A year...ago...I was looking...at colleges. Then, I met...Nathaniel."

Atian's eyebrow arched but that was her only cue to continue. In broken sentences she explained how she'd been impressed by his money, he was self-made. Katherine was sure to sound embarrassed. She stared at him from lowered lashes as she explained how he taught her magic, how she wasn't sure she should but her mother encouraged doing whatever she had to. When she spoke of the moment he proposed, it was real emotion that made tears spring to her eyes.

"Is it wrong...that I miss...what I could've had?"

"No." His voice was softer; barely. "But...it wasn't real."

"I know." She felt like curling into a ball. Pressing her face into the pillow, she fought back her tears.

"Demons...they take advantage. Not...your fault."

She looked up, surprised. Had it worked already? She smiled hesitantly.

"Make it right."

Her smile grew more confident. She nodded. Atian gave her a quick smile before turning his attention back to the tv.


Samiyah looked over the food the hotel staff handed out. They saved a lot of it but a thin coat of ice remained. She wasn't too upset about that. Once she got back to the room she could melt it off. She looked at the clock; it was twelve. She'd called Jaegar several hours ago. Samiyah shoved her hands in her coat pockets. The heat was up at high as it could go and yet it could barely be felt. Samiyah sighed, heading back up to the room. She was relieved to see Katherine awake. She set the paper bag down on the desk. There was one small plastic plate and a spork. Samiyah hadn't fully recovered but she created a weak flame to cook with. She looked at Atian, who shook his head. The pancakes were thin and there were only a handful of eggs, but Katherine looked thankful. Samiyah knew they needed to find something more substantial or her sister would pass out again. Her stomach growled but she'd survive until they got back to Seven Bays. If only...There was a hard knock and she immediately rushed to get it. Opening the door she wanted to throw her arms around Jaegar. She restrained herself and stepped aside to let him in.

Shaking his head, he said, "We have to go. Before the engines freezes."

Samiyah hesitated; she wasn't sure how long Katherine had been awake. "Can you make it?"

Katherine stood up. She stumbled and fell against the other bed, letting out a groan.

"I'll carry her," Atian said as he moved to her side.

She allowed him to hold her fireman style, pressing herself against him. Samiyah caught Jaegar's look of disbelief, it matched her own, before he quickly covered it up.

"Who are you?"

"Atian Crowe. Drove them here."

Jaegar sniffed, to see what he was. Seeing that he was human and not a threat at the moment he turned to leave. They hurried to keep up with him.

"Is he always so chatty?"

She smirked. Atian had been less than conversational himself. "When he's chatty, he's lecturing."

"I can hear you."

Samiyah made a face and Katherine giggled. It made her wish things were different and she ran to keep up with Jaegar.


The ride back passed in a blur of seasons. One minute the roads were covered in slush and snow was almost as high as the suv they drove in. And the next, Samiyah would have to switch on the air conditioning. She could see heat waves bouncing off the asphalt. Some trees even sprouted flowers. When they reached the island she noticed one side of the island was sunny. The other side had more snow than when she left, and between them was a mixture of both. She felt the urge to stare clash with the need to run as far away as she could.

"I'll drop you off at Sam's apartment. Don't come out unless I come for you."

"We'll be sitting ducks," Katherine said around a snack cake. Some convenience stores had remained opened.

"I have enough wards on the place to knock anything on its ass." She left out the fact that her protection had failed the year before when Evranaki, Santiago's daughter, had attacked.

Atian must've heard something in her voice because he grimaced.

"Either way, you can't meet the council. So you'll stay there until this is over with."

Katherine didn't argue anymore. Samiyah doubted she was too broken up about leaving her sister to fend for herself. When they arrived Katherine looked unimpressed.

"There's a key under the mat."

Katherine smiled, getting out like the suv was a limo.

Atian followed her out. Before closing the door he said, "Someone would think you lived in a dark place from the old folk tales. According to the rumors."

"Sorry to disappoint." She shrugged, putting up her hands.

He only chuckled in response. As soon as he closed the door Jaegar handed her a phone.

"Call Oliver. See if he's okay."

Samiyah hesitated. She'd left him to fight alone. It was logical, he was stronger and his pack had been on the way. But what if they hadn't made it in time? "I can't." She avoided his gaze. "I should focus."

"Sam." He took a deep breath. "You have to do this."

"I didn't expect you to take this so well."

"I'm not giving away the bride just yet." He laughed and gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. "Call and see if he's okay."


Jaegar parked in front of a plain office building. Samiyah got out and her attention was instantly drawn to a female elf that had the same pale brown coloring Elanil had at first. But this elf radiated the same power as the stolen book, lights danced around her head in the shape of a crown. Samiyah was reminded how stupid she'd been for trusting Elanil.

"You are the one who gave our book to the winter queen." Her voice was matter-of-fact; as monotone as an elf's voice could get.

Samiyah nodded. She tried to appear calm though she was expecting retribution.

"Are you her servant?"

She shook her head.

"Then you belong to no one." She started to turn away. Belonging to no one made Samiyah less than nothing; this elf had no intentions of "playing" with her. Her hand was inches from the door when Jaegar spoke.

"She belongs to my pack."

"Ah! Then you are her." She looked at Samiyah with a mix of disdain and curiosity. "Your mistake is...understood, at least."

Despite the neutral tone, Samiyah still chafed under the words. Just how stupid did everyone think she was? "I haven't met any elves before. Didn't take a strong glamour for her to mimic a wood elf."

Her face hardened and she stormed inside. Jaegar grabbed her arm and hurried after the elf.

"Do you have a handbook on the wrong thing to say?"

"How was that the wrong thing? I was being honest."

He glanced at her and shook his head. The elf disappeared down a stairwell but he led her to an elevator. Inside he said, "Someone pretends to be you and steals a valuable item. To top it off, it's thrown in your face by the person who helped."

"I didn't do it on purpose."

"Good luck getting them to believe that."

Samiyah hoped he meant the elves, but she didn't get the chance to ask. The doors opened to reveal a grand stone atrium. Creatures she hadn't seen yet milled around. A giant sat crouched with his arms around knees. He eyed her curiously.

"I haven't offended giants, have I?"

Jaegar looked over at him. Huge black eyes blinked, and then instinctively looked down. "Even if you did he wouldn't know. He's a baby."

Samiyah didn't know if she should be surprised. Jaegar stopped suddenly and she ran into him. She looked around him to see the ghostly figure of a woman. Her brown hair was tied in a long braid and she wore a bright red dress. She was lit by an inner glow; traces of an unknown power let Samiyah know she was not as human as she appeared.

"Asha." Jaegar gave a slight nod.

"They will see you now."

Asha led them to a dark room.

Neaerynia stood with her hands behind her back. "Twice in one year. It might've been a mistake to allow your continued use of magic." Her expression wasn't angry, but it wasn't sympathetic either.

Asha gave Samiyah a cryptic look before turning to leave. The door closed behind them, enveloping them in complete darkness. Jaegar put a comforting hand on her shoulder. She stopped herself from stepping closer to him. It wouldn't be good if the council thought she was weak. They could decide she wasn't strong enough to stop this. While she agreed, they could also decide to kill her if they deemed her too weak to stop future catastrophes. Samiyah really didn't want to be here. A fireball flew overhead to light a torch behind them. Neaerynia looked unimpressed and Jaegar kept a neutral expression. Samiyah couldn't stop a surprised gasp and she tensed. Other torches were lit the same way. The room was circular and made of a dark brown wood with a silver shine. Samiyah assumed it was a ward but she wasn't about to ask.

"Are you finished, Lord Kanandala?"

He stopped beside her. Her brown skin was lit by a blue glow and her hair constantly flowed as if she were swimming. Deceptively gentle and calm as the ocean. Kanandala was the opposite. His tan skin had the orange-red glow of fire; every movement of his head brought a crackling noise. And he was taller. Neaerynia barely came up to his chest, yet she looked up at him as if she were dealing with a mischievous child. He gave her an almost tender look before turning a serious look on Samiyah and Jaegar. She expected him to speak then but he didn't. Instead he waited until the other guardians arrived. The first was Oanuen, guardian of Earth. He wore a loose chestnut brown gown, trousers and sandals. He greeted Neaerynia and Kanandala first before turning a calm face to Samiyah. He was followed by the guardian of spirit, Ikhael, who appeared to fade in and out of a physical body. A woman followed that towered over everyone present. Her flowing gown was made of violet lights and smoky shadows; it flowed over the ground as she strode elegantly towards them. Her dark hair was tightly twisted and ended just beneath her ears; her eyes were the color of tree sap. Lady Adelphi, one of the three strongest guardians. That neither Lady Naya'il nor Mala walked with her was telling. Samiyah could almost begin to hope she'd live to see the end. And then Lady Adelphi spoke.

"Through your ignorance you have upset the balance of both our world and your own. You have only one choice. Be redeemed or buried."

It took all of her courage to respond boldly. "What must I do to fix what I've done?"

"You must follow me to her lands and return the book you helped her steal." The elf they'd spoken to earlier stepped around Lady Adelphi. "I am Queen Ysmyrlda. I am the one she sought to kill."

Samiyah nodded, her mind reeling. Did Elanil know she was unsuccessful? Her speech of a fallen sister had sounded sincere but Samiyah no longer trusted her judgment. If Elanil didn't know however, she'd enjoy wiping that smirk off her face. The guardians formed a circle and chanted words only gods could understand. Raw magic washed over her. It left her feeling electrified and her skin felt scoured. Strings of light formed between Ysmyrlda's hands, slowly taking the shape of a globe. When it became too big for her to hold she tossed it into the air. It grew into a half globe portal.

"Samiyah Zamora, you will follow Queen Ysmyrlda into the winter fae's domain. You will destroy Queen Elanil or die in the process. If you should fail, your pack leader will suffer the consequences." Lady Adelphi looked at Jaegar. He nodded.

She had no time to protest before Ysmyrlda stepped through the portal. She ran to follow. She barely bit back a scream when a jolt ran through her. The sound came out as a strangled gasp. Her vision went dark and just as soon was full of dazzling light. When she landed she expected to land in snow, but she landed elbow deep in grass. Samiyah looked around for Ysmyrlda, but all she saw were trees straight out of a children's fairytale.

No. No, no, no. Nope.

She inched into a standing position. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened them two large, glowing blue eyes stared into hers. A sprite floated above Samiyah's head.

"Who are you?" It asked.

"A witch," she said cautiously.

She didn't think it was possible but the sprite's eyes widened even more. It came to float in front of her, turning right side up. She saw it wore a child's night gown. Its tiny blue feet swung barefoot. She didn't trust it. Doing her best to ignore it she strode purposely forward. A picture of Queen Ysmyrlda kept firmly in her mind. She had to believe that focus would get her out of this.

"Where are you going?" The sprite slumped over her shoulder.

"I wouldn't tell you."

It pouted. "You're mean, Witch."

Samiyah's first reaction was to correct it, and then she realized she'd have to reveal her name. So she gave it an apologetic smile instead. "I need to get out of here."

It bounced up, hopping ahead of her. "I can show you!" When Samiyah didn't move it flew back and tugged on the sleeve of her jacket. "This way, Witch," it whined in a high pitched voice that was even more innocent than its appearance.

She reluctantly let it pull her forward. What's one more bad decision?


The image is Katherine

Portraits - Gabrielle by Linacat on DeviantArt

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