True Identity (On Hold)

Por LunaLightandAmeeba

174 4 0

It was a day like no other. With clear blue skies, the bright luminescent sun shining down on all the eye can... Más

True Identity
Chapter 2: Bullies

Chapter 1: Morning

35 1 0
Por LunaLightandAmeeba

  Ugh. I hate mornings, especially Monday mornings. Which today just so happens to be. I wish I could just stay here in my cozy pillow topped queen sized bed, where it was safe and warm. And also where I didn't have to go to school and face Chantel. But I don't even want to think about that.

   I finally do the one action that I didn't want to do, that would signal my body to stay awake. I open my eyes. Even though I seriously just want to go back to sleep. I turn my head and look at my alarm clock that is sitting on top of my cherry wood night stand and look to see that it is 4 am. I groan internally and outwardly. I mean can't my body just let me go back to sleep like a normal person would? But no, it's telling me, "Wakey wakey sleepy head, time to start the day!" As if it were some over perky cheerleader. Ugh. Over perky people annoy me and the fact that my body is acting like one is even more annoying. Considering my mind is saying to just go back to sleep. Which is what I really want to do but, apparently can't seem to.

   I look about my room, which is my favorite room in the entire house (except maybe the music studio). And I see the golden yellow walls with black crowning. I have a cherry wooden desk (actually all my furniture is cherry wood, dark cherry wood to be more accurate. I think it accents the color of the walls very well.) that holds my laptop and whatnot. I have a 42" flat screen television mounted to my wall, which is also a DVD player. My own walk-in closet and bathroom, a wooden hope chest at the foot of my bed, a full length mirror next to my door (On the side that won't get it smashed. Cause honestly, who wants 7 years bad luck?) so I can check how I look when I leave and even a balcony patio. Overall my room is very spacious. But none of that is even the best part of my amazing room. The best part of my room is my ceiling. Which everyone thinks is weird, at first. If you look up at my ceiling when it is completely dark you will see glowing stars. Which are just glow in the dark stars stuck to the ceiling. I love looking up at them. Even though people think that I have glow in the dark stars trailing my room, closet and bathroom is weird or childish. To me they look like the actual stars outside. Which are absolutely gorgeous. 

   I stare at the ceiling for awhile, and then out of nowhere in the dead of silence, I hear my laptop make a noise telling me I have a message. The noise scared the crap out of me. I look at the clock and it says it's 4:30am. I think who is messaging me this early in the morning? Whoever it is I don't want to talk to them, it's too early. But what if it's Rain?

   So, I reluctantly sit up, throw the blankets off of my bare legs, and almost screeched at how cold it was. So, I jumped out of bed, walked to the hope chest at the foot of my bed, opened it, and took out a warm blanket to cover my thin boxers and t-shirt. I close the chest and go sit down in my chair still wrapped in my blanket and look at my laptop to see who is messaging me at this godly hour. And as I look I couldn't help but smile. Because I was right, it was Rain, whose screen name is Guardian93. His message said:

Guardian93: Good morning sunshine. :)

MoonGazer94: Ugh. Only you would think the morning was good. I see it as a waste of my time and cutting into my beauty sleep.

Guardian93: ha-ha. And what beauty you have. And that beauty I cannot wait to see today at school.

  Ugh. School, I hate that place. I may have a 4.0 GPA but I still hate it there. The only good thing about that place is my twin sister, Annabeth, and our best friend Heather, and knowing that Rain is there. 

MoonGazer94: Rain, you of all people should know that I loathe school, and that the only reason I go is for my twin, Heather and you.

Guardian93: I know. :D

MoonGazer94: Which brings me to this. How is it fair that you get to see me at school 5 days a week and I get to see you none? I am curious to know who my mystery friend is.

Guardian93: One day... maybe...

Guardian93: And you do see me you just don't know it. :D

MoonGazer94: One day. Maybe? Why maybe?

Guardian93: Because...

MoonGazer94: Because why?

Guardian93: Because I don't think you would want to know me anymore, let alone talk to me, if you found out who I really was.

MoonGazer94: And why is that?

Guardian93: Because the guy you see me as at school isn't the same guy you chat with here.

MoonGazer94: What do you mean?

Guardian93: Meaning I act completely different at school then when I am on here chatting with you. At school I am a badass, cocky, a jerk even, with no emotions and not caring who I hurt. Except when I see you or think of you. But, when I am on here, on chat I feel I can be open and free. That I can be my true self with you. And tell you how I really feel about everything and know you won't judge me for it, or think of me as a bad person for it.

MoonGazer94: Is that why you started instant messaging me? Cause you knew I wouldn't judge you.

Guardian93: Yes, and because I think you are beautiful and I didn't know any other way of telling you that. :)

MoonGazer94: Well, I do have to say that is the sweetest thing I have ever heard. :) But, I'm not beautiful. My twin and Heather are but not me, so I know you're lying about that last part.

Guardian93: How can you not think yourself beautiful?!

MoonGazer94: Because I don't.

Guardian93: You shouldn't listen to Chantel and her bullying. You are just as beautiful as your sisters. But to me even more so.

MoonGazer94: Ok now you're just sucking up.

Guardian93: No, just stating the facts.

  I smile thinking that there is actually someone in the world besides my family who thinks I'm beautiful. All of a sudden my thoughts are disturbed as my door is crashed open. I look to see who it is, and I shouldn't be all that surprised as I see my gorgeous twin sister, Annabeth Dawn James, and our best friend/sister Heather Garner. They are both fully dressed for the day and look absolutely amazing as always. I envy them and their beauty, let alone their confidence. I wish I was more like them. I mean they have guys fawning and drooling all over them every day! Even though I forbid giving in to love or fall in love for that matter. You would think I would have guys fawning all over me too since I am Annabeth's twin, but, I'm just too shy and quiet for any guy to really notice or take interest in me. Except for Rain apparently.

   Annabeth and Heather walk towards me and detour to my bed, then, in unison sing, "Good morning sunshine." I rolled my eyes and groaned at the two of them. They both just so happen to be morning people and overly perky one's at that. I go back to my laptop and reply to Rain saying:

MoonGazer94: Yea ok. Well, these facts have no basis of proof. But off to a different subject. Annabeth and Heather just walked in. (More like barged) Singing no less. Ugh. Did I mention how much I hate mornings?

Guardian93: Yes, every Monday-Friday that you go to school. Ha-ha. It can't be that bad, can it?

  I look over at Heather and Annabeth who are now singing to The Wanted's song ' I Found You '. and type:

MoonGazer94: Yes, yes it can. They are singing and dancing on my bed at full blast. I'm surprised the neighbors haven't come over and knocked on the door to tell them to be quiet.

Guardian93: HAHA! My poor Victoria, you will survive I promise.

MoonGazer94: I'm not so sure. How is it that anyone is this perky so early in the morning? I just don't get it. 

  Annabeth stops singing and dancing and walks over to me and stands behind my chair and says, "Are you talking to that weird stalker guy who found you on chat, again?"

"Yes. And his name is Rain and he is not weird or a stalker. He goes to our school Anna."

   Heather walks over and says, "If he goes to our school then why doesn't he tell us what his name is or send you a picture of himself?" 

   I look at Heather and say," Because he thinks I won't see him the same way I do now. That I will see him as the image I have of him at school instead of the one of the real him."

   Heather pops off, "Well I still think it's some stalker guy talking to you and will continue to 'til there is actual physical proof of who he really is."

   I looked at Heather almost angrily. As I looked upon her face, I started to remember how we met and she became one of us so many years ago. Not just mine and Anna's best friend but as our sister too. 

                                                            7 Years Ago

   Annabeth and I were 11 years old and had just moved to The Cape with our parents. We were the newest kids at Jefferson Elementary School. Being an army brat though you kind of get used to it. But being an army brat was never fun, especially when you had to transfer schools in the middle of the school year as we did then. We were in 4th grade and our new teachers' name was Mrs. Kraft. And obviously we knew no one there. 

   Mrs. Kraft in her hippie attire stands next to Anna and I and says, "Class we have two new students with us. Who just moved here all the way from California. Their names are Victoria and Annabeth James. They are identical twins. So please make them feel welcome." You know the usual boring introduction for new students. Anna and I stood up there staring upon the class with identical mischievous looks and a smirk upon our faces. Everyone just oo-ed and ah-ed at us like we were the most amazing site to see. Mrs. Kraft asked us to tell the class a little about ourselves. So in unison we said, " My sister and I are best friends, we don't stay in one place very long because our father is in the military. And we don't like bullies, or to be messed with." This was the same thing we did and said at every school we got transferred to. It was practically hardwired into our brains by now. As we finished out introduction everyone just sat there and looked at us, some were shocked at what we had just said, others just smirked. 

   Mrs. Kraft directed us to our seats and we sat down. The first week we started there we talked to no one except each other. This was also normal for us. At recess we would watch our classmates and observe them. To see who was worthy of our friendship and who was too much of a trouble maker for our liking. To see how they really are and how they interacted with people. The one person that caught our eye was Heather; Heather Garner was her full name. We had noticed she didn't have friends and people around her would always point and laugh at her. Which we highly disapproved of. She was always by herself unless she was playing with a little kid. On the Friday of the first week of school, we decided Heather would be our new friend.

   It was Monday of the second week of school and everyone was already in the classroom, except my sister and I. As we walked in all eyes were on us as every time we walked in, along with whispers going on around us. They expected us to go to our desks like usual but instead we walked up to the other side of the room where Heather was. She had her ear buds in her ears listening to music at full blast and had her head down. We stopped in front of her desk and everyone went silent as is they just saw death on their doorstep. They were waiting to see what would happen. 

   We patted Heather lightly on her arm to get her to stare up at us so we could tell her the news. But she didn't budge. So we took her headphones out of her ears. She looked up at the culprit almost about to scream bloody murder at them then realized it was us and shut her mouth. Anna and I smiled at her, but she looked frightened. Then Anna laughed while saying, "Heather why do you look so scared? We are not going to do anything to you. My sister and I just wanted to tell you something." She looked at us quizzically and with doubt then said, "What do you two need to tell me?"

   I answered, "My sister and I have decided that you shall be our new friend."

   As soon as those words escaped from my mouth everyone sucked in a large amount of oxygen, as if they couldn't believe what they had just heard. Heather just looked at us with sadness in her eyes and said, "No one wants to be my friend. Especially with a weird kid like me who lives in foster care. Everyone here thinks I'm some freak. So why would you two even want to be friends with someone like me?"

   Anna replied, "Because everyone needs a friend no matter who they are and no matter whether or not they live in foster care. Besides, you're sweet, smart, and caring compared to everyone else here." 

   Heather replies, "And how would you two know that if we have never spoken before today?"

   I answer, "Last week we were quiet for a reason." Everyone around us looked at my sister and I with confusion and tried to figure out in their heads, what could possibly make them be silent for an entire week? I finished by saying to everyone, "We were quiet because we were watching everyone. Trying to observe how you really are and how you treat other people. Sadly, a lot of you are a bunch of bullies!" And I said that last part with as much venom as I could muster.

   Everyone in the room went dead quiet, some turned as pale as a ghost. Anna then continued, "If any of you bully our new friend Heather in any way, form, or fashion. You will have us to deal with. Is that understood!" Everyone in the classroom nodded their heads in fright. I then sat next Heather and was smiling brightly because I was so happy and excited. Plus I thought Heather was pretty with her fiery red wavy hair and hazel-green eyes. She was easily one of the prettiest girls I have ever met. I then asked her, "So do you want to come over and hang out at our house after school today?" 

   She looked at me and said, " I don't want friends, will you please just go away and leave me be?" Anna replied, "Nope, we won't leave. You're stuck with us now. We are your friends now whether you like it or not." Anna was smiling and sat down in the desk across from Heather.

   As the months went by Heather realized that we were serious about being her friend but she still didn't completely trust us. Until the day she got beat up by Chantel and her minions. But Heather couldn't help but be skeptical of our friendship with her, considering she grew up in the foster system going from home to home, school to school all of her life. She never had any real friends due to the fact that people always made fun of her for being in foster care. That is until we became her friends. So it shocked her when we named her our friend a few months ago.

   Anna and I were walking to school when we saw evil Chantel and her minions physically abusing Heather. We ran over to our friend as fast as we could to stop Chantel and her henchmen. When we got there we were fuming angry. Anna and I said loudly and venomously, "Get your filthy hands off of our friend or else you will be the one's on the ground next!" 

   Heather looked bad. Her clothes were torn; she had a black eye, and a bloody lip. This just fumed our anger even more. Chantel said, "Don't tell me what to do Siamese freaks. I rule this school and if I want to beat her ass I will and there is nothing you two can do to stop us." She smiled a wicked grin obviously thinking she had won. That is when we yanked her hair and her two minions by their pigtails, which got them off of Heather. We told Heather to run and to look for help because we knew we could handle this. 

   Since that day we three have been the closest of friends. 

   A couple years later in 7th grade, the foster system tried to move her out of state unless she was adopted. Of course Anna and I begged our parents to adopt her and they surprisingly did! We were so ecstatic. I'm not even sure which one of us was more happy us or Heather. She was so surprised that we were adopting her that she started crying tears of joy. She has been our best friend and sister ever since. And I love her to pieces.

                                                                   Present Day

   I decided to just let it go and not start a fight. I look at both them curiously and ask, "Why are you two up at 4:30am and fully dressed for school already?" They looked at me and laughed like I said something funny when I know that I hadn't. I just sat there in my blanket looking completely lost and confused. Annabeth finally answers," Sis it's 7:30am now." 

   I check the time on my laptop and my eyes bulge almost out of my head. I have been talking to Rain for 3 hours and didn't even realize it. Then again, I never notice how much time flies when I am talking to him. I look back at them and say, "I didn't realize 3 hours had passed. I need to get ready for school." They nodded in agreeance while still laughing. I said, "I will be down in a little bit." They said their ok's and walked out of my room. This time, thankfully without being loud. I turned back to my laptop and read Rain's message:

Guardian93: ha-ha. Neither do I. My step-brother is the same way. It's utterly annoying. Then again anything he does is annoying.

MoonGazer94: lol I take you and your brother don't get along very well?

Guardian93: STEP-brother and no we don't. We hate each other's guts. Which to you it probably sounds like a really horrid thing.

MoonGazer94: That does sound horrid to me you're right. But what could make you two hate each other so much?

Guardian93: It sounds stupid now. But it is about a woman that we both love.

MoonGazer94: That does sound stupid. I say just make the woman chose so that the bickering would stop.

Guardian93: We would but she doesn't know we both love her, let alone that we exist. 

MoonGazer94: Do I know your step-brother?

Guardian93: Yes

MoonGazer94: Who is he?

Guardian93: If I told you, it would give away my identity. :D Nice try though ha-ha.

MoonGazer94: Well, I had to try. Anyway I'm going to get off of here, I need to get ready for school. Talk to you in class. :D :D

Guardian93: Yeah, I need to get ready too. Ha-ha. And yes, I will definitely text you in class. ;)

MoonGazer94: lol :D

   I close my laptop and put it in my backpack. I then, walk over to my closet and grab a pair of white skinny jeans, a black tank top, and a black dress blazer, along with my black heels. I walk into the bathroom take my shower, get dressed in my clothes for the day, and do my hair and makeup. Which isn't much makeup at all considering all I wear is eyeliner. I walk out of the bathroom and into the blindingly bright bedroom. Grab my backpack and meet my sisters downstairs for breakfast. 

   As I am eating my bowl of Golden Grahams cereal, I actually tune into what my sisters are talking about and regret it the moment I do. Since they are talking about the "Miss Teen Supreme Beauty Queen" school pageant that Annabeth is doing today after school. For some reason she was excited about it. I couldn't understand why, it was only a stupid pageant that Chantel wins every year. So, I finished my cereal, rinsed my bowl and put it in the dishwasher. As soon as I did that we were off to school in Heather's cherry red 2013 Mustang V6 Premium Convertible. And I was wishing that the week could already be over so I wouldn't have to go to school. But it didn't seem like that would happen any time soon. 

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